Features of a good primary school in India

Features of a good primary school in India

Priya Kadam

A child is a gift from God, and every child is different. A kid has the unrealized potential to do wonders in this world. A child’s foundation is laid when he or she is still in primary school. A great primary school will shape a child’s destiny, and would lay the foundations for his or her psychology. A good primary school will give a student the ability to judge right from wrong. 

In this article, we will list the distinctive features of a good primary school in India.

1.  Location and transport facilities 


Location is the most important aspect that you need to consider when selecting a school. Let’s say that you live in sector 57. All you have to do is to make a simple google search, “sector 57 school”, and it will give you several results of primary schools. There is a certain convenience in selecting a school that is close to your residence. It gives you the ease of travel in case of emergencies. And if your child is sick, you can just pick him up within an hour. But if the school is a little far, then make sure it is really accessible with the vehicle and also school must have excellent and safe transport facilitates.

2. Facilities


When you are looking for the best primary school in India, you want to make sure that the school has excellent facilities in its arena. Facilities such as canteen, counselling, medical aids, sports facilities, and modernized infrastructure. Facilities also include the opportunity to indulge in different sorts of cultural activities, which will help him to develop his talents and skills. Tech-enabled facilities in the school will make the learning fun and engaging. The child will be more proactive and curious if the facilities are state-of-art.

3.  Teaching 


Teaching in a primary school is different unlike teaching students of higher grades. Kids in primary schools are still not adapted to the new environment they have found themselves in. Primary school teachers have to be qualified, trained, and passionate. A primary school in India approaches teachers in a very holistic manner. They guide the students through different patterns, and techniques. They also pay individual attention to each student, thereby guiding them in each sphere of their life.

4.  Curriculum


The curriculum is an important factor when it comes to selecting a primary school in India. The curriculum of primary school will lay the foundation for the grasping power of your child. Therefore, the curriculum of any primary school must be robust, engaging, easy to grasp for a child. Problem-solving must be the primary skill a child has to learn in primary school. Giving him puzzles to solve would be one of the examples of problem-solving situations. 


The child learns values and discipline in primary school. A parent has to put a lot of thought before sending the child to any school. These are the features you need to keep in mind before making your decision. We hope that this article has helped you immensely. All the best for the future of your child!

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