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Laura cried when she saw her name appear on the TV. She had won the lottery of future subjects of entertainment executions. A mere 19 years of age, she now confronted death.

It was barely five minutes after the announcement was made that military officers appeared at her door, and escorted her to a secret prison facility in an unmarked prison van. She cried the whole way there. In this moment, there was nothing she regretted more than entering the lottery. But she had needed the money.

Fresh out of high school, her parents refused to pay for college or provide their beautiful daughter with a place to call home. So Laura had few options. Without an education, she wouldn’t survive long in the unforgiving world. Therefore, she entered the execution lottery. And now it was her turn to be put to death.

As the van pulled closer to the gates, Laura could read the words “Federal Termination Facility Foxtrot” inscribed on the sign outside the electric fence. The gates swung open, admitting the van within the compound. The van pulled up to a large concrete building and Laura was pulled from the vehicle. A black hood was immediately drawn over her head, concealing part of her long, silky, brown hair. After being escorted down a maze of halls, she finally reached the cell assigned to her. Once the hood was removed, she could see up and down the hall, lined with hundreds of occupied cells. Each cell contained a young lady, much like herself. They were all naked, officially to prevent them from concealing any weapons or tools to escape, but unofficially, it was to acclimate them to public nudity, for they would be unclad during their executions. Laura’s cell door was slid open and Laura thrust inside. A guard followed her in and ordered her to face the wall. She complied and he proceeded to forcefully strip her down to her lingerie, which he told her she was permitted to wear until her first “tribulation session” as he called it. Laura had not the slightest clue as to what that might be, but she was certain it was not to be pleasant.

The next day Laura awoke to a loud banging on her cell door. A single guard opened it and ordered her to stand up. He then proceeded to handcuff her and lead her down the long hallway. Laura saw that everyone's eyes were following her with a look of pity and terror. As Laura and her escort got closer to their destination, she could hear muffled screams of agony. They became louder the longer the pair walked. Finally, they reached an unoccupied room. Laura was forced inside and forced to lay on her back on the metal table in the center of the room. Her hands and ankles were restrained to the table by metal rings protruding from it. A different guard approached her and began to speak.

“Execution Subject number 4421.” He began “You will be executed in four days time. This is not your execution. At this time, you will be subjected to pain in order to prepare you for your execution. Now, please remember that this will not kill you.” The solemn officer continued The purpose of this is to increase your endurance so that you will last longer, so to speak, during your actual termination.”

With that, he reached down and grabbed Laura’s panties and produced a pair of scissors. He then cut off the panties, leaving her clean shaven pudendum exposed. He did the same with her pink bra, allowing her firm breasts to be fully appreciated by any onlooker. Then, two more guards walked up to her and began to prepare her for the agony she would soon experience. They inserted a metal rod into both her butt and vagina, and clipped wires to her nipples. Then, the two men retreated to opposite corners of the room.

Without any warning, electricity began to shoot through Laura’s naked body. She let out an ear splitting scream and thrashed about on the table. The pain continued for several more minutes before it became even more dreadful, and Laura’s cries became even louder. Finally, after what felt like hours, the pain stopped and Laura was allowed to return to her cell.

This routine continued for the next few days. On the fourth day however, Laura awoke to see four guards at her door. They entered the cell and grabbed her, once again handcuffing her and this time throwing a hood over her head. They walked for an eternity until they reached a room Laura had never seen.

When the hood was removed, Laura saw a metal room with a TV camera in the front, facing the center of the room. Next to it was a small TV, where execution subjects could watch the live broadcast of their deaths. Laura was led in and her hands were tied to the ceiling above her head in the center of the room. The ropes slowly pulled her up until she dangled a few inches off the ground. After this was complete, a guard addressed her and told her that this was her execution. He said that, fortunately for her, this was a “kid friendly episode”, meaning that there would be no blood involved. Laura let out a sigh of relief. This ruled out being shot to death, which was one of Laura’s greatest fears. She was then told that she would be hung. The chief execution technician had decided that this would produce the longest possible execution for her, at an estimated 19 minutes 30 seconds. Once the way in which she would die was announced, the guards began to set up for her hanging. A box was placed under her feet, allowing her to stand, but only barely. There was another rope attached to the box, presumably so she could be autonomously executed without anyone else in the room. Her hands were released from the ropes above her head and handcuffed behind her back, but only after a noose was wrapped around her neck.

