Female Rules

Female Rules


Female Rules
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You would think that most people would have toilet etiquette and be considerate to the other users who would use the toilet cubicles after. But unfortunately, that is not the case. Here are some unwritten female toilet rules that every girl should know!
Photo Credit: i-got-bored.weebly.com
If you are a guy, you may be wondering, “What? Do girls leave pee or period blood stains on toilet seats? How???” The answer is: “Yes, they do.” Some females actually leave their pee or period blood stains on toilet seats. If you are wondering how do girls even get pee onto the toilet seats, I can only tell you that it is possible. So if you’re a girl and you somehow managed to leave pee/period stains on the toilet seats, please clean it up and use the toilet paper to wipe it off.
Photo Credit: @bricesander via Tumblr
If you think seeing toilet bowls clogged with toilet paper is gross, how about seeing toilet bowls getting clogged up by sanitary pads instead? Spare some thought for the washroom cleaners and dispose your pads properly!
As females, we do understand that the sanitary bin may be filled to the brim sometimes. Instead of playing Jenga or Uno Stacko with menstrual pads, why not try throwing it in the rubbish bin outside instead, or the sanitary bin in the next cubicle? It’s not embarrassing to walk out of the cubicle with your used pads as long as you cover them up well with toilet paper or pad wrappers because we’re all women and understand and we empathize with what you’re going through.
Photo Credit: @desingyouruniverse via Tumblr
Yes it does sound gross, and IT IS. Just imagine: You enter a toilet and approach an empty toilet cubicle. You open the door and check if there’s any toilet paper. If there is, you happily enter the cubicle. But as you close the toilet door… WHAM! You see a used menstrual pad stuck on the cubicle door. Like WHY??? I’m pretty sure nobody wants to appreciate your menstrual artwork stuck on the door. So dear ladies, do not stick your stained menstrual pads onto the cubicle doors. It is gross and very unappealing.
If the toilet seat is dirty and you refuse to sit on it, maybe it’s time for you to master the art of hovering above the toilet seat. Great way to keep your butt clean while working out your calves too! A bit of exercise won’t hurt! (also a reason why girls may leave stains on toilet seats)
Are t here any other unwritten toilet rules that we have missed out? Do let us know in the comments below! Also, do check out our other lifestyle posts too!
Calm on the outside and crazy on the inside, Amanda is a happy-go-lucky girl who is always up for an adventure! During her spare time, she loves to pretend that she is a cat. Meow.
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[…] 5 Unwritten Female Toilet Rules That Every Female Should Follow […]
[…] 5 Unwritten Female Toilet Rules That Every Female Should Follow […]
[…] 5 Unwritten Female Toilet Rules That Every Female Should Follow […]
[…] 5 Unwritten Female Toilet Rules That Every Female Should Follow […]
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Home Latest The 36 Unwritten Rules Of Girl Code All Women Need To Live...

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Girl Code refers to the unwritten rules all women follow with their closest friends. It has many actions that should never make our girlfriends question our loyalty. The Girl Code is the ultimate list of rules of ethics we follow that could essentially make or break a relationship.
These are the unofficial rules and friendship commandments of girl code:
The truth hurts, but your friends need to hear it.
Seriously, your girlfriends always appreciate good photos!
The ultimate betrayal. How could you even think of doing that?
It is so morally wrong when girls don’t follow this rule. Unless you’re leaving with family, your friends will frown on you leaving without them.
Especially if it’s a Tinder or Bumble date. You can never be too safe!
You never know when your friend will needs back-up in that department.
I don’t care if you have to tackle that creeper like a linebacker or pretend to be your friend’s girlfriend. Never, ever let a woman experience this!
You’ve got a problem with your guy? Let me help you solve it in a long-ass text message. We’ve got to fight this battle together.
You shouldn’t even think about it; you just do it!
They might be low-key cute, but you can never, ever make a move unless your bestie says so.
You’d want someone to help you if you had a tampon situation , so you should do the same for your friends. We’ve all been able to relate to this at one point or another!
You’re probably going to be more heated about the breakup than she is, too. No one messes with your girl!
Her parents will love you even more for looking out for their little girl.
If you see a honey worthy enough of your best friend, work your magic, girlfriend!
Is she really your best friend if the two of you don’t tease each other?
A female intuition is strong and we know how other women are. We will let their intentions known.
A friend is not a friend unless you defend them in their absence.without their presence.
Never! There are no excuses for this one.
The only time you should break this rule is if your friend’s in danger, and someone else needs to know to help save them.
Never leave a friend behind! This is one of the biggest Girl Code no-nos.
Don’t go to jail for committing murder, but still, do some serious damage. Your best friend is worth it!
I know, it’s hard to hold your tongue, but you’re a great friend for always supporting your #1.
Sometimes we forget how much our friends appreciate us, and we need them to reassure us that they love us, even though we know where they stand in our lives.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know her, if you see any woman uncomfortable because of a man or someone else, help her. I know I said it before, but this rule is so important it’s worth mentioning twice.
