Face à Angelica

Face à Angelica


Face à Angelica


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The name Archangelica is supposed to come from the Greek word “arkhangelos”, the name of Angel Gabriel who according to myth revealed its use in medicine. The plant is native to temperate and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, reaching as far north as Iceland and Lapland and Greenland. It is grown in the garden for medicinal, ornamental and culinary purposes. Mainly leaves, stems, roots and seeds are useful for these purposes.
Angelica is a tall biennial and perennial herbs growing about 50 to 250 cm tall. The plant is found growing in fields, meadows, shady, damp soil, near running water. It prefers rich, slightly acidic, medium to wet soils for better growth and development. Roots are long and spindle-shaped, thick, fleshy and branched with several small rootlets and can weigh about 2-3 pounds. Stem is stout fluted, 3 to 4 feet high. It is round, finely grooved, hollow and tinged reddish below and about 1 to 2 inches in diameter.
Leaves are very large, 60 to 90 cm and tri-pinnate with a hollow petiole. Leaflets are ovate and unevenly serrate. The leaf sheaths are large and swollen.
Flowers are small and numerous, greenish-white to yellowish and are arranged in 20 to 40 rayed compact umbels without an involucre. The tiny epicalyx has several sepals with minute tips. The petals have an indented, indistinguishable tip. Flowering normally takes place from July to August.
The plant offers pale yellow, oblong fruits, 7 mm long by 4 mm wide when ripe, with membranous edges, flattened on one side and convex on the other, which bears three prominent ribs. The outer fruit membrane separates from the inner one. The fruit has strong tangy odor and sweetish to burning tangy taste as they ripe. Leaves, stems, roots and seeds have been cultivated for many years for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Leaves may be added to mixed salads; leaves, seeds and roots may be used for making tea. Seed is commercially used for flavoring liqueurs. Plants also have a long traditional history in Europe and Asia for medicinal uses.
Angelica is supposed by some botanists to be indigenous to Syria, Holland or Poland. Today it is found growing in the wild on the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas as far north as Lapland. It is a protected species in Iceland, and is grown in other regions. Other species are found in America (A. atropurpurea), in Europe (A. sylvestris) and in China/Asia (A. sinensis).
Angelica is recommended by many modern as well as ancient writers for use in skin care. Angelica contains nutrients, such as antioxidants, vitamins, valeric acid, volatile oils and many others, which are helpful for the natural treatment of various skin conditions. Listed below are some of the popular health benefits of using Angelica in several forms
Cataplasm produced from angelica leaves is better-known to render alleviation from unhealthiness injuries. Application of this particular covering material may facilitate alleviate sprains, fractures, and in addition, pain sensation and inflammation connected to arthritis.
Using angelica can prove to be a blessing for women suffering from menstrual cramps. It helps to balance the level of hormones, which in turn provides relief from severe pains.
The problem of mouth sore can be reduced by proper use of Angelica herb. It has deep source of antimicrobial properties that helps to get rid of the microbes that caused sores in the mouth.
Angelica herb is much popularly known to have bactericide constituents, which facilitate to heal soreness in throat. Just chew the stem of Angelica to recover soreness in throat. Just in case you discover that the stem is bitter, go for sugar-coated stems of angelica. An additional alternative is to mouthwash with a solution plus extract prepared from the dehydrated roots of angelica that may possibly in addition function to relieve pain associated with sore throat.
Woman can gain a lot by intake of this herb. Angelica herb helps woman to maintain reproductive system. Any sort of problem in the reproductive system will be repaired and the problem is resolved within few dosages.
Hair loss has become a hectic task these days. Regular use of angelica herb can guarantee best kinds of results to avoid excess loss of hair. All kinds of reasons leading to hair loss can be reduced to huge extent. You need to use this herb with particular regulations to ensure best results.
Having problem in getting gratifying relaxing sleep, then consume a cup of angelica tea prior to sleep. It may perhaps functions significantly for some better sleep. A number of citizens have discovered that lighting aroma with angelica herb is assistive to encourage sleep.
Angelica plant can cure Dyspepsia that generally takes place in the manner of heartburn, too much gas, and tummy puffiness. This herbaceous plant is considered to have flatus-relieving constituents, which facilitates alleviation of gas and puffiness. The pulp of the root can be used as a medicine for digestion; as a result, consuming it as recommended can be beneficial to keep your digestive tract functioning properly.
For centuries Chinese use Angelica root for treating hair loss problem. Enriched with Vitamin E, it helps in stimulating the circulation of oxygen in the body and the scalp. It promotes the metabolism and replenishes the nutrient supply in the body, which are vital for the growth of hair. It helps to oxidize blood, which finally helps in the oxidation of hair cells. It also encourages the regeneration of damaged hair cells.
The problem of anxiety can sometime haunt and hence need to be cured without any other option. It can be properly dealt with use of angelica herb that will help to release the stress in the brain and reduces anxiety. Prepare some tea by using angelica herb and sip down this tea on regular basis to get desired results.
High blood pressure can be easily cured by regular intake of Angelica herb. It is a very traditional process to use this herb and get normal blood pressure. You can see the results within a few days.
Angelica can be used in bathing and it really helps in soothing the skin naturally. A bath can be prepared by adding 2 cups of Angelica infusion into warm water. Coconut oil can also be added for obtaining the best results. Having this bath relieves inflammation, softens the skin and helps to treat eczema.
Angelica, the plant or herb can be used as a face wash to treat several skin conditions and make the skin look softer, clearer and healthier. To make a face wash, mix 2 cups of aloe vera juice with 8-10 drops of tincture of Angelica root. After the two ingredients are mixed together, use the mix to treat acne. It can also be used for the cleansing purpose. The use of it makes the skin heal faster by making the skin absorb the useful nutrients easily. The results will be amazing if the facial cleanser is used twice a day, morning and night. It not only eliminates acne, but also prevents them from coming back.
Fungal infection can become worse and hence need to be cure with herbal remedies. Angelica herb can prove to be worthwhile the antifungal properties are best to reduce the infections.
Angelica herb is supposed to have sudorific constituents, signifies, it encourages sweating that may perhaps facilitate obviating waste all the way through skin. Its sudorific action may perhaps assist in perspiring out the linguistic process, thus lending to cut down fever.
Tea prepared from the desiccated leaves and roots may perhaps facilitate recover appetite. As a result, when you abstain from consuming food because of a deficiency of appetite, try consuming angelica tea on an everyday basis. It can surely facilitate rejuvenating your lost appetency by recovering digestion.
Muscle ache can be cured by using angelica herb. The oil that is extracted from angelica herb is very perfect to release the stress from the muscles and thus reduces the ache. You can simply apply the oil on the muscles and apply simple massage.
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Angelica
Traditional uses and benefits of Angelica
Dosages for oral administration (adults) for traditional uses recommended in older standard herbal reference texts are given below.
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Oblong fruits, 7 mm long by 4 mm wide when ripe, with membraneous edges
Relieves Pain and Swelling and Alleviates Sore Throat
Angelica, Seacoast Angelica, Bai Zhi, Angelica Archangelica, Garden Angelica, Great Angelica, Wild Parsnip, Alexanders, American Dong Qui, Dang Gui, Archangel, Purple-Stem Angelica, American Angelica, High Angelica, Wild Archangel, Wild Angelica, Masterwort, Choraka, Dong Quai, Angel Root, wild celery, Norwegian angelica, holy ghost
Danish : Fjeld-kvan, Kvan
Dutch : Grote engelwortel
English : angelica, Angelique, Garden Angelica, Norwegian angelica, wild parsnip
Faroese : Hvonn
Finnish : Boska, Väinönputki
French : Angélique vraie, Angélique vraie, Archangélique des rivages, Herbe aux anges, archangélque
German : Angelika, Brustwurz, Engelwurz, Arznei-Engelwurz or Echte Engelwurz
Hindi : Choraka Bheda, Dudhachoraa
Icelandic : Ætihvönn
Kalaallisut : Kuanneq
Norwegian : Kvann
Northern Sami : Fádnu, boska and rássi
Persian : Sonbol-e Khatāyi, سنبل خطایی
Polish : Arcydziegiel litwor, Ziela Ducha Swietego, angelika, dzięgiel lekarski, dzięgiel wielki, anielskie ziele, archangielski korzeń, anielski korzeń
Romanian : Angelica
Russian : Djagil’ aptečnyj, дягиль аптечный
Spanish : Angélica, Hierba del Epiritu Santo
Swedish : Kvanne, fjällkvanne
Found growing in Fields, meadows, shady, damp soil, near running water
Easily grown in rich, slightly acidic, medium to wet soils
Long and spindle-shaped, thick and fleshy and branched with several small rootlets and can weigh about 2-3 pounds.
Stout fluted, 3 to 4 feet high. It is round, finely grooved, hollow and tinged reddish below and about 1 to 2 inches in diameter.
Large, 60 to 90 cm and tri-pinnate with a hollow petiole. Leaflets are ovate and unevenly serrate. The leaf sheaths are large and swollen.
Small and numerous, greenish-white to yellowish and are arranged in 20 to 40 rayed compact umbels without an involucre. The tiny epicalyx has numerous sepals with minute tips. The petals have an indented, indistinguishable tip.
Oblong fruits, 7 mm long by 4 mm wide when ripe, with membraneous edges, flattened on one side and convex on the other, which bears three prominent ribs. The outer fruit membrane separates from the inner one.
Roots, Rhizome, Seeds, Leaves and Stems
Powder, tincture, infusions and capsules

