Female Foot Slave

Female Foot Slave


Female Foot Slave
By: Goddess Lindsay

Many of you have probably read my last story "My brother, my slave" so now I'm

writing about another experience I had.

It was around 1 year after I made my brother my slave, by this point I had

another 2 male slaves because obviously one slave isn't enough to tend to my

needs. Anyway this story isn't about them.

It was winter and I decided to go shopping with a couple of friends, as it

was a cold day I wore jeans, pink ankle socks and a pair of brown ugg boots

(if you don't know what they are go to Google images). We spent all day

walking around the shops and then went for something to eat. We were finally

getting ready to go home when I remembered I had a pedicure appointment. Any

girls reading will know you wash your feet before going to get a pedicure as

it can be embarrassing if they smell. I had left it so late in the day I had

no time to go home and wash my feet and I knew they were going to smell

because I had been walking all day and they felt hot and sore. I didn't mind

too much though since I had been going to the same place for a pedicure for


I got there just in time and I was told to take a seat. The girl who usually

does my nails is named Jade, she has long brown hair a nice face and she's

slightly overweight (not fat). At the time Jade was 22years old and I was

18. Most of you probably know what I look like if not there's a link to my

pictures at the end of the story. Anyway I sat in the chair and started to

take my boots off when Jade came over "let me" she said as she got on her

knees to take my boots and socks off. I warned her that I had been on my

feet all day and they probably smell pretty bad, she laughed and told me she

really didn't mind. We started chatting about where I had been that day

while Jade was getting ready for my pedicure, I told her about what shops I

had been to and where I ate lunch. "you must be really tired" Jade said I

told her I was and that my feet were killing me, by this point jade was on

her knees with my beautiful feet on a towel on her lap. "How about a foot

massage before your pedicure?" jade asked as she stroked the top of my right

foot, "that would be great, how much is that?" I asked. Jade looked up at me

and said "for you..... Free". I didn't argue, I just sat back with a

magazine, lifted my right foot and said "start rubbing then" we both

laughed. She started by rubbing lotion all over my foot, then using her

thumbs she started with the heel and gave me the most amazing foot massage I'd

ever had. I felt so relaxed after 5minutes I had to stop reading the

magazine and just close my eyes. I felt as she rubbed every part of my feet

and even took time to give each toe special attention.

At least 30 minutes had gone by, I was still sitting with my eyes closed

when Jade said, in a lot softer quieter voice than she had spoke in earlier

"Lindsay, can I start your pedicure now?" I just smiled and said ok. She

knew exactly how I liked my nails so I didn't have to tell her to give me my

usual French pedicure. I'm not too keen on having colour on my toes I just

prefer a French pedicure. It didn't take long before she was finished. "perfect"

I said, we both looked at each other and smiled.

I picked up my socks and started to put them on when jade said "I feel

really bad now", I was confused... "You've just had a nice massage and your

toes look great now you have to put those boots back on and walk home". I

only lived 10 minutes walk so I didn't have my car with me, but she was

right I was going to have to put those smelly boots back on and walk all the

way home. "can I give you a lift home?" Jade said, I had known her for

around 2years so I agreed. I did have to walk to her car in my boots but I

took them off when I got inside. "Sorry if I stink up your car" I said, "its

fine, I'm just glad to help" she replied.

We got to my house and I thanked Jade for the pedicure and the massage, as I

was about to close her car door and walk into my house she stopped me and

said "anytime you need a free massage, I'm here!" I just smiled and walked

into my house. 1 of my male slaves was there waiting to take care of me but

this story isn't about them. As I was being pampered I started t think about

having Jade as a slave, I hadn't really thought about a female slave before.

I am bisexual so I'm attracted to men and women but a female slave was a new

idea to me.

It was 2 days later and I decided to go back for a "free massage" but I also

wanted to try and find out if I could make Jade into my first female slave.

I've found in the past that if someone has a submissive personality and I

boss them around or control them that it's easy to have them do almost

anything... maybe people just do that for me, I am Goddess Lindsay after all

So anyway I walked in wearing black open toe wedges, I sat in Jades chair

and started reading a magazine. Jade came over and I told her I was there

for a foot massage to which she replied "I can't my shift is over", I wasn't

taking no as an answer... "Well massage my feet and you can go" I said,

continuing to act like I was reading the magazine. I glanced up at her and

she looked really uncomfortable. I stretched my right foot out towards her

still with my shoes on and said "come on then"... It worked, she got on her

knees, took off my shoes and gave me another amazing foot massage. Once she

was done she asked me if next time it would be possible for me to go

earlier, before the end of her shift, "no" I said, she then went on to tell

me her boss wouldn't allow her to stay late every time. Great I thought,

"Well then you can come to my house next time" I said with a cheeky little

smile on my face. I just looked at her waiting for her response, "um... ok


She still wasn't my slave but we were making progress, I had seen her

submissive side now and I knew she would be mine.

