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Feel Latex

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One of the most common questions we’re asked is, “What’s the difference between Dunlop and Talalay?” We’ve described the technical differences here and here , so I’d like to take a shot at a more subjective view. It may help you understand natural latex better while you’re waiting for your samples to come in the mail.
The Dunlop manufacturing process has been done the same way since 1929. The latex mixture is poured into a mold and baked. Natural sediments in the mixture settle to the bottom and are baked in, so each layer is subtly denser, therefore a bit firmer, on the bottom side.
Dunlop is very versatile in our adaptable mattress design. Say, for example, you hurt your back years from now, and need a much firmer mattress for six months to recuperate. Simply unzip the casing top and turn over any layer of Dunlop for a slightly firmer feel. Try one such change for a week, then if you’d like it firmer still, turn over another layer. Even all three. You’ll notice the difference. You can also move a firmer layer from the bottom to the middle or top if you like.
The texture of Dunlop latex is quite close to pound cake. It has a denser feel than Talalay does. Dunlop is resilient and responsive to your body, but not bouncy. When people say, “I really like the top to be soft, but I don’t want a ‘sinking’ sensation,” we usually suggest Soft Dunlop. Using Medium or Firm Dunlop in layers below the surface will give excellent stability for the spine.
Talalay (pron. TAL-ah-lay ) latex, on the other hand, is softer than Dunlop. Soft, Medium, and Firm Talalay are softer than their Dunlop counterparts. The Talalay process adds two steps that are not used in Dunlop manufacture—after the mold is poured, it’s sealed, and the process is completed in a vacuum environment. And the Talalay molds are flash-frozen before they’re baked.
The vacuum and freezing steps create a very even consistency. Soft Talalay is very like the texture of angel food cake. (Angel food cake that lasts for decades, that is.) You won’t sink like a stone lying on Talalay, but it does yield more around your body than Dunlop latex does. Another characteristic of Talalay is a “springier” feel.
For big people who weigh 200 pounds or more, we don’t normally suggest the softest Talalay, but for those who love a pillowy, cushy surface that feels a little “embracing", Talalay’s the charm.
Sometimes people tell us that although they’re eager to get rid of a memory foam mattress because of the pungent chemical smell, they did love the surface feel. Soft Talalay will give you the closest approximation to the “cradling” sensation of memory foam. But better, since you don’t have to re-heat it to get it to feel good again every time you roll over!
The reason Talalay is more expensive than Dunlop is not because it’s “better” or “purer”, but simply because the cost of those two extra manufacturing steps—the vacuum chamber and the flash-freezing—is passed along.
When you choose layers for your Savvy Rest, open-mindedness is the best approach. Visit a Savvy Rest dealer and try different combinations, or if there’s no dealer nearby, give us a call. We’ve had a lot of practice using a series of targeted questions and we can help you choose.
The main thing to remember is there isn’t a right or wrong type of latex, just the type and combination that will feel best to you. Your height, weight, sleeping positions, degree of restlessness, any pain issues—all those factor into your choice. It’s a collaboration, and an art rather than a science, but we can normally guide you right to the customization you’ll love for comfort and support. And if the first choice isn’t perfect, you still have three months to order a latex exchange (about 10 percent of our customers do).
No matter which type you choose, you’ll find that natural latex will comfort and support you, for the sleep you’ve been dreaming of… .
Our latex mattresses are customizable. Discover the combination that best suits you.
Order Dunlop and Talalay latex samples and feel them for yourself.
We offer a range of natural latex and organic mattresses, including customizable designs.

Wear Latex
all about latex clothing

Punkbank and Marikusa Hanayagi — The Book of the Dead
Japanese folklore is interpreted through dance, music, and lots of latex.
2022 is the 30-year anniversary of Batman Returns' global release! Now, what sort of a latex site would this be if we didn't mark the occasion?
Vanessa Hudgens – MTV Movie & TV awards 2022
In one of seven outfits during the night, Vanessa paid homage to Zoë Kravitz's Catwoman.
