Female Toilet Slave Stories

Female Toilet Slave Stories


Female Toilet Slave Stories
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2046354-Tish
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · # 2046354
Created: June 23rd, 2015 at 11:00 pm
Modified: June 23rd, 2015 at 11:00 pm

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Tish                                                                           I walk down the hall and say, I'd love to eat her ass! Rose is walking from her room and hears me and keeps walking. Tish calls me after a min or so and I go out in the living room. What did you just say? She asks smiling at me. Nothing I say. Bullshit! Rose yells. You're a pig! Now say it! Tish smiles at me and says, it's ok. Sounded interesting anyway. Let's hear it then. I mumble I'd like to lick her ass, was all I said and I'm sorry. No don't be! Now let me get this straight then, you like licking ass? Yes I nod. Well you are a pig aren't you then? Yes I nod again. No, say it to me then. I obey and she grins even more and says so you're an asslicking pig then ? Yes I say! Who's ass were you talking about pervert? Rose demands. No ones I say! That's bullshit pervert rose yells at me. Tell Tish who's it is now! Tish asks was it my mom's? Do you wish to eat her ass? I mumble no. Why not Rose demands. Mine isn't good enough for you then? Well then? Who's ass do you wish to eat then? Tish demands. Let's hear it! Nice and loud and clear for me too! Yours! I answer. So you wish to eat my ass out then? Is that right pervert? You want to eat out my asshole? Yes I answer Tish. Yes! Well that's sounds very exciting! Doesn't it mom? Mom says he's a pervert and deserves to lick a woman's ass anyway! I'll bet you'd like to eat mine too? Wouldn't you pig? Tish rubs her foot against my crotch and says, sure he would mom! I know he would too! Right pervert? Tell my mom! Go on and say it! I obey and they both laugh at me and mom locks the front door and walks behind me as Tish rubs her foot harder on my growing crotch as she leans back and smokes. Rose grabs my crotch hard from behind and whispers in my ear. You're a nasty asslicking shit eating pig! Aren't you pervert? Tell my daughter what you are! Let's hear it Tish demands as she stands up and grabs my crotch also even harder than her mom now. Say it pervert! I obey; yes I'm a asslicking shiteating slave! As Rose says that's better. I'll teach you some manners pig! You will do as we say too! That's right! Tish says smiling as she slaps my crotch hard! Isn't that right? I say yes! Well then! So what should we do with such a nasty fucking pervert then mom? I think I'll have him lick my asshole then! You're so nasty mom! Ill bet you'd like it licked too? Wouldn't you mom? Oh yea! I'd make him do it real good too! How about you Tish? Sure I would! I'd even demand it! Especially when its a pervert like this one here! My ass is really hot today anyway! Tish smiles and walks away down the hall. I'll be right back. Rose tells me, just look at my little girls nice juicy ass boy! Looks tasty doesn't it pig? You want to eat her dirty ass out don't you pervert? Yes, I moan as she squeezes my balls hard. Ill bet you do too! Tell me you want to eat out my daughters dirty asshole then! Say it nice and loud for me too! I do it and she giggles and tells me to sit down on the floor in front of the recliner then. Thats right boy! Your place is on the floor before a woman. Since your such a nasty fucking pervert. Who's excited by eating out a womans dirty shithole. Isn't that right pig? Say it! Rose demands as Tish returns laughing into the phone. He sure is! Oh really? Mom's here now with him! She's got him on the floor already and she says he's gonna lick her asshole for her today! Right mom? Tish holds out the phone as mom takes it and says hello? Oh yea! He wants to eat out a womans ass! He told us so! Sure he did! We taped him saying it too! Pam wants you to ask him something Tish! Tish giggles and says, are you a shit eating pig? Pam wants to hear you say it for her! Go on say it! Since you wish to eat out a womans dirty asshole you must like to eat shit then! Right? I say yes and everyone laughs loudly at me as mom leaves the room and tells Trish, have some fun with him! I'll be right back. I need to find something to help out with our pig here. Tish steps down on my crotch and smiles down at me while on the phone and say's. Oh, I'll have a great time with him mom! He's in for a really exciting wish come true! Isn't that right pervert? I say yes. Thats right pam, Tish laughs. Shit eating pervert! Yes he is! He said so himself, didn't you hear it too? Well I'm videotapeing him as we speak anyway just in case he don't do as he's told. Thats right! Pam wants to know if you'd like to eat her ass out also pig? Yes, I answere her as she smashes my balls under her foot and laughs. Thats what I thought! See Pam? I told you. He doesn't care about how big and fat your ass is! So what? Even if its all dirty and nasty and shitty! I'll bet he'd like that even better! I'd make him clean it out anyway! Just because he's such a nasty pervert anyway! I didn't take a shower yet today, so I'll bet my asshole is pretty dirty too! So who cares? I sure don't! Mom