Female Worship Vk

Female Worship Vk


Female Worship Vk
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The idea of
worshiping women and lifting them on a pedestal higher than anything else in
humanity is certainly not new. Many men seem to gravitate towards thinking of
women as something divine that they must worship and look up to. Today however
this female worship has an entirely new meaning in the context of gender
equality and feminism and I want to take a look at it more closely.
like the term god complex , the term female worship is not a formal
medical term that you’ll find in textbooks. That doesn’t mean it has no meaning
but that meaning is taken from the people using it with regard to the context. Having made that distinction I want to call female worship the
pattern of behavior that leads men in particular to treat a woman or sometimes
all women undeservedly as something greater than human. The key word here is
undeservedly. Of course, treating anyone as greater than human is not good because it's obviously false. But what makes female worship stand out is that there seems to
be no real connection between the woman’s true virtues and the worship that she
receives from men. She is just worshiped for being a woman. I call it
undeserved because being female is no more a virtue than being male. As
blatantly obvious as that sentence may be, it’s amazing how many men can’t seem
to get away from female worship and don't even want to.
Of course
not all do. Even among heterosexual men, the worshiping ones are in the
minority I would say. But still there are so many that you could call it a
societal mass phenomenon. There are several causes for this:
These four points mutually reinforce each other in a very complex way. I’m not even going
to try to describe that in detail. This was more of an introduction to get a
better idea of what we’re talking about.
Image by Mara ~earth light~ at http://www.flickr.com/photos/23665057@N02/3369246992
Photo by Kevin Dooley at http://www.flickr.com/photos/pagedooley/1708886363
you’ve been living on the moon, you’ll know that the last few generations of
western society have seen a massive shift towards female empowerment. Women have
gained rights and liberties so that they’re generally equal to men’s rights.
Some people even say the pendulum has swung the other way now and that men are
actually less privileged relative to women but I won’t go into that here
because it’s another topic. The important thing to take from this, is that
treating men and women as equally valuable and equally privileged is one of the
idealistic principles of modern society. Whether or not that is successfully
implemented is another question.
The problem
is that female worship completely contradicts those ideals of gender equality.
And yet it is a mass phenomenon that both genders typically nurture and perpetuate. A brief glance across the
media is enough to show how young beautiful women are portrayed as the ultimate
human being (The media is a reflection of society). This of course
reinforces that phenomenon of female worship – especially to young boys (and
girls) who grow up consuming media in massive amounts. The underlying message
that youngsters are taking from this is that women are superior to men and that
it’s not only ok but also true to say so publicly. Even president Obama said in
a public speech that girls can do anything boys can do only better.
Both men
and women end up believing this female superiority on some level of consciousness. There’s no end to the number of articles and publications
that suggest women do things better than men or that they have some inherent
social advantage making them better leaders (or better anything). It’s mostly nonsense of course,
but somehow it is the politically correct position and most half-baked research
is geared at confirming it. So these researchers often find what they’re looking for
– whether it exists or not.
This is
like female worship gone out of control. I can imagine that the days where
women had far fewer rights relative to men, worshiping them as goddesses was
probably not only harmless but may have balanced things out a little. In modern
society, however, female worship has far reaching implications for future
generations. It is certainly not harmless today and I fear that it might be
causing us a lot of trouble the repercussions of which can’t be overstated.
funniest part is this:Nothing says more about a people’s abilities and
strengths than their accomplishments. And if we ever did make a serious
no-nonsense comparison between the genders it would turn out rather bad for political correctness. I don’t think comparing genders is a good idea though. It’s far
too general – like comparing blond people with red heads. It says nothing about
you as an individual and so it isn’t very interesting. The final thing to
remember about this is that men and women are far more similar than we are
different. Within the genders, there are far greater differences than between
female worship, so far as it is based on physical attraction, is mostly aimed at young beautiful women,
that leaves all the others with nothing. This provokes ageism and hostility
between women from different generations. It also pressurizes women, who are aware of
this phenomenon, to race against their biological clock in order to secure
whatever they can ‘before it’s too late’. Not exactly the best way to find true
The biggest
problem that female worship causes for women is surely that it’s completely
without merit. Women gain a very high status for nothing other than their looks
and for being female. This inspires young girls to go down that road and rely
on plastic surgery instead of their brains. That reinforces negative
stereotypes from the past.
So girls,
there are many men out there who are attracted to intelligent and accomplished
women who look very ordinary. Don’t let the media tell you that supermodels'
looks are the only way to have a fulfilled life.
Who am I to
tell you how to live?! Answer: nobody. If you men choose to worship the woman
in your life then by all means go ahead. My own boyfriend has a tendency to
worship me but it isn’t over the top and it does make things fun sometimes for entirely different reasons. Besides I worship the ground on which he walks. But
this is a personal choice and it shouldn’t affect your opinion or respect for
other people. For example, I’ve known men to worship women who they don’t even
know and who don’t have any feelings for them. There’s that word undeserved
Chances are
you’ve already been taken advantage of and hurt by a woman. If not, then you
will be very soon. Giving people credit they don’t deserve will eventually blow
up in your face. Try to remember that women are just people. Like with men, there
are plenty of flaws in them. Your respect must be earned – don’t give it to
someone just for having two X chromosomes. And most importantly, please do not
pass that on to others by raising children that way or by treating everyday
strangers with female worship. I realize, that it may not be easy to get out of
that pattern but it will make things better in the long run - not just for you.
