Feet Sniff Worship

Feet Sniff Worship


Feet Sniff Worship
Hello everyone! Like most of you I have been a reader on this forum for years, and now that I have had a few feet experiences I would like to share some of them, starting with my first foot worship session . If anyone is interested, I can also write about other experiences that I’ve had, such as the origin of my fetish when I was 13, or the other foot sessions I have had after this one, one more with the same woman that’s in this story actually. Anyway, this isn’t going to be terribly long story, but I think it is definitely worth sharing!

Everything in this story is written as it happened, I did not embellish because personally I don’t like it that much when people make up or add on things to non fiction stories .

So, a little background, I am currently 19, and I live in the San Jose area of California, and this story takes place when I just turned 18. I was looking for my first foot worship session, and tried a bunch of things, I tried Instagram, never worked out, too many flakes. I tried local bdsm dominatrixes, too goddamn expensive. Lastly I tried looking at local escort pages, which ultimately worked out…….

I was browsing the local escorts in my area when one hit my eye, a 35 year old brunette who had fetish sessions listed as one of the things she offers, I won’t get too into detail about her because she is actually not the lady I ended up having a session with!

Almost immediately after I looked at her profile I texted her, and asked if she was available that week for a foot worship session, it took a couple hours to get an answer. Then, I heard my phone ding, I excitedly rushed to check it, and to my immense dismay, I saw a text from her, and all it said was “no.” I was so disappointed and actually a little bit angry because I felt like I put my self out finally, only to get shot down. But then something completely unexpected happened. I received another text from her saying “ I don’t do those type of sessions anymore, but I have a friend who only does fetish sessions if you are interested.”

Well, I wasn’t interested so I replied “no” JUST KIDDING! I was so excited I almost dropped my phone! I replied “yes” and she sent me a pic of her friend whose name is Angela, she was actually pretty cute. She was probably about 5’7, on the heavier side but not obese by any means, with blonde hair.
She then gave me her friends number and said “good luck!” And with that I texted Angela. She actually replied really quickly and said she’s totally down for a foot worship session and that she can host! Which for those of you who know the game, hosting is a major problem, at least it is for me anyway. As you can imagine I’m getting more and more excited by the minute, but it was time for the age old question, how much? Now after dealing with pro dommes and Insta models, I was expecting something outrageous like $300-$600 an hour, which I would have said no to. But, to my delight, Angela said it is $110/ hour! I couldn’t believe it, it was perfect, so with that, we set up a date and a time and I was so excited I forgot to even ask about any details about the session.

This wouldn’t prove to be a problem though because 1 day before the session I got a text from her with a bunch of questions. I’ll just put exactly what the text said because I still remember it

“ Hey Noah! I hope you are excited for our session tomorrow! Before though I have a few questions for you. Would you like my feet to be clean, or stinky/ sweaty? I don’t know your preference. Also, are you into any type of domination? Maybe having your hands and feet tied up or anything like that? This way I know what to bring out for tomorrow. Thanks! -Angela”

Well, this text got me going, I was so happy she asked those questions, so, I definitely answered that I would like her feet to be stinky and that I am into stuff like having my hands tied. Even though I’ve never done anything like this before.

Then she answered with “alright then! Stinky it is! I’ll be walking around all day at the mall before our session so they should smell great for you ”

Oh my goodness was I excited, I could barely even sleep the night before, I just laid in my bed wondering if this is actually happening, and what the session tomorrow would be like.

Well, the day finally came, I woke up just as excited as the night before, and the whole day I couldn’t think of anything else but the session. We scheduled for 3:45, so I had a lot of time to kill, but on the bright side, it was a hot June day in San Jose, so I knew her feet would have a wonderful scent.

Finally, It came time for me to leave and go to Angela’s house, I got in my car and I was actually shaking with nervousness. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I started doubting myself, and almost didn’t go. Lucky for me, my nerves calmed and I headed over to her house. I pulled up in the driveway, got out and walked up to the door, I was so nervous I almost forgot my name when she answered the door .

We greeted each-other in the entryway of her house and she was sooo nice, after talking just for a few minutes we were basically friends. Then after the small talk was over, she asked me if I was ready to start. In my head I was thinking, gosh I’m totally not ready, I’m so not prepared for what’s about to happen, but of course out of my mouth I said yes.

By the way, before I continue I should describe a few things about Angela. She was late thirties at the time, and she was wearing knee high boots with tan nylons on. Her feet were a size 9 with medium length toes and a small arch. Her feet were also amazingly soft, not a callus in sight.


Angela asked me to go to her living room and wait for her there while she got some things from her bedroom. I did as I was told and Walked into the living room, on the floor was a thick mat with a pillow, and a chair on top of it. I have to admit I was a little bit scared when I saw it, thinking I was probably going to be tied up underneath it.

