Family Imagefap

Family Imagefap


Family Imagefap
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A teenage girl has appealed to the internet for help, as she questions her dad’s insane rules about her nudity in their family home.
Over the years, it’s become obvious to Lily* that her father doesn’t seem to respect her privacy at all.
For starters, he usually doesn’t knock when he wants to come into her room and so has walked in when she’s changing several times to ask a question.
The father-of-two also comes into the bathroom at least once a month while his 18-year-old daughter is showering.
“It’s a sliding glass door with no shower curtain so he sees me naked,” Lily wrote on Reddit .
“I told him I’m not comfortable with him seeing me naked.
“I lock the door while showering now. He called me a prude for not letting him in today while I was showering.”

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When Lily questioned her dad about why he felt the need to walk into the room while she was naked, he tried to justify his actions.
As Lily listened in complete shock, her dad outlined the following four reasons why his behaviour was OK:
After that Lily was lost for words, unsure exactly how she should respond – so she turned to Reddit for some advice.
Overall, nearly 500 Redditors came to Lily’s aid, reassuring her that she had done nothing wrong and that her dad had definitely crossed the line.
“I’m a huge advocate for normalising many things in families such as kissing or hugging but this is too far because you didn’t consent and it’s creepy your dad is upset,” one concerned person said.
There were also several dads who chimed into the discussion, sharing how they have approached the nudity issue with their own daughters.
One father, with one and three-year-old girls, said that he planned to stop bathing around five years old.
Another said he would be waiting until his daughters told him they were “uncomfortable” – which is something he’s already spoken to them about.
“As soon as that happens then I’ll stop. It’s totally creepy to push your kids to let you see them naked when they’ve expressed discomfort,” he added.

This article originally appeared on Kidspot and was reproduced here with permission

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Diane Arbus

Family beauty contest at a nudist camp , 1965
36.5 x 38 cm. (14.4 x 15 in.)

Diane Arbus

(American, 1923–1971)