Relieves Pain and Swelling
Eases PMS Symptoms
Clears Mouth Sore
Alleviates Sore Throat
Better Reproductive System
Avoids Hair loss
Ensures Sound Sleep
Eases Indigestion
Makes Hair Healthy
Treat Anxiety
Reduces Blood Pressure
Use in Bath
Face Wash
Fungal Infection
Encourages Sweating
Acts as an appetite stimulant
Muscle Ache

Apiaceae ⁄ Umbelliferae (Carrot family)
Angelica archangelica L. (Norwegian angelica)
•            Angelica archangelica subsp. norvegica (Rupr.) Nordh.
•            Angelica commutata (C.A.Mey. ex Rupr.) M.Hiroe
•            Angelica discocarpa (Fr.) M.Hiroe
•            Angelica intermedia Schult. ex Steud.
•            Angelica litoralis (Wahlenb.) Fr.
•            Angelica major Gilib.
•            Angelica norvegica (Rupr.) Nyman
•            Angelica officinalis Moench
•            Angelica procera Salisb.
•            Angelica sativa Mill.
•            Archangelica archangelica (L.) H.Karst.
•            Archangelica commutata C.A.Mey. ex Rupr. Archangelica discocarpa Fr.
•            Archangelica litoralis C. Agardh
•            Archangelica littoralis C.Agardh ex DC.
•            Archangelica norvegica Rupr.
•            Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.
•            Archangelica officinalis subsp. litoralis (DC.) Dostál
•            Archangelica sativa (Mill.) Besser
•            Archangelica slavica G.Reuss
•            Archangelica spuria Wahlenb.
•            Ligusticum angelica Stokes
•            Selinum archangelica (L.) Vest

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