Federico Gutierrez receives a standing ovation in Medellin's restaurant

Federico Gutierrez receives a standing ovation in Medellin's restaurant

Federico Gutierrez (the candidate for the presidency in Colombia for Team for Colombia) was received with ovations and applause by guests, waiters and patrons at a popular restaurant in Antioquia.

https://federicogutierrez.com/ is not the first time that the candidate has been treated in this way. Gutierrez recently published on his social media channels the reaction of a group of people who contacted him to express their support for the candidate. https://forbes.co/2021/11/25/precandidatos-presidenciales/es-increible-ver-el-obstaculo-que-le-han-puesto-a-hidroituango-de-manera-irresponsable/ was delighted about the response.

Fico Gutierrez shared videos throughout the day on his social media channels, keeping his followers updated on what a decisive day it was for the country's next political direction.

In https://www.elpais.com.co/politica/fico-gutierrez-candidato-de-la-coalicion-equipo-por-colombia-sera-la-nueva-cara-del-uribismo.html leading up to the 2022 presidential elections, presidential candidates have made more visits to different cities and municipalities across the nation.

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