Female Tg

Female Tg


Перевести · 12.06.2018 · Hey guys me on discord and Telegram for …
Boy To Beautiful Girlfriend|Male To Female|Tg Tf|Tg Comic#05
Bodyswap - Men and Pretty Women - Male to Female (TG)
TG Transformation Stories (9th December 2019) Male to Female Transformations | TG TF!!
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Female bodysuit disguise | TG TF Comics | Bodysuit | Tg Tf Transformation
Перевести · Note: this short story was based off a 'game' that had been submitted a few months ago in the facebook group "TG Transformations". I chose a number and my TG personna was that of a hall monitor in a Japanese all-female …
Перевести · Facebook Page: http://adf.ly/1ZbjEG IM BACK, PLS …
Перевести · Multi TG - The Cosplay Club (Part 1) by KAIZA-TG, literature. M. Multi TG - The Cosplay Club (Part 1) It was quite the lovely morning at the Rockhead High School Gym. …
Перевести · 07.06.2013 · tg tf - mtf - tg animation - android 18 - Gender bender comics - tg swap - m2f - girl cute - tg girl. Bicihahi. ... Oculus Rift Gender Swap Experiment Helps Male And Female Become One... Sort Of. OneMinuteNews. 7:54. 11 year Transgender male-to-female …
What does TG stand for in transformation?
What does TG stand for in transformation?
Tg Transformations Tg CaptionsMale to Female TransformationsForced FeminizationGender Bendertg tf
Are there captions for TG transformations male to female?
Are there captions for TG transformations male to female?
Tg Transformations Tg CaptionsMale to Female TransformationsForced FeminizationGender Bendertg tf Tg Transformations Tg Captions Male to Female Transformations Forced Feminization Gender Bender tg tf
TG story: A mother and her son reach for the brass ring… TG caption: Your assignment, should you choose to accept it… TG caption: Nobody ever said it was gonna be easy… TG caption: The fate of guys who can’t cut it in the sack… TG vignette: A star is born! TG story: Going home as a girl… Happy birthday to Stana!
If you have Telegram, you can view and join FEMALE MEMES right away. right away.
Перевести · TG vignette: Assuming the female role means taking a few risks ... TG caption: From the brink of womanhood, a …
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TG in a Japanese Nude Girl's School.
Note: this short story was based off a 'game' that had been submitted a few months ago in the facebook group "TG Transformations". I chose a number and my TG personna was that of a hall monitor in a Japanese all-female and all-nude school. I liked the description and so I wrote this little chapter to flesh it out...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Damon opened the front door of his house in response to a knock, he saw that there was no person in sight, but there was a package sitting on top of the welcome mat. It was addressed to him, yet it had no return address. Picking it up, he took it inside.As he took it into his study, He wondered if this was either a free sample of some consumer product, or possibly a prank of some kind. Perhaps something nasty if the latter, but the box was not large, and it wasn’t heavy. It didn’t seem to be anything hostile.Shrugging, he tore open the wrapping paper to expose the box within. The box itself was plastic, but with no markings on it at all. Opening the box, he noticed inside it three things: a hardcover book, a small cube with numeric keys on one side, and a sealed envelope.Picking up the book, he saw the title: Stories of the Blue River School for Girls by Jonathan Coy. He knew the book: he had read it online only a few days ago. It was about a private girl’s post-high school/college somewhere in Japan whose students and faculty were required to be nude. The book’s plot involved a man suddenly transported there and waking up in the body of a female student. Damon was so captivated by the book and its characters; he had written a very favorable online review. He assumed that this package must have come either from the author or the publisher as a token of appreciation for the review.Putting down the book, he then opened the envelope. The envelope contained a letter. Opening it up, he read:Dear Mr. Damon Seath. Thank you so very much for posting such a positive review of this book. This review had persuaded many other readers to purchase a copy for themselves, so in appreciation, we’d like you to have this hardcopy.Nodding, Damon continued to read, but his eyes widened as the letter continued:We had looked at your online profile and saw your interest in transgender stories, plus read stories that you have written on this subject and submitted to Moon Maiden Publishing. If you really wish to experience first-hand what being a female is all about – as part of the student body of Blue River School for Girls - we invite you to enter a number between 1 and 30 on the enclosed cube before you go to sleep tonight. That’s all you have to do. We’ll do the rest. We hope that you will take this opportunity to actually experience what you have written about. Take care.The letter was unsigned. Damon read through it once more. This had to be someone’s idea of a joke, yet the book was indeed a hard copy version of what he had read online, and the cube with its numeric keys was sitting there on his desk. It suddenly struck Damon that the online review he wrote did not have his name or address added to it. How did the people who sent these items to him know who he was and where he lived?He picked up the cube. Thinking that any number he pushed would result in some kind of joke message or recording, he first pushed ‘7’, then a red key marked ‘submit’. A synthesized voice did indeed start speaking:“Numeric choice already taken”, he heard the voice emanating from the cube: quite loudly too. He tried another number: this time it was ‘13’.“Numeric choice accepted”, the voice emanating from the cube said. Nothing else.