Father Son Incest

Father Son Incest


Перевести · 07.04.2017 · EXCLUSIVE: Ben McCormack's sick gay incest film about a father pleasuring his own SON that shocked hardened ACA …
China (Mainland)
Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China Chapter 4 prohibit rape and sexual assault, but not consensual incest.

Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, it is illegal to have sexual intercourse with certain close relatives, even if they are consenting adults. The prohibited relationships are grandfathe…
China (Mainland)
Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China Chapter 4 prohibit rape and sexual assault, but not consensual incest.

Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, it is illegal to have sexual intercourse with certain close relatives, even if they are consenting adults. The prohibited relationships are grandfather-granddaughter, father-daughter, brother-sister and mother-son. Punishment is up to 20 years' imprisonment for male offenders and up to 14 years' imprisonment for female offenders. The law does not cover sexual intercourse with more distant relatives, such as an aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and cousin. It only addresses male-on-female and female-on-male sexual intercourse, and it appears that consensual same-sex incest is not illegal. The law makes an assumption that a female below the age of 16 has no ability to consent to sexual intercourse, therefore a female below 16 cannot commit incest.

On 5 December 2019, the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong ("LRC") published a report on Review of Substantive Sexual Offences making final recommendations for the reform of substantive sexual offences in the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200). It recommended that "the offence of incest should be reformed to become gender neutral; to cover all penile penetration of the mouth, vagina and anus and other forms of penetration; and be extended to cover uncles (aunts) and nieces (nephews) who are blood relatives as well as adoptive parents"

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) does not contain any specific provision against incest and also there is no law to support incest relationships, but there are general provisions relating to sexual abuse of children by their custodian, such as a parent or teacher. More over the rule of kinship or marriage is governed by the different marriage laws.

Consensual incest between adults is legal in Japan. However, Article 179 of Penal Code stated that a person who "commits an indecent act upon" or "engages in sexual intercourse, etc." with another person "under eighteen years of age by taking advantage of the influence arising from the fact of having custody of that person" is punished in the same manner as prescribed in Article 176 ("Indecency through Compulsion") ie imprisonment for not less than 6 months but not more than 10 years.

South Korea
The Criminal Act does not prohibit consensual incest. Starting from 20 August, 2019, ACT ON SPECIAL CASES CONCERNING THE PUNISHMENT, ETC. OF SEXUAL CRIMES stipulated that a person who rapes (i.e. through violence or intimidation, has sexual intercourse with) another person in a consanguineous or marital relationship (relatives by blood or marriage within the fourth degree or residing together, including a de facto relationship) shall be punished by imprisonment for a fixed term of at least 7 years, which is heavier penalty than that targeting raping in general (at least 3 years imprisonment) stipulated by the Criminal Act.

According to Macau's civil code, people in direct line kinship or in the second degree of collateral kinship cannot marry each other.

In Malaysia, it is incest to have sexual intercourse with a person who under the law, religion, custom or usage that applies to the person he or she is not permitted to marry on account of their relationship.

In addition to whipping, persons convicted of incest face a minimum sentence of 6 years' imprisonment and a maximum sentence of 20 years' imprisonment. It is a defense against the charge if the person did not know the relationship was not permitted or if the sexual intercourse was done without his or her consent. Girls below the age of 16 and boys below the age of 13 are deemed to be incapable of giving consent. (The age of consent for sex in Malaysia is 16 for both sexes. )

While it is unclear to which family members the incest law applies, a verdict from the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak in 2011 provided some indication about the sentencing guidelines. It described incest as a "heinous crime" but that the degree of kinship between the parties dictates the "level of repulsion" which the court translates into a sentence imposed. The verdict said the worst on such a scale is incest committed by a father to his biological daughter or a brother to his biological sister, and that such offenders should receive the harshest sentence. It said an uncle and his maternal niece committing incest is not on that same level and, if there was no violence involved, the length of the sentence should reflect it.

There are more severe sentences for those who commit incest through rape. The offence of incestuous rape is punishable with not less than 8 years' imprisonment and not more than 30 years' imprisonment. In addition, those convicted receive not less than 10 strokes.

Malaysian law also considers sexual intercourse with the stepfamily to be incestuous.

The legal code of Pakistan defines incest as marriage (consortion) between a male and either his:
• wife or former wife of father, grandfather and further ancestors
• Mother, grandmother and further ancestors
• Daughter, granddaughter and further descendants
• full or half-sister
• parents' sisters, grandparents' sisters and further ancestors' sisters
• daughter, granddaughter and further descendant of full or half-sibling
• suckling ancestor
• suckling sister
• Mother, grandmother and further ancestors of wife or former wife
• Daughter, granddaughter of wife or former wife
• Wife or former wife of true son or grandson and further descendants
• Sororal polygyny

Both participants are guilty if they commit the above acts and are charged with zina.

Article 81 of the Civil Code of the Philippines considers marriages between the following incestuous and void from their performance:
1. Between brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half blood;
2. Between collateral relatives by blood within the fourth civil degree

A similar prohibition can be found in Articles 37 and 38 of the Family Code.

