Fairy Tail Ep 194 Vf

Fairy Tail Ep 194 Vf


Fairy Tail Ep 194 Vf
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Originaltitel: Fairy Tail: Fearî teiru
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10 Jahre 2019 2018 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Alle anzeigen
Lucy Heartfilia, one of the characters of the series, is named after one of The Beatles songs "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".
The very end of each episode after the end credits gives a preview with audio/visual commentary with the characters.
teenage epic anime, still entertaining at 250+ episodes
In the Manga/ Anime industry, the three biggest franchises are Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece. They are know as the 'big three'. If there were a 'big four' the fourth would probably be Fairy Tail, an equally long running series of epic battles, juicy laughs, and exceptional art and design. Fairy Tale is set in a world resembling the southern European Renaissance in all it's architectural glory, but the people dress as if they come from every corner of the world. There are times when the show looks like a giant cosplay convention. Fairy tale it self is the name of the wizards guild whose members are the principle cast of the story. The first season is told mostly from the point of view of Fairytail's newest addition. Lucy Heartfilia is a seventeen year old, peppy and ambitious. She has run away from home (and her snobby father with his snobby estate) to follow her drew of being a wizard. Her magic specialty is summoning celestial spirits of the zodiac; All of whom are contemporary comic book versions of their mythological counterparts. Sagitarious for example is a man in a horse costume. As the seasons go on, The members of fairy tail endure various quests or expeditions, and must face of against many foes, including other wizard guilds. The recurring gimmick is that each season ends with an enemy becoming a friend and joining Fairy Tail, so the cast gets bigger and bigger, but it retains a focus on the select few that were there to begin with. Perhaps the main difference between this series and the 'big three' is that Fairy Tail is not a show with overarching narrative direction. It is not a story about a protagonist on a journey to achieve an ultimate title. Lucy achieves her goal in episode one and from there she goes where the show takes her. The character of Natsu who brings her into Fairy Tail, is the one who is marketed and recognized as the protagonist because he fits the criteria of the young boys (shounen) genre to which Fairy Tail (and the big 3) belong. Natsu represents, physical strength, juvenile Bliss, a big appetite, and the themes of comradely. Like Luffy and the younger Naruto, Natsu is just a really big kid. He is a lot of fun, but unlike Lucy, we don't get a good look into his heart. The show just asks us to accept that he has one by giving him monologues of phony sincerity and insight which his character type is too immature to be capable of summoning. He does have a personal quest however, which is to find this 'foster father', the dragon known as Igneel who raised him as a child and gave him his fire magic, and there is a touching episode in the most recent season where this pays off. Yet the emotional impact is still underwhelming because Natsu's motive is never really part of the character, it is merely a side note. This makes him a harder character to invest in as a protagonist than say Luffy of One Piece or Naruto Uzumaki. Fairy Tale's show stealer, is one of the best manga/anime characters to date. Erza Scarlett, is the queen of Fairy Tale Wizards. Her personalty and powers are as attractive as her name is repulsive. Erza comes from a dark place, having escaped child slavery. Her magic is swordsmanship coupled which her dozen suits of armour which she can swap in and out of live a video game character. She has cunning and disciplined, and as a fighter she is dazzling to watch. Yet she is also amusing because she shares the same soft soft for spas, cake and pretty dresses as the next girl, while maintaining her conservative appearance. Dramatically, Fairy Tail is a hit and miss show. There are times when it flat out fails through the classic mistake of telling and not showing what the characters feel. Every now and then it does surprise you in it's ability to channel thoughtful emotion but realistic human emotions are few and far between in the show, and the scenes that should be intimate turn usually turn out rather more bombastic. What it is missing most is the feeling mystique that can absorb you completely into the anime world. It needs more quiet scenes and fewer loud ones. Fairy Tail succeeds most on the grounds of action comedy. Interwieving slapstick comedy with visually intoxicating scenes of action and peril, and a strong, celtic-tinted score Fairy Tail manages to build momentum from season to season. I would have preferred less dialog during the action scenes, but such a thing is inevitable in manga/anime. Even when the writing slow the show down, the picture keeps it moving.
