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Tou Dou is an abbreviation of Tony and Douglas and the professional name of Anthony Lynn Douglas. Born May 2nd, 1961 in Dayton, Ohio. Ton is a talented musician and naturist that has found a way to combine two important aspects of his life. Having produced two naturist lifestyle albums to date, titled Nature Zones and Naked Places. Ton is currently working on a new project and I got the chance to speak with him on Memorial Weekend at Haulover Nude Beach. For more information visit: and
Biel Switzerland, Ring Place (older town) 17/05/2014. 17.55h-18.15h Slow walking while bells were ringing, the church near by. Duration about 12 minutes. With 18 naked people. Police authorized. Context: jolimai festival with performances in the Gallery "Alte Krone". Concept / Head of Project / Cut: Thomas Zollinger Camera: Adrian Scherzinger !!!!! „Die seltsamen religiösen Umgänge sind aber Prozessionen von nackten Menschen. Am 14ten Februar 1589 war eine solche Prozession in der Pfarrey St. Nicolas-des-Champs, wos bei mehr als tausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts, Männer und Weiber, Jünglinge und Mädchen, alle nackend zu sehen waren. Das nehmliche geschah am 24sten Februar desselben Jahrs den ganzen langen Tag. Man sieht also, dass diese Art von Spaziergängen ihre Liebhaber und Liebhaberinnen gefunden haben muss. Nachher wiederholte man diese Ceremonien auch nächtlicher Weile, und weckte oft die Pfarrer auf, um den Zug zu führen. Ein Pfarrer von Saint Eustache, der sichs einfallen liess, einige Vorstellungen gegen diese hieraus nothwendig erfolgenden Unordnungen sich zu erlauben, wurde als Ketzer behandelt.“ Aus: „Zeichnungen zu einem jetzigen Gemälde des Zustandes von Paris“, von Georg Friedrich Rebmann, Erstes Bändchen, Altona, bey der Verlagsgesellschaft 1798, Seite 108
The "Replace Clothes With Paint" Art Project is about the real world. Therefore it is no surprise that the Red Cross also plays a role in it. In this case a young volunteer of the humanitarian aid organization got transferred from the real to Neil Curtis own art-world. And which color would fit better to this topic than red? The full version for all supporters can be found here: A LIST OF ALL REPLACE CLOTHES WITH PAINT VIDEOS CAN BE FOUND AT PLEASE NOTE that some of the videos only show the first part of the performance and the full versions can only be seen by the supporters. This is part of a campaign to raise money to help finance further sessions and keep the project alive. To become a supporter please donate at least 50 € / 60 US$ (or more) at THANK YOU! NEIL THE FIRST TEN SESSIONS – THE NEW YORK PERFORMANCE – THE NEIL CURTIS DOCUMENTARY – INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK:
Austin Reggae Festival 2014 Texas guy stripped down and got chased by Cops at a Festival Hilarious
Don't be shocked about the chainsaw: cutting trees in the wood is THE WOODWORKERS profession. There are two versions of this session available. This is the first version that shows the process in which Neil Curtis transfers the model from reality to his own art-world. There is also an alternative version available at and the supporter version is here: A LIST OF ALL REPLACE CLOTHES WITH PAINT VIDEOS CAN BE FOUND AT PLEASE NOTE that some of the videos only show the first part of the performance and the full versions can only be seen by the supporters. This is part of a campaign to raise money to help finance further sessions and keep the project alive. To become a supporter please donate at least 50 € / 60 US$ (or more) at THANK YOU! NEIL THE FIRST TEN SESSIONS – THE NEW YORK PERFORMANCE – THE NEIL CURTIS DOCUMENTARY – INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK:
Isy and Matt tell us about the upcoming Florida Young Naturist 6th Annual Naked Spring Bash. The Bash will be held at Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort in Loxahatchee, Florida. The dates are April 11 -13, 2014. For more information check out or
Two complete strangers meet for the first time, naked.