In the 1973 visa proceedings case of In re: Bautista, an Immigration Officer denied entry to a married couple who were second cousins. In reaching the decision, the immigration officer relied on subsection 1 of Article 81 of the Civil Code. However, on appeal, it was found that the parties were collateral relatives and therefore fell under subsection 2 of the same Code, which prohibits marriages between relatives by blood within the fourth civil degree. The fourth civil degree includes first cousins. Second cousins, who are the children of first cousins, fall under the fifth civil degree and are not covered by the prohibition. The marriage, being valid under the laws of the place of celebration, was then recognized for immigration purposes only.

In addition, the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines prohibit by consanguinity (tahrimjbin-nasab) the following marriages:
1. Ascendants and descendants of any degree;
2. Brothers and sisters, whether germane, consanguine or uterine; and
3. Brothers or sisters and their descendants within the third civil degree.

While incestuous marriage is illegal in the Philippines, there is no legislation which prohibits out-of-marriage incestuous sexual acts between two consenting adults.

Section 376G of the Penal Code specifies that "a male, of or above the age of 16, having sexual relations with his grand-daughter, daughter, sister, half-sister, mother or grandmother, with or without consent, shall be guilty of an offence. Any woman of or above the age of 16 years who, with consent, permits her grandfather, father, brother, half-brother, son or grandson (whether such relationship is or is not traced through lawful wedlock) to penetrate her in the manner described in subsection (1)(a) or (b), knowing him to be her grandfather, father, brother, half-brother, son or grandson, as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence."

In Taiwan, Article 230 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China prohibits sexual intercourse between any lineal relatives by blood or collateral relatives within the third degree of relationship by blood. Violators may be imprisoned for up to 5 years.

Article 968 of the Civil Code states that "the degree of relationship by blood between a person and his lineal relative by blood shall be determined by counting the number of generations upwards or downwards from himself [as the case may be], one generation being taken as one degree. As between the person and his collateral relative, the degree of relationship shall be determined by the total number of generations counting upwards from himself to the common lineal ancestor and then from such common ancestor downwards to the relative by blood with whom the degree of relationship is to be determined."

Incestuous relations between persons (over 15 years old) are not prohibited by law, though a marriage cannot take place if the man and woman are blood relations in the direct ascendant or descendant line, or brother or sister of full or half blood. The said relationship shall be in accordance with blood relation without regard to its legitimacy.

Sibling marriage and avunculate marriage is prohibited, while cousin marriage is legal. Marriage between parents and offspring is also prohibited, even when there is no blood relationship, i.e. adoptive parent or parent-in-law.

Incest between people of direct blood line is illegal in Vietnam and is punishable by sentencing to between 6 months and 5 years of imprisonment.
Инце́ст, или кровосмеше́ние, — половая связь между близкими кровными родственниками. Понятие «близкий» в разных культурах определяется по-разному, хотя почти во всех культурах имеется табу инцеста. Большинство случаев инцеста происходит между сиблингами.
Перевести · 18.04.2021 · I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a father-son or possibly mother-daughter “couple” as I always thought, could be wrong, they would use a gay “couple” to legalize incest to be able to use pro gay arguments – if two unrelated gay people can have sex and marry why not two related gays – and could label people homophobes for trying to prevent incest from being legalized.
Incestuous families
• The American horror films The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original series 1974–1994 and remake series 2003–2006) and Wrong Turn (2003) feature villains who are the product of inbreeding.
• In the musical The Rocky Horror Show and the film The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Riff Raff (Richard O'Brien
Incestuous families
• The American horror films The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original series 1974–1994 and remake series 2003–2006) and Wrong Turn (2003) feature villains who are the product of inbreeding.
• In the musical The Rocky Horror Show and the film The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Riff Raff (Richard O'Brien) and Magenta (Patricia Quinn) are revealed to be brother and sister who have a sexual relationship. In the unproduced sequel Revenge of the Old Queen, it is implied that Dr. Frank-N-Furter had been incestuously involved with his own mother, the "Old Queen" of the planet Transsexual (in the galaxy of Transylvania); she dies in the throes of seducing her own grandson.
• The sequel to Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a musical called Shock Treatment which meets Brad and Janet some time after their adventure with Frank 'n' Furter. In this film, brother and sister Cosmo and Nation McKinley are clearly displayed as having a sexual relationship. The film includes a bedroom scene between the two during the song "Lullaby". These two siblings are, as in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, played by O'Brien and Quinn.
• The pornographic Taboo film series of the 1980s deals exclusively with incest, including father-daughter, mother–son and brother–sister.
• The Greek art film Singapore Sling (1990), directed by Nikos Nikolaidis, is about a BDSM-related mother–daughter incestuous relationship. The daughter was raped by her father.
• In the film Kate & Leopold (2001), Stuart Bessers's (Liev Schreiber) ex-girlfriend Kate McKay (Meg Ryan) is revealed to be his close ancestor, as she is destined to travel back in time to marry another of Stuart's ancestors, Leopold (Hugh Jackman).
• In the film Van Helsing (2004), Count Dracula (Richard Roxburgh) intends to make a young Gypsy princess, Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale), his newest bride, both of them knowing that Dracula and Anna are related.
• Park Chan-Wook's Oldboy (2003) features an instance of brother-sister incest as well as father-daughter incest, both resulting in possible pregnancies. The director's film Stoker (2013) also features a teenage girl's infatuation with her long-lost uncle.
• The film The Quiet (2005) features an incestuous relationship between a father and a daughter.
• The film Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) features Borat Sagdiyev (Sacha Baron Cohen) as an incestuous journalist, also featuring his whole village in Kazakhstan living under an incestuous way of life.

