Female Ninja

Female Ninja


Female Ninja
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The way of the ninja requires massive sacrifices, and samurai must live by the exacting code of Bushido. Usually, pop culture depicts ninjas and samurai as stoic men — but here are 10 amazing women who rose to the challenge.
While women weren’t technically allowed to be samurai in feudal Japan, that didn’t stop Ran Tsukikage from grabbing a sword and wandering the countryside as a ronin in this action-comedy anime. The only thing she’s better at than swordplay is drinking sake, which she takes very seriously (do not spill good sake in front of her, or you will pay). Of course, this sake-habit means she’s often broke, and takes various jobs as a guard to make ends meet. That is, when she’s not just bumming off her friend Meow.
Whether Miho is more of a samurai or a ninja or just an assassin is debatable. One thing she isn’t, though, is a prostitute — she just hangs out with the prostitutes of Old Town, and protects them from the many horrible horrible people that live in Sin City, almost solely by killing them violently. She’s quiet — she never speaks — and fast, thanks to her roller skates, and I’m pretty sure she’s kills every single man she interacts with in Frank Miller’s Sin City comics, with the sole exception of Dwight, who apparently saved her from a group of Tong gangsters in the past.
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Although we don’t know for sure if Tomoe Gozen was a real historical figure or just a character in the Heike Monogatari , this female samurai was as beautiful as she was badass, and apparently she was quite beautiful. She was a “swordswoman worth a thousand,” and helped lead the general Minamoto no Yoshihara’s armies to victory over the Heike, taking more than a few of the enemy’s heads herself. Apparently she carried a massive, anime-esque sword, too. After the battle, she disappeared; some say she gave up the sword and became a nun, other than she married an enemy military commander.
Although the characters of Naruto are technically called ninja, they’re actually much closer to bizarre superheroes than anything like what is traditionally considered a ninja. They don’t wear black, they rarely sneak around, and basically everything they do is outright magic. So when I say that Tsunade is the greatest female ninja in Naruto, I mean that she has the ability to summon a giant talking slug that can split into thousands of tiny slugs which can heal people by attaching to them. She’s also just as powerful a warrior as she is a medic; she’s strong enough to literally split the ground apart with a single finger poke. In addition, she’s the fifth Hokage, the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, helped win the Second Shinobi World War, and despite being 50-years-old uses a special ninja technique to appear like a 20-something, and has a figure which pretty much prevents a truly safe Google Image Search for her.
5) Makie Otono-Tachibana, Blade of the Immortal
Trying to explain the insanely intricate plot of the Blade of the Immortal manga would take all day. The short version is that Makie was born into a samurai family, inherited her father’s skill with the sword, which caused her brother to commit suicide after discovering he could not beat her. In a series jam-packed with samurai and warriors, Makie is the top three, even beating out the protagonist Manji and the main antagonist Anotsu, whom Makie loves. Of course, she ends up dying from some lung disease, but she racked up an impressive body count before that, though.
Thanks to the myriad G.I. Joe continuities, the origin of Jinx varies wildly, but she’s always been Joe’s best (and only) female ninja. She’s part of the Arashikage ninja clan that trained Snake Eyes, is definitely related to Storm Shadow, and was specifically trained by the Blind Master, meaning she can fight equally well in the dark or blindfolded. In Renegades she’s the daughter of the Hard Master, Snake Eyes’ teacher; in the Devil’s Due comics she had a romance with fellow martial artist Budo; in the original Marvel comics she’s part of Ninja Force; and somewhere she started a bounty hunting business. Still, she’s a damn fine ninja.
Jiyu Nanohana appears to be an ordinary schoolgirl, but she’s anything but. She’s the descendant of the legendary samurai Jubei Yagyu, and she she puts on the mystical Lovely Eyepatch, she becomes the reincarnation of Jubei himself, with all his attendant sword-fighting skills. The Ryujoji clan, still smarting from having their champion killed by the real Jubei 300 years ago, keep sending out killers to take Jiyu out to regain their honor. Rest assured, having a heart-shaped eyepatch imbued with the spirit of one of Japan’s most powerful warriors is supposed to be a bit silly, although that doesn’t make Jubei-chan any less badass. And no, I have no idea why she's called "the Ninja Girl" when Jubei Yagyu was a samurai.
After her father, a Greek ambassador, was murdered, Elektra Natchios went to Japan to study martial arts. Unfortunately, she ended up studying with the evil mystical Hand ninja clan, so when she returned to the U.S. it was as a somewhat evil assassin. This didn’t stop her from having a romantic relationship with the superhero Daredevil, nor did it stop Bullseye, a very evil assassin, from killing her, mostly to screw with Daredevil. Since then she’s been resurrected, abducted by aliens, became leader of the Hand, split into good and evil people, and more, so she’s keeping busy.
When the Emperor orders Minamoto no Raiko to retrieves the legendary Magatama to lift the curse from the city of Kyoto, Raiko unfortunately gets sick. So his sister Hikaru disguises herself as her brother and performs the quest in his stead. She’s at Green Arrow/Hawkeye level with her bow and arrow, and defeats some seriously bad dudes along her journey. And then at some point everything switches to the present and she’s a high school student and a landlady. Otogi Zoshi is kind of weird.
Created by the team who also made Lone Wolf and Cub, Lady Snowblood makes that dark, superviolent samurai series look like Pokémon . Born in prison after her mother killed one of the four men who raped her, Oyuki’s sole purpose in life is to find and kill the other three men as horribly as possible. Seriously, her mother had sex with the prison guards, just to get pregnant, just to have a kid who could kill those fuckers. To fund her search, she’s also an assassin, accepting no more and no less than 1,000 yen per hit — most of whom end up being horrible men who abuse and mistreat women. She has no problem using her beauty and her body to deceive the bastards she’s been hired to eliminate, but in the end it’s the blade hidden in her umbrella that strikes the final blow. The manga inspired a live-action movie in 1973, and a recent scifi remake titled The Princess Blade .