Early latex clothing and the punk scene
The Danny Boyle series "Pistol" charts the punk movement in Britain during the 1970s. It was a watershed moment for latex fashion.
Balenciaga at the New York Stock Exchange
Loic Prigent's report features backstage interviews with the creative director and models, as they discuss wearing latex for the show.
More Latex!





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If you’re planning on wearing latex for several hours, there are certain preparations you can make to ensure you stay comfortable for the duration. Read on for our 7 tips for wearing latex comfortably!
First, a cautionary tale: Last week, Shani James turned up to the Primary Wave pre-grammy party wearing the all-red latex outfit pictured above.
It’s a stunning ensemble, made up of a Knee Frill Dress and Cape from Jane Doe latex . But when pictured at other events, Shani James is usually all smiles – what gives? Is she just playing the vamp here? Let’s find out…
Uh oh, it seems Shani was rather less than enamoured with her choice of outfit for the evening!
Photographer: Is that comfortable?
Shani James: Not at all.
Coupled with some other colourful complaints and it seemed Shani was regretting her outfit as soon as she arrived. I have a feeling we won’t be seeing her wearing latex anytime soon, which is a pity because she did look great despite how she might have felt.
So where did it go wrong? Was the outfit picked for her? Or maybe some latex dress wearing celebrity caught her eye and she similarly wanted to impress? Understandable, but hold it right there. Wearing latex shouldn’t be a decision taken lightly; it’s not just any fabric to be rushed into. It requires a certain set of expectations and preparations in order to dress right and feel comfortable. Latex has a learning curve. How often can we say that about clothing?
I mean, no wonder people are dying to get into latex: It looks amazing, and when worn correctly feels amazing too. But let’s just temper that excitement with some cool-headed precautions and you’ll end up feeling just as incredible as you look, all evening:
If you rush this process you’re going to get hot and bothered before you even get into your latex, so take your time. It’s a slow, careful process which will demand less time the more you are used to putting on latex, but to begin with you need patience. A helping pair of hands may also make the process easier. Latex designers usually include a leaflet with instructions how to dress, so follow them carefully.
This could be either talc or a purpose-made latex clothing lubricant. Each has their pros and cons and each their own sensation which you can experiment with. Whatever you use, be liberal, especially around tighter areas like sleeves. Put the dressing aid both on the inside of the garment and on your body just to be sure.
As you become accustomed to wearing latex you will come to know the exact amounts needed, but if you are an unsure newbie remember it’s hard to use too much dressing aid and very easy to use too little. You might think you are using just enough to get into your garments, but soon after wearing them they can start to pinch, and you’ll have to strip and start again. Avoid that: don’t scrimp. With the right amount of dressing aid, even tight latex should slide on quite easily and will remain comfortable to wear for hours.
Of course, you’ll want a shining product anyway to make your latex sparkle. But besides this visual benefit, latex which is well treated with a shining product can make the rubber more supple and therefore easier to put on and more comfortable to wear.
There are various sprays that are easy to apply when you’re already wearing your latex, but for the softest, most flexible and in my opinion comfiest rubber you are better off mixing the shiner with some water and rinsing your clothes in the solution before hanging up to dry and then wearing. Not only will your latex come out looking fabulously shiny, but it will feel so much nicer on the skin. Below is a demonstration with beGLOSS shiner, but the principal is the same for all similar products:
This one might be less subject to your control, but it’s important to wear latex in the correct environment, i.e. the temperature should neither be too hot nor too cold because latex amplifies whatever the ambient temperature may be.
Besides this, be mindful of the activities you are going to get up to while wearing latex, avoiding anything too strenuous. If you have to keep to a schedule give yourself plenty of time because the last thing you want is having to rush about getting flustered in latex. And if you’re going to dance, be ready to hydrate yourself!
Of course, any clothing which is too small is uncomfortable, but since latex is often skin-tight getting the correct size is doubly important. For this reason, almost every latex clothing designer offers a made-to-measure service and you should seriously consider it if you’re wearing something form fitting. The end result will also look a lot better. Skin-tight latex which is too small will pinch or even make you numb in especially tight areas. No amount of dressing aid will prevent that, so get the right size and don’t be tempted to size down.