Just as I walked over to the mat Angela entered the room, still wearing her boots. She caught me looking at her boots a little oddly and said playfully, “ I’m keeping them on until we start, I want you to get the full smell you’re paying for!” With that she asked me to lie down on the floor under the chair, In her hands she had 2 bundles of soft rope.

She proceeded to tie my legs together at my ankles, then when she was done with that, she walked over to where my hands were. Before she tied up my hands she asked me if I need anything or want to tell her anything before we get started. I said “no I think I’m ready” , and she said “ Ok then! But just so you know, once I tie you up and we start, I’m not letting you go until the hour is done, no matter how much you struggle.” (We established a safe word of course but she said she wouldn’t let off unless she thought I really meant it). This was such a turn on for me and boy was I ready to start.

She sat on the chair above me, and I was unable to escape. She then lifted up her right boot and slowly zipped it off, and she set her foot on the mat next to my face. I could already smell her sweat, she really must’ve worn those shoes all day. At this point I was actually starting to wonder if I could handle the smell of feet for so long without moving. It doesn’t matter anyway though because I have to endure it at this point whether I like it or not. She then unzipped her other boot and plopped her other foot down next to my face. “here they come” Angela said as she plopped both of her nylon covered feet down on my face. She put them on me in a way that covered my whole face, and I wasn’t able to breathe, suddenly she lifted up her feet and placed one of them back on my face, this time with her toes over my nose, I was forced to take a deep breath after not breathing and inhaled a huge amount of her scent as she spread and cupped her toes over my nose. The smell was just incredible, it was both sickening and intoxicating at the same time. On one hand I wanted to escape the smell, on the other I could’ve stayed there forever.

She continued by sliding her sweaty nylons all over my face, stopping every pass to cup her stinky toes around my nose and making me smell. She was definitely enjoying it. This went on for the first 20 minutes and she never let up. I didn’t breathe anything but her sweaty scent for that time.

Suddenly, she took her feet off my face, and as the colder air of the room hit me, I realized that my face was actually wet with her sweat, and I could actually still smell her feet scent even though they weren’t on my face at that time! Angela quickly slid off her nylons and asked me if I wanted a small challenge. I was so aroused I just said yes without thinking about it. She then shoved her damp nylons into my mouth, and forcefully placed her feet back on my face. “Now you have no choice but to smell, no cheating now. Let’s see how long you last.”

I couldn’t believe it, she was actually forcing me to take in the smell of her feet and I had no choice in the matter. This time she barely put her soles or heels over my nose, it was all toes. She just kept cupping each set of toes around my nose. After 10 minutes of non stop toe sniffing, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I turned my head to the side. That didn’t help at all. With one foot she held my head still, and with the other she pressed her toes against my nose again, but this time I actually couldn’t move at all, I was just stuck smelling her amazingly sweaty toes. I tried to take a breath through my mouth but I just choked on nylons instead.

After about 10 more minutes of this “torture” she took her feet off my face and took her nylons out of my mouth and said “gosh, by the way you were looking, I was starting to doubt if you even like feet haha.” I told her I was too! Jokingly of course.

She then slid my nose in between the toes of her right foot again and commanded me to smell, but this time with her left foot she staring poking at my lips, trying to spread them. I was actually resisting because I have never licked feet before and I wasn’t sure I was ready because they were still all sweaty and stinky. I kept my mouth shut, however she pierced my lips and started to rub her toes on my teeth, at the same time as her other set of toes was firmly planted on my nose. “Come on, open up, I swear you’ll like the way I taste” well, I couldn’t resist that, I opened my mouth and immediately she put her left set of toes inside. With one set of her toes around my nose and the other set wiggling around my mouth, I could only breathe and taste her feet, it was incredible. She kept her toes in my mouth for a couple minutes, running her big toe along the inside of my cheeks.
“Tongue out” she said firmly, I did as I was told and stuck out my tongue as far as I could, she finally took her toes off my nose and started running her foot from heel to toe over my tongue, over and over, occasionally grabbing my nose and telling my to sniff, until the end of the session.

I didn’t want to get up, I wanted to just lay there for another hour, or two or 3 [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]. But alas, my time was done.
She untied me and helped me up, she asked me if I had a good time and I told her it was perfect. She was so happy to hear that, and told me that I should definitely come see her again sometime soon, because in a couple months she will be moving! :( :( :(.
I promised her I would see her again, and I happily paid her and left the house feeling great!

Thank you all for reading my first story!! Like I said before, everything in this story happened exactly as written, if anyone has any questions, writing critiques or comments please don’t hesitate to post them! Please excuse grammatical errors, I typed this out on my phone.

Also, if anyone is interested In hearing about my second and final session with Angela, or any of my other true foot experiences please let me know and I’ll write them.

And finally, if anyone has any idea how I can find a lady to have a session with in the San Jose, CA area or within 50 miles of here, please let me know! I haven’t had much luck finding anyone other than crazy expensive pro dommes. I am currently on fetlife and I’m close to setting up something I think, but you never know. If it works out I’ll probably write about it.