As usual,
feedback is greatly appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read through
all of this!
Here are
some related articles I wrote that might interest you:
would it also be cowardly for women not to put "men and children first" ?
Men should put women and children first because it would be cowardly not to, also it would be wrong to judge people as superior because superiority has to be earned through righteousness.
Lucy83: If it's only in private, OK. But many submissive men want their "secret" views - worship women as goddesses, impose an obligation for all. Many submissive men in politics. Some do not even know that they are submissive, they think that everyone has the same feelings man. Submissive men are dangerous, they are able to establish matriarchy as an obligation for all.
Lucy83 (author) on September 04, 2012:
Don't assume that a lifestyle that is different form yours is automatically wrong.
Why is today so many submissive men? Probably a bad environment, so today's men (male) in the West have little male hormones. But I'm a dominant man and my wife is my obedient in all things. And I love and protect my wife. I am a Catholic and come from Europe. I hate femdom. I love just gentle soft and pliable women.
One of those separatist feminists said women need to take back the natural world for themselves. I am not sure what she meant by that but I thought this article might have something to do with it because female worship is associated with goddess worship and goddess worship is associated with the natural world. And also that women ought to embrace goddess worship as a religion (not that I have a problem with that because my ancestors the celts were goddess worshipers).
Thank you very much for this article. I definitely recognized myself in this female worshiping profile you describe so it was both enlightening and inspirational to read what you, as a woman, had to say about this (not to mention a little relieving to discover that I'm not alone) :)
Aswin Thevarathil from India on May 10, 2012:
@ alex: Respecting your wife is okay,But worshiping is not needed..As Lucy said,worshiping a person is directly proportional to the deeds done by him/her..We have certain adoration like feeling towards our mother,isn't it? its because she carried us 10 months in her womb and raised and nurtured us to this level.So we have a special love mixed with adoration for her..But, that too is not worshiping.Even she doesn't have the right to get worshiped..Respect your women and worship the Almighty.
I don't believe women will ever be in charge in the way you described - not because we can't though.
I am two spirited and there are many of my tribe that have been transitioning to their woman side because of the coming age... most of society things of us as freaks but in reality we are a mirror of what the rest of you are destined to become... in the coming age, women will be in charge... not because they are superior, or should be worshiped... they will take charge simply because men are more and more confused... women are multi tasking while , men are on the very narrow... single minded task... it will not be some great uphevel but will continue to be steady in that women will be taking on more of the work place and finally their positions in Gov't... when they take the gov't then things begin to change... it will be subtle so there won't be so much violence yet there will be some from the hang over of men not wanting to go down this road... but by the time they get the head around it, it will be to late...no I'm not preaching doom and gloom... just observing how you live your lives...we don't fit in your world but it's mostly because men are so afraid of us or becoming like us... women on the other hand see some worth in this behavior, and will soon start to encourage more men to embrace their softer side... it has already been put into motion so it will not stop, just because men do not want it... women are more educated today and by 2020 will have overtake the work place in that they will be far more of them in positions of power... I am one of the old ones so I write this down for you to know... I may not see it, but I know it in my spirit... to all the women out there who have been hurt and abused... please try not to retaliate on every man... but I know there will be laws that deal very harshly with what men have been and were... good luck and grace to you all... both woman and mankind changes for the better actually...so take heart and explore... your new digs are waiting for you...peace...
Lucy83 (author) on October 03, 2011:
my advice to you is to NOT worship women just because for being women. Worship your partner by all means but not a gender. If you want women to be liberated then just treat us as equals and the rest will follow. If women are superior as you say, then we don't need any help.
I am realy appreciative of your comments made on the very important subject of worshiping wemen. I think the practice is extreemly important because I agree on the fact that woman are superior and I would hope that all man start to behave to weman in a worshiping way. Do you have any advice in how I can help women be more liberated in society and help the change where woman are the most powerful people?
What I mean by 'worship a woman's feet' is to respectfully kneel down before her and then kiss her feet. Sometimes she keeps her feet on my palms while I kiss her feet. In addition, whatever I do to satisfy her, for example, giving her a pedicure, foot or body massage, and even doing her laundry, etc I feel as if I am worshipping her feet. For us, my worship of her feet is an essential part of our relationship.
Lucy83 (author) on August 11, 2011:
sounds like you're a great partner for your wife. If I may ask, what exactly do you mean by "worship her feet"?
Very interesting discussion. I am happy to say that I have been in a wife-led marriage for the past 6 yrs now! I don't think that my respect & devotion to my Goddess will diminish with her age, simply because my devotion to her is based on a strong intellectually sound foundation.
