Family Forced Sex Story

Family Forced Sex Story


Family Forced Sex Story

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By Chrissy Stockton
Updated January 25, 2022

Home invasions are terrifying scenarios in which someone enters your house to commit a violent crime against you, usually while you are sleeping. This is a collection of real home invasion stories. Add your own home invasion stories in the comments and beware!

By Chrissy Stockton
Updated January 25, 2022

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“I was sitting in the kids’ bedroom, putting them to sleep…my husband in the living room working. The house was pretty quiet. We heard someone turn the knob on the back door and bump it hard-twice, as if trying to shove the door open. My husband brought me the shotgun, and went exploring outside with the pistol (he was a county reserve cop at the time). Never did see anyone. The weird thing? I usually don’t end up locking the doors until we go to bed (usually a couple hrs after the kids), but for some reason I had a nagging feeling to lock it early that night. If I hadn’t, God knows what would’ve happened. It was obvious that we were home and at least someone was awake (husband had kitchen and living room lights on), so whatever they wanted, was not just to take things.
He spoke with his fellow officers, but nothing was ever found. He did find a footprint by the garage the next morning….was way too big to have been his. We waited and waited for a follow-up break in, and it never happened. I am a stay at home mom, so I kept the pistol within reach for a while, when the kids were in school and I was home alone. Nothing like that has ever happened again…HOWEVER, a few months later my 11-year-old son did move out of his bedroom because he felt like he was being watched. Said he kept hearing footsteps outside his windows. Before we moved in, his room was a back porch that the previous owners had boxed in. The old concrete porch steps are still outside his room, and lead to a big window the previous owners put in (it doesn’t open). I’m sure it could’ve been neighborhood stray cats, but this was just a few months after the door incident.”
“One of my childhood homes had a balcony that was attached to both my mother’s bedroom and mine via big, glass doors in each of our rooms. Next to the balcony are two trees, one I often used to climb up and down from the balcony. One night when my brother and mother weren’t home and I was about 13, reading in bed with a very dim reading light. I heard what sounded like something moving in one of the trees outside , but this didn’t worry me as possums and bats are common in our area. Now I had thin curtains on the glass doors that separated my room and the balcony, and the doors faced out towards the street where street lamp light was always visible through my curtains. Shortly after hearing the tree rustling noises, I see a shadow slowly move past the doors, at which point I immediately turn off my reading light and freeze like a deer in headlights.
The shadow is tall, so it wasn’t a neighbor kid and it wasn’t my all of 5ft mother. The person moved slowly, creeping as though they were trying to not be noticed. They wouldn’t likely be able to see into my room but I could see them thanks to the streetlights behind them. They moved past my doors out of sight, I sat their unable to move or even think about what to do other than be absolutely still.
That is, until I heard another sound, the sound of someone trying to open a glass door, my mum’s doors to the balcony. I didn’t know if she had locked them or not but I wasn’t taking chances. I moved as quickly and as silently as I could to my bedroom door and locked it. I listened for what the person was doing now, they were still jiggling the glass door handle, but it sounded like the doors weren’t opening. I felt relief, this person couldn’t get in surely, all I had to do was wait for them to realize that and then they would leave right?
Well, I heard light foot steps move back along the balcony to my set of glass doors until I saw his shadow stop directly in front of them. Again, I froze, he couldn’t see me, he couldn’t know I can see him. I saw a shadow of a hand reach up to my doors handle and my heart stopped, had I actually locked those doors myself today? I was out there earlier, what if I forgot?
The seconds leading up to him grabbing the handle felt like an eternity. But thankfully, when this person tried to open the door, it did not open, it was locked. I sighed such a sigh of relief I was worried he had heard it. After this he began pacing the length of the balcony. I didn’t have a mobile, the landline was at the other end of the house but I was scared to take my eyes off of them. I was silently crying, and praying they would just leave.
Then I heard him stop moving, he then said “I could just break the glass you know”.
Before I could even process this I saw car headlights turn around the corner of my street and then stop at our property gate. My mum was home. The person on balcony moved out of sight and I heard a loud thump as they jumped off of it. When my mum came inside I was hysterical and was barely coherent in telling her what happened. Eventually I got the message across and she called the police. They never found or caught anyone, but a neighbor reported a truck in the street that matched the description of a truck that had been reported recently for attempted child abductions near my school a block away…”
“I was living in Las Vegas at the time and was 19. I lived in a trailer park in North Town. A not so nice area of Vegas.The trailers we’re about 10 feet apart at best. At about 1100pm I heard the sound of bodies flopping on the ground from the trailer next door, sounded like someone wrestling or fighting but no yelling or loud voices. I then heard the screen door of the trailer open and a car speed off. I thought nothing of it and keeps to myself.
