Fast Change privacy policy

Fast Change privacy policy

SMDevisiors, December 21, 2023

Welcome to Fast Change, a premier cryptocurrency exchange application available on Google Play. This Privacy Policy aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how we manage and protect any information related to our esteemed users.

1. Commitment to Data Privacy

At Fast Change, we deeply respect your right to privacy. We are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of all our users. This policy outlines our practices regarding data and how we uphold this commitment.

2. No Collection of Personal Data

One of our core principles is the non-collection of personal data. Fast Change is designed to function without collecting, storing, or processing any personal data. We believe in offering a seamless and secure cryptocurrency exchange experience that prioritizes user anonymity.

3. No Registration or Account Creation

Our platform stands out because of its simplicity. Users are not mandated to register or create an account to utilize our services.

4. Third-party Services and Affiliates

Fast Change might collaborate with third-party services to enhance the cryptocurrency exchange process. While we meticulously select these third-party services based on their commitment to privacy, we advise our users to acquaint themselves with the privacy policies of these external entities.

5. Cookies and Tracking

Cookies are small files that serve as unique identifiers, typically sent from websites to your browser and stored on your device. While Fast Change does not explicitly deploy cookies, we might incorporate third-party code and libraries that utilize cookies to optimize their services. Users have the discretion to accept or decline these cookies. It's essential to note that opting out of cookies might limit certain functionalities of our service.

6. Periodic Review and Updates

Our Privacy Policy is dynamic and may undergo changes to reflect new practices or regulations. We encourage our users to revisit this policy periodically to stay informed about any modifications.

7. Feedback and Queries

Your feedback is invaluable to us. For any queries, concerns, or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at by support button.

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