Fairly Odd Parents Porn Tumblr

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Tumblr


Fairly Odd Parents Porn Tumblr
Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod. Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice. Giant snake, birthday cake, large fry, chocolate shake!
I don’t think ppl realize that the oldest “millenials” are like 30+ now. We know what vhs tapes and CDs are. If you mean teenagers, say teenagers.
im 21 and grew up with vhs and cds. literally you’d have to be under 18 to not know about them.
And even then, most kids under 18 know what they are because they typically had a VCR kickin around to watch disney or old movies on.
most ppl used their VHS/VCR until around 2005-2007 so you literally have to be 15ish and under to have never used one and 10ish and under to have never seen/heard of one. 
they say millenials and they mean actual children lol 
bafflingly many writers: “what’s a cd?” said bobby the teenager
Dinkleburgs are “Dinkleburging”? =))
My first Nike ever photoshopped, its just a collage of Fairly Odd Parents scenes.

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Vicky got home late that night and sat in her car, trying to sort out the thoughts that ran through her mind like a freight train. Her mind flashed back and forth from the time she first met Timmy, to the steamy session they shared just hours ago.
Did I miss something along the way?. . . something that might have tipped me off that I had even a smidgen of feelings for the boy?. . . that one day I’d have my legs wrapped around his waist while screaming out his name? she thought. Not that she didn’t enjoy herself, it’s just that the animosity they shared up until this day would seem to have precluded their lovemaking.
Still, she was his first lover, taking his cherry before his girlfriend Lia did. But what gave him the idea that she had “experience?” Hell, Vicky was a late bloomer whose figure didn’t start filling out until late in her junior year, and no guy would even give her a glance before that. She didn’t have a boyfriend until her senior year, and he was a college student. Gerald. Ah, Gerald! she remembered, Now he had “experience!” Vicky thought back to the days when he’d come to visit her while she babysat Timmy. It was at the Turner home where she lost her own virginity and, perhaps, it was fitting that, there, she would take someone else’s.
On those nights when Gerald came over, she’d make Timmy go to bed early so she and Gerald could romp through the house in their birthday suits. Then it dawned on her. So that’s why he thought she was “experienced!” Those wonderful lavender eyes of her’s turned hellfire red as she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Timmy Turner! You miserable little peeping . . .!” It was a good thing she was still sitting in her car, so that the neighbors couldn’t hear.
Several blocks away, Timmy was lying in bed, playing with himself when suddenly his erection began to shrivel. It withdrew into his fist like a snail into its shell, then was gone. Uh oh, he thought, this can’t be good!
Timmy paced his bedroom floor. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? Did I catch something from Vicky? I should call her, maybe she’ll know what to do! Wait! It’s 1:00 am, I can’t call her now! I’ll have to wait till sunrise!
Needless to say, Timmy did not sleep for the rest of the night, and looked like crap the next morning.
“Oh dear, Timmy,” his mom said, “you look awful! Maybe you should stay home today. I’ll call the school and let them know.” Timmy carried on, feigning illness. He ate a little breakfast and trudged back up the stairs to his room, waiting for his parents to leave. He changed out of his pajamas, stood in front of his mirror and sighed. It was gone. That which defined his masculinity, his maleness, had somehow withdrawn back into his crotch so suddenly, it took with it the other apparatus of his sex . . . his testicles! What remained was the tip of his penis, and flaps of his scrotum sticking out of a long, narrow slit. It looked for all the world like a female vagina . . . except with a very large clitoris. Timmy groaned as he put on his clothes, then sat on his bed with a blank look on his face. He waited for his parents’ cars to disappear down the street, then bolted out of the house to Vicky’s.
Tootie was getting ready for school when she heard the doorbell ring. Her parents had already left for work, and only she and Vicky were home. The doorbell rang again, followed by some frantic knocking. She looked through the peephole. Ohmigawd! It’s Timmy Turner! What’s he doing here? It had been years since she gave up on the notion of making Timmy her boyfriend, but she had grown pretty as the years went by, and when she finally took off those uncomfortable retainers, she became the darling of the boys in her school. Still, there was that lingering curiosity about that one boy that escaped her. What does he want now?
She opened the door and tried hard to give him her best “pleasantly surprised” smile.
“Hi Tootie! Is Vicky home? I need to see her right away! Please, please, please, please, please!” he begged.
“Uh, yeah . . . but she’s upstairs, still asleep.” she said, somewhat bewildered.
Timmy rushed past her, “Thanks!” and up the stairs he went. The surprised Tootie watched dumbfounded as he disappeared up the staircase. Huh! After all these years of chasing after him, he finally comes to my house, and he wants to see Vicky? This ought to be good!
