Female Body Shapes

Female Body Shapes


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The female body occurs in a range of shapes. The female figure is typically narrower at the waist than at the bust and hips, and usually has one of four basic shapes: banana, pear, apple, or hourglass. The bust, waist, and hips are called inflection points, and the ratios of their circumferences define these basic shapes.
What do women with oval shaped bodies look like?
What do women with oval shaped bodies look like?
If you have a body that is oval-shaped, your bust will be larger than the rest of your body. The hips will be narrow, and the midsection will look full. Women with these body shapes tend to gain weight in their stomach before anywhere else. The waist is not very well-defined and ends up being the widest section of the body.
What are the 5 most common body shapes for women?
What are the 5 most common body shapes for women?
5 Most Common Body Shapes for Women. 1 1. The Hourglass. One of the most common shapes of the female body is the hourglass. It is characterized by hip and bust measurements being of equal ... 2 2. The Apple (Round) 3 3. The Pear (Triangle) 4 4. The Rectangle. 5 5. The Inverted Triangle. More items
How many different body types are there in women?
How many different body types are there in women?
13 different body types (David Kibbe method) ; 6 types of Hips sizes ; How to dress for your body shape; Different types of Face shapes & How to take body measurements for sewing. Interesting reading : What is the ideal female shape?.
What are the body shapes of hourglass women?
What are the body shapes of hourglass women?
Those with hourglass body shape have shoulders and hips that are of similar size. Your waistline is smaller than the rest of your body. Your shoulder and hip measurement are almost of the same size. Your waistline is smaller in comparison to your shoulders, hip, and bust measurements. Hips and shoulders have similar width.
Перевести · 17.05.2019 · For example, a 2004 study reported that descriptions of female bodies have historically been described in categories based on shapes, such as triangle, rectangle, diamond, oval, and hourglass. Some...
Ориентировочное время чтения: 8 мин
Опубликовано: 30.12.2005
Female shapes in the fashion industry
Body shapes are often categorised in the fashion industry into one of four elementary geometric shapes, though there are very wide ranges of actual sizes within each shape:

Rectangular The waist measurement is less than 9 inches (23 cm) smaller than the hips and bust measurement. Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates th…
Body shapes are often categorised in the fashion industry into one of four elementary geometric shapes, though there are very wide ranges of actual sizes within each shape:

Rectangular The waist measurement is less than 9 inches (23 cm) smaller than the hips and bust measurement. Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates the typical ruler (straight) shape. Inverted triangle Athletic shaped women have broad(er) shoulders compared with their (narrower) hips. The legs and thighs tend to be slim, while the chest looks larger compared with the rest of the body. Fat is mainly distributed in the chest and face. Spoon The hip measurement is greater than the bust measurement. The distribution of fat varies, with fat tending to deposit first in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. As body fat percentage increases, an increasing proportion of body fat is distributed around the waist and upper abdomen. The women of this body type tend to have a relatively larger rear, thicker thighs, and a small(er) bosom. Hourglass or X shape (triangles opposing, facing in) Main article: Hourglass figure The hips and bust are almost of equal size with a narrow waist. Body fat distribution tends to be around both the upper body and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips, and rear before other parts, such as the waist and upper abdomen.

A study of the shapes of over 6,000 women, carried out by researchers at the North Carolina State University circa 2005, for apparel, found that 46% were rectangular, just over 20% spoon, just under 14% inverted triangle, and 8% hourglass. Another study has found "that the average woman's waistline had expanded by six inches since the 1950s" and that women in 2004 were taller and had bigger busts and hips than those of the 1950s. However, a 2021 study found that slight changes in measurement placement definition can recategorise up to 40% of women into different body shapes, meaning cross-research comparisons may be flawed unless the exact measurement definitions are used.