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The World has seen a Great Change in the last 30 to 40 years. More Women are deciding that they have had enough of the macho behaviors of men and boys, and many are encouraging change. In the meantime, Women have taken the “Bull by the Horn”, and they have invaded the once male domains! The changes are astonishing.
This Women is Quite Confident in her “Butch” Personna!
Here is but one example of the New Age male: You notice how he is keeping his legs together so no one can look up his skirt, his legs are encased in dainty nylons, and his high heels show how delicate a creature he has become!
For the Once Dominant and masculine male, things have changed!
For the Upcoming, Dominant Woman, Life is Great being in Control!
They are now careful not to run their nylons, they make sure that their makeup is just right, and they always have to remember to grab their purses!
For many Mothers, controlling unruly boys with Petticoat Discipline works wonders…here is a story from a Mother that has had Great Success with her once unruly boy:
Petticoating Worked Wonders with my Son from Jackie
Hi my name is Jackie, and I would like to share my experience with the use of petticoat punishment on my son Michael. I think this is a wonderful way of punishing unruly boys, and it worked wonders for my son. I suppose I should start at the beginning of why I started using petticoating, and then describe the results I have achieved. When my son was 3 years old his father (my husband) Jack passed away, this had a great impact on my son becuase he didnt have a strong father figure to support him and his sister Anne, and to discipline them. I tried my best but he was getting in to fights at school, looking up his sister’s dress, and being careless around the house, and by the time he was 12 I had run out of ideas. I tried spankings, taking away toys and privileges, but nothing worked.
Finally one day I was having lunch with a friend and she told me about an article discusing petticoat punishment she had read from the UK (we live in the USA), I had never heard about it, but I was desperate and asked her to drop the article off so I could read it. A few days later I read the article. I was a little skeptical, but decided I would give it a try the next time my son misbehaved. One day my son was teasing his sister, who is a year younger than him. When my daughter came to me crying, I was so mad that I decided that instead of spanking I would use petticoating. I took him into her bedroom, looked in a drawer, and took out a pair of pink panties, white tights and a dress from his sister’s clothes, and told him to put them on.
He looked at me and started to fuss, but as soon as I told him that next time one of his friends was over I would talk about how nice he looked in Anne’s clothes, he began to cry and starting putting on the tights. After he was done I brought him a pair of fussy lace-trimmed ankle socks, and single strap, very shiny girls’ party shoes. I then took all his clothes out of his room and replaced them with tights I had bought (pink, yellow, red, white, and blue), some skirts (various colors), and pretty dresses mostly in flower patterns etc…than I told him if he didn’t behave then this is his punishment, and that I might even take him out to the store like this.
Next I brought him in the room where his sister was playing, and she started laughing and giggling at him when she saw his attire – he blushed with embarrassment at his thoroughly deserved comeuppance. I explained that this is how he was going to be punished in the future, and that she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. She understood, and I than made him play nicely with her and her dolls. Slowly petticoating worked its magic: every time he did something unacceptable, I dressed him tights, little girls’ ‘unmentionables’, and a dress.
By the time my son was 15 he was a well-behaved, obedient child! I owe it all to petticoating. He never again picked on his sister, or got in fights at school, because he knew what would happen. After I found this site I wanted every mother out there to know that it works, and works well. The embarrassment that my son felt was enought to make him think twice about doing no good. And for those of you worried that your son will turn out to be crazy, or anti-social, or gay, none of this happened to my son. He’s 17, has a girlfriend whom he dotes on, plays sports, and has many friends. For all you mothers with sons who are out of control try this out: you’ll be happy with the results! Keep up the good work, Jackie
Congratulations Jackie, it sounds like your efforts have been a complete success. My best wishes to your whole family.
As many of you are aware, I am Good Friends with “The Radical Feminist”….aka Chris! She is a Strong Advocate of male Feminization and the Empowerment of Women and Girls. She has done incredible work over the years, and I asked her if we could share one of the instances of her work from five years ago, and she agreed that it would be okay. The following is an exchange of E-Mails between me and Chris, and what one Woman has done with her family by taking control, and establishing a FLR.
Got a really good one for you, recently starting talking to a mom (Arlene) and dad (Joe). They are a couple in the mid-thirties who are now living fulltime as a gender reversed household. They have a 13 year old daughter, 9 and 6 year old sons. Two years ago they were a normal modern two working parent family until Joe lost his job and found himself as a stay at home dad/househusband. Arlene is a lawyer who has risen quickly to become a full partner. She has more than enough money and has everything in her name, Joe has no assets and only a small allowance he is allowed to spend each week on food and other things for the family. Arlene joined a feminist group shortly after her husband lost his job and really like the idea of her family become an example of a female led household. We have talked on and off for more than year and she was very skeptical of petticoating and did not believe it was right for her family. This all changed a few months ago when she decided her two sons Joe Jr (Age 9) and Carl (Age 6) needed an attitude adjustment. She discussed using petticoating on the youngest Carl after he got in trouble at school and her husband was against it. Arlene decided Joe needed his own attitude adjustment and started making him wear panties and nightgowns to bed, this is the same time she restricted the money her husband had access too. He was not happy but soon learn to accept that Arlene was in charge. She enlisted the help of her daughter Peyton (age 13) who was trill with her mother’s plans.
