Female Ejaculation In Panties

Female Ejaculation In Panties


Female Ejaculation In Panties
What happens when you cum in your underwear and don’t change them?
Sex Educator · Author has 8.9K answers and 151.5M answer views · 4 y ·
What is it like to cum in your own underwear as a teenage boy?
How many teen boys ejaculate in their underwear?
Will parents notice if you cum in your underwear?
Is it wrong to masturbate with and cum in my mom's underwear?
Is it ok to masturbate in your underwear?
I have masturbated to orgasm well over 20,000 times · Author has 826 answers and 1.8M answer views · 8 mo ·
What is it like to cum in your own underwear as a teenage boy?
How many teen boys ejaculate in their underwear?
Will parents notice if you cum in your underwear?
Is it wrong to masturbate with and cum in my mom's underwear?
Is it ok to masturbate in your underwear?
If I masturbate in my pants and leave it for the night are there chances of me having AIDS or something else?
Should I change my underwear after I masturbate?
Has anyone cum in their sister’s panties?
If I masturbate and leave it in my underwear for about 6 days, will I get HPV or any diseases? I'm almost 13.
Do ladies post pictures of their panties that they have cum into?
Is cumming in my mom’s panties and putting them back okay?
Do you like his cum leaking into your panties?
What does dried cum look in panties?
Do you like cum in panty and wear it soaked wet?
What is it like to cum in your own underwear as a teenage boy?
How many teen boys ejaculate in their underwear?
Will parents notice if you cum in your underwear?
Is it wrong to masturbate with and cum in my mom's underwear?
Is it ok to masturbate in your underwear?
If I masturbate in my pants and leave it for the night are there chances of me having AIDS or something else?
Should I change my underwear after I masturbate?
Has anyone cum in their sister’s panties?
If I masturbate and leave it in my underwear for about 6 days, will I get HPV or any diseases? I'm almost 13.
Do ladies post pictures of their panties that they have cum into?
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Question answered: What happens when you cum in your underwear and don’t change them? If you just walk around like that, is it going to just dry? Is it going to smell?
Assuming you don’t put three or four Kleenex tissues in your underwear before you cum, your semen will flow directly onto the fabric and you’ll feel a bit wet for nearly an hour while it completely dries.
As it’s drying, the feeling of wetness will warm up to body temperature. And depending on the volume of semen, your drying time may vary.
Once your semen is completely dry, your underwear will start to feel a
Question answered: What happens when you cum in your underwear and don’t change them? If you just walk around like that, is it going to just dry? Is it going to smell?
Assuming you don’t put three or four Kleenex tissues in your underwear before you cum, your semen will flow directly onto the fabric and you’ll feel a bit wet for nearly an hour while it completely dries.
As it’s drying, the feeling of wetness will warm up to body temperature. And depending on the volume of semen, your drying time may vary.
Once your semen is completely dry, your underwear will start to feel a bit stiff - like a starched dress shirt, more or less.
It won’t smell at all unless you put your nose directly into it. Your underwear can easily be cleaned simply by throwing it into the washing machine with the rest of your clothes. This is a fairly common occurrence for guys worldwide so I wouldn’t worry about it in the least.
I am sort of wondering if you mean deliberately or inadvertently.
If you inadvertently ejaculate in your underwear in a time and place where you cannot change them, you might at least try to find a bathroom quickly where you could clean up some of the semen with toilet paper or hand towels if the bathroom has them. Paper towels are preferable since they don’t fall apart as easily. You could also line the inside of your underwear with paper towels or toilet paper to help absorb any residual semen. You could, of course, just jettison your underwear in the trash can and go without. In either case,
I am sort of wondering if you mean deliberately or inadvertently.
