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Blame it on the beach, the seclusion, the lack of clothes, the distance from your work email or all of the above, but there’s something sexy about being on vacation . Most couples report feeling more relaxed and in the mood when they’re away from their normal 9-5 grind, but what really makes a romp hot when you’re on vacay?

In case you’re counting down until you catch that flight with your leading lady, get inspired by real women who reveal their sexiest moments while they were away from home, and how you can make sure she’s talking about that one night for years to come:
“My boyfriend tries to be really romantic but he’s always a little awkward about it. The first time we went away together, we had only been dating about nine months, so I didn’t expect anything when we went to Mexico for a long weekend. When we walked into our room, I realized he upgraded us to a suite that had a balcony overlooking the ocean. There was an outdoor shower and we were so far up that no one could really see us. Without saying a word, he took me out there, pulled up my dress and we went at it . With the view, the smell of the ocean and the thoughtfulness he put into making sure I was surprised, I was so turned on.” -Nicole, 33
“When my ex and I were dating, I took him back to my hometown for a wedding I was in. I’m from a big outdoorsy town that has great weather in the summer, so we spent a lot of time outside hiking, kayaking, swimming and walking around. There was one day where we got up super early, went for a long run and kayaked for two hours. As I was getting out of the kayak, I fell into the mud and couldn’t wait to get home to the shower. But when we walked in, he pushed me up against the wall and tore off my shorts. I asked him later what got him going and he said there was something hot about the dirt all over me — when I’m normally in business attire — that got him really excited. We had to clean up the foyer and kitchen before my parents got home!” -Laura, 26
“When my husband and I had been married for five years, we decided to leave our toddler at home and rent a cabin in Vermont. He’s a little kinkier than I am, but I promised him that he could choose the new thing we tried in bed as one of my anniversary gifts and he picked something he had been begging me to do for years: anal sex . I was really nervous about it, but up to do it. After a bottle of wine, he told me to wait on the porch while he cleaned up. He called me in to ‘help’ — but when I walked in, he had lit candles and had lingerie laying out. We had really sensual sex, and then tried anal sex. I was so turned on and enjoyed how gentle he was that we now have anal every few months to spice it up.” -Rebecca, 36
“When I was getting over a really bad breakup, I decided to do an impromptu trip to Spain with one of my best friends. She’s married, so she promised to help me land a European hottie that would get me back on the wagon. One night, we decided to go dancing — after a lot of Spanish wine! — and I met a guy that spoke perfect English, but was very handsy… in a good way. We were making out on the dance floor for about an hour when he asked if I wanted to get a cigarette. I don’t smoke, but I went with him. I don’t know what made me do it, but I suggested that after he smoked, we could find a space in between buildings to get it on. He picked me up and then to make me orgasm, we did it from behind. When we were finished, we went back and danced for a few hours and then I — obviously — stayed the night. I’ve been married to a wonderful man for 10 years now, and I’ll still never forget that night!” -Christine, 42
“My boyfriend and I couldn’t really afford a couple's vacation , so we decided to go to a local water park a few towns over instead. We spent a lot of time going down the slides and swimming when he started grabbing my butt under the water. I didn’t think he was going to go further, but he started fingering me. There were a lot of people around, but we decided to go to the deeper part that had less people and try having sex. I can’t believe we didn’t get caught!” -Heather, 24

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As much hype and attention as we give it, sex is just another normal function of the human body — which can only mean it has the potential to get pretty darn embarrassing. While everyone has had at least one sex slip-up before, these cringe-worthy-but-totally-true stories might make you feel better about some of your more forgettable sexual encounters.
“One evening after a few drinks, this younger boy and I were lying on the ground with our pants off and making out. We removed our undies and he starts moving his hips back and forth, slowly and then faster and faster,” recalls Laura. “His breath got heavier, and then he collapsed on top of me. Mind you, this whole time I just laid there in fear of saying something that would embarrass him because he was a virgin .”
“He looked up at me sweetly and asked, ‘How w-w-was it for you?’ I replied, ‘What? You were between my thighs.’ He laughed it off, but was super embarrassed. When we finally did get around to actually [doing the deed], it was fantastic.”
