Family Nudity Stories

Family Nudity Stories


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Published by Shivanand Gunness in category Family with tag beach | family | sea
Family Short Story – THE DAY AT THE BEACH Photo credit: diciu from
Finally! The day has arrived for our family’s day at the beach. My parents have been planning our family excursion to the beach ever since the summer holidays had started. Of course, I’ve been very elated when my parents had made the announcement that we were going to the beach this Sunday coming. So last Friday evening, my dad took some time off early from work so that he, mom and I can go to the grocery store and purchase everything that we are going to need on our trip to the beach on Sunday.
There were so many things that we had bought for our family day at the beach, like snacks and refreshments and meats and rice and so the list goes on. Now that the day had finally arrived, I was ready to spend a wonderful time with my parents at the beach. On Sunday morning, my mom and dad had been busy cooking the food in the kitchen while I helped packed the refreshments in a large cooler box with ice.
By the time my parents had finished preparing the food, they had packed it into a large box with plates and spoons and forks. Then we had started packing everything into our family caravan. Soon, in the next hour, we were driving through the main road, and we were on our way to the beach, which is actually my favorite place in the world so far.
The sea water was blue and beautiful as it sparkles in the warm sun. There were a few people here and there on the beach. Some were busy playing cricket, while a few kids were building sand castles just for fun. There were at least three or six people for the most, already bathing in the clear, blue sea water. By the time, we had gotten out from the caravan, I was already excited to go into the water and enjoy a fine sea bath. My mom had seemed to have read my mind so she told me that’s it lunch first, and then we all can go into the water.
The food was incredibly delicious. Baked chicken, lasagna, egg salad and shepherd pie, it was truly an amazing meal that I’ve ever eaten so far. Then I drank some iced cold lemon lime juice to wash it down. Well, I have to say that I was already enjoying our family day at the beach so far. After that incredible lunch, my parents and I relaxed like for half an hour until it was officially time to have some real fun. We all ran into the sea water and dived in. The water was cool and wonderful that we stayed there until it was time for us to pack up and go home.
It was five o’clock that evening when we all had packed up our belongings and put them back into our family caravan. As I sat in the back seat of the caravan, I looked out of the window to have a quick look at the clear blue sea water one more before we drove off. I can see that sun was already setting above the horizon of the ocean. But I know that some other again, we shall return to enjoy another family day at the beach.
Read more like this: by Author Shivanand Gunness in category Family with tag beach | family | sea

10 New "Why Me" embarrassing stories for May 23, 2008 By Audrey Fine PUBLISHED: May 23, 2008
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"For winter break, I went up north to learn how to snowboard, and it turned out that my instructor was a major cutie, so I was even more excited! But just when I started to do well, I fell on my butt in the middle of the snow. I started crying because it hurt so bad, but to make everything worse, the cute instructor came up right behind me and smiled at me in a 'You're pathetic' kind of way."
"I was in the drugstore with my best friend buying tampons, and we were debating on which ones we liked better. Right as my crush walked by we crouched down, thinking he didn't see us, but then he turned the corner and came up to us and said, 'Wow, I only thought girls were like this when they were shopping for shoes!' It was so embarrassing!"
"One day I was outside playing with my twin brother in our swimming pool. He was chasing me around, and so I got out and ran over to the front yard. Finally, he caught me and he reached out to grab me by my pants, but he accidentally pulled them off and I tripped into the mud with NO pants on. As my brother was walking over to say sorry, I noticed one of the cute guys from my school taking a picture of me with his phone. He ended up showing the picture to everyone at school! I was mortified!"
"It was that time of the month and I had forgotten my pads at home. My friends told me it would be better if I went to the nurse and got a pad there, so I did, and then went into the bathroom to put on the pad. However, she went into a long ramble about pads, tampons, periods, etc., and was talking superloud. I was so embarrassed when I walked out of her office and saw that my crush was right there, listening to everything."
"I'm a cheerleader and I'm at the top of the pyramid. I didn't realize I had my period, and as I stood at the top, I heard someone holler, 'Hey, Maria. Did you sit on some ketchup or something?' I was so embarrassed, but luckily only three people noticed and they were pretty close friends, so they didn't tell anyone."
"I'm the captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, and at one of our games my friend Maria told me that part of my cheer uniform skirt was stuck in my spanky pants! I quickly pulled it out and looked around to make sure nobody saw it, but the entire football team was laughing hysterically!"
"Last winter I was over at my friend's house and we were bored, so we decided to go in her hot tub. We went skinny-dipping since it was so cold outside and the hot tub was superhot. Afterward, we decided to go jump in the snow outside. Well, what we didn't know was that my crush lived on her street and was out taking a walk. So, when we ran to the front yard and jumped in the snow, he totally saw us! I was so embarrassed!"
"One night I was staying at my friend's house and I had my period. A little later, during dinner, my friend's brother came screaming down the stairs, yelling, 'Who has their period?' It turns out that the dog had gotten my tampon out of the trash and chewed it up on her brother's floor! I was so embarrassed!"
"So, I was sleeping over at my friend Emily's house, and when we were eating breakfast, I excused myself to use the bathroom. I had to go pretty badly, and I walked right into the bathroom as Emily's older sister was just getting out of the shower! She just stared at me, and then I ran out. I was so embarrassed!"
"My best friend, Britney, and I were at this clothing store trying on bras when my former best friend came in. She works for the school paper and she secretly took pictures of us trying on embarrassing stuff! The next day, the school paper had me on the front page! So embarrassing!"
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Author & Photographer:

