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Facehugger Impregnation Stories


Facehugger Impregnation Stories

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Another incredible Alien clip you will love. There are tons of brutal porn videos like this one. Simply check related Alien videos, or click the category button above the video player. Make sure to enjoy all these crazy porn videos because it took a long time to find those unique extreme clips. You can watch all these videos for free. Just open your mind and enjoy your Alien fetish to the fullest. Everyone has a limited time, so don’t hesitate and browse through other videos in this section. You’ll definitely find what you’re looking for. We’re sure you will because we were working hard to find all the brutal Alien videos. We went through dark places to make these sick porn videos free to watch for all DarknessPorn users. Let’s do it!
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By WintermuteX

Tags: M+g, monster, nc, rape, reluc, pedo, preg, scifi
Content: Rape, Impregnation, Pedophilia, Xenomorph (Alien franchise)

Sarah held out her gloved hand for the instrument, and her assistant put the tiny scalpel in it. Sarah adjusted the large magnifier that sat between her and the specimen on the dissection table, and then tapped her cigarette on the edge of the ashtray.
The thing was grotesque: a white, bulbous, rubbery body with 8 long spindly legs like some kind of nightmarish spider. It lay on its back on the metal table, legs in the air, the exposed underside resembling a horrifying mishmash of ruined genitalia.
Both of her assistants made faces as she arranged the organ with her fingers. Although alien in origin, the base approximated a succession of labial flaps, with a phallic, flexible extension jutting from the center. Sarah grasped the girth with her hand, and began to cut.
"See? It's just as we suspected. This evolved Type B doesn't destroy its victims." Sarah lectured for the benefit of the recorder as she expertly dissected the alien creature. "Here. See this respiratory structure? The facehugger can use its penis to control oxygen supply as well as feeding. Ejaculate is released from here." She tapped a miniscule channel with her scalpel.
"This organ resembled an ovipositor in the original specimens, but it's adapted already. The tail is unchanged."
"Oh. That's...that's very...interesting" Kittie was holding her stomach as if sick. She swallowed, then adjusted her enormous glasses, blushing with embarrassment. Sarah grinned behind her medical mask. The skinny girl had better get a stronger stomach, she thought, and fast. She wondered if Kittie was still a virgin.
"What does this resemble?" She asked Kittie, grasping the penile girth and pointing it at the teenager, making it flop obscenely.
"Yes. It's incorporated human DNA. In the original specimen, this " - Sarah tapped the tip of the horrid thing - "would go in your mouth and supply you with air and nutrients while this " - she tapped the tail - "would wrap itself around your throat to keep you docile."
"But it serves a double function now. Where do you think this would go?" Sarah tapped the penis again. Normally she would enjoy teasing her assistants a lot more, but now she just felt tired.
"Yes Kittie. It would go in your pussy." Sarah wasn't going to mince words or spare her assistant's feelings. They were long past that. She surveyed the thick rod of meat in her hand for a few moments longer, wondering just what exactly it would feel like. Slippery? Wiggly? Maybe they would all be getting some first-hand observations before long.
She shook her head to dispel the thought, and then dipped her scalpel expertly into the body and came away with an egg-shaped organ.
"Analyze this along with the 630 solution please," she said, handing what she presumed was an alien testicle to Jessie, her other assistant. "This can tell us the protein content of the ejaculate. Maybe it's nutritious. We'll find out."
Jessie made an appropriate face but she did as she was instructed, weighing the sample and then taking it to the other side of the lab for analysis.
"Specimen 47 displays adaptive properties consistent with the increased incorporation of human genetic material," Sarah went on, dictating her findings for the recorder. "Procreative structures suggest a dual function of oral intercourse, controlling air and nutrient supply of the victim, and vaginal intercourse, leading to insemination. Fertility and gestative properties are untested, thankfully, but presumed potent through secondary observation."
Sarah flicked a switch to turn off the recorder and then snapped her mask off.
"Another dead end," she muttered. She already had enough samples of cellular material. She was hoping to discover another clue through anatomical analysis of one of the more evolved specimens, but it hadn't told her anything she didn't already know.
"Incinerate this," she snapped, gesturing at the half-dissected specimen. Kittie ducked her head and adjusted her glasses before hauling the trays away.
Sarah sighed and dropped into the nearest lab chair. The gloomy lighting and dismal metal walls of the lab did nothing to enhance her mood.
"Do we have any more of that dehydrated pseudo-meat?" she asked Jessie.
"Sorry Dr. Stettman," the girl grimaced. "We ate the last of it yesterday. All we have left is dehydrated soy, and only a week's worth."
Sarah would have made a face, but she found she didn't care. Nothing seemed to matter any more. Not even running out of rations and starving.