It was 1969 and Dana was a senior at UCLA. “My girlfriend and I were looking for a place to make ‘nookie’ since my roommate was in my room studying. It was a few days before classes started and the room next door to her room was still vacant, so we went in there and proceeded,” Dana explains.
“Then, there was a knock on the door. We froze. Another knock, then the sound of a key going into the lock. Room was pitch dark, so it was just sounds, but we heard voices out in the hall.”
“In a panic, I threw a blanket — or something — over my girlfriend, grabbed my pants and tried to pull them on as I headed for the door to keep it from opening. I got to the door with my pants just above my knees when the door opened,” he recalls. “Standing in the hall was this sweet young freshman girl with her parents bringing her to her new dorm room! The looks on their faces were priceless. I asked them to give us a few minutes — I mean, what choice did they have?”
“My wife and I decided to add a little spice to our love life by using some aerosol whipped cream. I got the can from the fridge and brought it to our dark bedroom, sprayed it all over her boobs and started to lick it off. It tasted funny and I thought that her skin chemistry was giving the whipped cream an off taste,” says John. “It kept getting worse, so I turned on the light. It was all green from mold. She started laughing hysterically as did I. It killed the mood for the night though. I had a queasy stomach all night long.”
John, who is ironically a marriage, relationship and sexual coach, shares: “My wife and I went out with some friends for bowling and beer. We both had a little too much to drink.” However, that didn’t stop him from initiating intercourse with his wife that night. “I was happily pumping away with a full bladder. I began to feel the urge to ejaculate (or so I thought in my half drunken stupor). The problem was that I was peeing instead of ejaculating.”
Eliza recounts a story from her first year in college. “I was with my boyfriend in his dorm room. His roommate was away for the weekend (or so we thought). I’m under the covers giving him a blow job and having a good time. I don’t even hear the key turn in the door or anything — all of a sudden I just hear his roommate talking.”
“I just froze. I didn’t know what to do,” Eliza recalls. “He’s just shooting the breeze with my boyfriend, and my boyfriend is trying to just play it off and is holding a conversation like I’m not even there. So I just stayed down there, perfectly still, waiting for him to go. He talks for what seems like is eternity (probably only two minutes). Then I hear him say, ‘See ya later… you too Eliza.’ I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.”
“I am the first to admit, I’m not a pro at giving head but I try,” says Trisha. “One night, I was pleasuring my new boyfriend and I removed my mouth for a second to breathe when all of a sudden he ejaculated — right up my nose. It felt like I was drowning for a second and I began choking. He thought it was hysterical — I was mortified by the whole thing. I spent the next half hour blowing my nose.”
Updated by Bethany Ramos on 4/1/2016
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For most, babysitting and nannying is pretty stock standard. You go to someone’s house, look after their kids, get paid, leave. There might be the odd tantrum but for the most part it’s pretty simple, right?
Well, not always. 12 people share the most bizarre things that have happened while they were looking after someone else’s kids . Suffice to say all of them never went back again.
“The mum and dad came home drunk and fighting. The dad went out to walk the dog and the mum locked the door with me inside. She kept saying ‘shh-shh’, while the dad screamed from the outside. She started saying things like, ‘He wants to kill himself instead of be with me – who says that?’ I reached for the lock to get out and she pulled my hand back saying, ‘No, leave him for a while’. I waited as long as I could then busted out of there.” – skintightmonopoly
“In high school, I met a nudist family at the local nude beach. They asked me to babysit, figuring I’d be comfortable with their lifestyle. No problem, easy money. Two boys (seven and nine), well behaved. The weird thing was that as soon as the parents left for their night out, the kids would start putting on clothes. By the time, they got home we were usually bundled up watching scary movies on TV. The parents always seemed a little uncomfortable with that, like I’d been perverting their kids into putting on clothes.” – Altarocks
(MM Confessions: What I get up to when the kids go the bed. Post continues after video.)
“Babysat for a family during my early teenage years. Parents were drunks. My very last night of babysitting for them they had an orgy in the hot tub while I was sitting there waiting for a ride home.” alyssanerellih
“New Year’s Eve. The parents come home midway through the evening to drop off one of their super drunk friends. He went to sleep in the three year old’s bed and the kid kept going up to check on him like a little nurse. One of the kids reached for a glass of what I thought was water on the coffee table but I quick gave it a sniff and it was vodka that the parents left out when they went to the bars.