As a daily ritual, I worship her feet at least twice a day (morning & at bed-time), I do her hair, beauty treatments (manicure, pedicure, facials, body massage, etc). Before marriage, I did a diploma in ladies' hair & beauty therapy all the way to serve my future Goddess. Also I do her laundry, cooking and house keeping with her instructions.
Madam, as you have stated, female-led relationships are now on the rise. Yes, in fact it is going to be a very popular lifestyle in the next few years. With this trend, the meaning of "marriage" among an FLR loving couple will be that "the life of a man is to be blessed with a Goddess' leadership & guidance, and the life of a woman to be turned into a Goddess with the worship of a man who is her obedient assistant for life."
Respectfully looking forward to your response, please.
Anonymous reader on April 09, 2011:
This article is funny. You just wrote something regarding weak men who bow down to women. So what? everyone knows they exist. The point is that men will never worship women, women wish they did.
Lucy83 (author) on February 20, 2011:
Yes I got it and I hope you got my response.
Lucy83 (author) on February 18, 2011:
Sure Kerry. Just message me directly.
Miss Lucy may I talk to you for a moment please?
It is so refreshing to find a REAL Superior Female who knows it and can teach it while we all look on in awe.
I am a proponent of Female Superiority. It has nothing to do with mere sexual attraction: it has to do with intellectual beliefs that the Female is vastly superior to the male.
You are amazing...every word. I am in awe. I bow and acknowledge your Supremacy.
gguy from new jersey usa on January 31, 2011:
Saharaheve, you seem to be a srtong proponant of Female Supremacy based relathionships, would you care to share why you believe so strongly in them? Looking forward to your insight.
Thank you for taking that suggestion seriously. I look forward to reading your next article. :)
Hi Lucy, glad to heear you are going to do some writing on you own personal Female Supremacy based relationship.
I have several questions that I am curios about and may be helpful in your writings.
1) Do you have a formal relationship with a contract or a more informal leadership style?
2) Was your relationship FML from the start?
If the answer is yes, how did you go about picking up your "Trophy"
If the answer is no, did it evolve based on your natural supremacy or was it something you sat down with as a couple and renegotiated?
I feel that although such relationships may not yet be considered main stream, that a lot more people are living this way than they admit, and that it is on the rise and will probably will be the norm in the near future as Female Dominance rises throughout society. What is your opinion on that?
What do you feel the benifits and possible pitfals are of such a relationship are?
1) Increased control for the Female over both her own life and finances as well as her family
2) Although the male always has input on things, with the Female having the final say, there is a streamlined decision making process, and absence of a constant power struggle.
3) With the Women delagating she has a lighter work load as her position on household chores can be more supervisory.
4)Since the male has relinquished most magor decisions to the Female, he can concentrate his efforts on getting his household duties done quickly and correctly allowing more time for the couple to be intimate
I suppose the main downside would be if the Women was stuck micro managing because the male was not as ready for this lifestyle as he thought.
Also,as one of your biggest fans,I just wanted to say that the fact that you live a personal lifestyle based on Female Supremacy gives credibility to your writings in general since you practice what you preach,and don't believe you points of view should be imposed on anyone, but just continue there natural shift towards Female leadership from bedroom to boardroom.
Hi Lucy, just figuired I would stop over hear and see what you had to say, funny I was going to ask you if you were in a Female Led Relationship, I figuired as much since you have such high standards! I agre with Saharah Eve that itwould be nice to hear about some of the benefits of such a relationship. It seems you and Saharah Eve have butted heads a little, probably just too much power from two progressive Alpha Females in one place, kind of like an overloaded electrical circuit with sparks flying!! LOL. I do think you are both on the right track, but may just have different routes you want to take as Feminine power is on the rise anyplace from bedroom to boardroom. Hope you ladies have a nice weekend!!
Lucy83 (author) on January 24, 2011:
interesting point. But where does real love start after attraction stops? And also, what about a woman's love for her man? If unconditional love is the basis for power then a female led relationship would require would only work if the man loves the woman a lot more than vice versa.
«You can build female supremacy on feminine worship as it is very effective powerbase. But this feminine worship will heavily depend on the man’s physical attraction to the woman and as a powerbase it will diminish with age.»
physical attraction may be a starting point but the real powerbase on long run is man's unconditional love for the Woman, his desire to please Her because he love Her. Female worship is a form of love after all. It's more than just physical attraction. It's admiration for intrinsect females qualities. No?
just my 5 cents based on my little personnal experience...
Lucy83 (author) on January 20, 2011:
You know, that's a good idea. I'll add that to my list of things to write about.
I'm on my way out the door at the moment, but wanted to say thank you for addressing my questions, and I will address each of your points too.
I think it's great that you're engaged in a Female Supremacy-based relationship! It would be wonderful to see an article written by you that talks about the positives, though!
Lucy83 (author) on January 20, 2011:
“It seems clear to me you're on a
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