If you inadvertently ejaculate in your underwear in a time and place where you cannot change them, you might at least try to find a bathroom quickly where you could clean up some of the semen with toilet paper or hand towels if the bathroom has them. Paper towels are preferable since they don’t fall apart as easily. You could also line the inside of your underwear with paper towels or toilet paper to help absorb any residual semen. You could, of course, just jettison your underwear in the trash can and go without. In either case, If you act quickly, you will minimize the amount of obvious stain on your outer garment, although this may not be much at all anyway - the typical ejaculation varies between about a quarter teaspoon and 2 teaspoons, depending on a number of factors, so it is not a lot. The smell will almost certainly not be noticeable until well after it dries. If you cannot change any time soon and it dries, your underwear will tend to get a bit stiff, but if you are moving around this will be minimized as well. Just change when you can.
If you have a nocturnal emission (wet dream) and you wake up, you can get up and change if you really want to, or just wait until morning.
What if you want to do this deliberately, as a LOT of men do.
Not long after I had begun masturbating at age 13, for whatever reason I decided to just jerk off in my underwear when I had my nightly pre-sleep orgasm. (In my teens I masturbated an average of about 5 times per day.) I discovered that I really liked the way it felt as my underwear got all gooey - it seemed very naughty!
But then I had a problem. I did not want to put my underwear in the wash where my mother would see what I did. After a little consideration of the problem, I decided to stuff my soiled underwear between one of the wooden slats and the box springs of my bed.
The next night, I pulled my underwear with the dried semen from its hiding place, put them on, and did it again. The next night, again. Within a few days, they had developed a distinct odor, and the odor then became a sexual arousal trigger. To this day, almost 60 years later, I still get horny merely from the smell of dried semen.
There is a lot more to this tale of hiding the gooey underwear, but suffice it to say that ever since those early days, I have enjoyed cumming in or on my underwear. Although this is not one of my major masturbation activities, it is perhaps about 1% of the total.
One thing I particularly liked to do in the past, although my refractory period is too long to do this easily any more, Is to cum in my panties (I have normally worn women’s panties for many years now) multiple times in one night. Just before going to sleep, I would masturbate in my panties, then fall asleep still wearing them, goo and all. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I jerked off again before going back to sleep. Twenty years ago I could do this about four, maybe five times in one night. Today, in my early 70s, twice is usually all I can manage, but I still love to do it.
I have lots of other kinds of fun with undergarments of various types, but that will have to be for another time.

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One of the most abundant and widespread carnivores that is very versatile and adaptable and has successfully colonized urban areas. When mating the male and female will lock as the fox semen is very slow moving and the male's penis needs to expand to stop the pair separating before ejaculation as seen here.
Today I am going to talk about Hazel's sex life! Oh yes, and fascinating it is too. The Hazel tree is monoecious, i.e. it has different male and female flowers on the same plant. The male catkins dandle down full of pollen ready to explode in a crescendo with the tiny delicate female flower receptive and all sticky ready to receive. In woods of birch and hazel if you are lucky you may see the spectacular ejaculation, a thick mist of pollen is released in synchronicity looking like fog enveloping the forest. The female ovaries then swell over the summer until autumn when the ripe fruit is ready to be plucked. So, here is the male catkins...................
Yes, they're in a reproductive mood. But differently than you might think.
In flies, the female pokes her ovipositor into the seminal organ of the male; female is on the left in the photo, the male right. Once there, sperm ejaculate is forced into it, and she stores it until her eggs are ready to be ovideposited.
The Act is quite a feat: it usually takes at least 20 minutes and can last up to two hours. Ejaculative Time by the male is about 9 minutes. It has been claimed by entomologists that the time between those 9 minutes and those two hours shows that these Beasties enjoy what they're doing.
But I'm as much fascinated by the colors!
Listen! there are guys who last for a minute and who satisfy their lovers with all the things they do rather than just intercourse alone
Police Lieutenant Freya Vilulf seethed quietly, as she walked through the museum crime scene. The statuesque blonde’s face betrayed no emotion as she cursed her lot pretending to be a mortal police officer assigned to ‘smooth’ over supernatural events to the humans. As one of the Valkyrja or Valkyrie as the legendary choosers of the slain, she would rather be in the thick of battle than navigating mortal city politics with the supernatural community. Alas, she thought, it was her duty that brought her here and her devotion to duty meant she would excel at it, regardless of her desires. The Supernaturals tried to keep a low profile, but someone or something threw around enough magic last night, that even the ‘normals’ noticed the event.