He pounded on Vicky’s bedroom door, “Open up Vicky! I need to talk to you! Hurry!” he yelled.
The noise jolted Vicky from her sleep. “Wha? Who?” she mumbled, peering through bloodshot eyes. She’d been up all night, thinking of obscene ways to extract vengence on Timmy for his “spying.” Now she was hearing his voice? “I must be dreaming.” she slurred as her eyes slowly closed again.
“Vicky! Please!” Timmy gave out one last desperate shout.
Vicky’s eyes flew open. He’s here? I’m gonna skin him alive! She nearly fell out of bed trying to get to the door. “Turner? That you? You’d better be dying or you will be soon!”
She threw on a robe before opening the door, and he rushed in before she could say a word. He bounced around with his hands on his crotch. Vicky scratched her head and narrowed her eyes at him. “What the hell?”
“It’s gone! It’s gone! Vicky, you gotta help me get it back! Please!” He was on the verge of tears.
Seeing him so anxious made her forget her anger for the moment. “All right, all right! Calm down, Timmy! What’s gone?”
“My . . . my thing . . . my penis! It’s . . . it’s gone!” he grimaced.
“Really now?” she smirked, “This I gotta see! Take your pants off!”
Tootie, who had been listening from downstairs, felt her jaw drop at those words.
“But . . . you’re gonna laugh!” he said.
“No, I’m not! So drop ’em already!” Timmy did as he was told.
Vicky stared blankly at his male “vagina,” then turned around in an effort to stifle a guffaw. Tears began building in her eyes, and she tried hard not to fall to the floor laughing. “Stay put. I’ll be right back!” She ran into her sister’s room and threw a pillow over her face to muffle her laughter. This is better than any retribution I could think of! she snickers.
She returns to her room with a tube of personal lubricant and a flashlight.
“What . . . what are those for?” Timmy gulped.
“Well, I need to do a little inspection to find out where ‘winky’ is hiding!” she said with a devious grin. “Sit down, Timmy, this may feel a little cold!” Vicky squeezed out a bit of jelly onto her hands and applied it to his “labia.” Slipping a couple of fingers in, she began probing him. “Hmm. Beans and weiner are still in there alright. What the hell did you do, Turner?”
Timmy closed his eyes as he felt Vicky’s fingers deep inside of him.
“Huh? Why, Turner, you little perv! You’re actually enjoying this!” Vicky smiled.
“I can’t help it. It . . . it feels so good!”
“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it just yet. We’re getting to the bottom of this, literally! Now turn around and put your hands on the bed . . . now where’d I put that flashlight?”
“What are you gonna do with that?” Timmy started to panic.
“Don’t get your panties in a knot, dearie. It’s not for what you think!” Vicky laughed at her own little joke, as she slathered more lubricant on her fingers.
Unbeknownst to them, Tootie had snuck up the stairs and was quietly observing the two figures playing “doctor.” She interrupted their “examination.”
“Hey! Is that my tube you’re using? What’s going on here?” She stood there in the doorway with a big grin on her face.
“Go away, Tootie! Don’t look at me! Please!” Timmy whimpered.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in school today?” Vicky said a little annoyed and apparently unconcerned that she was there anyway.
“Not with Timmy Turner in my house doing naughty things with my sister!” she giggled.
Timmy stood up and covered himself with a pillow. It was like one of those nightmares people have about running around naked in public. Unfortunately, this was real.
“Aw, c’mon Timmy, it’s not like I haven’t seen a naked guy before.” Timmy sighed, then dropped the pillow from his hands. “Eeek!” Tootie jumped back. “You were a girl all this time?”
“No, Toots,” Vicky interjected, “. . . he had an . . . accident!”
“Oh, poor Timmy! What happened?” she asked. Timmy looked towards Vicky for some help.
“Don’t look at me,” she grinned, “I’d like to know myself!” He raised his arms in frustration.
“I don’t know how it happened. ” said an exasperated Timmy, “It just . . . I was . . . playing with . . .”
“You were masturbating?” giggled Tootie, “Flogging the dolphin? Spanking the . . .”
“Yeah! Okay? I was . . . beating off when my penis suddenly shrank on me.”
Tootie got down on her hands and knees, taking a closer look. She flicked the tip of his male “clit” and it jumped forward a bit, before retracting again. Timmy bit his lip as the hairs at the back of his neck stood up, electrified.
“Hmm,” Vicky stroked her chin, “Do that again. A little longer this time!”
Little sister obliged, wetting her fingers on the clear drops that exuded from the tip of his slit, then rubbed circles around Timmy’s clit. It seemed to make it swell up, but failed to make it budge. Timmy gasped, as Tootie let up.
