Faktoren pranataler Beziehung

Faktoren pranataler Beziehung

👓 Annika C. Botzke-Hoch

Faktoren pranataler Beziehung

Faktoren pranataler Beziehung✅ Книга 📖 Faktoren pränataler Beziehung. Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣3️⃣ im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Pädagogische Psychologie, Note 🎵: 1️⃣, Universität Salzburg (Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft), Veranstaltung: PädagogikErziehungswissenschaft, Pränatale Psychologie, Beratung: Prävention und Intervention, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Abstract The subject of this analysis is the notion of a prenatal relationship between a mother 🤶 and ➕ her 👤👩⬅️ child 🧒. The objective of the study concerns the identification of core aspects which constitute a prenatal relationship as well as the definition of factors which could potentially influence that relationship. The prenatal relationship was described by respondents as an 🗯️ bond charaterized by 💆‍♀️ of ❤️, closeness ➕ a sense of affiliation. A position of factors which could potentially influence that relationship. The prenatal relationship was described by respondents as an emotional bond charaterized by feelings of love, closeness and a sense of affiliation. A positive relationship was expressed 🗯️ by a caring 🚘️, preparative and ➕ dialogic 💬 behaviour. Various factors on the intra- as well as on the intersubjective level 🎚️ can 🥫 influence the mother 🤶-child 🧒 relationship. Also economical, medical ⚕️ and ➕ factors of the development 👨‍💻️ of the prenatal child 🧒 are significant. The social environment, the individual social reality and ➕ personal 💻️ experiences can 🥫 all have a positive or negative effect on prenatal relationships. The theoretical part of the thesis demonstrates the relevance of prenatal-psychological studies as findings 🔎 in this area can 🥫 be especially useful in the broad field 🏑 of educational science 🧪. Research history of the subject matter shows a growing 💗 sensibility...


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