Faggot Humiliation

Faggot Humiliation


Faggot Humiliation
Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

Hi all, 

I have to lead with a couple of points before the story, and I hope you all read them carefully first:

As you can see, I mentioned that this story will include extreme humiliation at the title. For more clarity, this story will have twisted plots and cruel scenes. The story rationalizes topics like bullying and abuse with a twisted logic. I know that for some, this can be hard to read, and maybe it can be a trigger for others. So please stop reading here if you feel you are not comfortable reading about such topics. I know I am not always in the right mind for that, and this is ok. Obviously, this is only a fiction work, so if you decided to keep reading, keep this in mind. In real life, bullying is not a hot thing, it is a serious issue. I feel I had to put this disclaimer first, because I don't want my writing to give some people the wrong ideas.
Unlike my previous stories, this one is more fast-paced and the chapters might be shorter. I think this is justified given the point in which each storyline starts. However, I also tried to keep some depth in the story, something between the lines if you will. And I hope this attempt to mix between both approaches didn't mess the story. 
This time, I made a map for the story before I even write the first word, so I avoid endless chapters. According to my map, this story will be 10 parts, and because of the way the story is being narrated, each two chapters will be published together. So I would say, I will post five times, each time with two chapters. Now, it's unlikely that this will change, but never say never, right?

This story is narrated from third person point of view. And while it focuses the most on the leading characters, this way of narration will allow us to have glimpses of the other characters minds. I hope this will not be confusing to read. 
I am planning to post every week to 10 days. That way reader (hopefully I will have a few of them) will have time to read each chapter, and I will have time to work on the next chapters without much pressure. However, sometimes work happens, and sometimes I just can't find the stamina to write the way I plan to. So I hope you understand in case any delay happens. I am not one of those who start a story and leave it incomplete. This is just mean thing to do.
Finally, your comments and feedback are always welcomes. It's always encouraging to read your thoughts, arguments, and even criticism. So, please let me know your thoughts.

And without further ado, let's move to the story:

Part 1 - A New Vacancy

“Did you read the HR email? What the hell?” Jim asked annoyingly

“Yup, the queen fired another assistant after driving her crazy. It’s disgusting how our management is still allowing something like that” Julie agreed with her colleague

“The queen? Better say the bitch” Jim joked bitterly, before adding: “if she isn’t as openly gay as she always says, I would think she is screwing the whole management”

“Seriously! This is so frustrating. We are all obliged to follow the rules. Everything for us is by the book. But she has a pass to do whatever the hell she wants. I know you heard the rumors about the way she treats with her assistant” Julie said

“They are not rumors Julie, these are facts and everybody knows that. Do you remember Kira?, her assistant two years ago. You know she filed an official complaint detailing how Alena abused and molested her?” Jim asked

“I know, somehow the management and HR covered the whole thing, and poor Kira had to suffer for few more weeks before she had a nervous breakdown” Julie remembered the amount of degradation Kira had to suffer during those weeks

“Poor girl. But maybe that was the best for her, because I think that was her only way out of this mess. The bitch doesn’t even accept resignations. It’s ok for her to fire people but no one can quit while working for her. I don’t know how she does that, but she manages to do that everytime” Jim said angrily. 

Jim waited a moment to get calm again: “But seriously, do they expect anybody internally to apply for the vacancy? We all know everything. The only thing keeping us here is that we don’t work with her directly. Still, I got the chills everytime I see her and I am 45 years old grown man” He admitted

“Tell me about it. I always try to avoid her in the corridors when I can. I am always afraid she might find a way to insult me and I will have to suck it, because I really need the job. You know my family situation, and I am too old to find another job with the same benefits” Julie said

“Yeah I know Julie. I don’t envy whoever will end up labouring for her”

“Well, this email is for appearances only. They have to announce any vacancy internally first, before looking outside. I bet at the end, her new victim will be a new graduate who doesn’t know any better”

“Yes, I agree. But still, it’s frustrating to see the email phrased in such a rude way coming from HR. Shouldn’t somebody leak it or something? I think it is not only offensive and inappropriate, but also illegal” Jim wondered.

Julie laughed and said: “It might be sent from HR, but she wrote it herself. She is sending us all a message about who is the real boss here, and be my guest if you want to leak it. I don’t want to take my chances with Alena”

“Neither do I. She is a mean bitch and I am too old for such games”

The two colleagues in accounting were talking about Alena Morisson, head of sales department in Elite Cosmetics, a medium size listed company specialized in luxurious cosmetics and accessories for the wealthiest. Alena is 29 years old. When she got her position three years ago, she became the youngest head of department in the company’s history. Everybody in the company knows that Alena is a sales genius and a horrendous human being. 

From the outside, she was beyond beautiful. She stands at 178cm tall, with a perfectly shaped body, golden blond hair, fair skin, and enchanting face. Her piercing blue eyes are her trademark, and she is fully aware of that. She is also openly gay, never spared a chance to mention that. 

While all employees couldn’t deny her beauty, and very small percentage were bothered by her openly homosexuality. Everybody has an issue with her attitude. If asked in a secret poll to describe her, 9 or ten employees would say she is mean, cruel, rude, arrogant, and doesn’t respect anybody, the final employee wouldn’t say that just in fear that Alena might find out about him or her, then she would come after them. 