My roommate was at work and wouldn’t be home till morning. I went to bed. I woke up to a tapping on my front door. As I opened my eyes I saw a police officer holding a shotgun leaned against my window. I woke up in a hurry and answered the door. The police officer told me I had to vacate the premises for my own safety. Apparently the sounds I heard were from my neighbor who stabbed and killed someone in the trailer. The car driving away was the murder victims friend who drove to Nellie air Force Base for help. my neighbor kept the body in the house until the SWAT team showed up and extracted the man from his home VIA tear gas. This was just the beginning of crazy things to happen while out west but by far one of the most memorable.”
“Someone wandered into my house at like 2 in the morning, and said he was “just looking”. Told me it wasn’t very neighborly when I told him to leave or I would shoot.”
“Worked third shift at the time, my kids told me I had started snoring. I didn’t believe them and decided to record myself sleeping while they were in school. Turned the recorder on said ” this is to see if I snore.” First you could hear me breathing then go into a deep sleep, after a while, snoring, then clear as day, two voices talking to each other over me. I was home alone. They said: “Can she?” “I don’t think she can.” I had the tape for years. I always thought they were wondering if I could hear them.”
“I was housesitting for my friend and her dogs were acting crazy, barking at nothing, whimpering, etc. Eventually I heard a weird noise upstairs. I counted the dogs, they were all with me. You know that person you yell at for looking around the house instead of just calling the police? Yeah, that was me. The knife drawer was babyproofed and I’m an idiot so I grabbed a meat fork.
Messaged a group chat that if they didn’t get updates from me every five minutes they should call the cops. Went looking around. Tried to bring a dog with me, but they were having none of it. Eventually found the source of the noise and was relieved to see that it was just the sink. Turned it off and texted the group chat “Nvm, it was just the sink.” One of my friends replied “But who turned it on 😱” and immediately the friggin’ lever pulls forward and water started coming out. I rubber-banded it closed (water conservation is important) and high tailed it out of there. Sat there with meat fork in hand watching movies all night. No way I was sleeping in that house.”
“I was home alone, with my then 3 month old. My guy was working overnights. I start hearing static over the baby monitor so I get up to check, just to make sure. I get to the doorway and I see a silhouette of a very tall man. Except it was like a negative of light where he was standing. The hallway light should have hit him and some kind of color should have shown, but it was just black. Absence of light. Just standing there, watching.
I reached around the door, flipped on the light and grabbed my son. Turned for a quick look, before I bolted hell bent for a frozen night outside, and he wasn’t there. I stopped, turned off the light and the shadow was there but a few steps closer. I slammed the door, cracking the frame in the process and spent the rest of the night in my fully lit bedroom with my little. He just giggled. It wasn’t the last I saw of him in my son’s room and my now 5 year old has spoken of him often.”
“I was awake late one night on the computer reading about SCPs which I had only recently learned about. At the time I did not know the material was based on a video game. I thought it was a collection of creepy stories. I could not verify the validity or fiction of the information because for example the database site had no information about the web administrators.
I was most unsettled by a SCP I read about a humanoid like creature that if directly looked at runs toward and kills you. Of course there was a photo of it so I began to worry it had begun it’s trekk and maybe weeks or months later would confront me. I pictured it running at full spring through deserts, along roads and bodies of watet to get to me. I sat up to see an odd figure with what looked like elongated arms in the parking lot of my apartment building. The lot was small as was the building (only two stories tall with eight units), was shared with small businesses and wedged in by several structures. My living room window faced it.
I stood up once again to ensure I was not hallucinating. The second look, it began coming towards me. I ducked immediately. A third time after waiting quite a while I checked. It proceeded to advance once more. I stopped checking. I spent the night hunched over to keep myself out of sight. I don’t remember if I slept but in the morning I looked and saw it was gone. I still think about that night and wonder, if SCPs are just part of a game, what and why did I see that thing?”
“I was eating a sandwich and I was looking for something to watch on TV so I was dialing (back in the 80s) and I flipped it to static but I heard people talking, so I left it to listen.
A man’s voice then asked “que estas haciendo?” (What are you doing?)
There was no answer so I kept listening. I took a bite of my sandwich and then the same voice asked, “que estas comiendo?” (What are you eating?)
I just turned off the TV and left the living room!”
“Heard someone whisper “Oh look, he’s sleeping” through the baby monitor in my baby son’s room. Now, I know that those things can get mixed up with other monitors that are near, but we lived in a small complex with a bunch of childless people that was well away from any other houses. In another house, a long time before I married or had children, I was home alone doing stuff in the kitchen and heard something fall onto the floor. Turned around and a candle holder that had been on the counter (not near the edge) was sliding at a steady pace across the floor. I stood and watched it for a second, walked over, picked it up, and waited on the porch until someone came home. There was a lot of activity in that house.”
“Right after my brother in law passed away I was at my sister’s house alone waiting for her to get home and the stereo turned itself on skipped CDs and put on a song he used to love, I asked him to knock it off and it turned off!”
“I was in my early teens and laying in bed late one night reading and my golden retriever was laying in bed with me. It was pretty late and everyone else in the house was asleep. My dog sat up and started to stare out in the dark hall. She suddenly began to growl this deep growl, one that I have never heard before. I reached out and touched her but she kept staring and growling. Then, like someone hit a switch, she stopped. Then she got up, moved closer to me and laid down facing the open doorway. Scared the hell out of me and gave me a whole new level of appreciation for dogs.”
