


FapFap est une version mobile du jeu de carte connu sous les noms de "FapFap, La Map, Le Mbe, Le terre, Le Korat..." qui a la mauvaise réputation de créateur de désordre car génère toujours les disputes et les bagarres entre les joueurs. En jouant chez soi, derrière son petit écran de smartphone, plus aucun risque de dispute ou de désordre... Le "Katika" c'est un ordinateur. 😅 Fonctionnalités : 1. Créez votre compte en entrant juste votre numéro de téléphone 2. Faites un dépôt dans votre compte via MTN MoMo ou Orange Money 3. Rejoignez une partie déjà créez ou créez une partie personnalisée 4. Vous avez la possibilité d'affronter 1, 2 ou jusqu'à 3 adversaires 5. Chattez avec tous les joueurs dans le chat général et avec vos adversaires pendant la partie 6. Et bien d'autres à découvrir...
Nouveau : + Possibilité de gagner dans la partie par balle arrêtée (Tiya, Couleur, Carré d'as, 333, 777) + Possibilité de consulter un ensemble d'astuces pour une meilleure prise en main de l'application + Possibilité de voir tous les détails d'une partie depuis son historique + Bien d'autres nouveautés à découvrir Corrections : - Amélioration de l'accessibilité des parties à rejoindre - Amélioration de la fluidité - Bien d'autres corrections à découvrir

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Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Signature: a8bff430ed0ede5de15d33be451467c2f8ed2147

File SHA1: f6fb39682cdbf79d3abef230fb466d546995e309

Fapfap - Cards Game - Unity 3D Admob Photon Fapfap - Cards Game - Unity 3D Admob Photon
Fapfap - Cards Game is an offline and online multiplayer card game. It includes the apk, source file and detailed documentation.

Fapfap - Cards Game - Unity 3D Admob Photon
Fapfap - Cards Game is an offline and online multiplayer card game. It includes the apk, source f...

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Settings: In settings you turn on or off sfx and background music. How to Play: There is a complete guide on how to play a game, all rules are defined, users can read them and can understand the game. Offline Mode: In offline mode you can practice with an AI opponent. Players can bet 50, 100, 250 or 500 FRANCS. The bet amount of all players goes to kitty (total amount). Player who wins the game takes the 85% of total amount and the 15% goes to house rake. There are 35 cards in Fapfap including 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and Ace of Spade, Diamond, Club and Heart. 5 cards are dealt to each player from the shuffled deck in 2 rounds, 3 in the first and 2 in the second round. If the total points of the first 5 cards are equal to 21 or a player has more than three 7 cards he/she wins at the start. At start Player 1 is senior and places first card in his/her pit, now the turn goes to next player, he/she have to place a card of same type, for example if player 1 places 5 of spades the player 2 have to place a spade card, if he/she don't have same type of card he/she can place any other card. After player 1 places a card, all the other players plays card one by one on their turn and round is completed, the player who have played highest card of same type becomes senior and now he/she is going to lead the game by placing the first card of next round, in this way 5 rounds are played. Player who wins the last (5th) round wins the game. If a player wins the last round by placing a card of 3 the bet becomes double and now the player wins the double amount. Online Mode: In online mode there are multiple options: you can create a private room, join a private room or create a public room or join a public room. While making a room you have to select the bet and number of players. You can invite your friends for an online game by sharing a private room key within the game. The game play is similar to offline mode. The difference is you play with real players in online mode.

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Fapfap - Cards Game is an offline and online multiplayer card game. It includes the apk, source file and detailed documentation.
In settings you turn on or off sfx and background music. There is a complete guide on how to play a game, all rules are defined, users can read them and can understand the game. In offline mode you can practice with an AI opponent. Players can bet 50, 100, 250 or 500 FRANCS. The bet amount of all players goes to kitty (total amount). Player who wins the game takes the 85% of total amount and the 15% goes to house rake. There are 35 cards in Fapfap including 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and Ace of Spade, Diamond, Club and Heart. 5 cards are dealt to each player from the shuffled deck in 2 rounds, 3 in the first and 2 in the second round. If the total points of the first 5 cards are equal to 21 or a player has more than three 7 cards he/she wins at the start. At start Player 1 is senior and places first card in his/her pit, now the turn goes to next player, he/she have to place a card of same type, for example if player 1 places 5 of spades the player 2 have to place a spade card, if he/she don't have same type of card he/she can place any other card. After player 1 places a card, all the other players plays card one by one on their turn and round is completed, the player who have played highest card of same type becomes senior and now he/she is going to lead the game by placing the first card of next round, in this way 5 rounds are played. Player who wins the last (5th) round wins the game. If a player wins the last round by placing a card of 3 the bet becomes double and now the player wins the double amount. In online mode there are multiple options: you can create a private room, join a private room or create a public room or join a public room. While making a room you have to select the bet and number of players. You can invite your friends for an online game by sharing a private room key within the game. The game play is similar to offline mode. The difference is you play with real players in online mode.
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A regular license allows an item to be used in one project for either personal or commercial use by you or on behalf of a client. The item cannot be offered for resale either on its own or as part of a project. Distribution of source files is not permitted.
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