Sarah turned, feeling numb. Jessie was looking at her. At 18, she was older than Kittie, with an athletic build, but the fearful look on her face made her seem small and vulnerable.
"Are...are we going to be ok?" Jessie asked.
Sarah had a brief vision: the teenage girl, naked, her long brown hair caked with slime, panting in exertion as a terrifying monster rammed a thick organ into her pussy from behind.
She didn't know what to say. Yes? Should she just lie? The truth was that there was only one person whose fate mattered to Sarah, and she had already failed her.
Kittie came back and stood by Jessie, letting her arm slip around the other girl's shoulders. At least they weren't pretending anymore.
Sarah let out a long breath. "Let's see how the delta-chain experiment turns out, ok? Maybe that will give us something to go on." Their longest-running genetic analysis yet might reveal some weaknesses to viruses typically more hostile to plant life. Maybe there would be some crossover that would work on the alien tissue. Maybe. Sarah didn't really have much hope.
Her assistants frowned at her together, and the depressing air of the lab deepened. Sarah wasn't any good at this touchy-feely stuff. She got up from the chair.
"I'm going to my office", she huffed. "Maybe I'll find something else by watching the monitors, another clue to their behavior...something." She swallowed around the lump in her throat. Jessie and Kittie just looked at her, nervously, then exchanged scared glances. She left them hunched over the lab bench and went into her office and closed the door.
She flopped into the worn-out office chair and took another drag from her dying cigarette. The long stub of ash finally dropped and collapsed into a white puff on the metal grating of the floor. It didn't matter anymore. None of it mattered. How long had she been watching these monitors? Her mind was numb, numb from the endless screams that echoed through metal corridors and into her dreams, the wailing of girls and women slowly transforming from frightened cries into howls of pleasure. The Xenomorph specimens they had retrieved from LV426 had evolved in ways she could never have imagined. Sarah had studied every change, picking them apart at the genetic level. They were faster now, stronger. They could breathe Earth's atmosphere much more easily. Their swimming ability had vastly improved. Even the underwater shelters weren't safe. Their organs had reshaped themselves with every generation, anatomy molding itself around nascent adaptations.
The Xenomorph cock had evolved too. The Earth Breed had adapted a phallus longer, thicker, more flexible with less-pronounced ridges and a more uniform vascular inflation - a couple samples still floated in the biotank by the door. Another useless datapoint. The pheromonal secretions of those cocks were ecstasy. She pondered what the Company could have made from that one biological process alone: drugs that dulled pain like nothing else, medicines to prolong potency and cure impotence, sexual enhancements that would have put the normal human experience to shame. Humans loved to fuck. They would have paid the whole world for what the Company could have sold them. She almost sympathized with the board's decision to keep the creatures instead of exterminating them. Almost. Now every human woman was getting a special injection of those pheromones straight from the source.
How ironic, she mused, that the Company had wanted to use the alien DNA, but now that DNA was using them. Alien DNA, spurted into human wombs, mixing with the human genome, producing ever more adaptable Xenomorph types. The Type B facehugger was just another example. They had started out as mere parasites, but what kind of parasite can survive by killing its host? So it had adapted. But it wasn't even right even to call the alien creatures parasites. Their mutative breeding process had no terrestrial analogue. Totally foreign. "Perfect", Sarah muttered to herself. The perfect dominator. Adaptive to any environment. Rape. Breed. Evolve.
She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. The monitor above her desk flicked on when she pressed the blue button on the keyboard. It was an old system - ancient even. The Company paid top-dollar for some things, then turned around and skimped on vital equipment. She had initially balked at doing her research on such outdated computers. But when she had found out what they were working on...an alien lifeform unlike anything ever encountered, with methods of genetic expression that turned known science on its head, well, she would have agreed to anything.
Her fingers moved over the keyboard, accessing the installation's telemetry system. As a senior researcher, she had access to every sensor, audio pickup, and camera in the entire complex. She selected the visual feeds and then picked an older record at random.
"Sub-deck #3 Cooling Intake Filtration Plant. Camera 7 - Interior."
The screen flicked between frames of static and then steadied, showing the powerful monstrosity that loomed over the woman and the two girls. Vitreous fluid coated their struggling forms, giving rise to steamy waves as it dissolved their clothes. The Xenomorph had dragged all three by their ankles, kicking and screaming, into the breeding chamber of their hive. It finally let them drop, and the woman cried and gathered the two little girls - around 11 and 12 years old by the looks of it - to her chest, hugging them and weeping as if she could protect them from what was to come. Stupid. Other aliens waited, nestling in the slime of the curving alcoves that dotted every surface of the hive interior.