You aren’t best friends unless you’re drunk and slurring, “You ma best friend.”
You’re not just her best friend; you’re also her therapist (and a darn good one at that!)
I mean, you’re like the same person anyway, so celebrating your friend still benefits you. 
Especially if alcohol is involved, intervene. We don’t need our friends to get away with sending nudes, drunk texts or “I Miss You” messages.
Never forget that your girls are always #1! If you follow most, if not all, of these, congratulations. You are a damn good friend and your friends are lucky to have you! Give yourself a pat on the back and a glass of wine (because there’s never a bad time for wine).
Featured Photo by Katy Belcher on Unsplash.
ffwfwfwejvwvbkwefuiwriwewevr fkhbkfh
So do i but my bff broke that rule and my ex is a sociopath so she gonna get hurt but dont listen to the person who dated him for 2 years and knows everything he does to get into your head. But she wont listen.
I tell my friends about #4 all the time
mine broke it but he left her for me
I’m sorry but believe going after an ex is an issue the relationship is over and u don’t own them my besties have gone out with my exes before and I’ve gone out with there’s all we need is a little warning and we go on our business. I met my best boy friend ever through my friends ex
Then your just wrong your a terrible person for dating your friends ex’s i could never and would never
i think that it’s perfectly fine to date your friends ex or whatever. You are not supposed to put other people. They are not a terrible person at all whoever they are. I can tell you that they are a better person than you are. We all have our own opinions and that’s okay that you have yours but you do not have to be so rude to people.
This helped me out alot because me and my friends made our own girl code and it didnt work out so i wrote all yhis down and broght it to school i agree with all of the ones about you or her man,crush, or ex
I’m so glad to hear! Sometimes we all need a reminder and to enforce some boundaries with the special people in our lives.
um, ive accidentally done #4…. dont @ me…. i didnt know she was his ex…. im a girl btw… okay, long story short, i asked a girl out and she turned out to be my ex boyfriends ex girlfriend.. oops….
My friend broke #4 she keeps saying how she has a crush on my boyfriend! But I’ve been with him for about 5 months now, so I can’t just leave him! Idk what I should do ;/
Hello, that’s so mean of your friend, she’ll get over him. Keep on going out with him because he’s YOUR boyfriend, not hers. Also, defend yourself and your boyfriend when she says that crap.
That isn’t cool at all. If your friend and yourself have a really lone friendship and this is a one time thing than I would just bring it up. Your girlfriend is more important. But if this is a re-occuring issue or she’s done this in the past no matter how long you’ve been friends I would definitely say something and if she doesn’t understand distance yourself. And if you’ve been suspicious of him, then screw them both.
hello i think this helps me alot but i have the same problem my friend keeps trying to hit on my man but i been dateing him since i was 5or7 i am now 11
Girl that your boyfriend tell her to back off show other people because hes your YOUR BOYFRIEND. Period!! That ain’t cool tell her the truth and be honest. She may be mad but its alright she WILL understand and if she doesn’t shes fake and tell that so she feels SUPER GUILTY!! If you need help hmu i got chu sis!
I think u should dump him and stay with your bsf and tell her that hes absolutely off limits
thank you so much for yyour pricless andvice
bro thats ur mans and u should talk to her abt it bc that is not ok at all.
theyś are the best rules i herd in a while
I love number 4 i live by that evrey day
#29 picture is two girls masturing together
idk what they are doing but that is rhianna and katy perry…
#29 picture is two girls masturing together…
so about #4… what if i liked the guy before i found out she did too, but i didn’t tell her i liked him?
and its already been established he doesn’t like her back, but he does like me…
I’d almost say to leave it alone for a bit and wait to see how things play out. If it still bothers her or upsets her and you value that friendship I would hold off on going any further with the guy only because you value your friendship that strongly.
You got to look over at Bro Code for that. Bro Code states there are conditions.
1) they weren’t in a relationship
2) friend already got rejected
3) you have to ask for permission to shoot your shot
(I didn’t make this up. The bro code that says this).
Got to follow the rules.
Talk to your friend to see how she feels about the matter
you are all gonna come for me but i find no problem dating ur friends ex unless they were a total dick to them and/or still have feelings unless have permission
I told this guy that I couldn’t really hang out with him alone because he’s my friends ex and he was like oh those rules are stupid
Girl that your boyfriend tell her to back off show other people because hes your YOUR BOYFRIEND. Period!! That ain’t cool tell her the truth and be honest. She may be mad but its alright she WILL understand and if she doesn’t shes fake and tell that so she feels SUPER GUILTY!! If you need help hmu i got chu sis!
