Female Ejaculation Where Does It Come Out

Female Ejaculation Where Does It Come Out


Female Ejaculation Where Does It Come Out

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Ashley Mateo has over a decade's worth of experience covering fitness, health, travel, and more for publications including the WSJ, Men's Journal, Women's Health, and more.

Female ejaculation has something of a mythical reputation when it comes to sexual health topics. Everyone has questions: Can a vagina actually ejaculate like a penis? If it can, is that even normal? And what comes out, anyway? To get answers, we reached out to sex experts, who separated the myths from the facts.

Put simply, "vaginal ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid through the urethra during sexual arousal (but not necessarily orgasm)," New York–based sex educator Corinne Kai tells Health .

Does that mean vaginas can ejaculate? Well, that is why the phenomenon is colloquially known as squirting. But "what women define as 'ejaculation' varies widely, and there is no accepted scientific standard for qualifying as female ejaculation by the volume or speed of the expulsion," Nicole Prause, PhD, a sex researcher at UCLA, tells Health .

So while one person might experience more of a forceful stream of liquid, another might feel a gushing sensation. "The fluid amount tends to range between 30 and 150 milliliters," says Kai, which can be just a drop of liquid or so much that you soak your bedsheets. "Sometimes people don't even realize they ejaculated until they move and see a wet spot, while others can feel when it's happening," she adds. "It depends on your body."

The first major study that looked into squirting back in 2014 determined the liquid was actually pee. Yep, "the fluid comes from the bladder," says Prause. Researchers found urea, creatinine, and uric acid concentrations—all major components of urine—in the excretions of all seven study participants. (Keep in mind that's a tiny sample size, and it's hardly considered representative of half the world's population).

But the ejaculate is also not pee. "Many have argued that squirting isn't real and that people who experience this just need to go to the bathroom before sex," says Kai. "It is released through your urethra, but it's been found to resemble enzymes found in male prostate fluid. " The male prostate gland sits between the bladder and penis and secretes fluid to help nourish sperm.

While the liquid may contain small amounts of urine, additional research suggests that the milky white fluid comes from the Skene's glands, which are "tucked inside the wall of your vagina near the urethra sponge, right at the G-spot," says Kai. "The location explains why sensations along this erogenous zone have been associated with vaginal ejaculation."

Male ejaculate delivers sperm to the female reproductive system, and procreation depends on it. But scientists aren't quite sure of the purpose of the Skene's glands, which are also known as the female prostate. Nor do they understand the reason women ejaculate.

"There have been many studies done about whether or not vaginal ejaculation is related to the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, but none have been proven," says Kai. "However, some researchers have found that vaginal ejaculation could provide a secretion that could protect against UTIs or even contain antimicrobial components like zinc."

If you believe the multitude of squirting videos that exist on porn websites, it certainly seems so. "I suspect that 'female ejaculation' is portrayed as a way to suggest that the female performers are actually turned on," says Prause. Thanks to their availability on porn sites, female ejaculation has become somewhat of a novelty—and also something many women think they should be able to do.

Yet only 10 to 50 percent of women experience "involuntary ejaculation," according to the International Society for Sexual Medicine. Because "we don't know how this expulsion is triggered, it's impossible to know at this time whether some women may be more or less prone to experience it," says Prause.

So despite what porn would have you believe, not every person with a vagina can or will experience ejaculation. "Sex researchers [believe] that G-spot stimulation increases the probability of being able to experience ejaculation, and sex coaches have said that it can be learned," says Kai. "It's likely that the sensation before vaginal ejaculation holds people back from releasing their muscles and allowing it to happen. It can feel like you have to pee right before vaginal ejaculation, which is linked to a lot of shame or embarrassment in people not wanting to pee on their partners."

If you have never ejaculated but want to give it a try, it certainly can't hurt. At the very least, you'll get a lot of pleasure out all the G-spot stimulation, and if you are able to ejaculate, it might be a turn-on for you (or your partner). But as novel as the idea of squirting may seem, remember this: No research has linked female ejaculation to better sex. Your pleasure in bed definitely doesn't depend on your ability to ejaculate or not.

