Felt Passionate

Felt Passionate


Felt Passionate


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Akina is the Associate Editor at Lifehack, a writer, and a podcaster. She is the co-founder of the Dear Gorgeous Letters podcast. Read full profile
When one thinks of passion, usually, it’s the thought of a driving force or motion that takes over. It’s the one thing that keeps you going regardless of what hurdles lay ahead and the thing that fuel that refills your cup when you are feeling depleted.
Passion is an emotion to be acted upon. Without action, passion yields no worthwhile results. When you have passion for something, you love it even when you hate it.
So how do you define passion? How do you recognize your passion , and how do you put it to good use?
A desire fueled by passion will bring about the greatest results in life.
As a teen, I enjoyed swimming but didn’t have the drive to show up to practice every day and sacrifice my weekends to pursue it competitively. I was more interested in writing, which led me to a journalism internship where I spent much of my time after school writing and even had to sacrifice socializing with my peers to finish assignments.
Passion pushes you through difficult times because you don’t care what it takes to become better. We all have the ability to create whatever kind of life we want. The secret to living the dream is hidden in our passions and what we do because of them.
Finding what you are passionate about is a journey in itself. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t feel like you know yet. Keep trying new things, and they will come even if you have to build them.
Maybe you work a good job that pays all the bills, but it doesn’t allow you to truly follow your passion. You’re afraid of what will happen if you change things up. Yes, change is scary, but it’s not until we leave our comfort zone that we find what we’ve been missing out on.
You’re the author of your life. Don’t settle for the bare minimum just because it’s working out right now. You will never know what you’re truly capable of unless you push yourself.
While society wants you to believe living your passion is irresponsible and foolish, we will focus on 14 amazing things that happen when you live your passion and all the opportunities it can unlock.
Oftentimes, when you are not living your passion, you are living the life that you believe is acceptable to others. Your confidence will suffer when you give into the pressures of society, your friends, and your family. This is largely because you are forcing yourself to do something that is of little interest to you.
There is probably a good reason for this, so when you are not working within your strengths and interests, your performance will be subpar.
Job stress is the major source of stress for adults, and it is associated with “increased rates of heart attack, hypertension, and other disorders.” [1]
Let me start out by debunking the misconception that all stress is bad. Those who follow their passions and those who do not will both encounter stress. The difference is in the kind of stress you come across. [2]
Those who live their passion have an internal motivation that helps bring balance to their situation. As a result, they will most likely have stressful situations that come and go. A good example would be you have three important projects that need to be completed in the same day. Subsequently, you feel stressed until the day is over.
Those who are not living their passion are usually not enjoying their work and find it stressful every day. The act of waking up, putting their clothes on, and driving to work stresses them. They dread every Monday and yearn for every Friday.
Even though there may be a bit of uncertainty in how you define your passion, you cannot underestimate the value of loving what you do.
By pursuing your passion, you will feel fulfilled in your work. You will no longer feel the need to listen to podcasts and audiobooks while working (trying to fill that unfulfilled void). You will have the joy of living your passion instead of planning to live your passion. There is nothing more rewarding than doing what you were called to do.
There is a saying that if you live your passion, you no longer need a work-life balance . The premise is work-life balance is only needed when your work is draining.
When you are following your passion, your life is in constant balance. Your work does not feel like a job because you would do it for free.
Can you imagine wishing you could be working because you truly enjoy what you do? Well, that is exactly what will happen when you are pursuing your passion.
Imagine what your life would be like if you pursued all your dreams and passions. Now imagine if you ran into that person and had to explain to him why you did not pursue your passion. This is the real-life conversation most people have when it is all but too late.
Take a risk and bet on yourself. Even if it does not work out exactly as you would have hoped, you will be better for it.
The reason most people do not live their passion is because of the uncertainty surrounding their passion. You may have doubts regarding your ability to succeed financially, professionally, or even emotionally.
Sometimes, you are right to think this way. This does not mean you should accept this reality and do nothing about it. Instead, spend some time developing the skill sets needed to accomplish your passion.
When you live your life and follow your passions, you will attract like-minded people.
To be honest, you are probably going to rub some people the wrong way when you are pursuing your passion. People do not like change, and when you change, it could change your relationships.
Do not let this be something that will hold you back. Your growth is tied to your willingness to pursue the beliefs that will enable you to achieve your goal.
Do not fall into the trap of believing that you have to give everything up to follow your passion. These types of limiting beliefs keep most people from ever starting their journey to change their life.
In fact, you don’t need to give up everything to start afresh. Here’s why.
Allow yourself to slowly expand your comfort zone and try new things. You can continue to live your existing life, while pursuing new adventures on the side. As you grow more comfortable in your ability to live your passion, you can slowly shift more time towards it.
