Father Penis

Father Penis


Father Penis

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When is the last time you saw your father naked? I’m going to bet, for most of you, this is not an easy question to answer. Not because of the subject matter, but because you can’t quite remember a time when this happened.
Up until about a month ago, I was right there with you. If pressed, I supposed I would have answered something like you, which is:
Hmm… I guess I remember seeing once as a little kid. I sort of remember taking a shower with him and noticing it, but it’s kind of fuzzy. Why are you asking anyway? Gross!
So, it’s not like I could draw it from memory or anything. I can hardly draw my own from memory. And I’m pretty familiar with it.
After the story I’m about to share where I saw my father’s dick, I was reminded of a second story involving my father and his penis. I didn’t feel like this would be an ongoing series where I relayed constant anecdotes about dad’s privates. I only have two.
So, let’s knock ’em out and move on.
Our family recently went to Las Vegas. My mom had a conference out there for work, and she invited the whole family. My sister and her boyfriend flew out from New York which meant we really only needed two rooms. I would share with my mom and dad, and Dana and Al would get the other room.
Las Vegas is just not my kind of town. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to do – golfing, gambling, shows, restaurants, etc. But even the nice places seem gaudy to me. I remember walking around our hotel, which is considered one of the nicest on the strip, and thinking, “This still looks wrong to me. Like they’re trying too hard.”
But hey, I’m not a gambler, I don’t care about sports, and I don’t often go to nightclubs. So, I guess it’s not the ideal place for me to visit.
I’m not complaining, however. The pools were amazing, and they even allowed toplessness, which is never a bad thing for these eyes.
Also, I saw the Beatles’ Cirque du Soleil show, which was really the best thing I’ve ever witnessed live.
Okay, now that I’ve sufficiently bored you with context, let’s get to why you’re reading this – my dad’s dong.
Dad and I had just finished a round of golf. It was a 102 degrees during the round, which is hot even without humidity. Four hours in that heat even when you’re not sweating is kind of rough. By the way, here’s a quick tip my dad taught me. In that sort of weather, when you finish the ninth hole, do NOT go inside the clubhouse for any reason. If you have to pee, visit a cactus. Food or beer? Wait for the cart-girl to come by.
Sidenote – Ever notice that, on average, a cart-girl ranks at least an eight on the hotness meter? They’re almost always drop-dead gorgeous. If any are reading this (they aren’t), then hit me up for a date. I’m buying.
Back to the tip – if you don’t go inside after the ninth hole, you’ll be fine for the next nine holes. If you go in the clubhouse even for a moment, you’re done. Consider the rest of the round to be miserable.
Now let’s jump out of this two leveled digression I just made you sit through.
We get back to the hotel, and it’s shower time. Since my folks are springing for the room, it would only seem respectful to allow my father to jump in the shower before me.
I head over to the computer to check my email. As I look up after a few minutes, I see my dad, in a state of undress that is unusual and alarming.
Unusual because I’ve never seen it before. He’s standing adjacent from me, a profile view, about eight feet away wearing only a polo shirt. Nothing else.
He has his phone in his hands – one hand is constantly swiping the screen from right to left. I guess with his phone that’s how you navigate through emails.
His genitals are barely covered by the hem of the shirt, and with each swipe, the shirt raises a little with a short bounce. This is why I mentioned alarming earlier. But it was a controlled bounce, just high enough to cover his junk. I’m telling you, not a millimeter higher or you’ve got balls.
I don’t want to sound like a weirdo, but there was no chance I was looking away. And he must have had like thirty emails, because he was swiping every three seconds.
And then, he must have seen something that either angered him or overjoyed him. All I know is he swiped a little harder than he had been previously, and the shirt jumped up three inches higher. I saw it. IT.
Now, as soon as the penis was presented, I did, in fact, look away. I was pleased and instantly satisfied with myself that my instinctual reaction was that of flight. Two seconds later, I did look back, and the shirt was back to it’s original position, covering his essence.
I didn’t say anything, because clearly this was not his problem. My father apparently is not one to feel the shame of nakedness, and has no problem standing in a hotel room with his son wearing just a polo shirt exposing his dork.
I went back to my computer, processing silently what I had just witnessed. But here was my issue – I had a growing, gnawing thought that wasn’t going away.
I did not like what I had just seen.
“Of course not, D.J.! You just saw your father naked! That’s awful!”
I’m not talking about my feeling about the appropriateness of seeing a parent’s genitals. That’s another discussion.
I’m referring to more of the objective assessment of what I had just seen.
Now, granted I only got a millisecond’s view. But something was bothering me. I had to ask my mother who was now getting dressed.
Dad had since retired to the shower, and had closed the door to the bathroom.
I whispered, “Mom – psst! umm… This is a really odd question to ask, but umm… ahem… Dad is circumcised, right?”
My mother looks at me for a good five Mississippi before replying.
I felt it was important to tell her that I just saw his cock and balls, and it could have just been my imagination, but something seemed off about them.
She looked at me, as if she were about to ask me to explain more about what I had just said. Her eyes were scanning me trying to make sense of my question. But instead…
“Hey Del!” my mother yells through the door, “You’re circumcised, right?”
That was it. The end of this entire story. I’d love to say my father got out of the shower, ran into the room and asked his wife why, after nearly forty years of marriage, she didn’t know he was circumcised, but that’s not what happened.
He got out of the shower, put on his trunks (thankfully in the bathroom), and we went to the pool. Had a good time, too.
Part II Coming Soon – “You Do What To Your What?”
And yes, I’m quite aware of the irony of calling this story “Two Stories About My Dad’s Dick” and only providing you with one story. Sorry.
I'll never give this child another cigarette, pinky swears!

