Female Urethral Sounding Video

Female Urethral Sounding Video


Female Urethral Sounding Video

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Female Urethral Sound Videos
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Female Urethral Sound Videos
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This was written in collaboration with several friends in the lifestyle. None of us are experts. These are just some of our observations. Sounding is not limited to men. Women can enjoy urethral sounding as well. Therefore the following is not gender specific.
Remember to have fun. If you and/or your partner are not having fun, do not feel pressured to continue.
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Insert a Foley
Catheter into a Female Patient
This video demonstrates how
to insert a Foley catheter into a female patient's bladder for
draining urine.

The free, short version was
produced by the US Navy as training for medical personnel in isolated
settings. It was included on the Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology
CD. It may be freely

"Use the sterile gloves included in the
"Open the
antiseptic solution and the lubricating jelly."

"Separate the labia and cleanse the
"The urethra
is just below the clitoris and just above the vaginal opening."

"Insert the Foley catheter through the
urethra and into the bladder."

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3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Urethral Sounding
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Genital ring is safe for most women, but all medications have side effects and risks. Your doctor will help you decide if the ring is safe for you.
The most likely thing is that Genital ring is completely safe, most women use it without problems. Ring hormones are the same as found in most birth control pills, which were used more than 50 years ago to safely prevent pregnancies .
Like any other medication, Genital ring is not for all women.If you are over 35 and smoke, you should not use Genital ring or any other contraceptive method that contains the hormone estrogen. For the Lubricants for urethtal sounding you need to have the best deals now. You can also go to https://lustplugs.com/collections/vibrating-urethral-sounds to now about and buy some vibrating urethral sounds.
Also avoid using the ring if you had any of these health problems:
It should be mentioned that Genital ring does not contain latex, so it is safe for women with allergies to this material.
What are the risks of Genital ring?
While Genital ring is very safe, using a contraceptive method with hormones may slightly increase the risk of having some health problems. These risks of Genital ring are not frequent, but they can be serious. These include heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and tumors in the liver. In isolated cases, they can cause death.
When talking with your doctor about contraceptives, mention the medications you take and the health problems you have had.
There is a small chance that you will become pregnant even if you use the ring correctly. Anyway, accidentally using the ring early in pregnancy does not increase the risk of birth defects .
What warning signs should I pay attention to?
Most women who use Genital ring have no problems. Anyway, it is advisable that you know the symptoms of the serious problems.
Consult a doctor or nurse immediately if you have the following:
If you have questions or concerns about health problems, you can always call a doctor, a nurse or the local Planned Parenthood Health Centers.
Is it safe to use Genital ring at the breastfeeding stage?
The combination of estrogen and progestin in the ring can decrease the amount and quality of breast milk during the first 6 weeks of breastfeeding. If you are in the lactation stage, wait for at least 6 weeks after delivery to start using the ring.
Breast milk contains remnants of ring hormones, but they are unlikely to affect your baby. Consult your doctor or nurse about all the concerns you have regarding breastfeeding and contraceptives.
The vaginal ring is a hormonal contraceptive. The flexible plastic ring is inserted into the vagina and prevents pregnancy by releasing hormones into the bloodstream.
The vaginal ring contains the hormones estrogen and progestogen. These slowly enter the bloodstream. They prevent monthly ovulation, alter the nature of mucus in the cervix and hinder the buildup of the uterine lining. As a result, sperm cannot enter the uterus and fertilized eggs do not nest.
The soft ring is compressed; much like a tampon inserted into the vagina and pushed up as far as possible. For effectiveness, it does not matter exactly where the ring is in the vagina. The important thing is that he does not bother.
The ring then remains in the vagina for three weeks. Then pull it out by inserting a finger into the vagina and covering the bottom of the ring. The used ring should be disposed of with household waste and not in the toilet.
After a week break, a new ring is introduced. During the ring-free period usually enters the period, the contraceptive protection is ensured throughout.Should the ring slip out during sexual intercourse or when removing a tampon, you can use it again within three hours without hesitation. The effect is not diminished. Before reinserting, you should wash the ring with lukewarm water, never with soapy water or disinfectants.
There are different preparations that are similar in their mode of action, but differ in durability and price. Some can be used for a maximum of four months after purchase in the pharmacy; others can be stored for up to two years – protected from light in the original packaging and not over 30 ° C.
When using the vaginal ring for the first time, insert the ring between the first and fifth day of the cycle. Start with the application on the first day of the cycle, the ring protects immediately. Do not insert it until the second to fifth day of the cycle. In the following seven days you should additionally use contraception, for example with a condom.
If you are sure that you are not pregnant, you can start the application on any other day. Even then, additional contraception is necessary in the first seven days of use.
If you want to change to the vaginal ring from another method of contraception, special rules apply. This also applies in the event that you want to (again) start using the vaginal ring after a birth or a miscarriage. The doctor will explain everything important to you.
The failure rate is 0.3 to 1 percent when used perfectly, 2.4 to 9 percent for typical applications. Like the pill , the vaginal ring is a very safe method of contraception when used correctly. The main reason for the significantly higher failure rates in everyday life is that it comes to interruptions of the application, since it is difficult for some women, always in time to get a new recipe.
Similar to the pill, certain medicines restrict the contraceptive protection of the vaginal ring. These include drugs for epilepsy and against viral diseases and St. John’s wort. Ask your doctor how you can reliably protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy.
Easy handling allows the woman to insert and remove the ring herself. The woman no longer has to think about contraception every day. For women who have difficulty getting regular contraception, this is an important aspect.
Unlike the pill, stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea do not diminish the contraceptive effect of the ring. Medical reasons for the vaginal ring may therefore be diseases such as eating disorders, especially bulimia, and chronic intestinal inflammation.
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