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Female Ejaculation: What It Is and How It Occurs

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One of the taboos on women’s sexuality is female ejaculation. There is so much ignorance around this topic that many of us still don’t know if we really ejaculate when we have had an orgasm.
The truth is. female ejaculation is not a myth . Although not all women produce it, it exists and it has nothing to be ashamed of, for as in men, it is completely natural. We explain everything about women’s ejaculation.
Studies on female ejaculation and the opening of this topic have occurred only a few years ago in comparison with our long history, because this topic, like many others that revolve around the sexual life of women, had not had enough importance or attention until now. But with the women’s struggle for equality has also come a openness and new knowledge about our sexuality that we must not waste.
We started talking about female ejaculation because a significant group of women decided to confess that when they had sexual intercourse, at the time of orgasm they were expelling a liquid similar to male ejaculation. Thanks to the concerns of these women more than any other porn scene, real research on female ejaculation began to happen.
The reality is that research has shown that female ejaculation does exist even if not all women produce it or do so in the same way. In addition, the conclusion is that if we can ejaculate is thanks to the female prostate and its Skene glands.
Female ejaculation is a secretion that is expelled at the moment of orgasm or after this, through two ducts located very close to the urinary meatus and belonging to the female prostate. This millimeter distance between our prostate ducts and urinary meatus is what many may think is urine, but they are two totally different liquids.
In case you are still in doubt, this liquid, which is the female ejaculation, does not come out of the vagina either, as you might have thought. To sum up, female ejaculation is neither urine, nor does it come out of the vagina, but rather is expelled through two small ducts of the prostate. located next to the urinary meatus.
Female ejaculation is a liquid that, depending on the woman, can be sometimes more watery and sometimes bulkier or thicker. Its color is very light or a little white so it looks different than urine, and is almost odorless and tasteless. However, you know that every woman is a world, so this may vary a little. This liquid is also different from the secretion we have with excitation, whose purpose is to lubricate.
Female ejaculation is composed of almost all the same elements as male ejaculation except, of course, sperm. The amount we can ejaculate is different for each woman, as well as its watery or thick texture.
Women can ejaculate just like men. | Unsplash
So far we have explained to you that female ejaculation exists, that its composition is similar to that of a man, that it is not urine and that it is not expelled either through the vagina or through the urethra, but through the bifid ducts of the female prostate, which is in charge of producing ejaculation.
We have named the female prostate several times, but the truth is that many women did not even know we had it. The truth is. women have our own prostate. and, by way of a curious fact, it is thanks to this that men can develop their own prostate, because it is the embryonic structure of the prostate that they need to develop it: the fetal substrate is female.
The female prostate is formed from a set of glands called Skene glands, whose function is related to urethral lubrication and female ejaculation . They are located around the urethra, which is the tube through which urine passes from the bladder to the outside, and about 2 cm from the entrance to the vagina. It also has a bifid duct located on both sides of the urinary meatus, which functions as its exit to the outside, so that is where the ejaculation is expelled.
Because the prostate is rooted to the urethra, it is possible that many women feel the urge to urinate when they ejaculate and that’s why we try to hold him consciously or unconsciously. When this happens, female ejaculation happens, but instead of being pushed outward, it is pushed inward. This means that the prostatic fluid is directed towards the bladder and is then expelled through the urine.
One of the most common questions is whether all women can have female ejaculation . From a physiological point of view, all our bodies are designed and have the biological components to do so (although the amount and texture of ejaculation is different in each woman).
What happens is that there are still many women who live their sexuality with taboos, mysteries and prohibitions that do not allow them to really enjoy their sexual life, to the point that there are women who have never had an orgasm . If we women give ourselves permission to enjoy sexual relations, pleasure and know our body, it is possible to reach orgasm and female ejaculation.
In fact, there are theories that say that women when we already know about female ejaculation and how it works, if at the time we are near the orgasm we feel like urinating and instead of holding on to it we let it out, actually what is going to happen is that we are going to ejaculate. And you, have you experienced it?
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