It is true that you can and should be grateful all the time. There is always something to be grateful for in your life. Even if you got a flat tire on your way home from work, at least you have a vehicle.
Similarly, you should always be grateful to have a job. Yet, there is little doubt that you will feel more grateful if you do something you are passionate about daily. You could realistically find yourself excited to wake up every morning because you know it is another day to fulfill your life’s purpose.
There was a time when you felt free. You felt like you could do anything and everything was possible.
When you start living your passion, you are most likely reconnecting with things you loved as a child. By taking a moment and realizing the things you loved before society told you what to love, you are finding a lost piece of yourself.
Revisit your childhood joys and take note of what you loved doing. Like me, you may find that you love putting puzzles together. This could speak on your analytical nature and help you understand why you are so passionate about putting things together and solving problems.
Whatever it may be, take a moment and rediscover the “real you” that was forced to “grow up.”
Your passion is most likely going to benefit a lot of people. There is something wrong with the world that you believe you can help improve. If more people would live their passion, there is little doubt the world would be a better place.
There is peace and joy that you will find when you are living your passion, and that will rub off on your interactions with others. You may have heard the saying, “hurt people, hurt people.” This means that the person who is bad at your job is most likely dealing with something in their own life.
When you pursue your passion, you are satisfied and at peace with the world, and you will be kinder to others.
When you leave the path of least resistance and start to live your passion, you must unleash your creativity to succeed. You are going to be venturing into uncharted waters in your life, and it can be intimidating. But that is where the magic happens.
When you find yourself face to face with an obstacle logged between you and your passion, you need to trust in yourself that you will prevail. Regardless of whether you’re a “science and math” person or someone who doesn’t dabble in art, give it a try. Something as simple as coloring, dancing, and even painting for fun may lead you to a new hobby.
You have an inner voice that is telling you who you are, what you can do, and what you deserve. Sometimes you have split feelings about pursuing your passion. On the one hand, you are grateful for the life you have and content with everything it entails. Or you have a burning desire to pursue your passion and take a risk.
By understanding the limiting narrative you are telling yourself ( I am not good enough, I should be happy with the job I have now , etc.), you will be better equipped to change your narrative.
Your new narrative will be grounded in an understanding that you can pursue your passion without that meaning you are ungrateful or unappreciative of the life you have now.
Avoid the temptation to rationalize keeping things the way they are until you have more experience, more time, and more influence. There will always be something that could be better. If you give into your fears, they will only continue to grow and fester within you.
By living your passion, you will have put your fears in their place . Remember, it is okay to be afraid, it is not okay to allow that fear to stall your efforts.
Often, I think we need to remind ourselves who we love and act accordingly. It’s easy to let family relationships weaken because of pride. Of course, you say you love your family, but when your brother is in the school play, and you hate plays, do you go?
The same applies to intimate relationships. Do you only love them when it’s easy? Real love takes sacrifice and work. You push through the difficult times because you love them, and you understand that every passion pursued will have bumps in the road.
Unfortunately, many people don’t understand what it means to have passion for someone. This is reflected in the lowered marriage rates and the maintenance of high divorce rates in various countries around the world. [3]
Following any passion takes vulnerability and work. But I promise in the end, the outcome of such efforts will be the most fulfilling to your life.
One of the most fascinating things about living your passion is the freedom and ease of burden.
Do not think for another moment about what your life would be like if you lived your passion. Instead, you need to go out there and start living it.
No matter how small the change, you will start to see the benefits discussed. Once you start seeing the benefits, there will be nothing holding you back.
Don't have time for the full article? Read this.
A desire fueled by passion will bring about the greatest results in life. The secret to living the dream is hidden in our passions and what we do because of them.
Finding what you are passionate about is a journey in itself. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t feel like you know yet – keep trying new things.
Revisit your childhood joys and take note of what you loved doing. No matter how small the change, you will start to see the benefits in your everyday life.
By living your passion, you will have put your fears in their place. Remember, it is okay to be afraid, it is not okay to allow that fear to stall your efforts.
Job stress is the major source of stress for adults, and it is associated with “increased rates of heart attack, hypertension and other disorders.” Those who live their passion have an internal motivation that helps bring balance to their situation. Those who are not living their passion are usually not enjoying their work and find it stressful every day.
Akina is the Associate Editor at Lifehack, a writer, and a podcaster. She is the co-founder of the Dear Gorgeous Letters podcast.
Akina is the Associate Editor at Lifehack, a writer, and a podcaster. She is the co-founder of the Dear Gorgeous Letters podcast.
© 2005 - 2022 Lifehack · All Rights Reserved.
The American Institute of Stress: Workplace Stress
The International Journal on the Biology of Stress: The good side of “stress”