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May 28, 2014 in small-X-change - MAIN FORUM

Have you ever seen your father's penis?
Was it "in action" when you saw it?

1. Yes! I have! 

2. In the shower or bathtub/room more often than not and sometimes in the leg of his underwear when it gapped. I used the shower in their on suite as a teen because my room was r

It sounds like you have never been to a Nude Beach or a Nudist resort as that is Not what happens in those areas. My assumption is that you have only been to gyms and the like and have to agree with

My brother, my two cousins and I swam naked in our backyard pool for what seemed like forever when we were kids. We lived a long way out in the country and our dads owned an excavating company. Some

I've seen my dad's penis a couple times.
Once when I was around 6 years old I saw him asleep and uncovered on his bed. He was cut (like me) but I didn't think anything about that because I didn't see an uncut dick until I was in high school. Of course I thought he was huge. That's the first and only adult penis I had seen and it was much larger than my little button. Years later when he was an old man and in the hospital I saw his penis again. It was soft, of course, and looked like it was a couple inches long. I guess he and I are/were "average."
I saw my dad's a lot. He never tried to hide it and didn't act embarrassed, and I haven't with my son either. It's perfectly normal, and healthy, I think. I'm always surprised when guys say they never did see their dad's, or are too modest around their own sons.
Oh yeah, should add it was in different states. Lol hard soft or semi. He saw mine the same way. My mom didn't go into the boys' rooms so I got caught by my dad a lot. Lol he was uncut but didn't have much covering it. All the boys (me and my bros) are cut.
its you sam, so i will reply. yes i seen my dad's. it was at the public pool in which back then the changing room was one big square with benches. you was required to take a soap shower before you got into the pool. yes he is bigger then me, a lot bigger. and yes im cut, he was uncut. i dont know much more cause i never could talk to my dad bout these things.
Was it "in action" when you saw it?
I have also seen my father's penis many times over the years, over the course of growing up. Mostly in normal situations, for example, getting dressed/changed, showering, at a neighboring urinal, both at home and in public restrooms. I have only seen him soft, never hard, or even semi, to my knowledge, and definitely not "in action", LOL! Like me and my younger brother, he is cut, but with plenty of extra skin around the shaft, he has a much "looser" circumcision than either me or my brother, we are both fairly "tightly" circumcised. However, his look could be due to a fairly thick fat pad making his penis look that way, as he is overweight (as he would say, too much of my mother's wonderful cooking over the years, LOL!). My father is also much bigger around than either of us, girth-wise, at least twice as big around. He is fairly comparable to us, at least with regard to his thick patch of curly dark pubic hair, as my brother and I both have the same, at least, we do when we do not shave it off, LOL! He was the first adult penis that I ever saw, and I am glad that I got the opportunity to see him so many times over the course of the years while I was growing up, in natural situations. I am grateful to him and my mother for raising me and my brother in a "body-positive" environment, and always making us feel good about our bodies, especially during puberty.
Growing up, I'd see my dad's dick from time to time. Always soft and only when he was showering. My son can't say the same of me. I'm cut, he's not. Looks like he's taking after his mother's side of the family, because, so far, he's longer (for his age), than I was.
In my youth, perhaps age five, I showered with my dad once a week over about six weeks as he taught me how to properly wash myself in the shower. Until then my mom had given me a bath when needed. At the time he looked huge to me. So far as I know, he was always flaccid. I do remember that I was fascinated when occasionally the shower water would hit his body in such a way that water would run down his penis and it would look like a stream of pee as it ran off the tip of his dick. I thought that was hilarious.
I don't remember seeing his dick again until he was retired and chronically ill. I was his caregiver for a few days so that my mother could get away and relax. I had to help him bathe and toilet. Again I only saw him flaccid. He was just slightly larger than me in both length and girth.
Like all the males in our family, my dad was circumcised.
I saw my dad's penis just a few times over the years. The first time was as a young child. I think my mom who typically bathed me was away and instead of giving me a bath in the tub, my dad just had me shower with him. He seemed really big and hairy at the time.
Years later, in my teens, I saw him stepping out of the shower and he seemed just average size.
In retrospect, I suspect he was slightly below average in size but he sure seemed big when I was a small boy.
I have only seen him flaccid, never erect, so I have no idea how large he is in that respect.
My father's penis was quite small. As a toddler I noticed how off the mark he was in the YMCA shower, surrounded by athletic types, before we went swimming. I definitely recall being embarrassed for him, THOUGH HE NEVER APPEARED to be. He was very physical otherwise, however
Actually, I think his blasí¨ unconcern was fake, but that was after long secret ana
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