Latex is an unusual material for clothing, and you will be mindful of how strange it feels when wearing it. It will be tight and it doesn’t breathe. People who love latex accept these things because it offers a unique sensation no other clothing can offer: the sexy, sensuous and transformative feeling of a “second skin”.
Still, at times your body might object to the unusual feeling, fluctuating from feeling empowered and sexy to simply being uncomfortable. The more you wear latex the more this feeling of discomfort will diminish. If you’re planning on wearing latex to a party which might last several hours, you should have a ‘trial run’ at home where you can wear your outfit for a shorter period to get used to it, and gradually increase the length of time you’re in latex.
If the above tips are followed, we personally find latex to be a supremely comfortable material. A supple, thin, stretchy film that is made to your measurements and conforms to your body perfectly. How can it not be comfortable?! We will concede, however, it might take some getting used to:
I like to be comfortable but I don’t always take it into consideration. I really like latex clothes, for example. But latex dresses… people come up to me and go: “Are you comfortable in that?” And I’m like: “I don’t care. How does it look? It looks good? All right, cool.” -Rita Ora
We don’t think Rita Ora is saying that she is un comfortable when wearing latex. And neither will you be, following our tips. But when all’s said and done, latex may not rank as comfortable as some other clothing. And that’s absolutely normal. Every day we make decisions where we weigh up comfort versus some other criteria, whether it be appearance, how the clothing boosts our confidence, or some other X factor.
The prioritisation of simple “comfort” — a regular concern when wearing most textiles — is quickly sidelined by the overwhelming haptics of rubber clinging to the body; a strange, sensual pleasure all of its own. The feel of it next to the skin, hugging tightly; a sensation of constriction which is curiously empowering at the same time. Its smoothness to the touch, stretchiness and ability to mould to your shape and movement. Wearers often feel like they’ve been transformed into a superhero.
As well as being visually stunning, wearing latex opens a whole new tactile world and a sense of transformation and empowerment. It is these feelings that are at the forefront of one’s mind when wearing this most unusual of clothing. Latex may even redefine what the notion of “comfort” means to you.
Sometimes the most insane outfits make me feel the most "me".
Ricci's blog is more travel and activity-oriented than fashion, however her unique shiny sense of style is ever-present.
Louisa wears high waist latex knickers, though they are mostly covered by her long black top. Much more noticeable are the House of Harlot leggings (pictured).

What is wearing latex clothing like?
My boyfriend loves it when I wear my black latex catsuit, we are pretty much the same weight and he’s a few inches taller and I want him to wear it , how do I convince him to try it?
I want to ask my mum for a latex catsuit what should I do ?
Are there any women wearing latex in the USA? Every woman I talk to thinks it’s gross and seems like only women in Europe wear it.
I really want to wear a latex catsuit. What safe websites can I buy a good quality one from?
My boyfriend loves it when I wear my black latex catsuit, we are pretty much the same weight and he’s a few inches taller and I want him to wear it , how do I convince him to try it?
I want to ask my mum for a latex catsuit what should I do ?
Are there any women wearing latex in the USA? Every woman I talk to thinks it’s gross and seems like only women in Europe wear it.
I really want to wear a latex catsuit. What safe websites can I buy a good quality one from?
I like to wear a latex catsuit and heels as a crossdresser. What should I do?
I'm a straight 17 year old male and I want to wear latex. How do I ask my parents to let me get latex?
I'm 16 years old and I want to own latex underwear or something but my parents don't approve. How can I buy some without them knowing?
What are latex leggings like? Are they comfortable?
Is it ok for a 14 year old to wear latex?
For how long can I wear my latex catsuit?
Do women like latex and men in latex?
What is the feeling you get when wearing latex?
How many females wear latex clothes?