I waited a couple of days before phoning her and telling her I wanted a foot

massage that night. She came to my front door, I let her in then I sat down

on my leather couch and put my feet on a matching foot stool. Jade got down

on her knees at my feet getting ready to give me a massage when I stopped

her. "Would you mind getting me a drink first?" I said, she agreed and like

a good little slave girl she went to get me a drink. When she came back she

handed me a glass of coke and got back on her knees. "needs ice" I said and

handed the drink back to her, yet again she did what she was told without

saying a word, I didn't even bother to thank her for it.

She spent just over an hour massaging my feet while I watched TV. I told her

I felt relaxed and she could stop. As she was getting ready to leave I said

"it's a shame I'm so relaxed, now I have to go make dinner" hinting that I

wanted her to make it for me. I waited to see if she had picked up on my

hint, then as jade was about to walk out the door she turned round, "why don't

you keep your feet up and ill make you dinner". "Perfect" I said, "you can

work out where everything is and I'm hungry so don't take too long" I

ordered, she didn't say a word. I could smell Jade cooking my dinner in the

next room, I started to get excited I had always been slightly attracted to

jade but having her as my slave would be amazing I though, Not just the fact

that she's my first female slave but she's also just over 4years older than

me! Once my dinner was ready jade brought it through to me and she stood

next to the wall as if she was waiting for me to tell her what to do next, I

noticed she didn't make anything for herself either, this was great. As I

sat there with my feet up eating my dinner I felt a little warm, "it's hot

in here" I said as I picked up a fan and started fanning myself. "may I?"

Jade said with her hand out "sure" I said and handed her the fan. So here's

the picture, I'm sitting back on a leather couch, my perfectly pedicured

feet relaxing on a foot stool, I'm eating a dinner which jade made for me

and watching T.V while she fanned me.

I finished eating and handed her the plate, she took it to the kitchen and

washed it. Once she was done she came back through and stood in the same

position she was before waiting for me to tell her what to do, "you can go"

I said without even looking at her or thanking her for anything she had

done. She got her things and left.

This happened one more time basically the same night, then the third time I

decided she was going to be more than a servant, I wanted a slave. I phoned

Jade and told her to come round to my house, before she arrived I decided to

go for a walk in the dirt in my back garden, barefoot. When jade got to my

house she stood in her usual position waiting to be told what to do, I put

my feet up on the foot stool, pointed at them and said "clean". Jade looked

puzzled as to how she was going to clean my feet so I continued "...with

your tongue". She got down on her knees and took a second to think, then as

ordered she started to lick my feet clean, "harder!" I shouted, "yes

Lindsay" she replied "from now on you will refer to me as Goddess Lindsay,

understand?" she didn't hesitate "Yes Goddess Lindsay", she continued to

lick my feet, starting from my heels and moving up to my toes then

in-between each toe.

From then on she was my foot slave. I trampled her in all sorts of shoes,

high heels, flats, barefoot, boots, wedges and whatever else I felt like. I

made her eat every meal from either the bottom of my feet or my shoes. No

longer did she only come round when I phoned, it was every day of the week.

To his day Jade serves me every day the only difference is now I have

another 4 male slaves.

Life is good when you're a Goddess

By Goddess Lindsay

You may email me or add me on msn, I enjoy all the slave attention.

Email: sexyygal@live.com

Me: www.photobucket.com/PrincessLindsay
I loved this story! I especially enjoy stories about dominant Women enslaving submissive women. I hope You will share more stories with us.

Thank You, Goddess Lindsay!
Good story but I never read any of your other stories. It says this was your first post. Post them if you have them! Thanks.
ops thought i posted my first experience here lol

here's how i turned my bro into my slave enjoy

I have a brother named Sean, we lived together with our 2 parents in a big

house, in a nice area. We were like any other brother and sisters, we'd

fight and argue like brother and sisters do. When I was about 16 I started

noticing that my shoes were being move, was it just me? Had I moved them and

just forgot? I decided not to say anything at the risk of looking stupid.

It was my day to collect everyone's washing from their washing baskets in

there room. When I came to take washing from my older brother Sean (who was

17 at the time) I found a pair of my socks in his washing basket. It seems

obvious now but at the time I didn't put 2 and 2 together.

I didn't think much of the socks being in the washing basket, maybe it was

just a mistake? Again I didn't want to say anything at the risk of looking


About 2 weeks went by and it was the school holidays, Our parents still had

to work so we were home alone from 7:30 in the morning until 6:00 at night.

I regularly go out and today I decided to go shopping with friends of mine,

I was wearing black flats with no socks because it was a nice day.

When I got home only my older brother Sean was home watching TV in the

living room. I walked in, put my bags down and lay on the opposite couch

from him. I then used my right foot to take my left shoe off and then the

same with the right shoe.

I then said to Sean in a soft voice "my feet hurt" to which I got the usual

response "No one cares!".

I said "I'm going for a shower, ill be a while so if someone phones tell

them ill phone back later"

To which Sean replied "shhh I cant hear the TV" It may seem nasty but that's

the way we were.