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Lucy, eine aufstrebende Himmlische Zauberin, wird eine Freundin und Verbündete der mächtigen Zauberer Natsu, Grau und Erza, die Teil der (un)berühmten Zaubergilde Fairy Tail sind. Lucy, eine aufstrebende Himmlische Zauberin, wird eine Freundin und Verbündete der mächtigen Zauberer Natsu, Grau und Erza, die Teil der (un)berühmten Zaubergilde Fairy Tail sind. Lucy, eine aufstrebende Himmlische Zauberin, wird eine Freundin und Verbündete der mächtigen Zauberer Natsu, Grau und Erza, die Teil der (un)berühmten Zaubergilde Fairy Tail sind.


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Lucy is a seventeen-year-old mage with the power to summon stellar spirits, but what she really wants to do is join a guild - and not just any guild. She has her eyes set on Fairy Tail, a notoriously reckless and outrageous group of magic users who are likely to be drunk or destroying buildings and towns in the process of completing a job! While in town one day Lucy meets a perpetually-seasick boy named Natsu who, through a series of events, reveals to her that he's none other than the fire-eating mage Salamander of Fairy Tail! Lucy is finally able to join Fairy Tail and quickly begins to take on odd jobs with Natsu and his gang for fame and profit. Along with her fiery friend, Happy the flying cat, Natsu's archrival Gray and their overseer the invincible and beautiful Erza, Lucy sets forth for epic adventures that leave an epic amount of destruction in their wake. After all, destroying a city or five doesn't matter as long as they get the job done... right?!

PROPER MINDSET Ah, gotta love the masses and their love for mediocrity. Fairy Tail (FT) is from the pilot chapter/episode an average shonen series and yet it is loved by many for being just that. I guess rehashing notions from Naruto or One Piece can make a success out of anything. Because just like those shonens, FT has superpowers, adventure and a big cast of colourful and eccentric characters that occasionally get focused upon and fleshed out. Nothing we haven’t seen before but, hey, if it worked before why wouldn’t it work again? Because it’s WORSE!It is hard to talk about anything in this show without feeling like I am just stating the obvious or just describing a different shonen. For to be honest, there is approximately zero innovation in this work and it just walks upon the path others paved before it. It can work alright but it will never stand out on its own; it will forever be just a rehash of already established formulas that have been attributed to others at least a decade earlier. Not only that, but the show rehashes them in a watered down way to the point it becomes a Saturday morning cartoon. THE STAFF - Animated by a collaboration of studios A-1 Pictures and Satelight. The first usually have very good production values and the later have low. What they have in common is how most of what they have made over the years is mediocre and forgettable. - Directed by some nobody who never made something significant in his whole career. - Based on the manga by Mashima Hiro, whose only previous major work was Rave Master. In case you didn’t watch that show, I advise you not to do so; for it’s a completely generic, aimless, boring, and incomplete series. Plus you can easily see that Fairy Tail is basically its improved remake, reusing the same character archetypes and feeling. In all, the mangaka is not much of talent for anything past creating mediocrities. PRODUCTION VALUES - Art and animation are rather crude for the time the show was made. The most obvious fault is how they use repeated footage during summons and attacks, an element that is in fact absent from fighting shonen and better affiliated with mahou shojo or mecha. It is a very striking weakness that alone makes it seem lazy compared to others shonens. - The initial episodes had really jerky motions and many complained how the characters didn’t look or behave at all like in the manga. For an adaptation that is NOT trying to be a spin off but a direct adaptation, the first impressions they offered was the middle finger. They improved it later on a bit but the damage was already done.