Several variants of the above coding systems exist:
• Sheldon: "Somatotype: {Plumper: Endomorph, Muscular: Mesomorph, Slender: Ectomorph}", 1940s
• Douty's "Body Build Scale: {1,2,3,4,5}", 1968
• Bonnie August's "Body I.D. Scale: {A,X,H,V,W,Y,T,O,b,d,i,r}", 1981
• Simmons, Istook, & Devarajan "Female Figure Identification Technique (FFIT): {Hourglass, Bottom Hourglass, Top Hourglass, Spoon, Rectangle, Diamond, Oval, Triangle, Inverted Triangle}", 2002
• Connell's "Body Shape Assessment Scale: {Hourglass, Pear, Rectangle, Inverted Triangle}", 2006
• Rasband: {Ideal, Triangular, Inverted Triangular, Rectangular, Hourglass, Diamond, Tubular, Rounded}, 2006
• Lee JY, Istook CL, Nam YJ, "Comparison of body shape between USA and Korean women: {Hourglass, Bottom Hourglass, Top Hourglass, Spoon, Triangle, Inverted Triangle, Rectangle}", 2007.

Lee's 2007 paper proposes the following formula be used to identify an individual's body type:

Hourglass If (bust − hips) ≤ 1 in (25 mm) AND (hips − bust) < 3.6 in (91 mm) AND ((bust − waist) ≥ 9 in (230 mm) OR (hips − waist) ≥ 10 in (250 mm) ) Bottom hourglass If (hips − bust) ≥ 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (hips − bust) < 10 in (250 mm) AND (hips − waist) ≥ 9 in (230 mm) AND (high hip/waist) < 1.193 Top hourglass If (bust − hips) > 1 in (25 mm) AND (bust − hips) < 10 in (250 mm) AND (bust − waist) ≥ 9 in (230 mm) Spoon If (hips − bust) > 2 in (51 mm) AND (hips − waist) ≥ 7 in (180 mm) AND (high hip/waist) ≥ 1.193 Triangle If (hips − bust) ≥ 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (hips − waist) < 9 in (230 mm) Inverted triangle If (bust − hips) ≥ 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (bust − waist) < 9 in (230 mm) Rectangle If (hips − bust) < 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (bust − hips) < 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (bust − waist) < 9 in (230 mm) AND (hips − waist) < 10 in (250 mm)

In addition a number of national and international clothes sizing standards define body shape coding systems that categorise an individual by the chest to waist and / or hip circumference drop values e.g.
Женская фигура или форма женского тела — это совокупный продукт женской скелетной структуры и количества и распределения мышц и жира на теле. Как и в случае с большинством физических черт, существует широкий спектр нормальной формы женского тела.
Перевести · 12.03.2020 · The hips will be narrow, and the midsection will look full. Women with these body shapes tend to gain weight in their stomach before anywhere else. The waist is not very well-defined and ends up being the widest section of the body. The buttocks are flat, and the legs are slender.
Перевести · 23.06.2021 · 2 Hourglass Body Shape This is the kind of figure women aspire for, because of the unnaturally thin waist, and bigger than usual hip and bust. Bust round is slightly more than or equal to the hip round with a pronounced small waist.
Ориентировочное время чтения: 3 мин
Female shapes in the fashion industry
Body shapes are often categorised in the fashion industry into one of four elementary geometric shapes, though there are very wide ranges of actual sizes within each shape:

Rectangular The waist measurement is less than 9 inches (23 cm) smaller than the hips and bust measurement. Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates th…
Body shapes are often categorised in the fashion industry into one of four elementary geometric shapes, though there are very wide ranges of actual sizes within each shape:

Rectangular The waist measurement is less than 9 inches (23 cm) smaller than the hips and bust measurement. Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates the typical ruler (straight) shape. Inverted triangle Athletic shaped women have broad(er) shoulders compared with their (narrower) hips. The legs and thighs tend to be slim, while the chest looks larger compared with the rest of the body. Fat is mainly distributed in the chest and face. Spoon The hip measurement is greater than the bust measurement. The distribution of fat varies, with fat tending to deposit first in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. As body fat percentage increases, an increasing proportion of body fat is distributed around the waist and upper abdomen. The women of this body type tend to have a relatively larger rear, thicker thighs, and a small(er) bosom. Hourglass or X shape (triangles opposing, facing in) Main article: Hourglass figure The hips and bust are almost of equal size with a narrow waist. Body fat distribution tends to be around both the upper body and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips, and rear before other parts, such as the waist and upper abdomen.

