Female Pelvic

Female Pelvic


Female Pelvic

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Male Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction

Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery

What Is Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery?

Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Conditions We Treat

Recurrent urinary tract infection 
Pelvic organ prolapse (including uterine prolapse )
Overactive bladder
Interstitial cystitis
Underactive bladder 
Urinary fistula
Urinary incontinence

Minimally Invasive Office Procedures

Urethral bulking agents: We inject a filler into the urethra to reinforce weakened walls and stop leaking with coughing and sneezing. 
Bladder Botox: A Botox injection into the bladder muscle can help severe overactive bladder.
Nerve stimulation: Sending electrical impulses to the nerves of the bladder can help if you have an overactive bladder or difficulty urinating. 
Vaginal pessary: We insert a device into the vagina that provides support for falling organs.

Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Pacific Time (U.S.)



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You don't have to live with embarrassing and uncomfortable urinary problems. We help women find relief from common conditions, including urinary incontinence, overactive bladder and pelvic floor disorders.
Female pelvic medicine is the study, identification and treatment of conditions in a woman's urinary tract and pelvic floor.
Almost one in 11 women experiences a urine control problem in their lifetime. Yet few women seek treatment—perhaps they're embarrassed to talk about it, or they think that treatment won't make a difference. We're here to help you.
We believe that women should be able to take back control of their bodies without embarrassment or fear of judgment. We help you find the language, resources and support to improve your health and strengthen your confidence.
Each member of our team is board-certified in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. We use our specialized skills and intricate knowledge about women's urologic conditions to provide sophisticated treatment.
Your goals are our priority. We work with you to provide the best treatment for your needs and lifestyle.
We create lifelong relationships with the women in our care. We are always here to help, supporting you from diagnosis through recovery and beyond.
We encourage open and honest communication about your symptoms and history. To help determine the best treatment, we take your medical history and perform a physical exam. We may also run a few diagnostic tests , such as:
We use sensors and 3D images to see how your bladder, pelvic floor and urinary tract are working in real time.
X-rays, ultrasounds and MRIs help us see pictures of your urinary tract and bladder.
Testing a small sample of your urine may tell our team if an underlying infection may be responsible for your symptoms.
We test your bladder function and check for leaks in your bladder by asking you to cough or bear down while your bladder is full. This also helps us see how much your bladder holds.
We offer a wide range of treatments customized to your needs. Treatments range from helping you make lifestyle changes (such as losing weight) to helping you plan for surgery.
We may first try medications (such as bladder antispasmodic drugs) to help with bladder control and other urologic conditions. We help determine which medications are best to try first, and we monitor you for your response and any side effects.
We perform several minimally invasive procedures that result in less pain and faster recovery. These procedures include:
Strengthening the weakened areas of the pelvic floor is often the first treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction. Our specialists teach you the best exercises to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor, which significantly improves many urologic conditions. Learn more about how our pelvic floor rehab specialists can help.
When conservative options don't provide sufficient relief, pelvic floor surgery may be the best way forward. Our surgeons offer advanced procedures to help permanently treat overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and other conditions.
To make an appointment or refer a patient, call the Urology Academic Practice team. You can also have us call you back at your convenience.

© 2022 Cedars-Sinai. All Rights Reserved. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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