DESNUDANDO A LOS CLÁSICOS Basado en las obras: Don Juan de Zorrilla, la Divina Comedia de Dante y Romeo y Julieta y Hamlet de Shakespeare (ACTOS INTIMOS) SIMBOLIA TEATRO DE LOS SENTIMIENTOS Dirección e Idea Original de Santi Senso con dramaturgia de José J. Serrano a partir de textos de Santi Senso. Intérpretes Inés Blanco, Santi Senso, Cary Rosa (chelista) y las parientas y los parientes (espectadoras y espectadores que también forman parte del elenco) Ficha técnica Producción: Sandra Suarez y Gabriela Martinez-Gil; Edición del teaser: Yeyo Guglieri; Ipsografía del cartel y el programa de mano: Luis Bravo; Patrocinado por: Vestuario Izquierdo; jefa de prensa: Herme Huelga. Sinopsis: "Desnudando a los Clásicos" es un ACTO INTIMO donde podremos disfrutar de los secretos más íntimos, que los autores de los textos clásicos no desvelan para protegerSE de las censuras morales de la época, pero que los propios personajes, embriagados por esos textos despiertan en ellos y ellas la necesidad de transmitir los sentimientos que les habitan y hacer de ello un acto íntimo con el deseo de compartirSE. Para alcanzarlo, los actores que interpretarán a estos personajes, deberán imbuirse en el texto como arqueólogos dejando al descubierto el pudor del autor y regalándole la verdad al espectador (parientas y parientes), celebrando así el ritual de la generosidad. AceptandoSE, desnudándoSE, recibiendoSE. Pudiendo SER cualquier personaje sin tener que vestirSE, atrezarSE, producirSE. Con sus cuerpos desnudos transmitirán a las parientas y parientes ese deseo por conocerLOS, por descubrir a esos escritores, que en su intimidad un día escribieron lo que hoy podemos compartir disfrutando de este acto íntimo. ¿Podemos SER eternos siendo mortales ? Sí. ¿Deseamos la inmortalidad ? Lo sabremos si somos "Valientas" y "Valientes". Ellos, nuestros Clásicos; siguen VIVOS, en nuestro imaginario, en nuestras parientas y parientes que como espectadores del ACTO INTIMO hacen que desde el inconsciente colectivo resuenen en todos nosotros. Nota del experimentador Santi Senso ¿Qué es un Acto Intimo? Entrar en un estado de Vulnerabilidad: el desnudo en su punto máximo. Los espectadores (viajera y viajero, clienta y cliente, huésped e inquilina, acompañanta y acompañante, parienta y pariente) todas y todos, creadores de la dramaturgia VIVA del acto íntimo, han hecho que tenga un lenguaje propio ¿Qué nos habita? ¿Estamos dispuestos y expuestos a deshabitar-nos? Si eres generosa o generoso, un día la generosidad te saludará, te sonreirá. No sólo es generoso el que da también el que se deja dar, recibir. No estar en uno mismo. Es mucho más interesante estar en la otra persona, en la ESCUCHA, dejar descansar nuestro ego. Estar en el inconsciente, la locura linda. La cordura da miedo. Permitir-nos la MODIFICACIÓN; ese jarro de agua fría que nos hace estar perdidas, perdidos, VIVOS. Perder la percepción de qué es REAL y qué es FICCIÓN, sin que pase nada que no deseemos que pase. ¿INVASIÓN? Sí, desde el amor, el respeto. Desde la NO COMPASIÓN para no anular el SER. Sí desde la empatía. DECONSTRUIR, para CONSTRUIR, sin DESTRUIR. Lo SIMBOLICO, el IMAGINARIO del antes, del durante, del inmediato y del después del acto íntimo. Aceptar la etiqueta y el DON que el acto íntimo nos regala (gurú, chamán, genio, sanador, ángel, arcángel, mago, maestro) No hay objetivo, ni metas, ni proyección. No es un ACTO ONANISTA, sus pajas son compartidas. Transcienden.
Bob Mizer Foundation Film Archive See full details:
sexyMF is a performance for 13 performers . Developed from workshops with the local community in the cities we are attending, this project aims to work and interact with the locals by having them participate in both the workshop and the performance. sexyMF is based on erotic imaginary, questioning asymmetries that regulate social identities and the definitions of male/female, which causes strong emotions in the viewer by confronting him/her with characters whose bodies are completely exposed and that shows a very obvious gender/sexual ambiguity. The 13 performers(chosen from the persons who attend the workshop) are totally naked, their heads transformed through make-up so that each of them has a different gender from the body he or she belongs to. Sitting face to face with the 13 performers, the audience establishes a very intimate and direct relationship with them, with no words for an undetermined period. While this is happening the audience is listening, repeatedly, to a love song with headphones (each headphone has a diferent song). The ambient sound is birdsongs listen through a guitar amp. There are also two violin players live playing classical music . It is the viewer who defines the time of the performance, the kind of relationship (by choosing a certain performer) and the moment he/she leaves. All other viewers are put waiting for a seat. As in a voyeuristic game they are free to watch the performance and the relationships established by others from the outside, choosing to later participate in the performance or not. concept, light, space, sound and artistic direction Ana Borralho & João Galante performers 13 local people chosen trough workshop/audition make-up Jorge Bragada + 2 local make-up artist live music 2 local classical music musicians production casaBranca support Galeria Graça Brandão performance duration: 2 to 3 hours
He is still in basic training, but he already had his first voluntary service as a black covered soldier in Neil Curtis "real" art world. How would the world be, if all soldiers had to undergo a similar training? Probably better... A LIST OF ALL REPLACE CLOTHES WITH PAINT VIDEOS CAN BE FOUND AT PLEASE NOTE that some of the videos only show the first part of the performance and the full versions can only be seen by the supporters. This is part of a campaign to raise money to help finance further sessions and keep the project alive. To become a supporter please donate at least 50 € / 60 US$ (or more) at THANK YOU! NEIL THE FIRST TEN SESSIONS – THE NEW YORK PERFORMANCE – THE NEIL CURTIS DOCUMENTARY – INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK:
When “The Pianist” closes his eyes, he hears music. It’s an occupational disease some musicians suffer from, but in his case it also has a positive side effect: “When I workout at the gym, I don’t need an iPod”, he says. Piano pieces of Chopin, Mozart or Beethoven play in a continous loop in his head and it takes a lot of effort to ignore. A LIST OF ALL REPLACE CLOTHES WITH PAINT VIDEOS CAN BE FOUND AT PLEASE NOTE that some of the videos only show the first part of the performance and the full versions can only be seen by the supporters. This is part of a campaign to raise money to help finance further sessions and keep the project alive. To become a supporter please donate at least 50 € / 60 US$ (or more) at THANK YOU! NEIL THE FIRST TEN SESSIONS – THE NEW YORK PERFORMANCE – THE NEIL CURTIS DOCUMENTARY – INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

"At my first event, I slung a towel over my shoulder and went down for breakfast - naked."