Some feeble form of bravery finally surfaced in the woman when the alien advanced. She got to her feet and screamed defiantly, then leaped forward as if prepared to tear the monster apart with her hands. It pushed her aside effortlessly, and the naked woman tumbled across the exposed metal grate into the corner, landing face-first next to an egg. The leathery body trembled, and the skin divided into a wide X on top, 4 tips folding back gracefully like blossoming flower petals. A brief moment was all the woman had to scream in terror before the newly-hatched facehugger exploded from the egg, wrapping itself hungrily around her face and coiling its tail around her throat, twitching bodily with excitement. The woman tumbled backwards.
The aliens didn't waste a lot of time, Sarah thought. No flirting, no smoldering looks, no dinners and drinks and long walks on the beach. They lined up the mother and her two daughters and went to work. The little girls' screams went on for hours. At least their mother didn't have to watch, Sarah thought. The new face huggers didn't compulsively choke you out, they just kept you docile. She could still hear though: the sounds her daughters made as clawed, alien hands explored their young bodies, pulled their legs apart, and rammed their bulging black cocks into their tiny cunts, stealing their virginity and pumping them full of alien sperm.
Sarah hit the record button so she could dictate.
"Subjects: Two girls of age approximately 11 and 12 years old, and one older female of approximately 30 years of age. Medical history: unknown. Reactions indicate motherly attachment between the older subject and the younger ones. Exposure: repeated intercourse."
She paused. Such a good little scientist, she snarled at herself. Make sure to get every little detail. She brushed the feeling aside. Any clue, anything at all, might have some bearing on their work. She continued dictating.
"Sexual behavior is consistent with the previously observed rapacious breeding instinct. Xenomorph activity when exposed to the human females is baseline. Older subject is restrained by a Xeno Type B 'facehugger' prior to sexual activity. Oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse are enthusiastically pursued with all three human participants, with the exception of the older subject, whose face and airway are blocked by the Type B."
Sarah continued watching. The Xenos would take turns for hours, she knew, before restraining all the girls with resin and letting their pregnancies develop.
"Both younger subjects undergo exposure to substantial amounts of ejaculatory material covering their breasts, bellies, thighs, and legs. Internal emissions of ejaculate appear copious and result in visible discharge from each orifice. The Xenos appear typically dismissive of attempts at resistance from the subjects, as well as visible indications of distress."
On the monitor, the younger girl cowered on her hands and knees, her 11-year-old body bucking wildly as the powerful alien pelvis rammed her butt from behind. Her tears mixed with the gelatinous alien cum that caked her body. The older sister was on her back, prepubescent body quivering wildly as the Xenomorph between her legs plunged its massive phallus into her slit. The girls cried out and reached for each other, pulling together, naked bodies lubricated by the alien slime until their faces hovered an inch apart, staring upside-down into each other's terrified face. The aliens slammed in to the hilt in both of their pussies and the girls abruptly came together, tiny bodies jerking and thrumming with the rhythm of the twitching black cocks stuffed inside them. Sarah watched impassively
"Xenomorph copulatory behavior is consistent with past observations. Simultaneous penetration of youngest subject's vagina, anus, and mouth are observed." Sarah felt nothing but apathy as the little 11-year-old was pulled on top of an alien for another round and a thick alien cock slammed home into each hole. The mother wasn't getting it any less, but the facehugger was keeping her properly submissive by restricting her air.
Suddenly feeling impatient, Sarah slammed the buttons on her keyboard to back out of the recording and go to the live feeds. It only took her a few minutes to find them.
"Addendum: Six weeks post to initial sexual exposure. Subjects retained in the same area of the hive in which they were initially introduced. Resinous excretions used to restrain all three subjects upright against the hive wall in the typical manner: arms and legs spread, orifices exposed. Visual observation confirms active and progressed gestation in all three subjects, confirming that Xeno insemination of humans can occur even before the typical human age of fertility."
What a trio they made, Sarah thought: two tiny little girls with their mother between them, all plastered to the wall with dark, sticky strands holding them up. Good little breeders for the hive, their bodies covered with drying alien sperm and their bellies full and sagging. She felt a sudden flush of warmth, and managed to push it away.
"Personal Notes: Progression typical. All factors consistent with current observations, with the exception of a facehugger used for restraint of the mother. The facehuggers are more commonly used for infiltration and covertly bootstrapping a Xeno population than they are for assisting with reproduction in the hive." Sarah paused for a moment, thinking, then shrugged and hit the button to stop recording. Maybe there weren't any human settlements to infiltrate anymore. They had been cut off in this lab for so long. As far as she knew, the Xenos had spread everywhere on Earth. Maybe the facehuggers didn't have anything else to do.
She turned off the monitor and leaned back in her chair. With the screen off, it
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