Freya turned her attention back toward Detective Marcus Strong, who was jotting notes down as he examined the crime scene. For a human, the tall black man was a superlative detective with a talent for investigation and an honest desire to help others. Detective Strong experienced enough inexplicable situations and events to be aware of the supernatural, or as he put it ‘spooky shit’ but he was unaware of what Freya truly was.
Freya stepped up to the detective, “Got any theories Detective?”
Marcus glanced at his gorgeous boss, with only the hint of a rakish smile as he knew the woman was a ball buster with uncanny skill at unarmed combat. “Yes, but it doesn’t make sense. We have missing Egyptian mummies, several priceless artifacts and one missing professor Malinda Aeon. We have evidence on the altar of multiple sex acts with both male and female ejaculation. So, Professor Aeon has an orgy at work and then runs off with the exhibit?”
Marcus walked around the altar, “The professor was having a very good time, so I don’t see her motivation to rob the exhibit she was working on and have an orgy in the middle of the heist.” The detective pointed at the debris around the room. “My gut tells me the professor was interrupted, in flagrante delicto by whoever pulled the heist. As no one has heard from her, we assume she’s been taken captive or worse.”
Freya nodded as the detective briefed her on the scene, glancing up with a frown as a patrolman ushered in an unlikely pair. The tall man she knew well and by many names. Both hero and boogeyman to the supernatural world, his involvement did not bode well for keeping a lid on this mess.
“Morgan Talbot…” She announced with a hard edge to her voice. “What brings you to my crime scene?”
The tall man brushed a snow-white lock on his forehead and smiled wide, “Lieutenant Vilulf, always a pleasure to see you too.” His green eyes glanced around the scene before returning to Freya, “Looks like quite the party happened here.”
Detective Strong stepped forward, “I don’t need a civilian contaminating my crime scene. You’ve got two seconds before I have my officers book you for tampering with evidence.”
Freya lifted a hand and interrupted the Detective, “I’m sure Mr. Talbot was about to explain why he’s here.”
Morgan nodded at Freya, “Of course… Detective, the Egyptian government is understandably upset about the loss of their national treasures. They in turn contacted the State Department, the US Ambassador and the President of the United States. Which all trickled down to the FBI, who in turn contacted me as I have experience in artifact recovery.”
“Oh, hells no! The Feds?” Marcus exclaimed.
“Exactly, so as the jurisdiction is a little fuzzy around the edges. We’re more than willing to work with you on this case. But let me be clear, it IS a federal case.”
Lieutenant Vilulf had a pained look on her face, “Detective Strong… Marcus. I’d like to talk to the ‘Special Agent’ alone for a moment.”
Marcus looked as if he wanted to argue, but he implacable ‘ice queen’ look from the Lieutenant settled him down. “Yes ma’am… I’ll go check on the forensics team.”
Freya watched him go before turning to Morgan and May, “Federal agent… Really? My detective is not a fool, he will check your credentials.”
“While not Tunguska, Krakatoa or Santorini. There was a lot of high-level magic tossed around here and it was noticed at the highest levels. The credentials are legitimate.”
Freya snorted, “As I recall you were at all three of those events. I’d appreciate you not blowing up my city.”
“I think everyone would like to avoid that as well.”
Freya arched an eyebrow and turned to May, “Miss Nizhoni, I see you’re still keeping him out of trouble?”
May returned a dazzling smile, “As much as anyone can with someone so… ancient. So set in their ways… y’know.. And call me May, please.”
Morgan grumbled, “I prefer ‘experienced’ thank you.”
Freya shook her head, “You’re the first mystic on the scene May. Your impressions?”
May closed her eyes and opened her senses, suddenly moaning softly as her nipples hardened, “Oh God… The sexual energy in here… it almost blanks out the rest.”
May leaned up against Morgan as she struggled with the echoes of the power released in the room, “Yesss… an old ritual. Tantric… very primal. Echoes of something else too… Ancient power, very focused and brief. There’s a third, rage… demonic rage and frustration.”