What’s really interesting is I am in contact with both Arlene and Joe. Recently I got a chance to meet both of them for lunch and Arlene laid out her plans, the look on Joe’s face was perfect he is not happy about the idea of his sons being petticoated but has no choice to accept Arlene in charge and he has no choice to do what she says. Arlene firmly believes in the superiority of women and has made it clear that her and Peyton are now in charge, Joe does not like this but again has no choice Peyton is given a larger allowance than Joe and must treat her as adult (equal to his authority). Peyton and Arlene recently went shopping for the boys Christmas dresses, Peyton had a ball picking out the boys outfits, over the top girly would be an understatement, Arlene even considering getting the boys hair permed for the holidays. She is a bit bold and often takes the boys out while dressed and will be attending three different Christmas parties with the boys in their Christmas dresses, the parties will be at one of her cousins house (who is aware of the boys being petticoated), a co-worked who has seen the boys dressed while out and local party at one of her neighbor’s house. Arlene plans to start home schooling the boys and putting them into dresses 24/7 after the holidays. You can really tell Joe does not like this, Arlene knows this and loves to rub in in his face at lunch she sense him being uncomfortable and said, watch yourself or you will be wearing skirts 24/7 too or maybe I just drop you in a dumpster somewhere, I can easily replace you with a nanny or maid.  Joe just kept quiet and said yes honey I will do as you say.
Got to run, love to hear your thoughts, doesn’t this sound like the perfect family? Chris  
Yes, Arlene is awesome and poor little Joe knows he has no choice but to respect his wife’s wishes. She is in complete control now, a few years ago things were different Joe control the bank accounts and had a good playing job in sales. When he lost his job he took his time looking for new work and spent his days goofing off playing golf and drinking with his buddies. Arlene was furious and threated to kick him out unless he signed an agreement which gave her complete control off all assets and put their bank accounts, home and cars only in her name, she had a section in the agreement that gave her complete legal control of the children too. He literally signed complete control over to Arlene and knows she is serious do what she says or end up on the street penniless. Arlene, main focus right now are the boys and making Joe not just accept but actively assist in their petticoating. She has made Joe put both boys into dresses several times, she told me she laughed her ass off watching Joe put panties and tights on Joe Jr. She had him put the boys into tutus too and then take them out to the grocery store. She told me Joe was just if not more humiliated then the boys were wearing tutus and tights walking through the grocery store. Arline has big plans for Joe and has decided to take him down the feminine road slowly she is going to savior every moment as he surrenders to her will. Chris
Sunday, November 29, 2015 11:22 PM Subject: Re: Mother Rules the House
Patti, Arlene is already ahead of you. I do not have time to go into full detail right now so I give you a quick summary. Arlene and I have been talking on and off for a while, a friend at her Feminist group suggested we talk and while Arlene liked the idea of petticoating she did not think it was for her. Both Peyton and her are tomboys and had no dresses available and she told me she could never see having the time to put the boys into frilly dresses and tights. We continue to talk on an off until she asked to meet me for lunch back a few months back. Her youngest Carl was starting to get out of control and her older boy Joe can be a bit sassy. She decided to buy a few dresses and thought she only use petticoating once or twice to scare the boys. Joe was against it but reluctantly agreed thinking it would only happen a few times. Well after she dressed Carl up and saw the reaction both Peyton (Who loved it) and Joe Jr who fall out of his chair seeing his brother in a dress. Over the summer she used petticoating on both Carl and Joe Jr. regularly. In the past all three of her kids played sports, mostly soccer but last year (2014) Joe Jr played on their local pop warner football team. When the new season started this year she decided that Joe Jr should quit the team and instead focus on his school work. He was not happy and went nuts when Peyton decided she want to try out for the team. This really sent Joe Jr off and Arlene decided to petticoat him when they went to sign Peyton up. She dressed the disrespectful boy in a frilly party dress, tied ribbons in his hair and made him carry a doll while she signed Peyton up. Peyton loved every minute of it and while Peyton tried out for the team poor Joe Jr had to hold his mommy hand wearing a dress and holding a doll. The coach and several of the other players were confused and kept looking at Arlene and the little girl holding her hand. One of the coaches asked where Joe Jr was and Arlene told them that he did not like football because it was too rough. Poor Joe just whimpered and hid his face. Joe Sr. had no idea this was happening and was not happy, made the mistake of questioning Arlene about it and she smacked him telling him she was in charge.  Joe Jr and Carl were both afraid of Arlene too and both towed the line focusing on their school work and doing whatever Arlene and Peyton said. Arlene decided for Peyton games and practices to not draw to much attention and only made both boys wear panties and tights under their boy clothes. For Halloween she got a little more bold and dressed Carl up as Dorothy and Joe Jr as a cheerleader. They got a lot of strange looks with the two boys dressed up for Halloween watching Peyton football game. A couple of the mothers even asked Arlene about it and she said her boys are just little princesses who liked dressing up.
There is so much more to tell that will have to wait until another time. I had a lovely talk with Arlene tonight and just got down emailing Joe. I never really dealt with a father before and its clear he loved Arlene and his kids and realize he has no choice, he often asks how he can become more accepting and is afraid that Arlene will put him into skirts.  Arlene has decided to wait on this since she once to focus on the boys Joe Sr. does wear panties 24/7 now which is something Peyton is aware of the often makes comments to her father that he is a little sissy.
More updates about Arlene will be coming soon. I had diner last night with them and Joe Sr was an adorable little househusband serving us food in his apron.
This is where the E-Mails ended. What happened after this is that the boys ended up completely Homeschooled, and Joe Sr. ended up totally Feminized. There were more parts that Chris had published on her Site that was deleted, and that was where that information was stored. The point being, once a Woman makes a decision to establish a FLR and household, it can be done, and the males will comply!
Young Girls are Enjoying the game of Football!
While their older brothers look on!
More girls than ever are playing Football!
Many men are learning their New Place in the FLR!
Some of these Dominant Women are insisting that
Max Joseph Nude
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