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If you haven’t had that feeling for a while, do you miss it?
I am always passionate about my passion (lol) which is Writing and Music. Currently working on writing lyrics for a piano piece my Piano Sir composed. After I figure out how to sing along with that, Sir would release that song. Just to help me and himself get into the music industry. And after my mid term exams (ends at 24th September) I am going to publish my poetry book. Surely everything is getting better, the struggle of years was worth it. It's satisfying to see that everything which I cried countless nights for is now coming towards me.
How exciting! I wish you all the best with this!!
I know right! This thought always gives me goosebumps and adrenalin rush. Thank you!
uhmmm I’m a competitive person… hahaha so every time someone challenges me, my “passion” awakens immediately. but nowadays, not so much anymore hahaha
This is you tempered down? Powerhouse.
hahaha yes!!! I’m like, 75% calmer now
hahahaha you should’ve seen me racing in school… I used to actually run faster than lots of the guys in my class that was always my flex
@Blackcupcake We are in the presence of a badarse. Whoop!
you’re a badass! you can even kick ass, I can’t hahahaha. I might be a good runner, but I can’t fight at all
@Blackcupcake lmao I took classes for years. Lots of people out there the same. Sign up and get your whoop-arse on!!!
@dustybiker I definitely should!!! hahahahaha
My film photography and darkroom skills.
I feel like why bother, we all know there is a big nasty thing coming.
I lost my passion for it, because what's going on in the world and what's coming
I really do believe that their is a genocide coming to the USA in the next few years
I can't get the visions out of my head of me being dead in a mass grave with millions of other dead people
The closer the time comes, the clearer and more frequented the dreams are getting
You don't want to see what's in my head. It would scare the shit out of you
Yep I miss it. The feeling I had that made the world magical when I was a Child
Since we lost the fight on climate change I'm only passionate about the collapse of Western Democracy.
I'm excited about our new podcast we're starting!
My passions are all very dim these. Especially because my childhood sweetheart passed away. I haven’t even had a genuine crush since my only one ever left…
Reptiles. I have always been fascinated by them. I enjoy keeping and learning about them.
My first pet was a corn snake and she helped me deal with my depression.
They are very pretty. You could make that your avatar..
@SirDerpsalot1901 No. You left your sanity in that one. He’s less frustrating.
This is no way to treat your guests on your questions...
@dustybiker Take back your like. I don't even want it.
@SirDerpsalot1901 Normally I would agree. You’ve earned a special place nobody else holds. ( )
@SirDerpsalot1901 I would, but GaG would only let you keep the point regardless.
@dustybiker Because I'm not worthy to be in your top 5, at least this "special place" is something. I'll take it.
@SirDerpsalot1901 It was Pervy that made you drastically slip. You’re like 11-13. That’s pretty good. Room for improvement. Things worthwhile take effort. You might even win a new avatar if you made my top five.
@dustybiker There's no need for all of that, I like you enough for the both of us
@dustybiker Yeah.. That was smooth, right? (I'm not clicking on the gif this time )
It's going to be a snake jumping out of a toilet and biting some dudes dick off. I just know it.
@SirDerpsalot1901 (lacking such trust)
@dustybiker There's plenty of trust. I trust that there is more to that "Awe " ... Wasn't mean enough.
@SirDerpsalot1901 I’m not always defensive. I’m currently watching something sad on youtube. The gif was nice distraction.
@dustybiker Curiosity got the better of me... I was half right. I'll let you watch your sad youtube video in peace now.
Half right? That snake clearly wants a cuddle.
@dusybiker... Don't think I have forgotten about your witch powers. For all I know that snake is about to jump out of my screen and attack...
@SirDerpsalot1901 Now is that likely?
@dustybiker Stop trying to make me let my guard down.
I started giving Stroyeor’s (something) Form as DR and it looks SO MUCH BETTER. The first version was a complete insult to myself and an embarrassment
The fact that after 8 years this election has finally given my country the change it so desperately needs with a new right wing government
I am always passionate about money and keeping the poor poor. Only the strong and the fit survive.
„I don’t remember.“ - Sgt. Jack Vincennes, L. A. Confidential
Working with Python on data... financial data.. It's my form of Candy Crush and Toon Blast.
Passion for an argument I got into lmao
I would love to answer but it is so very private.
No problem. Just this is actually enough for me.
I am lonely and married, there is a clue.
Divorce right now would be cruel; wife is in poor health, and I am not a mean person.
That> divorce might kill her... literally
Oh is it that serious? That’s an awful place to be stuck.
She had several things going on, I am getting ready for work.. take care
Take care of you too. And respectfully, thank you for sharing.

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10 Signs of Passionate Love and Its Causes
https://interpersona.psychopen.eu/index.php/interpersona/article/view/3177 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/science-jan-june09-love_02-13 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6136113/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4861725/

Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with Marriage.com. She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. Rachael enjoys studying the evolution of loving partnerships and is passionate about writing on them.
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