“Wow”, Damon said sarcastically to himself,” I’m not seeing any boobs growing on my chest!”Just then, he felt very sleepy. Yawning, he stood up, left his study and went to his bedroom, and laid down on his bed. He was fast asleep by the time his head hit the pillow…“Wake up, please”, Damon heard. Who was saying that? It was a female voice, but he lived alone. He opened his eyes to see something that he didn’t expect: a Japanese woman in her early ‘30’s looking down at him. Not only that, this woman was nude! Well, not quite: she was wearing long high-heeled boots that went almost up to her knees, and she was wearing a necklace from which hung a diamond.“Who are you…?” Damon started to say but realized that his voice was at least one-and-a-half octaves higher. Lifting his right arm towards his throat, he saw his hand… yet it couldn’t be his hand as it was petite and had long nails! He let his hand drop to his chest… and that’s when it encountered something else! He lifted his left hand to his chest and felt the same thing: breasts!He looked down and saw that there were what seemed to be double-D-cup breasts on his chest. And these weren’t fake: he could tell they were real by feeling them!“What is happening?” Damon asked, bemused. The feminine voice emanating from his mouth was not unpleasant to the ears, but definitely something weird all the same…“Welcome to the Blue River School for Girls, Damon Seath”, the female who had woken him said, “As you have entered your numeric choice, you are now occupying the body of one of our students”. The woman was speaking English, but it was definitely accented.Damon only half-heard her as he let go of the breasts and started to sit up. He had been laying on a couch in what looked like a doctor’s office. The woman helped him up to a sitting position, where he could see his reflection in a large mirror. His eyes widened as he took in his reflected image.The reflection staring back at him was a nude Japanese woman about twenty years of age. Nude, but wearing high-heeled pumps, and a necklace with a metal depiction of a Hiragana character hanging from it. His – Damon still thought as a ‘he’ – hair was jet black, long, but tied back in a ponytail. The tie securing the ponytail was a bow colored sapphire blue. This woman had an hourglass figure and was certainly comely…Looking more intently at the reflection as he stood, he saw that his face had makeup on, and that there was no pubic hair visible. He reached down to that area and felt the vulva…“Is this some kind of dream?” Damon asked as he abruptly withdrew his hand and looked at the other woman. He started to walk to her but stumbled and fell because of the high heels.“Perhaps you’d best remove those shoes first”, the woman said, “and no, this is not a dream. You wanted to know what being female is like, and here you are. When you punched in the number, you were committed to the body you now occupy. That body is volunteer number 13”.“Whose body is this?” Damon asked as he removed the pumps from his feet and stood back up.“Takahashi Wayoko is the name of the student whose body you are now occupying”, the woman replied, “and very soon, what is her will be added to you, but first, let me introduce myself: I am Mariko Todai, the deputy principal of this school. It is my job to welcome new arrivals, which is what you technically are, even though Takahashi is in her third year here”.“Takahashi Wayoko”, Damon said, “I remember that character in the book. She is a third-year student, in Hiryū House, proficient in both Aikido and Kendo, and is one of the hall monitors. I’m her?” he asked. He remembered reading that the students who were in each of the four houses of this school – Kaga, Akagi, Sōryū, and Hiryū – were identified by the color of the hair bow-tie that each student wore. Hiryū’s was blue. All students wore their hair in the same pony-tail style.“Not quite: you will be her very shortly”, Mariko replied, “because at this present moment, you are simply Damon Seath in her body. In order for you to become truly Takahashi, you will need to have her memories and personality traits placed back into her body. They had to be removed temporarily to make way for you, Damon”.“But what will that do to me?” Damon asked.“As her ‘essence’ is reintroduced, your own memories and personality traits will be extracted. You will instead have her memories and traits to draw on so that you will be able to think like her, behave like her, and do the things that she does: like Aikido and Kendo, plus be able to speak, read, and write Japanese”, Mariko explained.“If her memories are going to be replacing mine, will what I am now be lost?” Damon asked next shakily.“No, Damon”, was her reply, “Your memories and traits will be put in safe storage and will be reintroduced to you when you decide to return to your old body. Subjectively, you could be here with us for years, then when you decide to return and wake up in your male body, it will be only an hour or two since you went to sleep”, Mariko assured him.Damon nodded. He…. No, it was going to be ‘she’ while in this body. She thought about this opportunity. Okay, so his memories as a male were going to be out of his mind, but from what Mariko said, she would be experiencing life as Takahashi Wayoko: female. But first…“Okay”, Damon said, “but before we go ahead with turning me fully into Takahashi”, Damon said,” I’d like to do something as a guy in a chick’s body first”.“Every man going through this process does likewise, Damon”, Mariko answered with a knowing smile, “so go ahead”.Nodding, Damon hefted her boobs in both of her hands, then she lifted her right boob and nipple up to her mouth. She proceeded to first lick, then kiss her right nipple. She then did likewise to her left boob and nipple”.“I always wanted to do that”, Damon said as she saw that her nipples had hardened some from her oral stimuli. Mariko nodded knowingly. Damon then let go of her breasts.Damon then moved her right hand down to her vulva. Opening her legs some, she reached in with her finger to explore that area. When she probed a certain point, she gasped.