Fantasy Girl Comes To Life

Fantasy Girl Comes To Life


Fantasy Girl Comes To Life

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While the physical side of sex is obviously an important one, fantasy and imagination are often overlooked but can be equally as beneficial to a healthy sex life.
Female fantasies, especially, are often kept private and even now, when people are increasingly more open about sex, some are considered too risque to share.
Crave sex with a stranger or being tied up? You are not alone – here are the top 10 sexual fantasies women have but probably won’t admit to.
From being pinned down to the more extreme aspects of sexual domination, including BDSM and rape, domination is highly arousing for many women.
But like many fantasies, this isn’t necessarily a reflection of what they desire in real life.
According to psychologist, Jo Hemmings, ‘There should be no confusion about the roles that we play in our everyday lives. It’s a release from stress, the relinquishing of power, the sexual yin to the professional yang if you like.’
Flipping the coin on domination and taking control is also a common a fantasy.
Enjoying both being dominant and dominated is known as being ‘switch’ in the BDSM world and goes to prove there are no hard and fast rules to our sexual imaginations.
Sex with a total stranger is risque, daring and a thrill.
The reality? Probably more likely to give you an STD or bundled into the back of the van, but there’s no harm in the thought of it.
Whether it’s a room full of men shoving £20 notes in your knickers or the literal exchange of money for sex, becoming a sexual ‘object’ removes all emotion from to act and, as a consequence, can be arousing.
Rebecca Dakin, The Great British Sexpert and author of 101 Sex Tips, A Guide to Pleasing your Man explains: ‘A paid sex fantasy is about exploring dominance and submission, which are both intriguing for many people, It’s the stigma around sex work that makes this fantasy all the more appealing’.
While most women follow a strict girl code when it comes to keeping your hands off your best friend’s boyfriend, in reality, having sex with someone you shouldn’t is a common fantasy, with 65% of women polled admitting to it according to The Journal of Sexual Medicine .
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Doesn’t mean you are gay, but does mean you are in good company, with 42% of women listing it as one of their top fantasies according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Jo Hemmings adds, ‘Some types of sex feeds our curiosities, the theatre of the mind if you like, so having girl on girl sex shows an inquiring mind, rather than any covert yearnings to be gay.’
Despite adult parties being increasingly more popular, most people never have the opportunity to try out this fantasy in real life and continue to enjoy the experience in their imagination.
And, according to Rebecca Dakin, ‘The group sex fantasy is particularly common among women who haven’t had many sexual partners and have perhaps been in long-term relationships.’
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The adrenaline that comes from the fear of being caught to the arousal of watching others at their most exposed and intimate can, undoubtedly, be a turn on.
Similarly, the idea of hooking up with someone in a public place, with the risk of getting caught can be exhilarating – and while many don’t literally want to get caught with their proverbial pants down in the cold meats section of Sainsbury’s – there’s no harm in dreaming.


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Women's sexual fantasies do not always reflect what they want in real life, according to a recently published study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine .
For example, while a large proportion of women in the study said they fantasized about being dominated in some way, half of those women specifically indicated that they would not want to live out their fantasy of sexual submission.
The team of researchers who conducted the study asked a pool of 1,516 men and women, living in the province of Quebec and most between the age of 20 to 40, what they fantasize about when it comes to sex. The answers don't come from a comprehensive or culturally diverse group, but they offer an interesting sample.
Of the 799 women studied, 6% said they were homosexual, 12.6% said they were bisexual, and the rest identified as heterosexual. (We covered the full details of the study's findings here .)
In an online survey, the study group responded to 55 statements about their sexual fantasies using a one-to-seven scale that measured the intensity of each fantasy. Seven is the most intense, three is the least intense, and a rating of one or two meant the person did not fantasize about that act.
Here are the ten statements the highest percentage of women in the study said they fantasized about (a rating of three or higher):
Overall, sex in "unusual" or "romantic" places was the most common fantasy, and fantasies of sexual submission were also among the most popular. Interestingly, past studies have found that women who reported having sexual fantasies involving submission were more sexually satisfied than women without such fantasies.
Some fantasies were not among the ten most common, but were especially intense for the subset of women who reported having them. Those included:
Some of the less common sexual fantasies women reported in the study were:
Below is the complete survey of questions with the percentage of women who reported fantasizing about each act.