May gave Morgan a look full of heat and desire, “Three powers; Wild primal sexual, an ancient power inhuman and very focused. Finally, something demonic was here too.”
Freya nodded, “So our missing Professor and her orgy?”
“Definitely the sexual energy, was she one of the ‘community’?”
“No, that’s the first thing I checked.” Freya replied.
“What came after concerns me the most.” Morgan added. “Someone dabbled in some tantric ritual and got noticed. But by who or what?”
“That’s what you get to find out ‘Special Agent’. Work with my detective, he’s not fully clued in, but he’s got suspicions. Just don’t get him killed.”
- The perfect fertility and pregnancy system.
- 28 day realistic cycle based on second life days, for females, and ejaculation timeouts for males.
- 100% server based, so your information will never be lost during updates, or hud changes.
- The ability to use your own animations with the system, and modify particle locations, for unique avatars (this system does not discriminate based on species ♥).
- Genetically accurate babies based on the mothers and fathers visual inputs
- Condoms, birth control, and IUDs with real failure rates, and usage timeouts. (They are all free, and included in your set)
- Visual pain meter with corresponding animations
- Use any kind of prim baby with the system, Zero restrictions.
- Supports male and female genders on the same HUD, so no switching between inventory items, or buying different systems.
- Interactive doctor panel on your HUD, that automatically changes when you are in a doctor seat.
- Completely dialog menu free. All buttons are available on your sleek, easy to use HUD.
- easily change your genetic settings using colour pickers on your HUD.
- realistic pregnancy chances based on cycle stage
- transferable sperm donations, and sperm banks
- Paternity tests, pregnancy tests, and cycle tests
- realistic exam animations, and interactions, which communicate to the doctor. the doctor can chose how they want to relay information, or which procedures to carry out.
- Accurate miscarriage chances at different pregnancy stages
- Realistic ultrasounds, that show you visually what is in the womb, or testes.
- One time purchase. No purchasing items such as condoms, birth control, or tampons. they are totally included.
- The male and female must each own this HUD.
- This system does NOT come with a baby to use
- This system will not simulate sex, it simply simulates pregnancy and birth. Use your own sex systems with it.
- If you are purchasing the doctors set, make sure you ALSO own a HUD.
The system works on a scientifically accurate time line, using second life days. One real life day is approx 4 second life days, so each day of your cycle, or pregnancy is a quarter of a real life day. Your likeliness to become pregnant, and other symptoms of your cycle are all simulated in the hud, so you can easily refer to a real life guide for reference. You have four main stages, Ovulation, Menstruation, pre-ovulation, and post ovulation, pregnancy is the most likely during ovulation, but you can conceive at any time during your cycle. During menstruation, Your particle system will simulate period blood, and you might see some pain on your visual pain meter, or get cramping animations, depending on how painful the cramp is. Every female starts out their first cycle during menstruation.
1. Wear your system HUD, included in the set.
2. Wear the particle object included in the set (Dont wear this if you are a male, and do not want semen particles.). You can adjust this item by pressing CTRL+ALT+T to go into transparent mode, and look for the item on your avatar. you can move this wherever you want menstrual particles to go.
3. Your hud will automatically go to the welcome page, if you have never used this system before. First and most importantly, set your gender. You can only do this ONCE without getting surgery, so chose wisely. Click on the big strand of DNA on the left side, and you will be taken to the genetics page. Click on the change gender button, and select a gender from the menu.
4. once that is chosen, you will be redirected to your genders homepage. You can fill in the rest of your genetics by clicking on the dna strand on your page. You can ALWAYS modify your genetic information.
* to change a hair, eye, or skin colour, click on the button to the right of each value. a colour changer will appear. interact with the colour picker, and when you are finished, click on the colour square below the rainbow colour picker.
To avoid getting pregnant, you, or your partner can use condoms, birth control pills, or IUDs. Each of these has its own failure rate, and will wear out after a certain amount of time. For instance, the birth control pill will become ineffective after 1 SL day. You can easily remove contraceptives by clicking on the "Remove condom", Or "Remove bi
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