Family Therapy Sister S Porn

Family Therapy Sister S Porn


Family Therapy Sister S Porn

The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
Remember the story of Mercy Igoki, the 48-year-old senior assistant university registrar who accused her daughter of stealing her husband?
Mercy met and adopted an orphaned girl who was three years older than her first born. That was in 2006.
The girl bonded very well with her family and her problems began when she had to resign her job to recover from an accident that left her with multiple fractures.
“I enrolled for an undergraduate degree in Meru. I would be away from home sometimes up to three weeks or longer at a time because of my studies,” Mercy was quoted in Parent magazine, adding that she then began hearing rumours from neighbours about her adopted daughter sleeping with her husband.
“In anger, I confronted them and to my shock, my husband blamed me for the affair, saying I had brought the girl to him,” said Mercy. She has since forgiven them.
Then there was the case of Samuel Kamotho, a Thika-based engineer who was almost lynched by his neighbours after his wife, Virginia Wangari, accused him of sleeping with his 18-year-old daughter, Lucy Nyawira.
Stories of fathers sleeping with their daughters, biological or adopted, never seem to leave people gaping in wonder.
In the case above, the 51-year-old Kamotho denied the allegations, claiming his wife was peddling lies to tarnish his name for refusing to accept her back.
His daughter too denied there was any sexual relationship between them.
But why do fathers sleep with their daughters? And do girls fancy sexual intimacy with their fathers? Is it that some men have such a low sense of value and coupled with their insatiable desire for sex, are blinded into engaging in such distasteful incestuous acts?
Irene Waruru, a businesswoman based in Kiambu, claims that one of her neighbours slept with his biological daughter for years without being questioned.
“I think he was depressed. His wife and family members were aware of what was going on, but did not do anything. His daughter did not complain either. It was such a twisted family,” she claimed.
But not all cases involve mentally-disturbed fathers; sometimes a totally sane man can take advantage of a mentally-ill daughter.
A while back, a Maralal court slapped a 60-year-old man with a 20-year jail sentence for defiling his mentally-ill stepdaughter and infecting her with a sexually transmitted disease.
The then Maralal Principal Magistrate, Charles Ndegwa who sentenced Lesunya Lekirimpoto, said the prosecution had proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused had committed the offence and “the court sentences the accused to serve 20 years in jail to serve as an example to would-be offenders.”
The court heard that the accused, his stepdaughter and his wife were sleeping in the same bed when he committed the offence.
He is said to have turned on the teenager after he had domestic differences with his wife and proceeded to defile her.
A quarrel ensued after the incident, prompting the complainant and her mother to report the accused at Wamba Police Station after which he was arrested.
In mitigation, Lekirimpoto, pleaded for leniency because he was the sole breadwinner. But the court said the sentence was commensurate to the offence committed.
Others blame such acts on orders from ‘higher powers.’
Remember the case of the MP from Western Kenya who could no longer visit his village home during the day due to shame as neighbours found out that he was sleeping with his daughter?
Well, it later emerged that the politician had been advised by a local witch doctor to commit the offence to help him win the elections.
Others sleep with their daughters on the instructions of leaders of secret cults, who promise spiritual powers or prolonged lives.
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The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
Remember the story of Mercy Igoki, the 48-year-old senior assistant university registrar who accused her daughter of stealing her husband?
Mercy met and adopted an orphaned girl who was three years older than her first born. That was in 2006.
The girl bonded very well with her family and her problems began when she had to resign her job to recover from an accident that left her with multiple fractures.
“I enrolled for an undergraduate degree in Meru. I would be away from home sometimes up to three weeks or longer at a time because of my studies,” Mercy was quoted in Parent magazine, adding that she then began hearing rumours from neighbours about her adopted daughter sleeping with her husband.
“In anger, I confronted them and to my shock, my husband blamed me for the affair, saying I had brought the girl to him,” said Mercy. She has since forgiven them.
Then there was the case of Samuel Kamotho, a Thika-based engineer who was almost lynched by his neighbours after his wife, Virginia Wangari, accused him of sleeping with his 18-year-old daughter, Lucy Nyawira.
Stories of fathers sleeping with their daughters, biological or adopted, never seem to leave people gaping in wonder.
In the case above, the 51-year-old Kamotho denied the allegations, claiming his wife was peddling lies to tarnish his name for refusing to accept her back.
His daughter too denied there was any sexual relationship between them.
But why do fathers sleep with their daughters? And do girls fancy sexual intimacy with their fathers? Is it that some men have such a low sense of value and coupled with their insatiable desire for sex, are blinded into engaging in such distasteful incestuous acts?
Irene Waruru, a businesswoman based in Kiambu, claims that one of her neighbours slept with his biological daughter for years without being questioned.
“I think he was depressed. His wife and family members were aware of what was going on, but did not do anything. His daughter did not complain either. It was such a twisted family,” she claimed.