- The setting lacks characterization. It doesn’t seem to stand out from the lot like others do, which again makes it hard to be remembered in the long run. Unlike other famous shonens like Naruto or One Piece, there is no theme in the FT world and it passes by as a generic fantasy realm. - The character figures are again nothing memorable; most are basically counterparts of people from other shonens, so again it has a problem being remembered for anything. As for the more eccentric-looking ones, they are somewhat original for their looks but they are all minor characters that are defined by a quirk and are defeated and removed from the show in just a few episodes. And of course we have most of the girls running around half naked and acting like they are in permanent heat. So this is a cast you will be staring at for the bizarre or sexy way they look and not because they have any special charisma in their personality. - A minor thing that irritated me a lot. They placed Plue as cameo, a creature from Rave Master. Now what did that manage to accomplish other than annoying the average fan? Is that their way of telling us even clearer that they are rehashing other works INCLUDING their own? That is really tasteless. I hear he was placed there to please the fans of Rave Master but I don’t believe that. Who still likes that boredrome?- The music part leaves me with very little to write about. The OST is fitting for such a series but I don’t find any memorable songs in it. Voice acting is ok too with what is going on in the story. No amazing performance though. SCRIPT The story is completely generic stuff and easily the weakest part of the show. It plays out like some MMO game, where you join a guild and take seemingly irrelevant to one another missions, while at the same time leaving a few openings for character colorization and world-building. It all plays out quite childishly and there isn’t even an objective for anyone in this show; they just take missions and hope to find something that interests them in the process. For example, we know Natsu is looking for a dragon but did he actually look for him? No, he is just fooling around in his guild and takes part in whatever mission comes along. The scenario ends up driving the characters and not the other way around; and even that happens in a bad way since the heroes are not actively doing anything. They just fool around until a villain or a mission appear out of nowhere (no foreshadowing at all) and just decide to take part in the whole thing for money or to save some girl. That makes the protagonist and his gang completely boring since they have no goals in life to go for without some world threat standing in the way. Heck, they would probably be sleeping all day long if they had no obstacles. Now it is true that many events lead to character immersion and reveal more aspects of the world, but all that don’t add anything significant to the show. It’s like drawing more hearts around a short love letter; the contenct is the same but just looks cuter. The plot is always predictable, since it repeats in the exact same way all the time with no interesting plot twists or memorable events. Some character’s past is revealed, some old enemies of him appear, some sinister plan of mass destruction takes place, and then the heroes storm in and win with the power of friendship. Thank you very much; I have seen it all before and in a more mature form. They also add nothing to the show besides more cardboard characters with no significance or moe sancy areas you will never see again. As if that wasn’t enough, just like with all perpetual on-going shonen the anime reached the manga at som point and the creators had to turn to slower pacing, fillers, and eventually to cancel the show prematurely in the middle of an arc. Not that it would be any different if they did what the Big Three do to bust our balls with 10 fillers followed by 2 canon episodes of snail fast plot but the show is left incomplete. Not that there was much of a plot to care for... If there is something good to say here is how all the arcs are relatively short and with a fast pace to the most part. Unlike most shonen, FT does not try to stretch each arc too much. Of course technically most battles are dead time, since they offer nothing to the plot, plus are predictable and repetitive. So to the most part you are still watching a show which repeats itself faster than the average of its kind and is mostly canon filler. CAST The cast is eventually the meat of the show, since the plot is mostly about somebody’s past creating problems in the present. This way you feel like everything is revolving around them and that they are not irrelevant to the main problem of each arc. Some of them count as cool and fleshed out to bother paying attention to but don’t try to find unoriginal characters because you will be disappointed. They are all following a rather typical demeanour but at least they do it right to the most part. There is variety in personalities and powers and most have a rather basic but sufficient backdrop to work with. Of course they are still shallow as heck; their personality can fit in two lines including their signature move. So the mangaka had to resolve to keeping all the girls half-naked and in constant heat in order to keep the viewers/readers from realizing that. For a show that aims at children, I must say there is too much fan service in it that is there specifically to distract you from thinking