My boyfriend loves it when I wear my black latex catsuit, we are pretty much the same weight and he’s a few inches taller and I want him to wear it , how do I convince him to try it?
I want to ask my mum for a latex catsuit what should I do ?
Are there any women wearing latex in the USA? Every woman I talk to thinks it’s gross and seems like only women in Europe wear it.
I really want to wear a latex catsuit. What safe websites can I buy a good quality one from?
I like to wear a latex catsuit and heels as a crossdresser. What should I do?
I'm a straight 17 year old male and I want to wear latex. How do I ask my parents to let me get latex?
I'm 16 years old and I want to own latex underwear or something but my parents don't approve. How can I buy some without them knowing?
What are latex leggings like? Are they comfortable?
Is it ok for a 14 year old to wear latex?
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Wearing latex changes how you perceive touch. This is true of many a fabric, but with latex you do not feel like you’re wearing fabric, so it feels more like it actually changes how your very skin feels.
When something brushes against, or just simply touches, your latex-covered skin, you can feel it as if it were touching your skin, including the temperature of it - but it feels different.
This ‘different’ sensation causes you to feel it more strongly, more intensely, more consciously.
Depending on the thickness of the latex this can produce different sensations. Very thick latex can feel like a
Wearing latex changes how you perceive touch. This is true of many a fabric, but with latex you do not feel like you’re wearing fabric, so it feels more like it actually changes how your very skin feels.
When something brushes against, or just simply touches, your latex-covered skin, you can feel it as if it were touching your skin, including the temperature of it - but it feels different.
This ‘different’ sensation causes you to feel it more strongly, more intensely, more consciously.
Depending on the thickness of the latex this can produce different sensations. Very thick latex can feel like a numbing effect. Generally, wearing latex is similar to the feeling of freshly shaved or waxed skin - more sensitive, very smooth.
Latex is also water- and air-tight. So while on naked skin you will feel air-currents cooling you, this is not true when wearing latex, but you can still feel the air-current. As you move about, this can create a surreal feeling. You can use an atomizer with some water to cool yourself down by spraying some on the surface of the latex, and it will suddenly feel more like skin as you can feel the cooling effect of evaporating water again.
By the same characteristic, its water-tightness, it traps sweat. Your skin always sweats, just not much. But however little you may sweat, it will produce a steamy sweaty feeling after a while - some people like that feeling, some don’t. If you like being in the sauna, you might also appreciate this.
Lastly, latex is NOT a second skin. Unless the latex is ultra-thin and / or very tight, you will find it to be wrinkling around your large joints and other torsion-areas like your tummy and waist as you bend those areas. This can sometimes cause discomfort if the skin is not well-lubricated, or left in the wrinkles state for long, as this can cause pressure-marks ( like suction-marks / hickeys ), however, when well.fitted, this characteristic can also produce additional stimulation as the latex gently slides over your skin as you move, akin to tender caresses.
The finish of latex can affect how it moves against the skin. Many popular brands of sheet later have a very smooth shiny side, and a matte rougher side. Typically the rougher side will be on the inside of the garments, enabling it to better grab on to the skin, but especially molded latex tends to be smooth inside and out, creating yet a different sensation as you wear it. You’d have to try to see which feeling you prefer.
Many more elaborate designs are only available as glued quality, not molded. Most people tend to prefer glued quality garments over molded ones, however, molded items have the advantage of having no seams and can have molded-in shape that glued-together sheet-latex cannot accommodate, i.e. seamless breast-cups, noses, ears, etc.
Latex generally comes in two types also, there is untreated latex, which is tacky and sticks to itself, hair, and skin to a degree, so it is usually worn with some sort of lubricant on the inside to aid with dressing up, and a surface polish on the outside.
The other kind is treated with chlorine, and this makes the surface of the latex very slick, similar to silk, and gives it a permanent rich shine provided the surface was smooth to begin with, all be it not quite as rich as polished untreated latex, and it’s harder to polish it to achieve a higher degree of shine. It also means one needs no additional lubricant to put the items on, which for some people is a desirable quality, and other rather like the
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