Liza Van der Stock ,

The house where Maurice, Laura and Eva live. They live upstairs and downstairs porn movies are shot and erotic parties take place.

Maurice, Laura and Eva in the morning getting ready for school and work.

Laura and Eva going to the supermarket.

Eva and her friend Roosje at the riding school.

2018 Primetime Emmy

& James Beard Award Winner

Photographer Liza Van Der Stock’s intimate project about a porn-producing family in Flanders was shortlisted for the 2015 Sony World Photography Awards.
In a Flemish village outside of Turnhout, Belgium, Laura and Maurice live together with their daughter Eva. They have all the trappings of a normal family, but when 9-year-old Eva is at school, Maurice and Laura start their day jobs as porn producers.
I photographed the family for two years for my project called Paradi$e Lu$t. They’ve given me unfettered access to both their personal and professional lives. The duo, more than anything, are small business owners: together they started a production company called “Stout!” around a decade ago. It’s still a modest operation: they produce the movies and both work the camera. And, from time to time, they are the porn stars as well.
Like Maurice and Laura, their other actors are ordinary people. They’re fathers and neighbors. Salesmen and postmen. The sex and the bodies are very real, not fake, not glamorous.
Maurice and Laura used to live above an erotic club they owned and filmed in, but they moved out to the quieter village once Eva got a little older. The most interesting thing about the village life was the process of gaining their new community’s acceptance. When Eva was new in her school there were some children who couldn’t play with her because their parents didn’t allow it. Laura really wanted everybody to accept them, so she threw a very big party for Eva’s birthday. She cleaned the house for two days and made it totally sex-free. She invited everybody from the school, also the parents. People came to realize that they are just normal people and since then she organizes the party each year.
Maurice and Laura are always very honest with Eva. They don’t want to lie to her. But of course they informed her about their job in words she can understand. She knows that they had a bar where naked people came to have a drink and to dance. Eva has a really good relationship with her parents and their job has never been an obstacle. And in my time with them, I saw a warm family with a very normal life that really separated their work life from their personal life. A moment I remember very well was when Eva received her first communion in church. Laura was very involved in the ceremony and afterwards there was a party in their new café. Friends and family came along and it was a very good day. In the porn Laura and Maurice make, actors are captured on tape as they are. My project aims to portray the family with that same humanity.
See more of Van der Stock’s work at .
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I had 3 sisters an they would see me naked all the time. It seemed normal to me at the time but now I realize it wasn't
Growing up did if your siblings seen you naked?
Growing up did you care if your sibling seen you naked?
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I think it depends on the family. What may be normal for one family may not be normal for another. My family was not a "naked family" when I was growing up, but my husband's was. So it would not have been normal for my siblings to see me naked, maybe my sister in the locker room or bathroom on occasion but not just hanging around nude. However, my husband's family would be naked around the house on a regular basis, so it was "normal" for his family for his sisters and brothers to see each other nude. Even the parents would be nude just sitting around the house. It took some getting used to but now I know its just how they are.
Of course they did. I was a baby, I needed to have my nappy changed. After that, not really unless I was being stripped because I got dirty. Like fell in a puddle or something. Never saw me completely nude though.
My oldest, younger sister- yes. Brother, no. { That'd be weird }
Do you think it's weird for those that do
If it's them seeing you naked after the age of 5 all the way to when you were a teen then that's weird as hell. I would wonder why they thought it was fine.