I then went upstairs, went into the bathroom, turned on the shower and

realised I had forgotten the body wash I had just bought.

I went down the stairs and to my shock there was Sean kneeling on the floor

with my shoes on the couch. I thought I'd watch for a second to see what he

does, all of a sudden he started to smell inside my shoes, kiss them and

eventually lick them.

I didn't know how to feel, freaked out? Disgusted? Horrified? But no my

first thought was of how I'm going to make Sean suffer.

I still needed my body wash so I quietly walked back upstairs, then down

again making as much noise as possible so Sean would hear me coming. When I

entered the living room this time my shoes were back on the floor and Sean

was on the couch as if nothing had happened.

I spent the rest of the night thinking of how I could use what I had seen

the day before. I didn't want to just force him to do what I wanted through

blackmail, I wanted to tease him a little first.

The next day I went out again, wearing the same shoes I had worn the day

before (black flats with no socks) I didn't do a lot of walking but I knew

that my feet usually smell when I don't wear socks.

When I came home, yet again my brother was watching TV but this time he was

sitting on the floor with his back leaning on a couch, "perfect" I thought.

I lay on the couch Sean was leaning on and like the day before I said "my

feet hurt" only to get to the same response I did last time "no one cares".

I then asked him to take my shoes off because I was too tired to do it

myself (I wasn't really).

He just said no but I could see it was making him uncomfortable. Still

laying on the couch I put my right foot on his lap and said "please Sean, my

feet are really sore", It worked! He slipped my shoe right off, I could see

how careful he was and how gently he put my shoe on the floor. I then put my

other foot on his lap and smiled, he slipped my shoe off without me having

to ask.

Now as you already know I just wanted to tease him for now so I took my feet

off his lap and put them back on the couch. About 10mins later I decided to

tease him a little more by putting feet back on his lap and asking if he

liked my toe nails, he said he didn't know, I said "you must know if you

like them or not?" I lifted my feet up so they were right in front of his

face, I could smell the sweet salty smell of my sweaty feet from where I was

sitting, I can only imagine how strong it was for him! He told me that my

toe nails were "fine" so I put my feet back on the couch. They were sill

next to his head and every so often I could see him look over at my feet. I

had gotten a pedicure a few days before so my feet looked great.

Later that day me and Sean were both on separate couches watching TV, I was

still laying there with bare feet. I asked Sean if he could get me a drink,

as I expected he said no so I gave him the line again "but my feet are

really sore" in a soft sad voice to which he replied "Do I look like your

slave?, No shh then"

We both knew he dreamt of being my slave.

The next day I took every chance I got to dangle my shoes, in front of him

and flex my toes, every time I could see him watching my feet as if he was

in love but he was obviously too shy or embarrassed to do what I said at

this point.

Every night I massage moisturizer into my feet, to keep them feeling soft

and healthy. Instead of doing it on my own in the bathroom as usual, I

decided to take it into the living room. I sat down and said to Sean

"Massage my feet" in a sweet voice while holding the moisturiser out towards

him, I could see it made him very uncomfortable when he replied saying "ye

right" in a very sarcastic voice.

I had an idea "Lets play 1 game of the cards, I win you massage my feet.

deal?" to which Sean replied "what if I win?" I agreed to clean his room if

he won.

Sean plays cards a lot and I'd only ever beaten him once so I knew if he

lost it was because he wanted to massage my feet.

So we played and as I thought, I won. Sean acted disappointed and said "play

again?!?" I agreed to play again with higher stakes. This time if I won, he

has to massage my feet every night for a week and if I lost I'd clean his

room for a week.

Yet again I won. I handed Sean the moisturising cream, sat in the single

chair, put my feet up on the foot stool, wiggled my toes and said "start

rubbing!". Sean didn't say a word, he walked over in front of the foot

stool, got on his knees and started massaging my right foot. I sat back in

the chair and just relaxed, giving him orders every so often "harder",

"little higher" and I let him know how good it felt by saying things like

"that's the spot" and "That feels good".

He spent around 40mins massaging my feet without saying a word. It was a

great massage but im sure he enjoyed it more than me!

When he was done he went back to the couch, I was enjoying it too much to

let him stop there. Call it a power rush. I asked him to get my slippers

(which were pink and fluffy) Sean said no, but after I told him that the

moisturizer was still wet and that if I walked in my bare feet it would all

come off he went to get my slippers.

When he came back I decided to humiliate him some more so I smiled and said

"Good boy, now put them on my feet" then I wiggled toes again and without

saying a word he put them on my feet.

I could see he was gradually becoming my slave but I still had a lot more

teasing to do before he was completely mine. The next day I went into Sean's

room, he was sitting in his chair with his feet up. Now usually no one can

go into his room without being thrown out so I decided to test him. I went

in and lay on his bed like I owned the place. Sean told me to get out so I

quickly said "looking forward to my foot massage?
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