will make him eat hers out no matter what anyway! She's such a nasty bitch! Oh yea! She's real excited! She gets off on torturing men anyway! Oh yea! You too? They do? They pay you to sit on thier faces with that huge ass of yours too? What? They do? Really? Thats probably what he wants here too then! I'll bet it really is too! No! No! He wont care! I want to make him do it! Yes! Im very serious Pam! You'd help me and my mom do it real good too! Nice and hot and nasty! As nasty as we all can get! Mom returns with her phone and a duffle bag, laughing. He's an asseater anyway! Thats right Chris! I'm gonna make this pervert eat out both mine and my daughters assholes for as long as we wish today! Thats right! Even if there still dirty! Thats the best part of it! I want to watch him as he tastes my daughter Tish's shitty,dirty asshole! It excites me! Oh you'd do what to use him Chris? Now that's what Im talking about here too! how'd you like to help us out here today? Sure you can! I'm sure Tish wont mind? Tish says what? Oh! Chris wants to use this pig also today! Oh? Well sure! She's gonna be a big surprise for him today! Does she like to have her ass eaten out too? She said guys have even paid her to use them as her toilet! No way! Her? Isn't she that really big assed, older mexican lady down the street? Yea! She loves doing this shit! Well tell her to get her ass here right now then! Pam wants to help us out here also. Thats great! He'll love how big her redheaded ass is also! Oh! I know he will! Tish laughs, as she steps down and says, say you'd love them to help you out pig! Go on! Say it! I obey her and everyone laughs again. See? Now hurry up and dont forget whatever toys you'd like to use on him either! I want you both to be as mean and throughly nasty as you possibly can to this pervert here! Ok? Thats great! Bye. Oh yea! Rose smiles as she sits on the arm of the recliner and looks down at me. My friend Chris is such a nasty bitch too! I hope you like big fatassed older mexican ladies pig? You know the ones who actually get paid to piss and shit on slaves? Oh really mom? Pam said thats what she wants to do to him today also! I think its kinda exciting too! I'm gonna try it out on him today also! Rose says we'll both make him do it for us before the others get here then. Tish says, well I haven't shit yet today! Did you mom? Well, I was going to a min ago but decided not too! Tish walks around me and plops her ass down on the chair and sits back as she removes her jeans. Rose tells her, I want to see you be a real nasty bitch to him Tish! You already know what I'm gonna do to him when its my turn! Oh man, I sure do! It'll be so hot watching you mom! Tish's pants are off and she's sitting back and pulls her knees up and pushes her ass to the edge of the recliner and tells mom. will you help him out here by holding his head where it belongs? You bet! Mom laughs. Let me help my daughter with her new toy! Since he's such a nasty boy anyway, I'll be makeing sure that he's eating out asses the proper way! Tish says hand me the phone as it rings. Rose grabs my head and demands, strip pig! I stand and obey as she slaps my cock and says not too bad pig! Get back were you belong now! Your ours now to do as we please! here ya go shitlicker! Rose rams my face into Tish's swollen pantied pussy as she tells me, Your gonna love this here pig! How's that pussy smell boy? Nice and hot and juicy I bet? You like that its still hasn't been washed yet also? Don't you pig? Nice and pissy and sweaty is it? Well I'm sure you'll really love my friend Chris's then. She's a really big full figured latino, who didnt shower yet either, and says her ass is very hot and dirty. She said she's comming here just to have a pig like you completly clean out her filthy asshole until its spotless, inside and out! Tish says, Pam too! She said she's gonna show me how to make a pervert like you into a full womans toilet! Get your nose into my asshole slave! Rose moves my nose into Tish's asscrack and presses it deeply inside, while telling me, I'm sure he'll enjoy it all today! Especially haveing us all here and feeding him our fresh nasty shit, right from our tasty asses! Hows my asshole smelling perv? Good? Nice and dirty boy? You love it don't you? Say it! Mom demands. Tish tells me, you'd better listen up pervert! Mom ties up my hands behind me and puts a leash around my balls tightly and yanks it and says, your our asslicking, shiteating dog now! So you'd better do as your told or you'll regret it! Tish! mom says, I need to pee already dear! Go for it mom! We've got all day here! Rose pulls my head back and pushes me onto my back and steps over me, while stepping out from her sweatshorts and squatting down over my face quickly. Your in for a great day here pervert! Your going to be used by each of us as our toilet! I sure hope you enjoy it as much as we all will! I know I'm gonna have a wonderful time useing you as one anyway! So will my daughter! Now open up wide and swallow it all down as fast as you can and dont spill a single drop either! Go mom! Tish laughs as she steps on my naked balls and watchs as she wickedly smiles down at me. Rose floods my mouth quickly with hot piss as I choke while trying to