“No! It’s like you were just teasing me!”
“You might wanna keep that in mind when you’re with your girlfriend,” she smirked, “we girls don’t like to be teased like that for too long either!”
Vicky let out a chuckle. “Well, well. Little sister’s been growing up under my nose, huh? When did you become an authority?”
Tootie grinned. “How long have you been sneaking into my supply of strawberry lube?”
“How long have you been borrowing my vibrator?” Vicky shot back. Tootie began to blush.
Timmy rolled his eyes, “Hey! Can we get back to me?” he said impatiently.
“Cool your jets, Turner. It seems that all your equipment is still there, only stuffed up inside. Let me check one more place!” She shoved a lubed finger into Timmy’s tail pipe, eliciting a yelp from the blue-eyed boy. “Yep! It’s all backed up in there! Maybe if I push from this side . . .” She inserts another couple of fingers in, trying to push on the bulge in his bowels. Timmy let out another groan. He was beginning to like it!
“Wait a sec.” Vicky opened her nightstand drawer and pulled out a twelve inch latex dildo. Timmy gulped at the sight and felt his penis shrink back even further.
“It’s going back in!” Tootie shrieked as his “clit” withdrew another half inch.
“Oh . . . okay!” Tootie made a tentative lick, and the beanie popped out again! Timmy exhaled in relief as Tootie’s ministrations began to grow in pleasure. Still, he worried about the monstrous sausage about to be rammed into his intestines!
“Couldn’t you just give me a pill or something? Don’t you have, like, a pack of Viagra somewhere?” Vicky’s eye twitched, and the fire returned.
“And what . . . makes . . . you . . . think . . . I . . . keep . . . a . . . pack . . . of . . .Viagra handy?” she smiled malevolently.
“Don’t you?” he replied quite innocently.
Vicky suddenly regained her composure. “No I don’t, but I’m pretty sure your problem is psychological, and not physical. If that’s the case, then a bucketful of Viagra ain’t gonna help.”
“Wha .. . . whadda you mean?” he stammered.
“Maybe you have a guilty conscience, hmm?” she whispered into his ear as she started to slip her huge sex toy up into his anus. Her fingers had stretched his sphincter enough so that the dildo slid in rather easily. That is, until it hit the blockage.
Vicky thrust in and out rapidly, trying to get it in deeper. Timmy began moaning in rhythm, having Tootie licking his crotch, while her big sister was stuffing his backside with a boa constrictor.
Damn! It’s too soft! She would have to try a different tack.
“Now then, Turner, about that guilty conscience . . .? Is there anything you want to get off your chest?”
“I . . . I don’t know where to begin.”
“Well, for starters, maybe you feel you cheated on your girlfriend by screwing me or . . .?”
Vicky sighed. “Doesn’t much matter, as long as you’re able to admit it to yourself.”
Timmy began to cry. “Yes, I worried that maybe I was cheating on Lia when I came to see you, and I’m sorry for all the nasty things I’ve ever said about you in the past . . . and I’m sorry for all those nights I watched you and Gerald making out!” Vicky wasn’t expecting to hear that confession.
Stunned, she felt her anger evaporate. She released the huge dildo from her grip and threw her arms around his neck. The dildo slid out of his butt, and fell to the floor with a damp thud.
“I’m losing him!” Tootie said frantically. She gave up on the licking and tried to suck the swollen mushroom out of him!
“I’m sorry for everything, Vicky. I’ve come to love and respect you. Will you ever forgive me?” Timmy said as his eyes filled with tears.
“Yeah, twerp. I love you too, but sometimes love hurts,” she reaches for the twelve inch metal flashlight, “. . . and this might hurt a bit!” Vicky kissed him on the cheek, then plunged the hard metal cylinder deep into his rectum, forcing his penis out the the other side.
Tootie’s eyes sprang wide open as she suddenly found herself choking down Timmy’s huge meat stick!
“I forgive you, Turner.” Vicky whispered into his ear.
With that absolution, Timmy shot his load deep into Tootie’s throat, causing her to gag. She withdrew, but caught his last spurts square in the face! She looked up to see her sister and one-time heart throb locked in an intense embrace and kiss. Gosh, that looks good, she thought, wish that was me. Tootie got to her feet and was about to leave the room, when Vicky grabbed her by the wrist.
“Your turn, twerpette!” she said as she pushed her and Timmy together.
He put his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “I’ve always tried to avoid you when we were younger, but that didn’t mean I didn’t like you. I was just too young to know any better. I’m sorry. You’re really cute, and have lots of guys after you. Maybe if I hadn’t met . . .” Tootie stopped him, putting a finger over his lips.