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k Ninja no tanjō . Katsuya Yoshimaru, Yūji Yamada, 吉丸雄哉, 山田雄司 (Shohan ed.). 2017. pp. 168–170, 184. ISBN 978-4-585-22151-7 . OCLC 982054805 . {{ cite book }} : CS1 maint: others ( link )

^ Jump up to: a b Yamada, Yuji (2016). Ninja no Rekishi 忍者の歴史 . Kadokawa Gakugei Shuppan 角川学芸出版. 序章「忍者とは何か」.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Seiko Fujita , From Ninjutsu to Spy Warfare (忍術からスパイ戦へ). Higashi Shisha, 1942. pp 83.

Kunoichi ( Japanese : くノ一 , also くのいち or クノイチ ) is a Japanese cant term for "woman" ( 女 , onna ) . [1] [2] In popular culture, it is often used for female ninja or practitioner of ninjutsu ( ninpo ). The term was largely popularized by novelist Futaro Yamada in his novel Ninpō Hakkenden (忍法八犬伝) in 1964. [1]

Although kunoichi have appeared in numerous creative works, including novels, TV dramas, movies, and manga , Mie University historians have concluded that there are no historical records of female ninja performing reconnaissance and subversive activities in the same manner as their male counterparts. However, the late 17th century ninja handbook Bansenshukai describes a technique called kunoichi-no-jutsu (くノ一の術, "the ninjutsu of a woman") in which a woman is used for infiltration and information gathering, which Seiko Fujita considers evidence of female ninja activity.

The term is thought to derive from the names of characters that resemble the three strokes in the Japanese kanji character for "woman" ( 女 , onna ) in the following stroke order :

The word "kunoichi" was not used frequently in the Edo period . This is probably because in this era, the kanji letter "女" was not written in regular script but usually in cursive script , and the cursive script of "女" cannot be decomposed into "く", "ノ", and "一". [1]

Recent research by Mie University historians Yūji Yamada, Katsuya Yoshimaru, and others indicates that there are no historical records of the existence of female ninja who conducted reconnaissance and subversive activities in the same manner as their male counterparts. [1] [2] According to Yoshimaru, kunoichi came to mean "female ninja" in the creative works largely due to the influence of Futaro Yamada's Ninpōchō series. [1]