After five more minutes of preparation, the guards left the room and Laura was left alone. For a while she stood in silence, shivering at the thought of her own impending death. Finally, after several more minutes, the TV came on. She had seen the execution show before and knew what to expect from the commentators. They began by talking about the subject and making bets on how long she would last. They commented on her physical appearance and informed the audience of the procedure for the hanging. She would be suspended by the neck roughly a foot off the ground until she suffocated. They told the audience that it was likely that she would urinate during the process. For some women that meant they had died, for others, it was simply a reflex from suffocation. After their “pregame” analysis, the main event began. Live images of Laura in the execution chamber appeared on the screen. She tried to smile. After five more minutes, a countdown appeared on the screen. “Three-two-one!”

The box beneath her feet was violently removed and Laura was left dangling by her neck. She tried to yell for help but only emitted a faint gurgle. Unable to control herself, she began to pee everywhere as she spun in circles suspended by the rope. She kicked and thrashed in a futile attempt to relieve the pressure on her neck. Suddenly everything began to go black. Laura continued to spray urine. As she was nearing her death, a man entered the room and inserted a metal ball into her rectum. She wanted to moan, but couldn’t. After he left, the ball began to emit electricity, making her thrash more violently than ever before. The electricity caused pain more excruciating than any of her torture sessions and the guards had no intention of hastening her death. Infact, the electricity almost gave her new life, and when it stopped, she once again realized the noose around her neck and her inability to breath. The electricity would randomly make itself present and go away almost in an instant. Laura began to urinate again, and this time she knew it was the end. The pain began to fade, and all she could think about was her inexplicable will to breath again, knowing she would never be afforded the opportunity. After a single failed attempt to draw a final breath, her body went limp and gently swayed from the ceiling.