But not all cases involve mentally-disturbed fathers; sometimes a totally sane man can take advantage of a mentally-ill daughter.
A while back, a Maralal court slapped a 60-year-old man with a 20-year jail sentence for defiling his mentally-ill stepdaughter and infecting her with a sexually transmitted disease.
The then Maralal Principal Magistrate, Charles Ndegwa who sentenced Lesunya Lekirimpoto, said the prosecution had proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused had committed the offence and “the court sentences the accused to serve 20 years in jail to serve as an example to would-be offenders.”
The court heard that the accused, his stepdaughter and his wife were sleeping in the same bed when he committed the offence.
He is said to have turned on the teenager after he had domestic differences with his wife and proceeded to defile her.
A quarrel ensued after the incident, prompting the complainant and her mother to report the accused at Wamba Police Station after which he was arrested.
In mitigation, Lekirimpoto, pleaded for leniency because he was the sole breadwinner. But the court said the sentence was commensurate to the offence committed.
Others blame such acts on orders from ‘higher powers.’
Remember the case of the MP from Western Kenya who could no longer visit his village home during the day due to shame as neighbours found out that he was sleeping with his daughter?
Well, it later emerged that the politician had been advised by a local witch doctor to commit the offence to help him win the elections.
Others sleep with their daughters on the instructions of leaders of secret cults, who promise spiritual powers or prolonged lives.
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More stories to check out before you go
“They’re making babies down there,” my brother told my mom after walking in on me and a friend fooling around. Little did I know that he was right. That was the day I conceived my first child. I was only 16 .
My mother was blasting Al Green like she did every Sunday when she cleaned the house. “No, we weren’t,” I tried to assure her, but I doubt she believed me. I was usually pretty open about my sex life with her. She had known for quite some time that I was sexually active. I probably could’ve just told her the truth, like I had many times before, but this time was different from the rest. This time I did it in her house, and my heart was still racing from the excitement.
You’d think the experience of being a teen mom would make me want to keep all boys at least 10 feet away from my daughter, or at least ban boys from her room. Certainly, I don’t want her to go through what I did as a teen mom. I want her to wait until she’s ready to experience motherhood on her own terms, until she’s lived life for herself at least a little bit.
But I know that trying to keep teens from having sex is impossible. If they want to have sex, they’ll find a way. I know this because I remember being a teen. I remember a dark moonlit bedroom not being a requirement for fooling around. I remember taking advantage of my boyfriend’s parents being at work. I remember the sex in parked cars, the park and garages. And I remember not being the exception — almost all of my friends were having sex.
Banning boys from spending the night wouldn’t have prevented my teen pregnancy. It won’t protect my daughter either. Not from pregnancy, or the other potential consequences of unsafe sex. If my daughter were to engage in unsafe sex with a person of any gender, she could contract an STD or STI. It would be completely irresponsible of me to ignore the possibility that my daughter isn’t heterosexual. If I am worried about boys, I should be equally worried about girls. It’s either no one can spend the night, or everyone can.
That’s the logic I used when I asked my mother at 15 to have a good friend who happened to be male sleep over.
“You realize I could be sleeping with my girlfriends when they spend the night, right?” I remember asking her. I identified as bisexual at the time, and she knew it. But I could tell she had never even considered the possibility that my girlfriends were anything more than friends.
“Well, if he’s just a friend and you trust him, I’ll trust you.”
My mom trusted me. After that day, she often let me have boys spend the night. Every male friend I had knew what my bedroom looked like. And although it may seem counterintuitive, this is what she did right. She understood and listened. She never judged or punished me for being sexual. She believed me when I told her that a boy was just a friend and nothing sexual would happen if he spent the night. She created an environment where talking about sex was natural.
But despite her trust in me, she also failed me. She never talked to me about safe sex . I don’t know why. Perhaps she intended to but didn’t know how, or maybe she trusted I was getting accurate information somewhere else. She never once mentioned birth control or condoms; she just vaguely mentioned staying safe a few times.
And it’s not that I didn’t know birth control existed; I did. I just didn’t know how to ask for it. Every time I confessed my sexual activity to her, I hoped she would offer to get me the pill, buy me condoms, and teach me about safe sex with both girls and boys. I wanted her to teach me how to be assertive and insist protection be used. But she never did.
I won’t fail my daughter the same way. She’ll have my trust and guidance. She already knows about my own experiences and that I could never be mad at her for being sexual. I’ll give her support and information. She can have boys and girls spend the night just like I did as a teen, but unlike me, she’ll have access to condoms, birth control and information about STIs and STDs. The conversation about sex will be ongoing and comprehensive.
I know I can’t stop her from having sex, but at least I can help her stay safe.
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