Facing the trickster frauds

Facing the trickster frauds

El Libertario

This is a rough translation of an statement by the draft room of El Libertario newspaper from Venezuela, originally published in Castilian: Frente a los fraudes embaucadores.

[Introductory note: Anarchist spokespersons from different parts of the world have agreed to request a text that summarizes from a libertarian perspective what is happening in Venezuela, especially by dismantling the lies that the authoritarians of all furs disclose about it. In response, we have prepared the following, which is already being translated and disseminated in various languages, with the intention of both exposing our perspective and unmasking the deceitful positions that have been massively disseminated about what is happening in this country.]

Those who read us for sure will be familiar with the approach of the Venezuelan situation that have been promoted by the contending statist factions, and it is precisely to them and their identical deceptive background that we will refer here, trying to clarify a panorama that such untiring efforts have been made to darken. On the one hand, the defenders of liberal capitalism and their political antics of representative electoral democracy present the Venezuelan setback as the inevitable result of any search for alternatives to their economic and political recipes; on the other, the paladins of state capitalism and its caricature of authoritarian socialism; both sides committed both to validate each other as the only options to understand and propose routes to Venezuelan society, as well as to hide their enormous similarities when defining and applying the strategies of oppression and exploitation that are imposed on the community. State and Capital.

Mention the basic identity between those interpretations that say "democratic" and the other "socialist left" will be unfriendly for those who agree with any of them, but in The Libertarian we have insisted on presenting forceful evidence that proves it, what we have been doing for many years. Thus, for example, both of them prattle about anti-capitalism as a guideline that in essence defines the Bolivarian regime, before which it is enough to remember how the governments of Chavez and Maduro have made repeated invitations and agreements with transnational capital to be associated with the development of the extractive exploitation model of the natural resources of Venezuela, a policy that is reached with the official proposal of exploitation of the Orinoco Mining Arc to total submissive and ecocidal submission, counting on the silent support of that parliamentary opposition that is so loud on other issues, but with his tacit approval makes it clear that, if he comes to power, he would not modify this model of looting plunder.

Another matter of coincidence is to silence the militarist essence that the Chavez government had from the beginning, which has deepened over the years. Particularly now, when negotiations with the uniformed are being carried out on the cessation of Maduro's support, they are offered impunity (disguised as "amnesty") for all the responsibility that falls to them in the outrages and corruption characteristic of a regime of which they have been key supporters. . From the two dominant interpretations of the national crisis there is a huge effort to ignore that, from his ascension to the presidency in 1999, Chávez gave priority to the military presence in tasks of government in a way not seen in Venezuela since the military dictatorship of the 1950s. This military predominance only increased throughout its mandate, even reinforced from 2013 under Nicolás Maduro, reaching such pre-eminence that has been one of the most marked dictatorial features of this regime. With the proclaimed "transition" that is envisioned for sooner rather than later, the mood among the opposing political clique lends to occupying state power is won to keep the military elite in the enjoyment of the most juicy of the spoils they have enjoyed in the past decades, so that both "socialists" and "democrats" give in to the nefarious reality of militarist blackmail that has been imposed and grows in the Venezuela of the 21st century.

Intervention of external powers: Now you see it, now you do not see it

The leaders of both sides will grumble that we are leaving out an essential aspect of the confrontation that fiercely opposes them, as is their vociferous denunciation of how the rival gang is a servile agent of foreign interests. For the right-wing and social-democratic opposition, the evil foreign shadow is first of all the Cuban dictatorship, which has not only been a privileged parasite of Venezuela's notoriously buoyant oil income, but also a decisive factor in imposing an authoritarian model that attempts to follow the steps of the one that rules in Havana; then China is mentioned, with growing gravitation as a financier and creditor of the Venezuelan government, and Russia, with less economic weight but which is a worthy political-military backing; In addition, reference is made to the presence -now declining as the oil revenues that sustained it- of governments that derived economic and / or political benefits from their relationship with the Venezuelan State; something that also applies to parastatal groups like the Colombian guerrilla, before the FARC now the ELN. If it is from the Chavista perspective, the external Bête noire par excellence is the North American imperialism, which with the unpresentable leadership of Trump fulfills that role a thousand wonders according to the classic guidelines of the Marxist left propaganda. Then there would be the whole troop of lackeys, servants and junior partners of the Yankees.

It is curious to find that both perspectives are largely based on certain and verifiable facts, against which the other side makes the greatest effort to ignore, so that, for example, the inocultable, and even ostentatious, presence of officials Cubans in military installations and security of the State seems invisible data for some, attitude similar to that of others to not be aware of the agreements with tincture of usury that the government of Maduro has agreed with the transnational banks, pretense of ignorance in the that by the way again there is stealthy agreement with its "irreconcilable" opponents.

Final note: Space limitations prevent other aspects of this topic from being developed. We invite the blog of El Libertario http://periodicoellibertario.blogspot.com to expand information and details that reinforce an alternative vision.

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