Feitan Hunter X Hunter

Feitan Hunter X Hunter


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Meredith Taylor Parry (1999)
Tom Bauer (2011)
Black (Manga; 2011)
Dark Blue (1999)
Greed Island Player
Interim Leader of the Phantom Troupe
Feitan at the Underground Auction, in "September 1st: Part 2"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Let us do without formal greeting... You all die now.
Feitan Portor (フェイタン゠ポートオ, Feitan Pōtoo) is member #2 of the Phantom Troupe.[4] His physical strength ranked fifth among the group.[5] After defeating Zazan, Feitan became the de facto leader of the Troupe until Chrollo's return.[1][6]
Feitan's 2011 anime adaptation design
Feitan's 1999 anime adaptation design
Feitan is short, lean, and muscular. He has black, mid-length hair, grey eyes, and a pale complexion. He wears dark, baggy clothes and a bandana sporting the trademark skull crest over his mouth. Feitan's spider tattoo has yet to be revealed.
In the 1999 anime adaptation, Feitan has dark blue hair and golden eyes.
Very proficient in the art of torture, Feitan is the Phantom Troupe's interrogator.[7][5] His speech usually consists of few words and poor grammar; when angered, he speaks a language of unknown origin, different from the common language of the world.[1][note 1]
Although he is very loyal to Chrollo, Feitan prioritizes the survival of the Troupe itself.[8] He is implied to be deeply involved with all Troupe activities, remembering exactly how long it had been since all the group’s members had gathered together, what had changed since then, and who the new members were.[9]
Although he occasionally clashes with them, Feitan seems to get along well with the other members. He is particularly close to Phinks, with whom he partners during missions and competes to see who can get more kills. Some subtle moments also suggest that Feitan has a good friendship with Shalnark: he once assured Shalnark that Uvogin would not be killed so easily,[5] and the two were seen celebrating together after the Troupe’s successful plan at the auction.[10] He also seems to trust Shalnark's judgment, as he conceded on letting Gon and Killua leave after they were first captured, but only after Shalnark determined that it would be fine to do so. Feitan also displays a humorous side, shown when he and Shalnark tease Phinks after their respective battles against the Chimera Ants, with Feitan wearing an uncharacteristic expression on his face the whole time.[1]
As the Troupe's interrogator, Feitan once remarked that he felt "most sorry" for his victim,[7] indicating that he showed some signs of sympathy. Nevertheless, he is a sadist who enjoys inflicting pain, having planned to start his torture of Gon by ripping off his fingernails.[11] Another instance of Feitan's sadism was his maniacal laughter and mocking directed at Zazan while she was dying.
Not much is known about Feitan’s past except that he is a founding member of the Troupe,[12] all of whom hail from Meteor City, a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts of the world. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people.[13] He presumably took part in the massacre of the Kurta Clan.[14]
At one point, he nearly killed multiple Troupe members when he released his Pain Packer ability while they attempted to watch.[1]
On August 31st, Feitan is seen with Franklin, Nobunaga, and Machi as they walk through the Gordeau Desert to Yorknew City. When Nobunaga asks how long it’s been since the entire Troupe has gathered together, Feitan quickly replies with three years and two months, adding that members #4 and #8 have been replaced. When Hisoka is mentioned, Feitan says that he doesn’t like him and wonders why Chrollo allows him to do as he pleases. After Nobunaga praises Hisoka’s ability and strength, Feitan tells him to apologize for implying that Chrollo is afraid of Hisoka. Feitan and Machi quickly move out of the way when Nobunaga and Franklin clash over their disagreement about Hisoka. Machi wonders what Chrollo is planning, and as the two talk about items to steal, Feitan mentions that the auction will have the world's most dangerous and expensive game. After all the Troupe members meet inside an abandoned building, Chrollo tells Feitan and the others that they are going to steal all the items at the Underground Auction.[9]
The following evening, Feitan roams the city streets with Franklin and Shizuku. After she loses to Gon in arm-wrestling, he chides her for being too weak and asks why she didn’t use her dominant arm. When she insists on trying again, he reminds her of their current job and that they will take what they want from the auction.[15] Wearing suits and bowties, Feitan and Franklin infiltrate the auction hall and take the stage as the Mafia members wait in their seats. After Feitan welcomes them and then announces that they will all die, Franklin begins to massacre the crowd with his Double Machine Gun. Once all the attendees are dead, Feitan laments that he didn’t have anything to do. As Shizuku cleans up the scene, Feitan notices one of the Mafia members still alive on the floor. He assures them that the Mafia will track down and torture their families, but Franklin quickly kills the man as Feitan mockingly asks him what family is.[16]
