Female Doctors Dating Male Nurses

Female Doctors Dating Male Nurses


Would a female MD marry a male nurse nowadays?
Kelly Russo, BS Medicine and Healthcare & Respiratory Therapy (1991)
Updated 1 year ago · Author has 5.5K answers and 11.3M answer views
A very good friend of mine( I was a bridesmaid in the wedding) was a female MD who married a male RN. This was back in the 90’s when people had even more misguided ideas about gender roles. My friend was 28 and ‘Barbie doll’ cute, she could have her pick of guys, doctors included. Her income, after student loans, was less than his as an RN/BSN with ten years of experience. He then went back to school to become a Nurse Practioner.
After he graduated, he was highly sought after because he’d chosen to specialize in Gerontology ( at the time I thought it would normally be an odd choice, but he alwa
A very good friend of mine( I was a bridesmaid in the wedding) was a female MD who married a male RN. This was back in the 90’s when people had even more misguided ideas about gender roles. My friend was 28 and ‘Barbie doll’ cute, she could have her pick of guys, doctors included. Her income, after student loans, was less than his as an RN/BSN with ten years of experience. He then went back to school to become a Nurse Practioner.
After he graduated, he was highly sought after because he’d chosen to specialize in Gerontology ( at the time I thought it would normally be an odd choice, but he always loved talking to all the old people). There aren’t enough doctors in that field to serve the every-aging demographic. He was able to get a position where he was paid at the same rate as new physicians were being offered, as there were no MD/DO Gerontology applicants. He makes more money than she does as an ER doctor.
Female doctors actually work with nurses, so they know that the fallacy of ‘most male nurses are gay’ just isn’t true. In fact, there are a lot more male nurses than people are probably aware of.
Back in the 90’s. I worked with a lot of male nurses who either, started as pre-med, but couldn’t do medical school for various reasons, started as EMTs but saw that there was a lot more money in nursing, were in the military as medics and saw nursing school as a logical transfer of their skills or just always liked science and medicine- many of them tended to work in the OR/ER/ICU. Most of my career was on the night shift, I worked with many dads whose wives worked days.
I wouldn’t think this wouldn’t really be an issue now, especially since there are more female MDs and more male RNs. The male doctor-female nurse cliche that has persisted since the beginning of modern medicine, isn’t just due to socioeconomic issues. Before the end of the 20th century, most doctors were men and most nurses were women.
Edit: I don’t want the statement that many of the male nurses I know work in either the ER,OR or ICU to construe the idea that men are better in those areas than female nurses are or that men are not good with more patient interaction. It’s partly due to the fact that many of the guys started out as medics and like critical care. The other part is that because I’m a respiratory therapist those are the places I work most often so it is where I know the most people of different healthcare professions.
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Marilyn Hubbard, MSN Psychiatric-mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 3.7K answers and 2.1M answer views
From my perspective : Any relatively high earning female who is over 40, doesn’t live in NYC or LA, and is not a size 4 , is at great risk of getting into a relationship with a man who earns less than she does.
Either that, or be alone, and buy a sturdy vibrator. Or get into the new “gender fluid” thing- I’m not gay, but my partner is a woman. That is fine, but it is obvious why it is happening more and more.
Because the high earning men are mostly looking for young trophy wives.
I think it’s great that one person of either sex can support the household.
People are much, much too money/status cons
From my perspective : Any relatively high earning female who is over 40, doesn’t live in NYC or LA, and is not a size 4 , is at great risk of getting into a relationship with a man who earns less than she does.
Either that, or be alone, and buy a sturdy vibrator. Or get into the new “gender fluid” thing- I’m not gay, but my partner is a woman. That is fine, but it is obvious why it is happening more and more.
Because the high earning men are mostly looking for young trophy wives.
I think it’s great that one person of either sex can support the household.
People are much, much too money/status conscious.
When people are on their death bed, they think differently.