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Ever find yourself visualizing steamy scenarios to get yourself turned on? You're far from the only one. Sexual fantasies are very common and very normal. "All forms of fantasy, kinky or otherwise, are a healthy part of sexuality," sex expert Ava Cadell, Ph.D., tells SELF.
A recent study conducted by Cadell , called the Loveology Sexual Compatibility Survey, which gathered data from over a thousand participants, found that popular fantasies include sexual massage, oral sex, threesomes, outdoor sex, sex with a stranger, domination/submissive play, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and sex tapes. In short, about a million different fantasies exist, and anything safe and consensual is a-okay to explore. That said, if you're hoping to make a fantasy come to life, it can be tough to know where to get started. Below, a look at some of the most common desires among women, and how to make them happen.
Threesomes are a common fantasy in their own right, but they're also a means to living out several other more specific fantasies. Perhaps you've always wanted to watch your partner have sex with someone else, or wanted them to watch you get with someone else. Maybe you want to experience having two partners at the same time, or to have a sexual experience with whatever gender you usually ** don't hook up with. ** Whatever your motivations may be, threesomes can be a great way to have fun and explore your sexuality.
To try it: Be sure to have a detailed talk with your fellow participants outside the bedroom ahead of time. If you're in a relationship and want to explore threesomes with your partner, it's especially important that you talk with each other about each of your boundaries and comfort levels. "A couple can create their own personal ‘rules’ around the experience, such as no penetration, or no kissing, or the third party cannot sleep over…it’s up to the couple to design their ultimate threesome that won’t jeopardize the relationship," says Cadell.
If you're single (either having a threesome with fellow single folks or acting as a third to an established couple), it's still vital that everyone involved feels safe and respected throughout the encounter, so make sure you clearly communicate any boundaries. It's also important that any participant in the threesome has the right to call it quits at any time, even in the middle of the act. Of course, this is true of any sexual encounter—you never have to do anything you're uncomfortable with, even if you've already started—but it can be helpful to reiterate so that everyone is safe and on the same page. If you're looking for extra guidance, turn to some sexy educational reading for tips. Take a look at Vicki Vantoch's The Threesome Handbook , a ** guide to experiencing your first threesome in safely and joyfully.
If you're turned on by the thought of threesomes but not comfy with the idea of actually having one, have one in your imagination! "In my practice, I’ve come across the desire for threesomes where it just wasn’t possible to actually execute because of jealousy or insecurity. So what I do in that scenario is tell the couple to create the threesome in their imaginations," says Cadell. "Talk dirty to each other about that third person, what he or she looks like, what they’re doing sexually to each other...It’s a great way for a couple to find out about the other’s desires, and goes a long way to bringing them closer together."
Exploring power dynamics with domination and submissive role play can awaken a whole new dimension of your sexuality. "I encourage exploration of BDSM [bondage, dominance and submission, sadomasochism] for couples," says Cadell. "People are eager to discover new roles for themselves and exchange power in sexy and safe way."
To try it: The important thing when exploring BDSM is to develop a strong level of trust and communication. Develop a safe word with your partner, and talk beforehand about what each of you are and aren't okay with trying out "If it involves a build up to pain, always create a signal or 'safe word' which means STOP," relationship therapist Rob Peach tells SELF. You can always start things slow and simple and increase intensity later—what matters is that you both feel comfortable.
If you're looking to experiment with bondage, you can learn more about that here . For more tips on the basics of BDSM, Cadell suggests the work of BDSM expert Sunny Megatron to guide you through setting the scene for your first experience. After a little playful research, do some shopping with your partner, either online or at a sex shop. "Ideally, you can go with your lover and pick out a paddle for spanking or a flogger for tickling and gentle punishment that you both find hot," says Cadell. "Find out what’s out there and what turns you on."
Big disclaimer: public sex is illegal! It can also be disturbing to viewers if it's carried out in front of unsuspecting strangers. (It's one thing if your audience knows what to expect and is in on the experience with you, but most often, they are not, and it's unfair to subject someone to a sexual situation in a public place when they did not consent to it.) If you want to have public sex, try it out at your own risk (and away from strangers' eyes), and keep in mind that you could get arrested. All that said, there is nothing wrong with being turned on by the idea of getting it on outdoors. It's easy to see why it's such a common desire—it brings a huge thrill and heightening of the senses.
To try it: If you want to feel the thrill without risking arrest, consider taking a sexy camping trip with your partner. Have as much sex as you want in your tent. Sure, it's not all the way outdoors, but it provides much of the same experience without the risk.
When many women fantasize, they are much more likely than men to consider the emotional back story of the encounter they're imagining. This often involves a vision of being pursued and desired by a partner before the actual sex act takes place. "In general, women are more inclined to arrange the stage and draw in their emotional-intellectual sensuality before attempting a scene where they lose control and become an object of someone else’s desires," says Cadell.
To try it: If your desire is an encounter that focuses more heavily on sensuality, tell your partner you'd like to take things slower than usual the next time you have sex. Spend extra time on foreplay, and play around with trying to arouse each other by exploring one another's bodies in ways you normally wouldn't. Slowly building up to orgasms can draw out your pleasure, an add in that powerful element of sensuality that you're craving.
"It’s important for women to know that it is completely normal for them to have [sexual fantasies]," sex therapist Kristie Overstreet tells SELF. It's totally okay (and fun!) to delve deeper into your desires to get to learn more about what makes you tick. "I would encourage women to explore websites, forums, and chat groups that discuss these," says Overstreet. "I would encourage any woman that feels self-conscious about having a fantasy to know that every single person has fantasies whether they admit it or not. Not every fantasy needs to be acted on because some may have consequences that could greatly affect your life in many ways. These are different
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