Fap Titans Cheats

Fap Titans Cheats


Fap Titans Cheats

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In fact before switching to any Fap Titans hack or mod apk tool first question yourself, are there any hidden techniques in the game that can flourish your performance? Even other big games have so many… ( read more )

In fact before switching to any Fap Titans hack or mod apk tool first question yourself, are there any hidden techniques in the game that can flourish your performance? Even other big games have so many Fap Titans cheats that are serving as the most powerful techniques to win the game. Hence, a discussion about how to hack Fap Titans and whether you should use the tools for hacks or not, if yes then which are the suitable ones is discussed after the cheats for Fap Titans mentioned below.
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Ways to cheat and ways to detect these cheats...
All games will attract players who don't want to play the game, but who want to cheat with the game. I will discuss some generic ways of how a game like FapTitans can be cheated or hacked but also how these actions can be detected by other players and by the Devs.
Keep in mind that you will be banned if you try to cheat (too much) with FapTitans and most other games.
There are multiple locations from where you can hack or cheat, which begins with the player, then the keyboard/mouse, software, then the web browser, the Internet connection, the server and finally at FapTitans themselves. Let's go over them all!
The user cheat is a simple one and my friend u/BiancaDelmonde and I have done this a few times. How it works? Well, she can log into my account and I can in hers. This means that when I'm bust then she can play for me and vice versa. It's not a big cheat but in Factional Wars, this can be very useful if each fights gets decided in the last seconds before the clash.
Detection: Game style tends to change. One player might focus on earning gold while the other prefers to level up masters and superheroes. These changes in game style aren't really noticeable and this cheat isn't really a serious one.
An interesting cheat is possible by using keyboards and mice with programmable functions. These keyboards and mice will have extra keys or buttons and pressing them will start a specific series of keystrokes and mouse clicks.
A more advanced version would use of an Arduino board or other programmable hardware where a player just puts together a few buttons on a special board and each button would start a specific action. For example, one button would type "7456321" and thus start a specific action while the second button will start/stop mouse clicks. This hardware can do very complex actions but requires some electronics and programming skills.
These keyboard and hardware solutions are called "clickers".
Detection: Most clickers can be detected because they operate at specific speeds. Unfortunately, in JavaScript, these will generate to events and this does not provide very accurate timing of these events. So while the system can detect 100 clicks in a second, which is very difficult for an user, it will have trouble detecting a clicker that clicks 5 times per second from a fast player. Except that users get tired while clickers won't.
If the clicker works at low speed with regular pauses, they would be hard to detect. But their value as cheats would be low. Yet increase the clicking speed and you will get caught and banned!
Software is great to automate specific tasks. And anyone with a bit of programming experience should be able to write an application that will automate another application. For example, writing cheat software to automate the browser.
This works similar to a clicker, as it sends keyboard and mouse instructions to the browser. However, it can also "see" what happens in the browser, while the clicker cannot. This means that it can respond to dialog boxes and other stuff, although it still has trouble with CAPTCHAs.
The simplest software solution is a macro recorder, which basically records your keyboard and mouse actions and then replays these. This is similar to the clicker.
The more complex software is often used by software developers for automated software testing and there are a lot of tools available here. Some are quite expensive here, but they are generally meant to test a piece of software 24/7.
Detection: As with clickers, these software tools tend to work in patterns. If the software doesn't use irregular intervals and other techniques to break it's patterns then it will be detected. But they can often be detected as they might be running 24/7 while normal users tend to sleep. Not many players will be active at most hours in this game.
It is different from just keeping your browser open and accumulate gold through DPS, as that's a normal part of the game.
My friend u/BiancaDelmonde and I posted Making big screenshots! before, where we explained how you can use the browser to change the screen layout and get all heroes visible on the page to make a screenshot. That hack also works for a lot of other things...
Inside the web browser, you have full access to whatever the game displays. You just have to decipher it all. You need to know a bit about HTML, CSS and JavaScript and you can use the developer console that most browsers have. (Press F12 in Google Chrome, for example!) There's also the option to create custom extensions for your browser or just inject additional JavaScript into the page.
Using this knowledge, you can search for a DIV element with the class "skills-pic". It will have a child DIV element containing an icon and based on the icon you will know what kind of button it is. When a skill has been clicked, the DIV will also have an "in-progress" class and once it's done it has an "idle" class and a child DIV element holding a timer. And yes, these are the various skills that you have in the game.
By reading the CSS, you get the same information as you would get visually. However, reading the page as HTML/CSS is a lot easier for computers than looking at pixels and the resulting image. Even more interesting, you can look behind elements at hidden elements and e.g. bypass their functionality. For example, you can change that skill button to become normal again and not idle. That could mean that you can use it immediately after it was done. This is useful as this can give a continuous "swift hands" without cooldown. And there are a few more tricks that can be done this way.