She overwhelmed her sales team with work. They were paid well, but in return she didn’t miss a chance of keeping them in place. Only a few sales people managed to stay working for her for a long time, and that’s only because they prioritized money over everything else. She has no problem to keep replacing those who don’t meet her very high standards. After all she controlled the majority of sales in her hands and replacing employees never affected her results. 

The remaining employees were lucky to work away from Alena, because she usually just ignored them. However, whenever she wants anything from anybody, she expects to have it right away or else whoever challenges her would be on her wrong side. And she made sure those who don’t go her way pay dearly. A few times, they witnessed Alena scolding another employee from another department, with no objection from anybody. In a couple of occasions, she went as far as firing employees, and the management went with her decision. 

But the worst of Alena is always saved for her PA. Everybody knows that. She always have a female assistant. Most employees witnessed how poorly she treats her PA’s, and heard even worse things about her. This mistreatment included sexual misconduct according to many. But Alena never had to face any consequences. In the very few occasions when an employee made a complaint, like Kira did, Alena made sure she made an example of her. Some tried, anonymously, to complain to the media or via social media. But that didn’t work because Alena always had the management support.

Because of her ill reputation within the company, in her three years tenure as head of sales, no internal employee ever applied to be her personal assistant. It was the same procedure every time. Alena hires a new graduate, drives her crazy until she is bored or unsatisfied with her work. Only then, she fires the girl and hires a new one. The company always sent such emails to check the boxes only, but nobody really expected any applicants, including Alena, and this time was no exception. 


While her colleagues discussed Alena’s unacceptable behavious, Brittney Jordan, or Brit as everybody calls her, read the unprofessional email for the ninth time. Jim and Julie didn’t include her in the conversation because she was rarely part of any office talks. Since she joined the company a year ago, Brit kept for herself for the most part. All they knew about her was that she is very hard working, a bit weird, socially-awkward, always silent until somebody talks directly with her, and that she is a pit push-over, which they liked the most about her, because it allows them to dump the work they don’t want to do on her. 

At 33 years old, Brit’s appearance was average. She has a petite figure, cute round face with brunette hair and small brown eyes. Brit is divorced with no kids, in-closet lesbian, lives with her 56 years old half-retired mother in a small but nice house. Her colleagues didn’t know any of that about her. Most importantly, they didn’t know that Brit is not only a bit push-over, she is in fact, and has always been, a self-identified giant loser. 

For more accuracy, Brit has always been a big loser, but being a self-identified one was something she came to realize later in her life. She doesn’t know why she is like that. What she is unable to stand for herself, verbally or physically. She can’t blame that on Chelsea and the horrific events during her college years, because she was a loser way before that. She can’t also blame that on her mother’s untraditional, yet proved-to-be-true philosophy for the same reason. 

Maybe she became such a loser because of her mother’s job, or maybe she inherited that in her genes. She will never know why, but she is certain, beyond any doubt, that she is too weak to change that fact, even though she hated herself because of it. 

Brit’s father abandoned them when she was still a toddler. Helen, her mother, raised her on her own. At first, she had multiple relationships, but they all ended badly for either the mother, or daughter, or both. Her mother apparently had a taste for jerks, or maybe she got the worst of her boyfriends. Something else Brit will never know. But eventually, Helen gave up trying to find the right man for herself, and focused all her time and energy on her job and on raising Brit. 

Before half-retiring, Helen worked for almost three decades in the same luxury ladies salon. Maybe this is where everything started for Brit. While everybody who worked in the salon over the years used to do everything, hair styling, skin care, manicure and pedicure...etc; Helen was the only one with specialty. She was the foot girl. This is how she was called by almost all clients and most of her colleagues in the salon and even her bosses. 

Brit remembers going to the salon with her mother many times. Her mother was so good at her job that she got her boss’s approval to bring her little girl when there is no school or anybody to take care of Brit, which was the case many times. She used to have her own space close to her mother to play around. She was a quiet girl so her presence didn’t bother anybody. She remembers very well seeing her mother spending almost all her time kneeling at the clients’ feet. Young and old, nice and arrogant, her mother took care of them all with a smile on her face. 

She has many memories from those days, but the one that stands the most for her was when a middle aged woman gave her mother a big tip. Her mother thanked the lady repeatedly saying she is too much. And the lady said casually: “You deserve it Helen. Yes, you are very skilled in what you do, but you are much more than that.I have met many foot girls but you are the best by far. When you are serving me, it feels like you are putting your soul under my feet, not only your hands and skills. Keep being my docile foot girl and I will make sure I compensate you well” Brit heard these words and saw her mother kissing the lady’s hands as she thanked her again, while the lady patted her mother’s cheek in a patronising way before leaving. 

Sometimes, when she feels overwhelmed by her weakness, Brit recalls this memory and many similar ones to blame her mother for the way she is wired. But she deep down knows this is not true. Back then, she was very well treated by everybody. Her mother got larger tips when Brit was around. Plus, her mother’s unorthodox philosophy, which she came to understand years later, saved her life, most likely in a literal way. Without that, she wouldn’t be able to keep going, she wouldn’t be able to find some balance between loathing herself all the time and accepting who she really is. 

