Falling Head Over Heels

Falling Head Over Heels


Falling Head Over Heels
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Are you looking for a way to describe a friend falling deeply in love? If so, you could say she is “ head over heels ” in love with her partner. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.
The expression “ head over heels ” means that you are excited and thrilled with aspects of your life. Typically, the saying applies to the emotion of being in love with someone to the extent of being smitten over them.
For instance, if you are in a new relationship and think about your partner all the time during the day, you are “ head over heels ” in love with them.
While the phrase is commonly used to describe love for someone else, it can also represent the physical act of falling head over heels.
“I met this guy at the bar on the weekend, and we hit it off so well. I normally don’t date guys I meet in bars, but I’m head over heels for him.”
“Thanks for installing this new CRM system, boss; I’m head over heels for it. The additional functionality it brings to my job saves me at least an hour every day.”
“I’m head over heels for fried cauliflower in sweet chili sauce. It’s just amazing; I think I could eat it every day.”
“I’m head over heels for this girl at work. She has me wrapped around her thumb.”
“I have to say I’m head over heels for this new Haagen-Daze flavor; it’s the business.”
The origin of the expression “head over heels” comes from Herbert Lawrence’s book, “Contemplative Man,” published in 1771. The saying appears as follows.
“He gave such a violent involuntary kick in the Face, as drove him head over heels.”
The original use of the saying referred to the physical action of going head over heels, ending in an injury to the person. However, the more modern use of the expression refers to falling in love.
The first use of the saying as a reference to love comes from Indiana newspaper, “The Lebanon Patriot,” in 1833. The style of writing and the lack of parenthesis explaining the meaning of the expression suggests that “head over heels” was already common in everyday conversation across America by this date.
“About ten years ago, Lotta fell head over heels in love with a young Philadelphian of excellent family.”
The Ballyshannon Herald, an Irish newspaper, produced a similar reference in 1832.
“Michael Croker… swore that he was overhead and heels in love with her.”
Some people may use the phrase to describe the physical action of falling head over heels. For instance, a football player might receive a tackle in a game and go head over heels on the turf.
However, the phrase is more common in situations describing an emotional state, not a physical action. It’s also common for people to misspell “heels” as “heals.”
You can use “head over heels” when describing reckless actions without thought of consequence. The phrase could explain your actions or those of others, depending on the context of the situation. The term suits professional and social use.
You could tell your friend that you’re head over heels for some guy you met on the weekend, or you could tell your boss that you’re head over heels for the new CRM system and the utility it brings to your job. The saying describes a sense of willing enthusiasm and a risk-taking approach to achieving what you want.
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How To Fall Head Over Heels Without Sacrificing Your Independence

Tough Love

By Aya Tsintziras

Stay Social


For some reason, love and independence are usually considered to be two totally different things. Society seems to think that when you’re in love, you can’t possibly be your own person and you’re going to be all about the object of your affection. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s totally possible to fall for someone and still do what you want. Here’s how to fall head over heels without sacrificing your independence:
Schedule everything. If you want to maintain your usual lifestyle when you’ve fallen for someone, it’s all about the scheduling. When it comes to your workouts, your hobbies, and your friends, you want to make sure that you’re making time for the people and things that you adore. Your boyfriend will be more supportive than you probably expect, because he wants his own life, too.
Be imperfect. It’s hard enough to live your life – and it’s even harder to merge your life with someone else’s. The key here is to forget all about perfection. Sometimes, you’ll miss a yoga class because your boyfriend invited you to a friend’s birthday party and other times you’ll tell him you can’t hang out because you have to work.
Don’t give anything up. You were single forever (or, OK, maybe it only felt like forever) and you learned how to do everything yourself . You did what you wanted, when you wanted and that was all well and good, but now you’ve actually got a boyfriend. You’ve got a super full life and every week you run, do yoga, try to cook, work full-time, freelance, babysit, and try to be there for your BFFs. It’s a lot, but just because you have a BF now doesn’t mean you have to forget who you are and what you love. It’s tempting to forgo a hobby for him but you shouldn’t.
Follow your dreams with him by your side. If you have something that you’ve been dying to do, you’re probably on your way because, after all, it’s 2016 and it’s that time. Why not involve your boyfriend? That way you can spend time with him without sacrificing your dreams. He can help brainstorm ideas or talk things over and you’ll have much more fun than going it alone.
Reframe how you feel. Sure, you’re falling for this guy and everything feels magical and the world is all rose-coloured right now. That’s a good thing. You should stop thinking of falling in love and needing someone as weak and start reframing how you feel. If you can enjoy the emotions and how amazing it feels to finally have someone in your life, you’ll never lose your independent spirit.
Take a step back. It’s so easy to fall into the stereotype of being a needy girlfriend – texting too much, freaking out when he doesn’t answer his cell, etc. As long as you stay cool, calm and collected and try not to worry about anything that’s not life or death, you’ll keep your sense of self intact.
See your friends even more. You know there’s nothing worse than ditching your friends for your boyfriend and that couldn’t be more true. If you’re worried that you’re going to become too dependent on him, then make sure you’re scheduling girl time a few times a week. Those nights out are fun and add something special to your life, and you never want to fracture those bonds.
Go it alone. So you got invited to a birthday party or an art gallery opening? You can totally head there alone. Sure, bring your BF along sometimes but it doesn’t hurt to do some things on your own (even if it’s only to remind yourself that you were a person before him).
Plan some girls’ getaways. There’s really nothing more fun than going on vacation with your best friends, even if it’s just an overnight to the next town over. This is a great way to be independent while still having fun and being around other people, too.
Speak your mind. Sometimes your boyfriend might get annoyed, frustrated or hurt that it seems like you’re choosing your work or friends over him. Make sure he knows that’s not the case at all. Tell him that your “me time” is really important to you and that you wouldn’t ask him to give up his, either. That should settle things down and make sure that you’re both maintaining your identities. Now you can have the best of both worlds.

Aya Tsintziras
Aya Tsintziras is a freelance lifestyle writer and editor. She shares gluten-free, dairy-free recipes and personal stories on her food blog, ahealthystory.com. She loves coffee, barre classes and pop culture.

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