Last week, I reported that someone was cheating in Faction Wars . They were using something similar to just deploy their troops in every cell in round one. So they attacked 20 cells while they could have attacked only 3 cells. That was clear evidence of cheating. And in most cases, the Devs undid it again.
Detection: Mostly unexpected behavior like players attacking cells in Faction Wars that they should not be able to attack. But also skills like Swift Hands being active all the time or weird increases in gold, gems or other resources. These hacks should not be possible as everything should also be verified on the server side. But an occasional bug on the server might cause one or more of these hacks to go unnoticed.
These hacks are a bit more serious as you're not just giving yourself some extra speed at clicking. You're basically "stealing resources" and this would definitely be a bannable offense, if caught.
Detection of this can be done by checking your actions and see if those would normally be possible. For example, when you spend 4,500 diamonds to level up your heroes, the Devs could check if you've purchased them or have been collecting them for a long, long time. With the boss chest offer and the daily side quest, you might earn 13 diamonds per day so suddenly having 4,500 diamonds means you have paid a large amount of cash or you're cheating...
Other detection methods can be part of the JavaScript that FapTitans uses. Small pieces of code could check values of elements to see if they have changed or not. And if they changed, they can determine if the change was valid or not. Suspicious behavior would be reported and if you used these tricks to steal resources, you will likely be banned.
If you use it to make nice screenshots to publish here... Well, no harm done...
You can get closer to hacking the game, though. It is possible to listen in on the internet traffic between your browser and the FapTitans server. In fact, you can install a proxy server on your own computer and have your browser connect to the proxy. This proxy can then listen to all data communications and worse, it can do a man-in-the-middle attack and even listen to any (SSL) secured data transactions. And this will allow a player to analyse the commands that are sent from the browser to the server.
Now, you might not realize it but as a user, you're generating a lot of click and keyboard events and the browser isn't sending those one by one to the server. Parts of the game are handled client-side where the browser will send regular updates to the server. Some simple validations on the server would be done to make sure everything is valid and if all is okay, the game goes on. Otherwise, the user gets a crash message and the game will do a refresh.
Because the hacker is in-between the browser and the FapTitans server, he can also change the messages going back and forth. This means that some values can be altered and actions can be sent to the server that would not be possible. For example, buying hero promotions without spending diamonds.
The simplest trick would be to intercept each new monster that the server sends to the game, and reduce it's hitpoints to 1/100th of the original value. The game then clicks them dead immediately and send a message back to the server that the monster is defeated. And things repeat with the next monster.
Detection: These are challenging to detect as the number of clicks can be counted, yet the hack just tells the system that a monster is defeated and thus points are earned. The things a hacker can change is determined by whatever gets handled in JavaScript in the browser compared to what gets validated on the server.
As usual, patterns can be detected and transactions can be verified. These are complex hacks, though. You will need to examine the code of the game and know what to send back to the server. At this level, you have control over a lot of data going back and forth. Not everything will be detectable but this cheat will also get you banned, if caught...
Server hacks are exactly what it sounds like. You're not playing the game but you're trying to log in to the Hooligapps servers to get access to the game server and play around with your scores. This is tricky as it is unlikely that the Devs use a simple password like "abc123" to log into their admin console for the game. But they will have some console for themselves that allows them to monitor the game and make alterations.
If you manage to get inside, there's no telling what you can do or change. However, you will need to experiment to find a way to profit from having this kind of access...
Detection: This can be detected by monitoring who logs in to the game admin console and from where they log in. There's also a chance that you gain access by using credentials of an employee who also wants to log in. If they notice that they're already logged in then they know someone has unauthorized access.
This won't get you banned but possibly arrested too.
And of course, employees of Hooligapps could have access to everything and make changes that could be in favor of some players. So, if you know someone who works for Hooligapps then you can bribe them to give you a lot of extra diamonds of other stuff.
Detection: As with all hacks, by checking for patterns. Unexpected increase in diamonds for some players is suspicious. And I hope they monitor all commands given by employees to the game. Of course, the source code also needs code reviews.
Still, employees hacking the system from the inside is the most efficient hack, and difficult to detect...
There are various ways to cheat or hack this game. The ones using software, clickers or multiple users are generally just cheats and not too serious. Even the use of automated software just speeds up how fast you get gold, but you're not really breaking things.
That changes when you start with the browser modifications or when you start to hack the connection or the server. Bandwidth is a problem for companies like Hooligapps so a part of the game dynamics is done inside the browser. This would include various validations. Most of them linked to killing monsters but as we've seen, it can also result in players attacking everywhere in the Faction Wars. Or players having extremely strong heroes or lots of gems without any related transaction. Some of these are still relatively innocent but you can be banned for using these techniques.