how stupid it is. Needless to say, don’t expect any drastic character development to take place since most of whatever the characters learn in one arc, is immediately forgotten in the next. They keep trying to make you believe they are gradually getting stronger but you can never see that on-screen. In fact you never have a clear picture of who is stronger and by how much, much less where he excels enough to be able to defeat opponents who are in overall more experienced. So how do all the battles resolve if there is no balance then? Oh come on; you can probably figure it out immediately; it always comes down to the power of friendship. To hell with strategy, planning ahead, learning from your past mistakes, or even paying attention to your injuries. Just storm in and win against all odds with the almighty POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! I MUST PROTECT MY FRIENDS! FRIENDSHIP MAGICALLY HEALS MY GRAVE WOUNDS! FRIENDSHIP BRINGS EVEN THE DEAD BACK TO LIFE! Yes, get ready to eat up a lot of this baby food, for the whole plot runs purely on this sort of fuel. Needless to say, it is stupid, overdone, and eventually tasteless. LEGACY The series is aimed at younger teens; even younger than the target audience for Naruto or Bleach. There is a lot of silliness (more than the usual) and violence is really basic and mostly bloodless. And of course nobody ever gets killed, or in the rare case he does, he doesn’t stay dead for long. It is by no means a serious show and nothing in it feels important after awhile. Just to give you an example, it has a mascot in the form of a cheery blue flying cat named… Happy. Imagine a scene where some demon prepares to blow up a village full of people and the camera suddenly zooms to Happy’s permanently happy face. Yeah, the excitement vaporates right there. It is very hard to be interested in whatever the heck is going on when everything looks so easy going and silly. In fact the boldest thing in this show ends up being the fan service around the girls and even that is completely basic compared to your average modern ecchi comedy. So is it a good show? No, but it’s a good time killer if your expectations are low and you are not older than 15 with prior experience to other famous shonen. I doubt it will leave any mark in anime history or be remembered as anything more than a rehash of other works. It does it right but at the same time it lacks the unique feeling every show that aims to be loved needs. It is indeed nothing but a fairy tale; shallow and for little kids who still tolerate the power of friendship is the most awesome thing ever. But it can be enjoyable just for that.Oh, and I might as well add how FT became one of the Big Three shonen, after the Bleach anime was discontinued. That may seem like it’s supposed to be awesome enough to deserve such an honor but in reality it is only because modern shonen are crap. It gets some value for that but it’s otherwise only the best looking trash of the garbage bin. And the funniest part? Now that it is discontinued as well, there is nothing to replace it. Yeah, hard times... And now for some excused scorings:
ART SECTION: 5/10 General Artwork 1/2 (generic) Character Figures 1/2 (generic) Backgrounds 1/2 (typical fantasy world) Animation 1/2 (average) Visual Effects 1/2 (typical) SOUND SECTION: 6/10 Voice Acting 2/3 (good albeit too melo at points without excusing it nicely) Music Themes 2/4 (average) Sound Effects 2/3 (um, good I guess) STORY SECTION: 3/10 Premise 1/2 (as typical as it gets) Pacing 1/2 (fast but repetitive) Complexity 1/2 (nothing besides lots of two line characters) Plausibility 0/2 (THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP is not plausible) Conclusion 0/2 (left incomplete) CHARACTER SECTION: 4/10 Presence 1/2 (generic) Personality 2/2 (generic but well defined) Backdrop 1/2 (generic but it’s there) Development 0/2 (none) Catharsis 0/2 (none; the show is left incomplete) VALUE SECTION: 2/10 Historical Value 2/3 (part of the Big Three for awhile; yay!) Rewatchability 0/3 (none; too childish to deserve any) Memorability 0/4 (meh, it is just a watered down rehash of other shonen) ENJOYMENT SECTION: 1/10 Art 0/1 (looks generic) Sound 0/2 (sounds meh) Story 0/3 (feels generic as hell) Characters 1/4 (they are also generic as hell) VERDICT: 3.5/10 Could they make it any worse?

Let’s start this review by saying that I’m a fan of this show. However, I’m not a fanboy who will look for excuses for every (huge or little) bad point. If you want a huge rant about why FT is bad, go look at roriconfan’s review. If you only want to hear “omg this is tha best show eva omg omg must watch blabla” then you should go somewhere else as well. I’ll go for the way in between those two: I really like the show, but I also
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