“The clitoris”, Mariko commented as she saw the look on Damon’s face, “that is a popular location that men occupying female bodies goes for”.As Damon removed her hand and stood back up straight, she said, “I never knew just how stimulating that feels to a woman! Make me wonder just what vaginal sex is like”.“You’ll find out about that now as it is part of the process to adjust you fully to being Takahashi Wayoko”, Mariko said as she led her over to what looked like an interesting-looking recliner.First, it did have a backrest and head rest, but the arms were vertical padded holding bars. The seat looked like a split bicycle seat with leg stirrups. The stirrups were arranged like those in a maternity ward delivery room.“Take a seat please”, Mariko said, gesturing to the device.Somewhat nervously, Damon got into the contraption. Sitting on the seat, then placing her legs in the stirrups exposed the vulva. Leaning back against the headrest, Damon grabbed onto the holding bars.“Is this correct?” Damon asked. Mariko nodded.“All right then”, Mariko said, “time to bring in the rest of the ensemble”.With that, she picked up a remote-control box and pressed a switch. Leg clamps in the stirrups secured Damon’s legs and hand clamps secured her hands. At the same time, what looked like a helmet lowered down on a mechanical arm and went around her head. A metal band encircled her waist underneath her boobs.“What’s going on?” Damon demanded.“We can’t have you overly struggling or moving during the process”, Mariko said, “as the last piece of the ensemble may cause you to do so”.Damon saw that another device on wheels had rolled into the room. It was shaped something like a giant wedge. It was maneuvering in between her legs. As it got close to her vulva, it stopped. Mariko pressed another switch, and Damon saw coming out of the top of the wedge, a metal dildo.“Experiencing vaginal sex is what will be next, Damon”, Mariko said, “so do you wish to proceed, or do you wish to return to your male body now?”Damon looked at the dildo pointing straight at her vulva. Looking at it, then Mariko, she makes her decision:“I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to experience sex from the female perspective, so let’s do it!”, Damon said definitely. Mariko nodded and smiled.With another press of the remote control by Mariko, Damon was penetrated. Damon shuddered as she felt the dildo go deep into her vagina. The dildo then started to gently vibrate. Damon let out a huge “ooohhhh!”. Her nipples hardened all the more as a result of the stimulation.“Quickly”, Mariko asked, “tell me your name, birth-gender, age, place of residence, and occupation”.“Damon Seath, Male, 56, Little Rock, Arkansas, Truck Driver”, Damon gasped as the stimulus from the dildo began to increase in intensity. The feelings that she was experiencing was far more than that of what males experienced during sexual intercourse, she realized.At that, Mariko pressed down on another switch, which activated the helmet that Damon wore.Damon sensed while reacting to the sexual stimuli that his memories were being – for want of a better word – ‘swapped out’. While what Damon Seath knew was being extracted, other memories were taking its place. It didn’t seem to matter though as the sexual stimuli was dominating her mind…All of a sudden, she shuddered as she climaxed. As the dildo’s vibration ceased, a synthesized voice said, “transference completed”.“Quickly”, Mariko asked again – though this time in Japanese, “tell me your name, birth-gender, age, place of residence, and occupation”.“Takahashi Wayoko”, she replied in fluent Japanese, “Female, 20, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Third Year Student at Blue River School for Girls”.Nodding, Mariko hit another button which withdrew the dildo, released the securing straps, and lifted the helmet off her head. Takahashi stood up from the device.“And what is your assessment of the test of this pleasure recliner, Takahashi-chan?” Mariko enquired.“Extremely satisfactory, Mariko Todai-San”, Takahashi replied with a bow.“Very good, Takahashi-chan”, Mariko said, “you may use the office commode to clean yourself up, then once you have done so, you may resume your duties as hall monitor. Dismissed”.“Hai. Domo arigato goziemashita, Mariko Todai-San”, Takahashi acknowledged.She then quickly put back on her pumps, then went over to the commode to clean up from her orgasm. Bowing once more, she exited the office.Mariko nodded. Damon Seath was now Takahashi Wayoko, and it would be as Takahashi that she would discover all that it meant to be a woman…As she left the office, Takahashi understood that as hall monitor, she must do her part to retain order in this school. Effectively she was the eyes and ears of the house prefects as she patrolled the halls. As her next class was not until after lunch, she would be performing her hall monitor duties uninterrupted for the next two hours.Takahashi saw many girls in the hallway walking by in their full naked glory. Nothing too out of the ordinary as the students were getting their books out of their lockers for the next period’s classes. Everything seemed to be in order. But wait... She spotted in the corner of her eye two troublemakers wearing clothing. Walking up to them, she stood in front of them."Excuse me!", she snarled with her back straightened and arms folded. "You two are violating the dress code!”“Who do you think you are…” one of them – a blonde American girl - started to snarl back, then she saw the necklace that Takahashi wore, which denoted her as a hall monitor. They both knew that hall monitors not only had broad enforcement powers, they were also expert at martial arts, which meant
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