After the Spiders see that the auction vault is empty, Feitan tortures the auctioneer for information until he dies, learning that one of the Shadow Beasts named Owl entered the vault and somehow moved all the items after leaving empty-handed. As the Troupe members make their escape in a hot-air balloon, Chrollo instructs them to cause a big commotion to draw out the other Shadow Beasts.[7] After dozens of Mafia members track them to the Gordeau Desert and shoot down their balloon, Feitan assures Shizuku that she won’t have to clean up the massacre. Uvogin takes them on by himself while the other Spiders comment on the difference in strength. After Uvogin kills the Mafia members, Feitan tells the other Troupe members that four Shadow Beasts have arrived.[17] Like the other Spiders, he covers his ears in time to avoid being deafened when Uvogin kills Porcupine with his scream.[18]
After Uvogin is captured by Kurapika, Feitan, Shalnark, Machi, Shizuku, and Nobunaga steal a car and chase the abductors. They come within sight of their vehicle, but Owl drops on their hood and shrinks the car with his Fun Fun Cloth. The Spiders manage to avoid the attack, except for Nobunaga, which Feitan attributes to his bad position. Five more Shadow Beasts arrive, which causes Feitan and Shizuku to consider that the person who captured Uvogin with chains isn’t a Shadow Beast. Stating they only need to ask them, Feitan readies for combat.[19] The Spiders kill the Shadow Beasts and learn that Uvogin was taken by the Nostrade Family. While the others go rescue him,[20] Feitan returns to the hideout with the captured Owl, torturing him and successfully retrieving the auction items. Later that night, as Feitan sits reading a book beside the tortured Owl, Shalnark asks him if Uvogin has returned. Feitan says that he hasn’t but assures him that Uvogin wouldn’t die so easily. However, Chrollo points out that Uvogin would have been vulnerable against the chain user, telling the others that if Uvogin doesn’t return by dawn, they will change their plans.[5]
On September 3rd, Feitan is at the hideout when Nobunaga, Machi, Phinks, and Pakunoda return with the captured Gon and Killua. He recognizes Gon as the boy Shizuku arm-wrestled previously and warns Franklin that trying to make her remember something she has forgotten is pointless.[21] After losing repeatedly to Nobunaga in arm-wrestling, Gon furiously turns the tables on him, causing Feitan to quickly restrain him. He asks Gon if he knows the chain user, and when Gon says that he already told him, Feitan prepares to torture him. However, he is stopped by Nobunaga, and the two argue begin to argue as they both activate their Ren. The others remind them that there’s no actual fighting within the Troupe, and they flip a coin to settle the dispute. Losing the toss, Feitan begrudgingly releases Gon. He then teases him and Killua when the Spiders are in favor of allowing the two boys to leave. When Nobunaga insists on them staying so that Gon can join the Troupe, Feitan says that Chrollo would never accept it. With the other Spiders except for Chrollo and Nobunaga, he then attends a meeting where Shalnark presents their new course of action against the Nostrade Family in order to find the chain user.[11]
Feitan teams up with Phinks and tells him that Chrollo said to come to the Cemetery Building and unleash hell. As Phinks kills one of the Mafia members and asks where the other members are, Feitan replies that they are heading there and dispatching any guards as well. He also mentions that Chrollo wants them to make a big show of the massacre. Feitan and other members quickly massacre police and more than 2,000 Mafia members.[22][23] After the deaths of the Ten Dons,[24] they use Kortopi’s ability to fake the deaths of several Troupe members (including Feitan)[10] and to create copies of the auction items, selling the fakes at the rescheduled auction.[24] Afterwards, Feitan celebrates the triumph with the rest of the Troupe back at their hideout.[10]
On September 4th, Chrollo decides that it's time for the Troupe to leave the city, but Nobunaga insists that they go after the chain user.[13] Knowing that Nobunaga won't stop his vendetta against Kurapika, Chrollo uses his newly-stolen ability to write out fortunes for him and the other Troupe members.[14] Feitan and Pakunoda realize that the chain user must be a survivor of the Kurta Clan. In addition to Kortopi,[25] Feitan and Phinks are unable to have their fortunes told because Feitan doesn't know his birthday and Phinks doesn't know his blood type.[3]Hisoka uses his Texture Surprise to alter his fortune, ultimately convincing Chrollo to stay in Yorknew.[26] Later, they discover that the chain user is at the Hotel Beitacle thanks to Kortopi tracking the copied Scarlet Eyes they sold to the Nostrade Family the night before. Feitan's group remains at the hideout with Hisoka, Franklin, and Bonolenov while the others head to the hotel.[27]
