Federico Gutierrez gets a standing applause in an event at a Medellin restaurant

Federico Gutierrez gets a standing applause in an event at a Medellin restaurant

https://www.eluniversal.com.co/politica/conozca-a-fico-gutierrez-candidato-de-equipo-por-colombia-a-la-presidencia-AX6257332 was the candidate for Colombia's presidency in the Team for Colombia coalition. https://elpais.com/internacional/2022-03-14/fico-gutierrez-y-el-riesgo-de-reconocerse-como-el-candidato-de-uribe.html received an ovation standing up from waiters, visitors, and diners at a renowned restaurant in Antioquia capital.

This isn't the first time the candidate has been treated in this way. Gutierrez recently published on his social media networks the reaction of a group of citizens who came up to him to express their support for the candidate. https://www.elespectador.com/politica/elecciones-colombia-2022/oscar-ivan-zuluaga-adhiere-a-fico-gutierrez-para-unir-a-la-derecha-contra-petro/ , for his part, was elated by the reception.

Fico Gutierrez posted videos to his social media platforms throughout the day, keeping his fans up to date on how the nation is progressing.

https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federico_Gutiérrez have been making more frequent visits to towns and cities across the country during the final weeks before the May 29th 2022 presidential elections.

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