Answered 7 months ago · Author has 64 answers and 18.4K answer views
According to PatientModesty.org: “Nursing homes should never assign male nurses or assistants to female patients for intimate care tasks (bathing, changing diapers, dressing, cleaning women's private parts after bowel movements, etc) due to the potential for sexual abuse.” 6. Nurse practitioners and midwives marry miscellaneous managers, physicians and surgeons, CEOs and legislators, lawyers and judges, education administrators, recreation and fitness workers and financial managers the most. 7. Registered nurses marry truck drivers, miscellaneous managers and retail supervisors the most. Go to
According to PatientModesty.org: “Nursing homes should never assign male nurses or assistants to female patients for intimate care tasks (bathing, changing diapers, dressing, cleaning women's private parts after bowel movements, etc) due to the potential for sexual abuse.” 6. Nurse practitioners and midwives marry miscellaneous managers, physicians and surgeons, CEOs and legislators, lawyers and judges, education administrators, recreation and fitness workers and financial managers the most. 7. Registered nurses marry truck drivers, miscellaneous managers and retail supervisors the most. Go to my Profile and you can find all about Nurse material there...
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 346 answers and 412.4K answer views
I am not sure why somebody’s profession needs to be a determinant in a relationship, maybe as a status symbol, but I know a couple where she is an MD and he is an RN. They met when she was a resident and he worked in an ICU. Currently she is a full fledged MD and he is an advanced nurse practitioner. Their line of work is more of a common denominator than anything else.
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Answered 2 years ago · Author has 1.9K answers and 1.4M answer views
I would hope it would depend if they loved each other.
That being said I’ve seen a lot of intelligent successful kind men married to dumb rude loser women, but I have rarely seen a successful intelligent women married to a dumb loser rude man.
so yes I could see it, if he is a smart kind and generally a good man, I would say he stands a far better chance.
Answered 4 years ago · Upvoted by Christopher Fox, Orthopedic surgeon/spine surgeon
It rarely happens, to be honest. it's how humans/genders work. we want to choose things that we can fit in. I believe that female doctors are more likely to marry male doctors or someone outside the health sector. I can’t actually explain why, but I know it's just common in my life. cheers
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 264 answers and 632.9K answer views
I’d turn it around and ask if any man would be willing to pursue a woman who has achieved more than he has academically or professionally. I think many men stop themselves.
I don’t need a man to financially “keep” me - but I sure would like to meet one who is willing to remember where we parked, and just love me.
Leo Chang, M.D. from University of California, Los Angeles (2018)
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 236 answers and 756.2K answer views
It sometimes does happen. For example, nurse Sonny Melton recently died protecting his wife Dr. Heather Melton in the Las Vegas massacres. However, it’s a lot less common than female physicians marrying someone of equal or higher social status (e.g. another MD or DO, PhD, JD, MBA).
Alex Long, former Army Combat Engineer & Medic (1987-1996)
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 380 answers and 567.7K answer views
I will never know, as I (an RN) would NEVER marry a Physician. It reeks of fraternization between ranks, the contempt for which has been ingrained in me since I became a soldier 33 years ago.
Do female doctors marry male nurses?
Can the marriage of a female doctor to a male nurse work despite the education gap? They are getting on very well, and the nurse is really intelligent.
What are the perks of marrying a male nurse?
What is the best nurse specialty for a male nurse?
Is it demeaning to be a male nurse?
Do male nurses get treated differently than female nurses?
Is it true that female nurses usually have difficulties finding a partner for marriage?
Is there a higher demand for male nurses compared to female nurses considering how relatively few male nurses there are?
What are the commonest problems of male nurses?
What is it like to be dating/married to a male nurse as a non nurse? What does day to day life look like? Love?
As a male going into nursing, what should I know?
Do male nurses feel that they have a woman’s job?
What do you call a male nurse in India?

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I am just curious anybody have story to share about Dating between Male Nurse and female Nurse? Any body fall in Love when working together ?
Any interesting things happened ? and consecuences of doing that ...share your story or story you heard around ...
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My ex husband was a respiratory therapist who I met at work. I have known lots of nurses who met their spouse at work, whether it be paramedic, police officer, nurse, chaplain, doctor, tech, clerk, etc. I think work is a great place to meet people who may have the same interest you do.