For the tenth time, Brit read the email slowly absorbing every word. She started by the title: “A new opening only for a lucky and beautiful lady” the title itself breaks many of the company’s anti-descrimination rules. 

Brit’s eyes went to the body of the email: 

“Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a new and very special opening for the position of Personal Assistant for Ms. Alena Morisson, the head of our sales department.

As you all know, Alena is the sole star of Elite Cosmetic. Thanks to her remarkable efforts and unique leadership, our sales are substantially going up for the past three years. 

Now, one lucky lady will have the chance to work under Alena. The lucky candidate will not only witness greatness first hand, but also be part of it by providing Alena with all the support she demands.

To apply for this exciting position, you must be:

A lady with elegance and beauty
Hard working
Ready to work under pressure
Willing to adjust your working hours based on Alena’s preferences
Easy going with natural ability to learn and follow orders

For those who meet these requirements, send your request directly to Alena’s email, and be mindful that she always prefers to be addressed on a first name basis. In your email, you must answer the following questions:

What does it mean to you to work under a star like Alena?
What value can you add to Alena as her Personal assistant?
Why do you think you are good enough for this position?

P.S. interviews and terms of the position will be held under Alena’s sole discretion

All the best,
HR Department”

The words of the email were filled with arrogance. Julie is right, Alena definitely wrote it herself. Jim is also right, Brit thought to herself, this can’t be legal. But nobody will leak anything. Nobody wants to risk a confrontation with the management, or worse, with Alena herself. 

Since she joined the company, Brit found herself obsessed with Alena more and more. At first, she heard the many many stories about her from other employees. Since she was always silent, she was sort of invisible to them, and they took the liberty talking in front of her. 

She heard the stories about how mean and cruel she is and how disrespectful to others her actions are. Then she started hearing more secret stories about her behavious with her assistant, especially the part about her constantly molesting her assistant. She saw the girl multiple times who seemed understandably miserable. She was a new graduate who thought she was starting her career in a reputable company, only to find herself subject to Alena’s aggressive conduct. 

When Brit finally saw Alena in one of the company’s meetings, she was astonished not only by her beauty, but also her confidence and arrogant behaviour. To Brit, Alena is everything she can’t be. She is tall and pretty, she knows what she wants and she takes it no matter what, she has a strong controlling personality, and she is a lesbian and proud about it. Brit needed years and a failed marriage to finally admit to herself that she is indeed a lesbian, and she is still hiding that from everybody, maybe with the exception of her mother who knows almost everything about her. 

The most confusing part was that Alena in a way reminded her of the person she hates the most in the whole world, the incarnation of the devil, Chelsea. They were both blondes with mesmerizing beauty, but that was not what made Brit think that way. It was the confidence and attitude. To Brit, they both act like the world owes them everything. It’s true that she didn’t see or talk with Chelsea for years, but seeing Alena immediately brought too many shameful and painful memories back. The weird thing, though, is that these thoughts made Brit obsessed with Alena even more. 

On the eleventh read of the email, Brit was soaking wet. She didn’t only read the arrogant words in the email, she was also imagining the unwritten words between the lines. Her self-loathing levels were directly proportional with her horniness levels. For that shameful feeling, she knew exactly who to blame. It was Chelsea without a doubt. 

Maybe Brit is a natural loser, and of course she is a natural lesbian too, but that demonic and frustrating link between the two was created and nurtured by Chelsea, she was the one who made Brit the freak she turned out to be. 

Reading the email again and again left Brit unable to focus on anything but her dark, painful, and stimulating thoughts. She had to do something to let go of some steam inside her, and the only way she thought of was to write an imaginary email applying for the open vacancy. She had no intention to go with it, but she thought this exercise might help her calm down. 

In that spirit, Brit clicked on new email button in her outlook, typed Alena’s email in the address section as if she was really going to send the email, then she typed the title: 

“Application for the role of Personal Assistant - Brittney Jordan”

The title should be neutral and professional, Brit thought to herself. The real exercise will be the email itself. She took a deep breath and started typing, and words started to flow so easily: 

“Dear Alena,

Please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Britteney Jordan, and everybody calls me Brit, but of course it’s up to you to call me the way you like. 

I was so excited when the HR sent an email announcing the availability of your personal assistant position. The email, rightfully so, pointed out that you are the sole star of the company, and it is my true honor to apply for this position hoping that you would consider my request. I have been working for the company for one year now. We met a few times during meetings before, but probably you didn’t notice me before, given your responsibilities and my small position, and moving to work under you will be a major advancement for me. 

I read your conditions carefully, and I think I meet most of them. 

I am a Caucasian woman, 33 years old. I believe I am not bad looking, but I can’t claim I am so beautiful, and I am sorry for that. I try to dress elegantly and in a bit conservative way. I am 163cm tall, and weigh 60kg. My body is a bit tiny but well coordinated. My skin is fair, my eyes are brown and I have brunette hair. I hope that meet your satisfaction.

I am very hard w
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