During the Edo period, kunoichi was used as a cant term to refer to a woman and had no meaning for a female ninja. However, the term has very few examples of usage, most likely because the writing style at the time was not composed of the three strokes attributed to kunoichi. [1]

The eighth volume of the ninja handbook Bansenshukai written in 1676 describes Kunoichi-no-jutsu (くノ一の術, the ninjutsu of a woman), which can be translated as "a technique to use a female". [1] The Bansenshukai compiles the knowledge of the ninja clans in the regions of Iga and Kōka . According to this document, the main function of the kunoichi was espionage, finding functions in enemy house services, to gather knowledge, gain trust or listen to conversations. [3] This "technique to use a female" was employed for infiltration purposes when it was difficult for a man to infiltrate. [1] [3] There is a technique in which a kunoichi uses a double-bottomed wooden chest to infiltrate a person into a building by telling the wife of the house that she is retrieving a wooden chest. Both of these techniques however are described as "techniques through the usage of a woman". [1] Seiko Fujita considers these techniques to be evidence of female ninja, [3] while Yoshimaru and Yamada consider female ninja not to have existed. [1]

A disputed historical example is Mochizuki Chiyome , a 16th-century noble descendant who was commissioned by warlord Takeda Shingen to recruit women to create a secret network of hundreds of spies. [3]

Another early mention of kunoichi exists in the poem compilation Enshūsenkuzuke by Waki Enshū from 1680, and was used to refer to Sei Shōnagon , a female poet. [1]

Iga FC Kunoichi , a women's football club which is based in the city of Iga, takes its name from the term.

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The Most Famous Female Ninja is Revealed: Mochizuki Chiyome
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While many have discussed the exploits of legendary male ninjas, less is publicly known about one of the most famous female ninjas of all time;
Mochizuki Chiyome was a kunoichi, a female ninja, that is the source of many stories throughout the history of ninjas in the feudal era of Japan.
While much of what is known about Mochizuki Chiyome is questionable due to the level of secrecy and misinformation utilized by ninjas, we shall dive into what facts are available.
Wife to a samurai in the Saku district of Shinano, Mochizuki Chiyome did not begin to take action with ninja organizations until after her husband perished.
According to the lore, she was approached by Takeda Shingen, leader of the Takeda Clan, and he requested of her to begin to find other females to build a secretive coalition of female ninjas and to train them in the ways of the ninja to strike back at various enemies.
Mochizuki Chiyome began this task by creating a front that appeared as though she were helping victims of the wars, orphaned little girls, prostitutes, and any other women who seem lost in life. The truth was that these were her initial recruits for the first female ninja organization. These were the first kunoichi.
She began to train these women and girls to collect information, seduce men with information when needed, pass on communications, and even administer poisons to specified targets. These women were also trained to act and behave as priestesses, prostitutes, or maids. This allowed the female ninjas to infiltrate different locations without coming under suspicion. Learning to act and apply disguises was another aspect of the training that these female ninjas went through.
One of the reasons these tactics were so effective was that the majority of men in that era drastically underestimated women and did not perceive them to be capable threats as they were. This led to massive amounts of information being leaked over time and many assassinations.
Some historians posit that Mochizuki Chiyome had grown her organization up to nearly three hundred different kunoichi. This organization gave the Takeda Clan a powerful advantage over their enemies.
Mochizuki Chiyome has also appeared as a character in various video games and anime shows. She also makes an appearance in a popular video game known as “Assassin’s Creed”.
It is also worth noting that there is a degree of historical dispute regarding Mochizuki Chiyome. While some historians assert that she never actually existed and was a name utilized by several different women, others also state that she existed but that her feeds were drastically exaggerated.
One might consider the possibility that Mochizuki Chiyome a was a powerful influence and proof that women could be utilized just as effectively as men, if not more so, in the arts of espionage and assassination.
Kevin started Kage Ninja Gear in 2009 and still runs it to this day. When asked about his company, he proudly states: “We do one thing and one thing only at Kage…we make kick-ass Ninja Uniforms!”
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