A study of the shapes of over 6,000 women, carried out by researchers at the North Carolina State University circa 2005, for apparel, found that 46% were rectangular, just over 20% spoon, just under 14% inverted triangle, and 8% hourglass. Another study has found "that the average woman's waistline had expanded by six inches since the 1950s" and that women in 2004 were taller and had bigger busts and hips than those of the 1950s.

Several variants of the above coding systems exist:
• Sheldon: "Somatotype: {Plumper: Endomorph, Muscular: Mesomorph, Slender: Ectomorph}", 1940s
• Douty's "Body Build Scale: {1,2,3,4,5}", 1968
• Bonnie August's "Body I.D. Scale: {A,X,H,V,W,Y,T,O,b,d,i,r}", 1981
• Simmons, Istook, & Devarajan "Female Figure Identification Technique (FFIT): {Hourglass, Bottom Hourglass, Top Hourglass, Spoon, Rectangle, Diamond, Oval, Triangle, Inverted Triangle}", 2002
• Connell's "Body Shape Assessment Scale: {Hourglass, Pear, Rectangle, Inverted Triangle}", 2006
• Rasband: {Ideal, Triangular, Inverted Triangular, Rectangular, Hourglass, Diamond, Tubular, Rounded}, 2006
• Lee JY, Istook CL, Nam YJ, "Comparison of body shape between USA and Korean women: {Hourglass, Bottom Hourglass, Top Hourglass, Spoon, Triangle, Inverted Triangle, Rectangle}", 2007.

Lee's 2007 paper proposes the following formula be used to identify an individual's body type:

Hourglass If (bust − hips) ≤ 1 in (25 mm) AND (hips − bust) < 3.6 in (91 mm) AND ((bust − waist) ≥ 9 in (230 mm) OR (hips − waist) ≥ 10 in (250 mm) ) Bottom hourglass If (hips − bust) ≥ 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (hips − bust) < 10 in (250 mm) AND (hips − waist) ≥ 9 in (230 mm) AND (high hip/waist) < 1.193 Top hourglass If (bust − hips) > 1 in (25 mm) AND (bust − hips) < 10 in (250 mm) AND (bust − waist) ≥ 9 in (230 mm) Spoon If (hips − bust) > 2 in (51 mm) AND (hips − waist) ≥ 7 in (180 mm) AND (high hip/waist) ≥ 1.193 Triangle If (hips − bust) ≥ 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (hips − waist) < 9 in (230 mm) Inverted triangle If (bust − hips) ≥ 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (bust − waist) < 9 in (230 mm) Rectangle If (hips − bust) < 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (bust − hips) < 3.6 in (91 mm) AND (bust − waist) < 9 in (230 mm) AND (hips − waist) < 10 in (250 mm)

In addition a number of national and international clothes sizing standards define body shape coding systems that categorise an individual by the chest to waist and / or hip circumference drop values e.g.
The Hourglass
The Apple
The Pear
The Rectangle
One of the most common shapes of the female body is the hourglass. It is characterized by hip and bust measurements being of equal size, with a narrower waist measurement. Your shoulders are slightly round, and your legs are in proportion with your upper body. Because your waist is the smallest part of your body, it’s your best asset to show off. What to Wear for a Hourglass Shape …
Перевести · 14.09.2017 · The Banana Body Shape (rectangle) The banana body shape is known by other names such as rectangle, banana, straight or ruler. Those with a rectangular body …
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Female body shape - Wikipedia
Female body shape - Wikipedia
5 Most Common Body Shapes for Women – The Style Bouquet
Different Body Shapes Of Women And Body Type Calculator
Female Body Shapes

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