Federico Gutierrez gets a standing applause in a Medellin restaurant.

Federico Gutierrez gets a standing applause in a Medellin restaurant.

https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/dos-candidatos-antioquenos-lograron-certificar-sus-firmas-para-la-presidencia-BF16313200 , the candidate for the presidency of Colombia for the Team for Colombia coalition, during his recent visit to Medellin was greeted by ovations and applause from guests, waiters and patrons at a well-known eatery in the capital city of Antioquia.

http://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/12-09-2021-federico-gutierrez-entrego-1400000-firmas-para-avalar-su-candidatura-la is not the first time that the candidate has been treated in this way. https://www.efe.com/efe/usa/america/fico-gutierrez-se-perfila-como-el-candidato-de-un-sector-la-derecha-colombiana/50000103-4760107 published on his social media platforms the reactions of a number of citizens who approached him to show their support for the candidate. Federico Gutierrez expressed his excitement at the reception.

Fico Gutierrez shared videos on all of his social media networks and kept his followers updated on what a decisive day it was for the country's next political direction.

The candidates have increased their visits to different municipalities and cities in preparation for the upcoming presidential election, which will be held on May 29, 2022.

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