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I'm interested with you sequel.
I think everyone else too. 
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Yes please share more of Angela
Really enjoyed your story... Also share other stories
Great account dude. She sounds amazing
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9:49 AM - Apr 24 #3 2022-04-24T07:49
8:40 AM - Apr 25 #4 2022-04-25T06:40
1:20 PM - Apr 25 #5 2022-04-25T11:20

I've kissed many women's feet, but if I ever approached it his way, I would most definitely get arrested.
The kissing girls feet was a good one. The only thing was the guy settled for a shoe-one kiss instead of barefoot. Other than that, it was pure gold! 
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You can't win; but there are alternatives to fighting-Obi Wan Kenobi
Here are a couple from a Dutch TV show (I think). 
First one a girl has to eat a jar of peanut butter of peoples feet. Luckily she only asks girls if she could lick the condiment off their feet.

Second on a hot girl goes around asking people to eat Bitter Balls off her toes. A number of guys agree and the host pushes the balls onto her big toe and the guys eat the balls off her toe.

I’m not sure if this is relevant for this thread because it’s not technically foot worship, but it is in the same vein and I think people will enjoy it.

A guy gets dared to go up to a girl and ask her to sniff her sock. She seems a little embarrassed about how smelly her feet are, and judging by his reaction, they are pretty bad

At 1:04:

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It's hard to understand what to organize for the bachelor party. However, I will judge from my own experience, it takes a lot of time to find and organize something interesting, hot and exciting for the groom. After reviewing a lot of videos with ideas for the bachelor party, I saw that you can choose everything that is already ready on the riga stag do
I'd forgotten about this thread. Here is a montage of pics made into a clip of a guy worshiping randoms girls feet. Some guys have giant GONADS.

I love this sort of impromptu stuff where everyday girls from an audience are asked to show their feet for some reason and someone on the panel gets to kiss and suck their toes.  Starts at 1:20:23 and goes on for a while - quite a number of girls go up.

Technically there isn't foot worship here neither ,but this guy I am sure he gets more he had bargained for from these girls in this bar / restaurant.... especially from the second one.....she has no trouble to rub his crotch and face with her foot.....

Start at 5:00

Well from now on I will make sure I have some spare cash , just in case I bump on some generous girl like Julia.......and she is so pretty.....the best 20$ this creepy guy has probably spent in a long time....

https://ifunny.co/video/this-man-paid-j ... -cHhDNS9h7
Excellent post as usual @axel3773330 and I agree @vrey1109 it was hot to watch.
Love this kind of stuff. He may seem creepy but at least he asked and she let him. 
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Since i got some requests about my real life experience, i think it's time to share a new one with you. This one is actually quite recent, it happened a few weeks back, like in the middle of december (Yes, even though i have a girlfriend, i like to have fetish related experiences). And i'm also quite lucky, since my gorgeous girlfriend agrees on this, and sometimes actually helps me out, such in this particular case Anyway, here's the story. As I said, this experience takes place in the middle of december. During those days I decided to visit my girlfriend in Florence, since she wasn't busy with the University. We had a really good time and got a chanche to stay together for a while. The second day, she told me that that evening there would have been a birthday party for one of her friends, which i knew. We agreed to go to this party, and so we did. What i didn't know, was that i would have been the only boy at the party and that later we would have gone to a club. We arrived at her friend's house, and met her friends, which i will list right now for the story's sake (and maybe they will appear later in other stories, who knows ). - First we have LA, a really nice and extrovert girl, a bit chubby. Apparently her feet stink a lot, and since she is so extrovert, she seems to be quite openminded and might try foot fetish stuff. I'm actually thinking about asking her for pics. -BA: An extremely cute girl, blonde and quite tall. She has really nice legs and long feet. She is also openminded, but quite shy, though she's really close with LA and might try fetish stuff with her if she decides to try. -R: another blonde and cute girl, don't know much about her. -Nameless girl: Don't really remember her name and she's not important to the story, but she was there, so I will add her lol After this way too long introductions, we can finally get to the story Basically, when I arrived with my girlfriend, they were all busy getting ready for the evening. They were all already dressed and busy putting makeup on but, more importantly, all of them didn't have shoes on! I loved that scene. LA had simple black ankle socks on, which looked like they had been through a lot. They were a little shiny and kinda dirty on the sole, which meant that she had them on for at least the whole day. R had black stockings, my favourite kind. Her feet had a really nice shape in them. And BA was the best. She also had black stockings (of a slightly lighter tone) and was wearing slippers with them ** I don't know, but i find this combination extremely sexy. I spent the evening looking sometimes at their feet in a sneaky way, in order to not be caught. Then, when i went to the bathroom, i noticed something. Next to the bathroom, there was a bedroom with the door open, full of shoes on the floor! There were 4 pairs, and everyone of them were to be worn duri
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