Family Guy Hentai Gallery

Family Guy Hentai Gallery


Family Guy Hentai Gallery
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Episode aired May 23, 2010 TV-14 TV-14 44 m
Dominic Polcino James Purdum (supervising director) Peter Shin (supervising director)
Dominic Polcino James Purdum (supervising director) Peter Shin (supervising director)
Family Guy: Something Something Something Dark Side
Carl as Yoda (voice) (as Jon Benjamin)
Manuel Vega (archive footage) (as James 'Cannonball' Greene)
Captain Ivan Drago (archive footage)
Dominic Polcino James Purdum (supervising director) Peter Shin (supervising director)
Seth MacFarlane , the creator of Family Guy, played the voices of 26 different characters, including his usual Peter (Han Solo), Stewie (Darth Vader), Brian (Chewbacca) and Quagmire (C-3PO) this sets a record for most characters voiced in a series.
When escaping from Hoth, only Leia, Han and Chewie are seen entering the cockpit of the Falcon but after Han says punch it, C3PO is suddenly sitting behind Chewie.
The credits are played with a Family Guy/Star Wars mix theme.
When this aired as two-part episode on Fox a line was changed to eliminate a masturbation joke. When Chris/Luke Skywalker asked if his new right hand is "good to go" the medical droid's response was changed from "Yeah, but practice on a hot dog first. Otherwise you might rip your dick off." to "Wow, you're a hard guy to get compliment from!".
My Little Buttercup (uncredited) Written by Randy Newman Performed by Seth Green and H. Jon Benjamin
This was on TV last night, and I enjoyed it. It had some decent jokes as well. The animation is great and it's the last episode to be in the 4:3 aspect ratio before it transitioned to 16:9 on Season 9 Episode 1 if you don't count the banned episode: Partial Terms Of Endearment.
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Peter makes good on another power outage at home by retelling Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Peter makes good on another power outage at home by retelling Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Peter makes good on another power outage at home by retelling Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
Lois Griffin as Princess Leia : [before Han is lowered into the carbon-freezing pit] I love you.

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 Steve: What a boob.
Stan: What was that, Steve?
Steve: Um, I, uh... asked Hayley if I could squeeze her boob.
Stan: I love it when you kids get along.

 Lisa: I gonna do a little research.
Bart: A little is not gonna be enough honey pie.
Lisa: Don't call me "honey pie".
Bart: You got it tootsie pop.
Lisa: (grunts)
Nelson: : Get a room, you two.
Lisa: We're brother and sister.
Milhouse: So are my parents... I think.

 Homer: Yep, this place is great, and someday when Lisa and Bart get married it will all be theirs.
Marge: You mean when they marry other people.
Homer: OK... but I'm not paying for two weddings.

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