Farming in Australia 2021 information

Farming in Australia 2021 information

On the continent of Australia, farming is an activity that makes use of both rural and urban space. The most used agricultural products are crops, livestock as well as dairy production. Furthermore, it has to be mentioned that Australian farming is characterized by highly modernized technologies alongside efficient operation.

Because of high specialization and technology used in farms, only a small part of workforce are employed in this sector. However, due to the large scale of farms (. Most commonly over 500 hectares), over 70% of Australians live on or near farmlands .

According to new statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (), there are about 396 thousand farms all across Australia which have occupied more than 5,000 hectares in 2016. The number of farms and their size has been decreasing over the years due to the increasing pressure from cities and suburbs that continue to expand.

Despite the fact that Australian farming is highly mechanized, there are still many challenges that farmers face every day. These include unpredictable weather conditions, droughts, and pests and diseases. In addition, another challenge that farmers constantly have to battle against is criticism from some environmental activists about the way they operate their farms.

Farmers in Australia have responded to these challenges by embracing new, more efficient technologies that allow them to produce more crops with less water and fewer inputs. They are also being more mindful of the environment by taking steps to improve soil health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By doing so, Australian farmers are not only meeting the demands of a growing population but also protecting our natural resources for future generations.

See here: farm classifieds in Australia

In addition, farmers tend to ignore environmental factors when operating because crops and agricultural commodities production aren't dependent on them (nature).

On the other hand, it has to be mentioned that Australia is one of few countries in the world that have never had a serious problem with hunger or malnutrition .

The economic situation can also be characterized by some positive features such as higher GDP per capita ($57 764), lower unemployment rate  (5.6%) in agriculture

In conclusion, Australian farming is highly efficient and modern. The use of technology and large farm sizes has allowed the country to become a world leader in agricultural exports. At the same time, it should be mentioned that environmental factors are often ignored which might lead to negative consequences in the future.



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