Feed Hole

Feed Hole


Feed Hole

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Home > Tech Tips > The Wire Feed Hole
The feed hole on the bonding wedge is likely the most critical aspect of the wedge configuration. The feed hole has the responsibility of guiding the wire accurately to the center of the bond foot. The feed hole's most significant contribution is how it defines the looping performance for our customers.
What do we mean by looping performance? Our customers use our product to attach wires between two points. This wire needs to have an arc shape in order to prevent shorting on other circuitry within the electronic device. If a wire is laid flat, it would sag down and touch other electrical points in the customer's product. If the wire is shaped into an arc similar to the shape of a bridge spanning a stream, then the wire is stronger, just like the bridge is stronger. This wire shape is what we call the loop profile. The loop profile can be very low or it can very high for a variety of different reasons. The loop profile will be dictated by the length of the wire, the diameter of the wire and the height difference between the first and second bond. Our customers have to consider all these factors when deciding which wedge to utilize.
There is a very simple guideline to start with when selecting the diameter of the feed hole. Generally speaking, the feed hole diameter will be twice the diameter of the bonding wire. A .001" diameter wire will use a .002" diameter hole. Customers deviate from this general guideline for a variety of reasons.
The feed hole plays such a critical role that it can also be the cause of many performance problems. These problems can be very difficult for our customers to resolve quickly because the symptoms can be caused from several different sources. These problems include poor wire feeding, poor looping, wire damage, poor wire termination and difficulty threading the wire. This is why accuracy on the feed hole diameter, the feed hole length, and the funnel depth are extremely critical.
The feed hole gains control over the wire by producing "wire lock.” Wire lock is when the wire cannot slide through the feed hole. The wire is thus "locked" inside the feed hole. Wire lock takes place when the angle of the wire moves significantly away from the angle of the feed hole. In other words, the wire angle and the hole angle need to be at the same angle in order for the wire to freely pass through the feed hole. If the angles of the wire and hole are not the same, then there will be friction on the wire. The greater the angle differential the greater the friction. Eventually the friction is high enough to achieve wire lock. Then the tool is in control of the wire and in control of the loop profile. A couple of feed hole aspects can cause significant wire lock problems. The two primary aspects would be the hole diameter in relationship to the wire diameter, as well as the feed hole length.
One of the other factors that contributes to wire lock performance is the length of the feed hole. The length of the feed hole is altered when the depth of the funnel is altered or if the "T" dimension of the tool is modified.
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It's an eye candy game. Just move in the area the objective is to swallow everything so that nothing is left but be careful there are bombs also in the environment! This game was made for Brackeys 2020 GameJam Theme- Holes
Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.
Really interesting game. keep it up bro.👌👍🏻🙂
Sorry i didnt build it for linux however u can play it on windows :)
Really enjoyed playing, Good job! 🙂
This game should be disqualified from Brackeys' Game Jam since this game is a rip-off of a game called Donut County for PC and mobile (the game can be found here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/702670/Donut_County/ ). You copied both the gameplay and the art style of Donut County. This is plagiarism. You're stealing someone else's work.
yea i saw that their is a game like that after people told me how ever i didnt did that on purpose I thought of it own my own. 
bro dont you understand that game jams arent about being completly original
for me it's a text dounument and i can't extract it :(
why is there tagged macOS??? Kidding me?!
sorry i was in a hurry to upload the game I didnt realised I did that!
I uploaded it in the last 5 minutes of the jam
sorry i was in a hurry to upload the game I didnt realised I did that!