swollow it all down. Tish giggles, thats right! Now your our toilet! Isnt this what you've been dreaming of? Huh? I just know its what you wanted anyway! Look how hard his dick is mom? Rose slaps my hard cock and say's see Tish? What a nasty fucking pervert he is! I told you! Thats why I'm so excited to have him here like this so I can watch my daughter makeing this pig into her very own human toilet, while he drinks all of her piss and especially when you shit into his worthless mouth and watch as he swollowes it all down completly for her! Tish says It'll be a whole lot of shit too! I want to see you feed him yours mom! Oh, you will dear! Mine and plenty more after that! Tish dials the phone as Rose floods my mouth again. Thats it toilet boy! Drink it all down as you'll be doing it for us for as long as we say so! Tish laughs, my new toilet slave! This is gonna be so much fucking fun! Tish dials the phone as Rose stops and watches me swallow her piss all down. Hey Tonya! Guess what I'm doing right now! No? No? I've got this nasty fucking slave guy here at my house and as we speak my mom's pissing down his perverted throat! Yea! Serious! It's so fucking hot! He's so nasty too! He loves to eat out a woman's asshole! Yea! I know! You too? Really? Were gonna make this pig here serve the house as our toilet all day long! Yes I know it! All of it! Yes even eating shit! All that too! You would too? Well bring whoever you'd like too then! I want this to be a really big day here! Sure thing! We'll make it a really nasty party then! Great! Bye. Tonya's bringing her neighbor over also! Grace is a chunky blond. Wow! I hope he don't mind that we've invited so many fat assed bitches here for him today! That's so he'll enjoy it oh so much more because they will be able to have saved up such huge loads of their shit for him to eat today! Oh that's so nice of you mom! Tish laughs. Isn't it pig? What a wonderful mom! This is so much fun! Rose giggles. I just love using his mouth as my toilet! I'm going to make him do this for us a lot! Whenever I feel like it, or when I see him somewhere I'll have him service me just like this right there and then. Tish laughs. That would be great! I'd want to use him at the park! You know how dirty the restrooms are there mom? Well I'd make him kneel down in one of them there and then use his mouth to piss and shit in u till I'm finished, then I'd make him slowly clean my asshole up good! Mom laughs, hows my asshole smell pig? She pulls her ass apart and sits back slowly on my nose. You like my moms stinky asshole dont you pig? Tish says, as she taps her foot down on my balls as I smell moms dirty asshole fully now and say yes! Oh yea! mom says, I know he does! Look how hard his dick gets from us just telling this pervert what were going to do to him today! I know it! Tish laughs. I can see it too! His cock grew bigger while you were pissing in his mouth! See what did I tell you? I cant wait to see my little girl right here like this, and watch as you slowly take your morning shit, right into this here nasty fucks toilet mouth, and we'll both watch him as he completly swollows down every nasty bit of it for you! Thats gonna be quite a big load too! I can feel it! Thats good! I'll get to watch him eat all my girls shit, and wipe her asshole clean with his nasty tongue. I get to watch you use his mouth also mom! Oh I will too! Thats all we'll be useing the whole day! His mouth will be the houses only toilet for as long as we require it of him! No matter how many of our nasty assed ladiefriends come over to visit! I hope its a lot! Tish laughs. Rose says, Call aunt May! She'd love this shit! Oh great! Tish dials and talks as Rose says I'm going to keep you next to our beds on the floor all night long and when either of us needs to, you'll be required to service us as the toilet you are pig! Tish laughs and hangs up. Aunt May's so excited about this here pervert! Her roomates are comming with her too! There going to really enjoy it here today! Rose laughs and says there all fucking nasty fat old bitches too! I hope you love the taste of big fat old nasty bitches shit? They'll shit fucking huge fucking nasty turds, you wont be able to get into your mouth. Tish laughs, but we'll both help em out! Right mom? Well sure thing! You said you wanted to see him eat everything didnt you? Thats right! All of it! Now come over here and start licking my asshole pervert! Nice and slow and all around it too! Thats right pig! I want to see you enjoying it as you finally get to taste my daughters dirty little asshole! I hope its all shitty and nasty too! Get to work slave! Tish says, you'll be my toilet paper from now on so it will always be a lot cleaner than it is now! Rose laughs. Thats right. Isnt it tasty boy? Its still dirty and sweaty and I taste her shit already but am forced to tongue fuck Tish's asshole for 10 min straight at least. Rose is forcing my face in and out as she directs my head. Isnt my asshole nice and tasty pervert? Oh! I know it must be too! We ran out of shitpaper yesterday so I didnt wipe it very well! But thats even better dear! Every night before bed I'm going to have him deeply tongueing out my shit hole t
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