So they accidentally see you naked or did y'all do it on purpose?
Everyday before school they would shower get dressed. And now they were still in there doing their hair I would take my shower so they would see me naked almst everyday
Did you not have a shower curtain to cover the shower?
Yes they would see me getting in and out
Well when we were really small we'd bathe together. Also at one point when we were like in the 5-8 or something like that, we'd play naked in our garden and paint each other with various berries.. Ah childhood.. ^.^
I stood on top of the family car at the market with my pants around my ankles at the age of 10 on a dare by my siblibgs sitting in the car. Good enough?
I don't have personal experience, as I'm an only child. I have three sons, though, and they were all allowed to be naked around the house, with just family over, until each one just stopped on his own. Nudity within a family -- particularly for kids -- is normal for those people who were raised that way, and only "weird" for people who as children were admonished to cover up, as though it were intrinsically "wrong" (indecent, inappropriate, whatever) for family members to see them naked. It isn't. My perception is that this hang-up is very much a North American thing -- specifically, in the US and Canada. (And I think in the US there are regional variations as well: I live in New England, one of the more prudish parts of the county, given its puritanical history.) My understanding is that in most of Europe and Asia, non-sexual nudity within a family is viewed as very normal, and not at all taboo -- a non-issue, really. A lot of people in our society have trouble accepting that a situation which is uncomfortable for them may be perfectly comfortable for other people. I strongly believe that the open, relaxed attitude about nudity within a family is the much healthier mindset. I am not trying to force my feelings onto others; however, I strongly object when the people with the more uptight, inhibited mentality treat their view as the "normal" one, and put down as "weird" the families whose members are comfortable with sometimes seeing each other naked.
Yes, my brothers are all older than me and the oldest was enough so that he was expected to help Dad with us kids. Mom passed when I was little. So while dad was at work, oldest bro was frequently in charge of baths and getting the rest of us into bed.
Yes my older sister would comment on the size of my penis and tell me I was a freak. It wasn't until I got older that I realised what I have is a good thing. I got even by walking to my room from the shower totally naked when some of her friends were over giving them all a clear view.
She was mad and when the friends weren't around told me I was a jerk lol.
Since she never told me I would guess they didn't mind seeing me naked. If they had anything negative to say she would have surely told me
Depends on the age difference, and the age. After puberty, it gets weird.
When my brother and I were babies, we would bathe together. I don't remember any of that because I was 2. Otherwise, no.
I live in a nudist family. It's very normal for me to see and be seen by my whole family, no matter what we are doing. I realize most people do not see this as normal. My siblings and I are all very healthy and happy and seem to have good relationships with other people so my opinion is, maybe it's better.
Haha of course. We took baths together and shit all the way up to puberty. Not like it's inappropriate when you're both young and innocent.
We only had 1 bathroom so before school my sisters would shower first get dressed and if they were doing their hair I would take my shower so they would see me naked every day even when I was going through puberty
we did it till we left home. Sometimes if parents not home we went to my bedroom.
Yes, both of my parents were "seasonal nudists" during summer @ their vacation home. We were all nude there.
Yeah, I think it's normal for family to see each other naked when they live together
Yes and a lot of time. All naked or just with my underwear, when I change, etc... Nothing weird we're the same family so
When we were younger, sure, we saw each other.

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