Instances of incest between siblings.

Historical films
• Anne of the Thousand Days (1969), when Anne Boleyn is on trial for treason by adultery, her own brother (among many others) is accused of being her lover. This theme is also used in The Other Boleyn Girl (2008), where Anne Boleyn (Natalie Portman), in pure desperation to be with child, asks her own brother George (Jim Sturgess) to have sex with her. At first, George agrees for the sake of Anne's safety, but as they prepare, they both realize they cannot go through with it. They are both later charged with incest, and although innocent, they are both sentenced to death.
• Incest is also a main plot device in the movie Caligula (1979), in which the title character (Malcolm McDowell) has sexual relations with his sisters.
• In Hamlet (1990), King Claudius (Alan Bates) murders his brother, Hamlet's father, by poisoning him so he could take his sister-in-law Queen Gertrude (Glenn Close) as his bride. Hamlet (Mel Gibson) is disgusted by this turn of events as well as his discovering his mother's incestuous affair with his uncle and plots revenge. The film also hints at the Oedipal relationship between Hamlet and Queen Gertrude as depicted in the "bedroom scene" with the fight between mother and son culminating in a rather passionate kiss given the unhealthy attraction between the two.

Fantasy and horror films
• In the film Excalibur (1981), Mordred is Arthur's illegitimate son born by his half-sister Morgana.
• In the film Amityville II: The Possession (1982), the possessed Sonny starts an incestuous relationship with his sister, Patricia.
• In the film The Hamiltons (2006), Wendell and his twin sister, Darlene, have an incestuous relationship and share it openly.
• In the horror fantasy film Tamara (2005), the protagonist Tamara suffers from constant verbal abuse from her alcoholic father Mr. Riley who is discovered to have incestuous fantasies towards his own daughter. Once she discovers this, Tamara compels him with her witchcraft to "finish" his whole beer bottle, causing his death.
• In the medieval horror film Red Riding Hood, adapted by Catherine Hardwicke, Lucie fell in love with a blacksmith named Henry Lazar and wanted to marry him (which according to tradition, the firstborn are to be the first to marry to their sweethearts) but she was forbidden by her mother Suzette to do so as she was Adrian Lazar's illegitimate daughter, who was her mother's lover, making her Henry's half-sister.
• In the film Crimson Peak, Lady Lucille Sharpe has been carrying on an incestuous relationship with her younger brother Sir Thomas Sharpe since they were children. Their relationship resulted in a sickly child who died soon after birth.
• In the fantasy adventure film Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005), the rebellious older sister Lisa (Kristen Stewart) first meets the mysterious Astronaut (Dax Shepard) when the house was under attack by the Zorgons. She is scared but the Astronaut assures her to trust him and that everything will be okay. Taken by surprise by his blue eyes, Lisa agrees with him and tells him that she will never leave him. He leaves to take out the Zorgons, and Lisa takes shelter with her brothers. Having become infatuated with the Astronaut, Lisa comments on feeling safe and protected by him, noting also that "He has such gorgeous eyes", much to her brothers Walter and Danny's dismay. Walter tells her to not to try to get so close to the Astronaut but she does not listen. It is not until after Walter wishes for the Astronaut to have his brother back, who just happens to be Danny, that she's shocked to realize that the Astronaut is her younger brother Walter, from 15 years into the future.
• In the cult film The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Riff Raff and Magenta have an implied incestuous relationship.

Other films
• In Vixen! (1968), the lead character, Vixen (Erica Gavin), has sex with her brother, Judd (Jon Evans).
• In Summerfield (1977), siblings Jenny (Elizabeth Alexander) and David (John Waters) are caught having sex near the end of the film by the protagonist Simon (Nick Tate).
• In The Hotel New Hampshire (1984), John (Rob Lowe) feels intense sexual desire for his sister, Franny (Jodie Foster). Franny succumbs and, after spending an entire day having sex, they move on to a strictly platonic relationship.
• In Flowers in the Attic (1987), a film adaptation of the V.C. Andrews novel of the same name, four siblings discover that they are the product of an incestuous relationship, following the death of their father and that their parents were uncle and niece. The film differs from the novel in that the two eldest siblings, Cathy and Chris Dollanganger, do not embark on a relationship. However, the 2014 adapted television film sees the inclusion of a sexual relationship between Cathy and Chris. Following the 2014 version, three television films, Petals on the Wind, If There Be Thorns, and Seeds of Yesterday, all based on the Dollanganger book series, see the continued relationship of Cathy and Chris, and the birth of their children.
• In Close My Eyes (1991), siblings Richard (Clive Owen) and Natalie (Saskia Reeves) begin a passionate love affair, even while Natali
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