Events organiser Pamela Fraser, 27, went to her first naturism event 14 months ago. She's been to 20 since.
Spa days, archery, yoga, cider-tasting and even a Fawlty Towers-themed night with actors playing Basil, Sybil and Manuel - all without an item of clothing in sight.
She describes the first time she got naked at a large gathering as a "non-event', adding "you soon realise people aren't interested in what you look like."
On Saturday, she'll join around 300 others of all ages, paying up to £21 for a skinny dip at Blackpool's Sandcastle Water Park.
"It's no different to going swimming with your costume on," Pamela believes. "A lot of female costumes don't hide much anyway."
"The whole idea is you're stepping back from the stress of life and the feeling that you have to fit into a certain mould."
"Sometimes I get in from work and take all my clothes off - that's me saying this is now my free time."
Pamela is one of 9,000 people who pay about £44 a year to be members of the British Naturism (BN) organisation.
It offers advice and support and organises days out and festivals - including NudeFest, NKD and Nudestock - across the UK.
Pamela had always found it "more comfortable" to be nude at home but began going to events after spotting a BN magazine while at work.
"Everyone looked so happy - it was really inviting and it looked like there was so much going on. I thought, 'How have I got to 25 and not heard about this?'"
"There are some people who think nudity and bottoms are really funny. But I think laughing at someone who has nothing on is rude."
Upcoming trips include two more swimming days in Stoke-on-Trent and Poole, naked-dining near Stevenage, a pétanque tournament in Norwich and a two-hour boat trip in Scotland.
But Saturday's swim has caused concern for some.
About 50 people signed a petition calling for Saturday's swim to be cancelled or to be made over-18s only. Children, it said, would be "at risk of being subject to abuse by sex offenders who may slip into the organisation unnoticed".
One self-employed woman who plans to go to the event says she has no concerns about taking her children.
The 38-year-old - who asked not to be named - said: "I do understand where people are coming from in asking 'how can it be safe?'. It's just like any area of life, you always want to protect your children.
"But some don't have an understanding of the community. I've never once been worried about anything. When you're in something, it can often be very different to what others might perceive from the outside."
Her family found naturism about eight years ago, she says, when they accidentally ended up on a nudist beach on holiday. After enjoying the "relaxed atmosphere" they were keen to find similar experiences elsewhere abroad and, finally, in the UK.
"The girls love the swimming events - the queues are much better than if you go on another day, " she said, speaking ahead of Saturday's swim.
"There are some times when my daughter might say she wants to wear her bikini bottoms - and that's fine of course. Then she gets there and they decide she doesn't need them. It's their choice to go naked if they want to but, if not, that's also fine."
And she thinks there might be an even greater benefit than queue-jumping.
"My eldest daughter's friends are becoming more concerned about what they look like but she says she doesn't. That really touches me as a parent: that she hasn't really taken on that societal body-conscious stuff.
"How can naturism not have influenced that?"
BN event organiser Mark Walsh says many new members are introduced to the group through other events aimed at "free and earthy" vegans, yoga fans and camping enthusiasts.
"Some of our events are open to non-members, which brings in new people," he said. "Otherwise we just do marketing the same as any other organisation - but mainly in nudist circles."
On Saturday the group will also attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most people on a rollercoaster at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. The record was set in Southend in August 2010.
People can join on the day but are asked to sign-up via the website in advance.
"Our members are our life-blood," says Mr Walsh. "And when they get a crazy new idea, it's my job to make it happen."
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