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feed    ( feeds  plural & 3rd person present )  ( feeding  present participle )  ( fed  past tense & past participle  )
1    verb  If you feed a person or animal, you give them food to eat and sometimes actually put it in their mouths.  We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds...    V n  In that part of the world you can feed cattle on almost any green vegetable or fruit...    V n on/with n  He spooned the ice cream into a cup and fed it to her.    V n to n, Also V pron-refl      Feed is also a noun.    (mainly BRIT)    n-count  She's had a good feed.    ♦
  feeding    n-uncount  The feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.    
2    verb  To feed a family or a community means to supply food for them.  Feeding a hungry family can be expensive .    V n  ...a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months.    V n  
3    verb  When an animal feeds, it eats or drinks something.  After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding...    V  Slugs feed on decaying plant and animal material.    V on/off n  
4    verb  When a baby feeds, or when you feed it, it drinks breast milk or milk from a bottle.  When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often...    V  I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby.    V n  
5    n-mass  Animal feed is food given to animals, especially farm animals.  usu n N  The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed., ...poultry feed.    
6    verb  To feed something to a place, means to supply it to that place in a steady flow.  ...blood vessels that feed blood to the brain.    V n prep  ...gas fed through pipelines.    V n prep  
7    verb  If you feed something into a container or piece of equipment, you put it into it.  She was feeding documents into a paper shredder.    V n prep  
8    verb  If someone feeds you false or secret information, they deliberately tell it to you.  He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies...    V n n  At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information.    V n with n, Also V n to n  
9    verb  If you feed a plant, you add substances to it to make it grow well.  Feed plants to encourage steady growth.    V n  
10    verb  If one thing feedson another, it becomes stronger as a result of the other thing's existence.  The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.    V on n  
11    verb  To feed information into a computer means to gradually put it into it.  An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer.    V n into/to n  
bottle-feed      ( bottle-feeds  3rd person present )  ( bottle-feeding  present participle )  ( bottle-fed  past tense & past participle  ) If you bottle-feed a baby, you give it milk or a liquid like milk in a bottle rather than the baby sucking milk from its mother's breasts.    verb    (Antonym: breast feed)
  New fathers love bottle feeding their babies.    V n  ...a bottle-fed baby.    V-ed  
breast-feed      ( breast-feeds  3rd person present )  ( breast-feeding  present participle )  ( breast-fed  past tense & past participle  ) , breastfeed, breast feed  When a woman breast-feeds her baby, she feeds it with milk from her breasts, rather than from a bottle.    verb  
(=suckle)  Not all women have the choice whether or not to breast feed their babies...    V n  Leading scientists claim breast-fed babies are intellectually brighter.    V-ed, Also V  ♦
  breast-feeding    n-uncount  There are many advantages to breast feeding.    
chicken feed    , chickenfeed  If you think that an amount of money is so small it is hardly worth having or considering, you can say that it is chicken feed.    n-uncount  
(=peanuts)  I was making a million a year, but that's chicken feed in the pop business.    
force-feed      ( force-feeds  3rd person present )  ( force-feeding  present participle )  ( force-fed  past tense & past participle  ) If you force-feed a person or animal, you make them eat or drink by pushing food or drink down their throat.    verb  Production of the foie gras pâté involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell.    V n  
spoon-feed      ( spoon-feeds  3rd person present )  ( spoon-feeding  present participle )  ( spoon-fed  past tense & past participle  )
1    verb  If you think that someone is being given too much help with something and is not making enough effort themselves, you can say they are being spoon-fed.  usu passive    (disapproval)
  Students are unwilling to really work. They want to be spoon-fed...    be V-ed  
2    verb  If you say that someone is spoon-fed ideas or information, you mean that they are told about them and are expected to accept them without questioning them.  usu passive    (disapproval)
  They were less willing to be spoon-fed doctrines from Japan...    be V-ed n  
3    verb  If you spoon-feed a small child or a sick person, you feed them using a spoon.  It took two years for me to get better, during which time he spoon-fed me and did absolutely everything around the house.    V n  
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

a misfit; something or someone looking/behaving in a manner that comes in contradiction with the general context

a humorous way of saying that something is not needed at all

to make a hole in ground, with a spade for example

a phrase to qualify something that has a lot of faults and problems. If an argument or a story has more holes t


Ex.: I didn't enjoy his last movie at all; the plot had more holes than a Swiss cheese and the s

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