As a player, you can try and detect these kinds of patterns. If someone goes up from 100 points to 154,000 points in the daily rating then you know something fishy is going on. But for players it's not that easy to tell if it's really a cheat or if someone just bought lots and lots of diamonds and started spending them. The Devs reward people who spend money on this game and we, the players, can't always see how others managed to get so rich and powerful.
There are many ways to cheat with this game, but also many ways of how it can be detected. The Devs have become more strict in preventing cheats, although they do allow a few minor tricks. Most cheats that would just save you a bit of time are reasonably harmless to the game. If you don't get an unfair advantage then it could be okay. Still, keep in mind that any method of cheating can be detected.
FW hack is not fro browser is from the connection. You are a litle wrong on how the conection works. The server didn't send anything to the bowser. Just at the beggining you dowload all you need (except images). So, this is the problem. The game runs on their own for lots of functionalitys. I didn't check all of them but FW and killing minions didn'0t recieve anything from the server its just all client side. Then it send a packet to the server telling him what was done.
I think opening chests works like you said.
Well the thing is that the devs aren't checking lots of important things on the server. For example, they aren't checking if you can attack a cell (they just assume that you are sending the packet throught the app so the square is valid). Or they don't check if you already have a hero unlocked before buying it (most strange is that you actually unlock it when buying it so you can unlock all heros forever).
Similar happends to master skins. You can change to the skin you want (but you won't unlock it)
What I don't understand is why they don't fix this. I mean is not that hard to do a litle check. The server wont die.
Oh wait, they are doing the check already on FW. The response message have a variable that tell you if the square was attacable or not. But the attack is done anyway. xd
Well, the hacks go from weakest (hardware) to strongest (employee) so any hack that could be done on weaker levels could also be done on the stronger levels.
So, the FW hack is done through the connection? Sounds logical, but it should be possible to do by injecting additional JavaScript into the browser and send the same commands from there. It's just a matter of modifying data inside the browser and you can get a lot done.
I haven't checked how much data traffic goes between browser and server but I do know that they have to reduce the amount of traffic, else their servers start to smoke. So if most of the game is handled inside the browser then that would allow a lot of hacks at that level.
Any check they do inside the browser can be disabled by hacks and the only way to protect against these hacks is by adding additional JavaScript to check for modifications. Which again, can be disabled inside the browser. As the browser code can be fully controlled by hackers, there's no way to protect things there.
So, validations need to happen server-side, not inside the browser. But you don't want to send every click to the server as that slows down the game, but also increases the amount of traffic. Each packet of data is easily half a kilobyte in size with all the headers and stuff. So two clicks would be a kilobyte. A user clicking 20 times in a second would generate 40K of traffic. As they have at least tens of thousands of players active, the amount of data they receive per second would become large enough to basically become a DDOS attack. So that's why they have to run most of the game inside the browser, where it is vulnerable.
But additional checks should be possible. And if these cheats are detected, they should result into severe punishments for the player, including banning them!
For example, it is possible to calculate the amount of gold a player can earn per second. But you don't really have to as you can look for patterns in the gold/gems changes. The amount of gold earned will just rise slowly with occasional peaks when the skills are used. And then reset again with rebirth. So peaks at moments when no skills are used are suspicious.
Same with gems and other stuff. You keep track of statistics of a player and use these to establish a pattern. When something happens that doesn't fit the pattern, then additional checks would be required.
The game does need some additional artificial intelligence in their backend but that can be done best on a separate internal server. The web server would do simple pattern checks and mark suspicious accounts for more advanced checks. A second server running on their intranet could then select the suspicious accounts and do a more advanced pattern check. These should clear a few accounts while marking others as suspicious. Finally, a Dev can take a look and decide if someone has really been hacking the system and if they did, apply a proper punishment.
Imho the problem is quite simple - a server/client based game should NEVER rely on the correctness of the data sent by the clients. They can be spoofed/faked by any means. If the server takes those values unchecked - well , get better programmers.
So basically the server has to play the game, the client simply displays the game state from the server ("thin client"). Any user interaction has to go through plausibility checks before the server updates the game state and the information to be displayed on the clients. Thats the point where a well designed server/client game gets quite expensive - the server hardware costs will explode, while hardware for "thick clients" with lots of computations on client side is kinda for free.
About additional checks in JS on client side:
Those are doomed to fail for pretty much the same reason. A browser env gives no integrity guarantee about the content it loaded, which makes it very easy to hack around those countermeasures.
So why dont they fix things the right way, instead mess around with weird additional checks and try to outsmart cheaters with faulty filter rules in rankings?
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