Parents were so drunk they each tipped me a ton of money and told me not to tell the others. I made $90 that night which was amazing money in 1993.” – jeth
"I nannied for four brats in high school but I grew attached to them as their parents were going through a nasty divorce. About three months into nannying, the parents decided to try and make it work, so I started watching them at their mother's house as well. I took the kids out to see Monsters vs. Aliens at the theatre.
The daughter was in seventh grade, and when we came out of the theater she said, 'Don't freak out when we get home, but mum texted me and said she forgot her keys, so she broke a window to get into the house.' I thought that was kind of strange, but I shrugged it off. When we got there, the woman had punched in a double pained sliding glass door. I can't even remember what she needed from the house, I just remember telling the children that they couldn't go in the dining room and then trying to clean up all the glass." - byrdma
'When was 10 to probably 13 or 14 I babysat for a weird family in my town. They had three daughters who were super awesome and we always had a blast. But the parents were into weird stuff... One of the things they liked to do was for any major decisions they needed to make they would get out a sinker attached to a string and ask it questions. If it swung a certain way it meant yes and if it went the other way it meant no.
Well anyway I've been watching these girls for a couple years and one night the mother asks where the father and I go when he takes me home. I tell her that he takes me home right away. She says that it takes him two or three hours before he gets back. Obviously I'm stunned at what she's insinuating. About a week after this, she tells me that I can no longer watch the kids because her sinker told her that the husband and I were having an affair. We weren't." - Chrississippi69
"First time babysitting my neighbours and the mum is pretty normal. Met the dad and he was about 20 years older than her. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the dad was overprotective of his wife and the daughter who I was babysitting. The mum gets me alone for a moment and tells me that her husband likes to keep an eye on his daughter... then she motioned towards the security cameras in every room of their house - except bathrooms of course. So they leave and the cameras turn on... I did continue to babysit the girl. It was always so creepy with the cameras on while I was changing her diaper and putting her to sleep." - allpaca2244
"I haven't babysat in awhile but when I was a teenager I watched two kids up the street. The mother was single and had another single friend with two kids so I usually watched them all. I knew they went out to party- which was fine because they'd come home drunk and pay me more than I expected. What I didn't know is how much they partied.
One evening I went upstairs to get money for pizza. I found both mums in the bathroom snorting coke. The worst thing was when they offered me some despite the fact that a) I was about to spend the night watching their young children and b) I was only 14 or 15 at the time," - bluelily216
"When I was a teenager I was babysitting a two year old little girl. I had been asked to take the dog out to pee a few times that night, he had to be leash walked. So while the little girl was happily watching TV on her parents' bed, I took the dog out to the front yard. The people neglected to tell me that their front door locked on its own when it closed. I've never, ever seen a door on a house do that. So when I turn to go back in, I'm locked out with a two year old alone in the house. The next door neighbour notices what's going on and asks what's up.
He was kind of a shady guy. He said, 'oh I can break in for you, let me get my tools'. So he proceeds to go up on the roof and completely remove their skylight (one of those plexi "bubble" type ones) and drop himself down into the house. Luckily the little girl had fallen asleep on her parents' bed by that point. When the parents came home they felt awful for not telling me about the door and I had to tell them they should get their skylight checked for leaks," - joojie
Was watching two boys, maybe 12 and 11. Their parents liked to party quite a lot (one of the reasons they would pay me to watch their kids). One night they go out, order pizza for dinner and the delivery driver forgets the the soft drink. So the younger child says there is orange juice in the fridge, I grab the pitcher not thinking anything of it.
Pour them each a glass, they drink and eat without saying word. Through the course of the night they keep pouring themselves full cups of OJ. They start acting strange, stumbling, talking odd, etc. Call the parents and ask if I should do anything, then tell the parents everything they ate/drank. Their dad ends up telling me the OJ was just a giant screwdriver that his wife and him were going to split when they got home. Luckily I didn't take too much heat for it because he said he should have warned me." - ididitforthewookie
Do you have any babysitting horror stories?

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