Female Medical

Female Medical


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1. an individual of the sex that produces ova or bears young.
female orgasmic disorder persistently delayed or absent orgasm in a female after a normal sexual excitement phase of adequate focus, intensity, and duration. See also male orgasmic disorder.
female sexual arousal disorder a sexual dysfunction involving failure by a female either to attain or maintain the lubrication and swelling response of sexual excitement during sexual activity, after adequate stimulation, causing significant distress or interpersonal difficulty. Both physiological (such as endocrine) and psychological factors may be involved. Formerly called frigidity. See also male erectile disorder.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
In humans, the gender that produces oocytes and bears the young.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
a. Of or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young.
b. Characteristic of or appropriate to this sex in humans and other animals: female hormones; female fashions.
c. Consisting of members of this sex. See Usage Note at lady.
2. Of or denoting the gamete that is larger and less motile than the other corresponding gamete. Used of anisogamous organisms.
a. Designating an organ, such as a pistil or ovary, that functions in producing seeds after fertilization.
b. Bearing pistils but not stamens; pistillate: female flowers.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
ZOOLOGY Denoting the gender that produces oocytes (or ova) and thus bears the young.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
Q. Is there any difference in male and female breast cancer patients?
A. Yes there are few differences found and they are male breast cancer develops at an older age, they are more frequently estrogen receptor positive compare to females, male breast cancer are found generally in high grade or advanced stage because the tissue of men is less as of women so by the time men identify it as cancer its grown to a high stage.
Q. can lypoma be cure with age of 45 female 100% i have lypoma at back between arm from long time my age is 45 also has problem of sorises let me know how can it be cured
A. Nothing is 100% in medicine, so no one can guarantee you anything. However, provided it's indeed lipoma (a benign tumor, not cancer which is called liposarcoma), then it's not suppose to cause any specific problems after it's removed surgically.

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Q. im looking to become a female for my lover i want to do this i have been wanting to do this all m life? I LOVE TO WARE DRESSES HIGH HELS MAKE UP AND SEXY BED ROOM CLOTHING TO .I HAVE A GRIL FRIEND AND A BOY FRIEND I LOVE THEM BOTH AND WE ALL THINK I SHOULD DO IT ?
A. They did have a question, it was what do we think they should do. I would say that this person needs to seek a professional opinion. Having a sex change is no laughing matter and take a lot of time. They have to first prove to a psychiatrist that this is how they want to live their life. Then they need to live as the gender they plan on changing to for a year.
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