Every single friend I ever had would always break rule number 33. No matter if I wasn’t at fault at all (And I’m doing this without bias I’m being actually serious) like this bitch ripped my book and suddenly bam my friend is her friend and doesn’t defend me at all. I guess that’s how my trust issues started since I can’t trust anyone to have my back anymore I just want someone to put me first like I do to them
I’m so sorry to hear that! It’s always the worst to be betrayed like that especially by a best friend. Don’t worry, your trust issues will change when you learn how to judge character better over time and with experience <3
I literally just gave my friend a lesson on girl code
Ok so I need help. My friend’s ex from 2nd grade is coming to our school, and my other friend said “Imma date him if he’s hot.” My friend who was his ex and I both agreed that, even though it was long ago, nobody should date him, like, that’s girl code. But the girl who wants to date him and another friend of ours were like “That was many years ago, it doesn’t count anymore.” What should I do?
Hey! I suggest standing by your ground and continue to follow girl code. There isn’t an expiry date on that stuff unless its kindergarten (then it obviously wasn’t real lol). If it causes a fight, then allow them to do what they wish but still be mindful that the other person may not have boundaries.
Oh my god, I agree with #4 but one of my friends had a crush and her best friend to annoy her when after her crush in a flirtatious way & told me exactly she was gonna do it and why
Backstabbing bitch broke girl code #4 and didn’t give to shits about it.
I broke girl code #4 but my bestie said she was fine with it and that she just stopped having feelings for him and that he was a good guy and shouldn’t be kept off limits from me. But now I’ve been feeling bad about it but I really love this guy and he’s a great guy. What should I do?
Hey! I say have a real heart to heart with her and ask for her honest opinion. If they broke up mutually or if it wasn’t serious and she genuinely feels okay with it, use what you know and do what you feel is best for you.
and he does like her at all he said he hates her and they know each other but he dont talk to her like at all he doesint talk to any girl i said he can but i have to meet them first and he said he not going to be friends with a girl
but aint it diffrent if there is no blood relat between the two for #14
Wait, so what if you’re friends with the person your best friend hates, but you didn’t realize it sooner?
I would suggest to try your best to keep those friendships completely separate after expressing that you are friends with someone your friend hates (and to the other if it’s common knowledge they both know each other). That way they aren’t blind sided and hurt, and you aren’t picking sides unless something happens where you need to.
Okay so I have an friend I wil call her A what if A has an boyfriend called B and B has an friend called C and A likes C and C likes A And B is okay whit it bc B likes me so I asked A if she was okay whit it and she said yes and everyone is shipping C and A and B and me while we don’t are official yet bc A and B just broke up yesterday but yesterday just kind off starred It what should i do i know i should wait a few days or weeks but idk if I should do it (I’m from the Netherlands so sorry if my English isn’t good)
That’s totally okay, I know what you mean! I would wait a bit until the emotions settle and then go for it if everyone says they are 100% okay!
I agree with number 4,16,35, and 1.
like this was so good and never date your best friend ex
damn kinda stupid for dating my bsf ex. i mean, im fucking stupid. me and her are in a huge fight bc of her other ex. i havent talked or seen her in a month. idk what to do any advice?
Hi there,
I’m sorry to hear about you and your bestie fighting, that always sucks. I would have a straight forward, open and honest conversation with her and ask her how she’s feeling. Let her speak, listen to what she says and embrace it. Don’t cut her off or make excuses-you already feel bad enough. She just needs to let out what she’s feeling first, as I’m sure she feels betrayed in some way, and once she gets it off of her chest see where you can go from there. Extend your apologies again and express what you’ve been feeling. Just know she’s probably feeling really hurt and unhead, so validate her as much as possible for how she is feeling. Hopefully this helps and you are able to move forward from this.
I need advice guys so for number #32 venting to them and letting them vent too, you see me and my bsf usually have a lot of stupid drama going on in our lives so we tend to vent and we talk each other through it ya know so a few weeks ago i spent the night at her house and we were just taking about what had been going on in our lives cause we hadn’t seen each other for a few months well a few days later i get a text from her gf telling me to stop talking to my bsf because she has enough drama going on in her life and she doesn’t need my bullshit. Her gf was being really mean about it and i brought it up to my bestie but she still hasn’t replied I need help here guys.
i found out yesterday my friend likes my crush and he likes her back so.. i might just give up on him and let her have him. but i cant give him up
So I recently broke up with my bf who is 1 yr older and so I felt that everything was going good and then four of the five girls in my friend group ride the same bus as him and apparently they were all playing truth or dare and he chose truth and they asked him why he was dating me and he had said that he was only dating me bc he felt bad and that was all on a Friday after school and then on Monday when we’re came back to school I was going to check my email and I opened it and I had an email from him saying “the funny this is I’m breaking up with you” and I was pissed so I asked if I couple go to the restroom and after that I stayed in the bathroom until 3 period and then I had to go to science but non of my friends followed or during passing period came to help they just left me there and I was just having a break down in the bathroom and none of them came to help. So that’s my story. Do you guys have advice??¿
Also I rode a completely different bus and they all live in the same neighborhood
Don’t let it bother you, he’s probably a loser anyway and find better friends. There are plenty of friends in the sea and men in the sea. I hope you have good luck.
Soooo me and my bestie liked the same d
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