“Don’t say it. I understand. I’m just so glad I had this one moment with you!” She smiled broadly.
Timmy pulled her up to him, oblivious to the cum dripping off her face and lips, kissing her hungrily. Tootie returned the kiss with a ferocity of her own.
Vicky watched earnestly. Wow! Good job, Turner!
He reached up towards the back of Tootie’s neck as Vicky had instructed, and buried his fingers into her hair, grasping lightly. He now had control over the direction and intensity of the kiss. Tootie mewled out her pleasure and allowed Timmy to take the lead as he kissed and licked the drops of sperm that still clung to her face. His free hand began to travel up to her succulent young breasts, unbuttoning the blouse she wore and exposing her bra.
Big sister stopped him. “Uh, uh, uh!” she wagged her finger. “Can’t risk you having another guilty conscience relapse, can we?” she smiled.
“But we have so much to make up for!” Tootie complained through her half opened eyes. Timmy turned a bright crimson red.
“Sorry Tootie,” he smiled sheepishly, “guess I got carried away!”
“Oh Pooh!” she pouted, then sighed.
“Go on, Timmy, put your pants on and get outta here!” said Vicky. She pulled out the flashlight still imbedded in his rear, and it exited with a loud pop.
“Ah!” he yelped. “That was starting to feel good!”
“Come back another time and we can find out just how much you like it!” she smirked.
He threw his pants back on and blew them both a kiss before heading out the door.
“Have fun with Lia!” Vicky waved. Tootie smiled and let loose another big contented sigh.
“What a way to start off your morning.” Vicky yawned, then eyed her younger sister. “Where’d you learn to lick carpet like that?” she grinned. Tootie just laughed.
“I never did it before! But it just seemed so natural to me. Was a good experience, though, I am starting to get kinda curious.”
“Missed a spot.” Vicky wiped a gob of Timmy’s cum off of her sister’s face with a finger, and popped it in her mouth.
“I’m still horny!” Tootie said as she parted Vicky’s open robe.
“And still curious, I see!” Vicky peels off her baby sister’s unbuttoned blouse. Tootie smiled.
“You’d be willing to do your own sister?” she grins.
Tootie laughed. “Sure . . . why not?”
Vicky laughed. “That’s real tempting, you know,” she said eyeing her sister’s cleavage, “. . . but
I’ve been up most of the night, and I need just a little more shut eye before we can fool around!”
“Old fart?” Vicky chuckled, “I’ll show you who’s the ‘old fart’ here! Just give me an hour, okay? Please?”
“Promise? I’m gonna hold you to that, otherwise I’m gonna rape you while you’re sleeping!” Tootie grinned. Vicky just shook her head and smiled.
“Never thought I’d see the day! I knew you’d turn out a little aggressive by the way you went after Turner when you were still kids, but you’ve got an over-active libido, hon!”
“Nah! I’m still jazzed about Timmy being here!” she sighed.
“So, you’re not really serious about getting it on with me, then?” Vicky smirked.
Tootie threw her arms around Vicky’s neck, “I’m dead serious!”, then crushed their lips together.
By now, all thoughts of taking that short nap had vanished from the red-head’s mind, as her sister splayed her robe wide open and pushed her onto the bed, giggling. Vicky was surprised how eager Tootie was to satiate her “curiousity” about the same sex. She straddled Vicky’s hips, then ravaged her breasts, kissing and licking circles around her sister’s plump areolas.
Vicky moaned as she arched her back, trying to stuff a nipple between Tootie’s hungry lips. She fell back gasping as Tootie sent a hand into her panties, and began stroking her now gushing pussy. It felt like an octopus was in there, probing, exploring, sliding in and out of out her hot damp hole. Tootie plucked gently at the piercings imbedded in her big sister’s labs and clit, before sending a few of her fingers into her pussy.
Not to be outdone by her younger sibling, Vicky reached up behind her and deftly undid the bra fastners.
Tootie’s breasts, not overly large, but firm and shapely, fell onto Vicky’s flat belly. The raven-haired girl had found Vicky’s sweet spot, and massaged it relentlessly. Vicky came in her hands, grunting and writhing as the orgasm hit again and again. She grabbed Tootie by her pig-tails, “St . . . stop, Tootie, or I swear I’m going to pee on you!” Tootie let up, giggling, as Vicky collapsed back onto the bed, gasping for air.
“That sounds interesting!” Tootie remarked, crawling up to her sister, “. . . wonder what you’d taste like!”
Vicky, still breathless and shaking like a leaf, kissed her on the forehead. “What’s gotten into you, girl? It’s like being with Timmy woke up some primeval animal in you!”
“Mmmm, yeah! I can smell him on you, and I just want to eat you up!” she purred.
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