In Pakunoda's flashback remembering the formation of the Troupe in Meteor City, Feitan can be seen among the founding members listening to Chrollo's speech about the importance of the Spider.[12] After Chrollo is abducted by Kurapika, Feitan, Phinks, and Shalnark join the others in the hotel’s lobby. Feitan confronts Nobunaga about what he perceives as inaction until Nobunaga explains why they did not pursue the chain user. He then tries to eavesdrop when Kurapika contacts them, but after Pakunoda holds up the phone and Feitan hears that only Pakunoda is allowed to hear the details, he begrudgingly walks away. She is ordered to go to Lingon Airport alone while the other Spiders are to return to the hideout. Phinks, Feitan, and Shalnark intend to go after her, against Nobunaga, Shizuku, and Machi’s wishes. Feitan tells Nobunaga that his way of thinking is an insult to the Spiders since even Chrollo would agree that the group itself should take priority. The Spiders are split into two groups, and the tension rises to the point where Nobunaga is ready to fight for the sake of Pakunoda and Chrollo. Shizuku defuses the situation by knocking Nobunaga unconscious. Kurapika calls them again to inform them that he has a way of knowing where they are and repeats his order, which the Spiders finally agree to follow.[8]
Feitan and the others return to the hideout, taking the captured Gon and Killua with them.[28][29] When Pakunoda returns and insists on bringing Gon and Killua with her to exchange hostages with the chain user, Phinks and Feitan prepare to fight her, Machi, and Kortopi, all of whom Feitan believes are being manipulated by the chain user. When Gon breaks free from his restraints in a fit of anger, Feitan prepares to confront him, but is stopped by Phinks. Franklin speaks up and convinces the others to follow the chain user’s orders for the time being and to allow Pakunoda to leave with the two boys, stressing that any more fighting will be the death of the Troupe.[30]
After successfully carrying out the hostage exchange, Pakunoda returns without Chrollo and fires six of her Memory Bombs into Feitan and the five other founding members, quickly collapsing afterwards. Shizuku checks her body and confirms that she's dead, asking the others what happened. Phinks then explains everything to the others.[31]
On September 6th, Feitan and Phinks attend the Southernpiece Auction and are surprised to see Gon and Killua, who immediately run away. The Troupe members easily chase after them and tell the two that they have no plans to kill them and that they can’t kill Kurapika because it could result in post-mortem Nen. Feitan gives him a look, and Phinks realizes that he shouldn’t reveal anything else, assuring himself that Chrollo is looking for an exorcist and that they just need to wait. Phinks assures Gon and Killua that they are just there to enjoy the auction, adding that the other members have already returned home. After Gon asks about Pakunoda, Phinks tells the two that she died and was thankful to them, quickly turning around as he and Feitan leave.[32]
By attending the auction, Feitan and Phinks discover that Battera has purchased multiple copies of Greed Island and is selecting players through tryouts. Later on the same day, they attack a car carrying a copy, kill the guards, and take it back to their hideout to play.[33] After Feitan enters the game, Machi, Franklin, Shizuku, and Shalnark ask about it, and Phinks invites them to play before entering as well.[34] After Shalnark, Shizuku, and Kortopi also enter the game and discover that Greed Island may be a place in the real world, they come up with a plan and decide to meet up with Feitan and Phinks afterwards. Feitan and Phinks are seen to have killed Latarza and taken his cards. Phinks suggests that they have a contest to see which of them can kill the most players, and Feitan agrees, reminding Phinks to take their cards first.[35] After the Troupe members meet up, they leave together and then travel by boat to the island in the real world. However, they are promptly detected by Eta.[36] Upon reaching the shore, they encounter Razor, who introduces himself as a Game Master. He informs them that trespassers aren't welcome and that they can come back using the right way. He then uses an "Eliminate" card to send them to six different locations on the Azian Continent.[37]
After Feitan and the others return the right way and realize that Chrollo headed to the real Greed Island according to his fortune, Shalnark tells them that he must have hired someone to play the game for him and then use his name as a message to them. As he adds that the exorcist must be on the island, Hisoka reveals himself and that it was his idea to use Chrollo's name. Phinks tells Hisoka that he would like to kill him now, but says that he will leave it to Chrollo.[38] Even though they don't possess many cards, Feitan and Phinks’ hostile playing style has even the Bombers concerned.[39] Finally locating the exorcist Abengane with the help of their new member Kalluto, the Troupe has Hisoka make a deal with him so that he will remove Kurapika's Judgment Chain from Chrollo's heart. Phinks tells Hisoka to get the job done and stresses that they will pay whatever the exorcist asks.[40]
During the Chimera Ant crisis, Feitan, Phinks, Bonolenov, Shalnark, Kalluto, and Shizuku all journey to Meteor City. On their way there, they discuss how the Chimera Ant invasion happened and why some of them came to the city. The Troupe is met by some locals who tell them about the self-proclaimed Queen making a nest near the city and wreaking havoc amongst the people, and how the assembly is currently dealing with it. Seeing that no immediate progress is being made, the Troupe take it upon themselves to solve the Chimera Ant problem, with Phinks assuring the officials that they will exterminate the Queen by the end of the day. The Troupe members approach the enormous nest and walk right in through the front door.[41]
With Kalluto surprised that they are going th
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