“Stayed home sick once in high school while everyone else was gone to school or work. I was laying in bed around 9 a.m. and I heard a glass bust in the kitchen. I walked in there and all the cabinet doors were open and the back door (which we never used and was always locked) was standing wide open. And this was in like January so it was freezing. I shut the door and looked around but couldn’t find anything broken, but as soon as I started to go back to my room a black bird swooped out of nowhere and scared the piss out of me. I chased it out with a broom and went back to bed.
I’m not sure what went on there , but I know there is an old wives tale that says a black bird in your house is a bad omen that someone is going to die. After all that happened, my aunt died the next morning.”
“I was leaving to go to one of my classes and I had my book bag on, the dogs cable (we kept her outside when it was nice out), and her bowls in my hands. I think to myself “how am I going to open the door”. I turned around and the door is opening. I said thank you and proceeded to walk out of the house.”
“When I was a kid grew up in a house with a lot of paranormal activity. Everyone was scared of the place. It had a very oppressive feeling, like someone who hated you was glaring at you. I was around 17 and my parents were out. I walked into my kitchen to get a snack and all hell broke loose. The cabinets all started opening and slamming shut, the fridge and oven doors too. It went on until I ran out of the room then with one big slam they all shut. I was so fucking glad when we finally moved.”
“I was about 15 and home alone, a guy I didn’t know pulled up in my driveway.This drunk dude got out of this old, rusty, beat up white Datsun.He was staggering and had a beer bottle in his hand .Thinking it was probably someone looking for my Dad,I asked if I could help him ,he said ,sure can sugar ,come on down here and party with me.I said ,no sir I ain’t gonna do that and you need to leave. Well he said I’ll just come up there then.Long story short ,I ended up shooting the bottle out of his hand.Don’t know how badly I hurt his hand but there was blood. He sobered up real quick and left even quicker.”
“Wasn’t really home alone but I was the only one in the house. I was sitting on a couch in the living room and heard someone open a drawer in the kitchen. It happened to be that the only drawer that squeaked was the one I kept my asthma medication in so I was curious why anyone would need to rummage through it. I heard the drawer slam shut again and watched for someone to come out of the kitchen. When no one did I got up to check and there had been no one in there. Totally freaked me out.”
“We moved into my Mom-n-Laws house after she moved away she said that since her husband had died that something in the house was trying to kill her. Pushing her out bed. Tripping her .. She has had glasses and cups fly at her head. So she moved to Va. We thought she was trying to get attention .We moved in and we have had stuff like things moving on there on and knocking on the walls but nothing like she experienced. She came back for a visit at the 1st of Sept. and she wasn’t there a night and something just went at her. A picture flew off the wall at her she was sitting at the dining table and something bumped her chair so hard that she was knocked from her chair and it caused her to hurt her arm. She went to a hotel after that and hasn’t set foot back in here. Things here are fine here now.”
“My husband got a new phone so he put his deactivated one on dining room table. one day after several weeks of being totally dead it rang . see looked at it and the number was from his deceased brother who had been dead a few years. We got rid of that phone fast.”
“I wasn’t alone but a crazy women was trying to break into my house. I kept telling my sons dad I can’t sleep something bad is going to happen so I started locking our door,
(small town) sure enough. She was telling us we were in her house. I had a two year old and another baby on the way when that happened. I give credit to major mommy intuition for knowing.”
“A little boy about 8 or 9, peered out at me from the bathroom doorway. My son was only 2 and in bed. When I was a kid, we lived in an old farmhouse next to a cemetery. I would wake up some nights to see a man in my doorway watching me sleep. He would walk away when I woke up. He always had a scarf around his neck. Same house, I would hear a woman call my name. I’d yell to my mom asking what she wanted, but she never called out to me. House before that, we definitely had a ghost- Mr. Craig. Previous owner, had died in the house. Played pranks all the time. Moved books, toys, played with toys, etc. I had a fisher price garage that rang a bell when you turned the handle. That would go off by itself sometimes. My parents had a bell on the mantle that was a wedding gift. It would ring in the middle of the night. He appeared to my dad when he was working in the workshop in the basement.”
“I was watching a show and heard someone closing drawers and cabinets in my kitchen so I paused my show…. the sound stopped. I put my show back on and a little later heard the noise again. So again, I paused my show. And then again, the sound stopped. So I was getting freaked out and I was staring at my door cuz I was scared someone was in my house. I happened to glance down and saw a light beaming underneath my door. I slowly go out into the kitchen and the kitchen light is on but no one else is home. I never leave lights on… very cheap when it comes to the power bill.”
“Years ago, someone was digging in our metal mailbox for our spare key and I thought it was my (now ex) husband who was drunkenly fumbling and couldn’t find his key. So I holler it’s unlocked and no one came in. He was still out at the bar and whoever it was knew where our spare was and was trying to get in, thinking no one was home.”
“I was house sitting for my parents once while they were on a cruise. They live in a house that’s really ornate inside and everything is alw
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