That said, most hospitals will not allow husband and wife to work in the same area, and I think that is a good idea. I was an ICU nurse while my hubby was a RT at the same hospital, same shift, but it did not interfere with our work or our personal life. So, I think, it you can keep your personal life from interfering with your professional life, why not?
I have also met a lot of married nurses who travel together. Some are in the same hospital with the same schedule, just different areas. That would be the ideal!
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I heard of two people that met in nsg school..went into army nursing ......hated it...went into ER nursing...hated it...got married and went to work at my LTC facility and have been together and working together for 25 years. They love it and each other immensly. :loveya:
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I met my husband after a horrid a/p test in RN school (on my birthday)! I was actually kidnaped by my friends and taken to a kareoke bar against my will (I was too bummed about the rotten test, did get an A, but it was bruital!!!! LOL!). This one guy was singing and I lost my heart to him immediately!
Then my friends convienced him and another guy I rather thought was HOT (LOL!) to sing happy birthday to me! They did, and that pretty much sealed the deal! I found out that the first guy was a paramedic...and he and I became instant friends! We talked about cases, and he really helped me to make connections with conditions and great info! After 2 years of flirting with him...we became a couple!
We were attached at the hip! We volunteered with NW rock medicine, which does first aid at concerts and we worked like we had telepathy! We both have very different jobs really, but we are the BEST team!!! I love working with him, but I like it only in short doses because we both can be bull headed on our thoughts of tx! LOL!!!!! But we have NEVER disagreed!
So a nurse and paramedic, and on occasions we work together if I have to call 9-11 in for a resident. We joke at eachother about "ohhhh you called me so report NURSIE!" or when he brings a patient back "ohhhhh hello 'ambulance driver (they hate that!) please report what you know!"...LOL!!! We have a blast!
I don't see the probelm with people of the same fields dating, I just worry about them spending TOO much time together..that can damage a newer relationship by not having individual time...so that needs to be communicated if it happens. I couldn't work with hubby all the time, it would be TOO MUCH! But in small doses...it is heaven!!!
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I am a soon to be male nurse that would like to date a female nurse. Does that count? :kiss :kiss
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I met my fiance in nursing school. He is a freshman, I am about to graduate. It cracks me up as classmates and professors figure out that we're together and engaged (just recently happened). Two other classmates met the girlfriend or wife in nursing school, and one girl met her bf when working with him on his unit. However, when I had planned to work on a different unit, I told fiance I did not want to work with him. I felt it would cross a line of professionalism, esp while he was a student. I do not know how our hospital feels about spouses working together. We have discussed traveling together. -Andrea
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any interesting things happened ? and consecuences of doing that ...share your story or story you heard around ...
yes, i fell in love with a nurse who chased me for months before i finally gave in to him wanting me in his life. we have been married for almost fifteen years now. we are currently estranged from one another.
i see nothing wrong with nurses dating one another anymore than there being something wrong in dating any other occupation. as long as the two are adults...consenting adults...and not crapping on other innocent parties just so they can be together. be mature about dating no matter who you're dating.
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I hope I meet someone. Preferably a doctor... :rolleyes:
We'll see. Maybe love is just around the corner.
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I want to meet a mechanic, I have an older car. With that fantasy, how will I find a mechanic while I work 60 hours a week as a nurse? Might be a patient but I don't date those. So back to dating nurses. I don't want to date anyone I work with.
I do work with some married couples though and they seem to make it work. You won't get fired for that where I work, you will just get fired for not doing your job.
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we'll see. maybe love is just around the corner.
well...i want to meet and marry a billionaire. i'm sooooo tired of struggling and living penny to penny. :rotfl:
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i want to meet a mechanic, i have an older car. with that fantasy, how will i find a mechanic while i work 60 hours a week as a nurse? .
i had a new honda civic that was a real lemon when i was working in boston 25 years ago. in fact, the car was in the shop so much, i started dating the mechanic. i had a great time with him, too!
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i met my husband 14 years ago when we were both working in the same icu. we're still together, and still working together although we're on our third hospital in our third city now! things got better when we moved away from our first job together . . . i stopped running into his former girlfriends everywhere i went!
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