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Execution Of A Prostitute copyright 2007 Kurt Rellians
A piece of fictional writing from the perspective of a ‘progressive minded’ female teacher, being executed for the crime of Prostitution, in an Arab dictatorship, based on Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in the years just before the Invasion of 2003. I wrote this in 2004, based loosely on what I imagined might be the state of affairs in Iraq before the invasion, motivated by some news reports I had heard from those pre invasion times. I understand a crackdown on Prostitution in Iraq did occur in and around 2001, in which Saddam’s Fedayeen executed prostitutes by cutting their heads off. There were probably some (or many?) female political opponents who were labelled prostitutes in order to dispose of them.
This piece is a part of my fictional ‘Peace Movement’ project, which is some writings projecting a depressing future/present scenario in which an Arab dictatorship and other middle eastern political and religious groups become very powerful and begin to influence life in the West more directly.
“I thought the regime had some ideas right. They wanted to modernise, and in those days they ignored religion. They did not even talk to it. Shiite mullahs and Sunni clerics alike were ignored when they dared to speak. In those days they were irrelevant, not a part of the future. They wanted our country to be strong, one day, perhaps soon, they envisaged some form of unification or combination with other Arab states. They were not interested in pan Islamicisation except as some political counter balance against the western powers. There was no real religious angle. They were modernisers, socialists, idealists, and they wanted justice for the Arab people. Of course it went wrong from the start. The ruthless were the ones who got things done. They were the ones who got the most power. Eventually one of them was in a position to take total power. He was evil and egocentric, suspicious and more ruthless than all the rest. He became the top dog, used the state as his personal fiefdom, for himself and his family and those supporters whom he promoted. He became a kind of Emperor, in a state which was supposed to be modernising.
“I was alright in those days before religion became serious politics again. We women were educated in larger numbers than ever before. We were educated to do proper jobs; the state needed all the manpower and womanpower it could raise for its production projects and its economic enlargement. Modern women like me were encouraged and wanted because we were willing to learn. I became a teacher to pass on knowledge to the young generation who were our hope. We taught also that the Party was necessary and good, as well as practical things.
“But the party and the state has changed in more recent years. Religion is now a key component of the state. Religion is seen as a way to court popularity, a kind of insurance policy in which religion is used to save the country when it becomes endangered. Support can be gained from the man in the street, from foreign nations and journalists because the religion gives the state legitimacy, and honour, and binds support from different communities.
“I know there is no way out now. I am kneeling in one of the main thoroughfares of Baghdad, out in the open where anyone can see my last moments. This is not done merely because our ruler is cruel and his sons enjoy death. It is done as a warning to everyone, all citizens; to mothers not to let their daughters become independent and think for themselves, to be romantics or worse, whores like the citizens of our enemies; to younger women of our ages not to believe too closely in the books we have read, of a society where women do not have to follow the orders of their elders, where they can control their own destinies, where their minds are truly free to adopt the unencumbered lifestyles of their choice; to men not to take westernised ‘whores’ into their marital beds; and all citizens to avoid contact with dangerous people whose existence somehow threatens the great leader and his regime.
“I am not alone. Five other women also labelled prostitutes are to die with me. As far as I am aware not a single one of us has actually committed anything which could be construed as prostitution. I suppose that it is possible that one or more of us may have been such, for it is not publicly admired by the regime and is offensive to Islam which has recently been elevated to being the official philosophy and guide of the nation. I have not admitted to the torturers and guards that on trips to the West and even to other places in the Arab Nation I have indeed more than once entered into unmarried relationships with men I have not intended to marry, and have not known before. This has happened a number of times, and I have found my sense of being an attractive and independent woman to have been enhanced on each occasion. In London and Paris such behaviour was commonplace, and an attractive woman, as I found myself to be, was frequently offered potential romance, and became quite used to rejecting attentions from males, almost without thought. I met some very nice men in Europe, and on more than one occasion avoided a proposal of marriage which would have propelled me away from my homeland and all the people who meant the most to me, but would have saved me from this pathetic fate. I wanted to do more for my own people. I wanted progress in our country. I thought I could do more for the good, here in my pitiful land. Instead I have become a target of the mindless anti Westernism which pervades our propaganda today. I die in the service of our master’s paranoia, to satisfy him that all enemies of the state are rooted out, to spread fear among all who do not conform.
“I do not know well the other women who are with me. We have not been allowed to mix although we have been held in the same prison. I do not know the finer details of their stories, some of them I know not at all. Maybe some of them have been prostitutes, but I doubt it. They are cultured aspiring middle class women like myself, as far as I can detect from their bearing. All are well educated, too well educated it seems. The educated are now a threat to the regime. It has been so at times in the past. But for a long time the state encouraged education, among women as well as men.
“The regime tars us with being prostitutes, the worst description Islam has for women, and yet this regime loves prostitutes. All of its servants prostitute themselves to the master’s cause, for money and position, for survival. The regime loves those whose profession is traditional prostitution. The male members of the ruling caste in the military and the family of the dictator use prostitutes widely. They entice or order young beauty from the streets into their beds, giving their families money in exchange for the loss of honour. I do not see the regime executing real prostitutes. They are all hypocrites, just as their religion is a sham. The dictator’s espousal of Islam is purely to sanctify him in the eyes of his people, to lend legitimacy, to give him the divine right. Anything can be made honourable if it is done in the name of Islam. My execution is done in the name of Islam, although I am no prostitute. My disapproval of what our state has become is my crime. The label against me is a bare lie to give the state a reason for my execution.”
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