Features of Spoken Language and how to TEACH them [Полина Кордик] скачать бесплатно

Features of Spoken Language and how to TEACH them [Полина Кордик] скачать бесплатно

В этой статье Полина Кордик рассматривает особенности устной речи и методы их преподавания. Она подчеркивает важность обучения студентов не только грамматике и лексике, но и навыкам устного общения, таким как произношение, интонация, паузы и др. Автор предлагает различные упражнения и методики, которые помогут преподавателям эффективно развивать у студентов навыки устной речи.

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Features Of Spoken Language And How To TEACH Them [Полина Кордик]

Spoken language is a fundamental aspect of communication that plays a crucial role in our everyday interactions. Understanding the features of spoken language can help learners improve their communication skills and become more proficient speakers. In this article, we will explore the key features of spoken language and discuss how teachers can effectively teach them to their students.

One of the main features of spoken language is its dynamic nature. Unlike written language, spoken language is fluid and constantly changing. This means that speakers need to be able to adapt their language in real-time to communicate effectively. Teachers can help students develop this skill by providing opportunities for them to engage in spontaneous conversations and practice speaking in different contexts.

Another important feature of spoken language is its use of intonation and stress. Intonation refers to the rise and fall of pitch in speech, while stress refers to the emphasis placed on certain words or syllables. Teaching students how to use intonation and stress effectively can help them convey meaning and emotion in their speech. Teachers can use exercises such as intonation drills and stress patterns to help students improve their pronunciation and intonation.

Furthermore, spoken language often includes features such as fillers, hesitations, and false starts. Fillers, such as "um" and "uh," are used to give speakers time to think or organize their thoughts. Hesitations and false starts occur when speakers pause or correct themselves mid-sentence. Teachers can help students become more fluent speakers by teaching them how to use fillers appropriately and minimize hesitations and false starts in their speech.

Additionally, spoken language is characterized by its use of informal language and colloquial expressions. This can make it challenging for students to understand and communicate effectively in informal settings. Teachers can help students expand their vocabulary and learn common colloquial expressions by incorporating authentic materials, such as podcasts and TV shows, into their lessons. By exposing students to authentic spoken language, teachers can help them become more confident and proficient speakers.

In conclusion, understanding the features of spoken language is essential for learners who want to improve their communication skills. By teaching students how to adapt their language, use intonation and stress effectively, minimize fillers and hesitations, and learn informal language and colloquial expressions, teachers can help students become more fluent and confident speakers. By incorporating these strategies into their lessons, teachers can empower their students to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts.

To learn more about the features of spoken language and how to teach them, you can download the comprehensive guide "Features Of Spoken Language And How To TEACH Them" by Polina Kordik. This guide provides practical tips and strategies for teaching spoken language effectively and helping students become more proficient speakers. Download your copy today and start improving your communication skills!

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