FST NETWORK: With Modules, Everything is Possible

FST NETWORK: With Modules, Everything is Possible


The major problem of Blockchain Technology is that the market still unable to adopt it fully in daily activities. It is ironic while it is the key to corresponds network technology to the next network technological solutions. The main cause is that society still depends on old network technology, which is always come with the same problems: low flexibility, high cost, and immature foundation layers. Just almost seems like like we don’t have any other better options.

FST Network created with aim to solves the classic problems. Designed as a new high standardized layer 3 modular service provider, it is projected to be the leader of the Blockchain Technology revolution: to helps the market adopt the Blockchain Technology smoother, easier, more secure, and more user-friendly.

To mitigates the problematic barriers on entering the Blockchain, FST Network emphasizes on two major tasks: Project Infrastructure and Experience Enhancement. It will be interesting if we briefly talks about those two in this article.

Project Infrastructure

FST Network puts serious efforts on making the infrastructures of the technology to become more industrializeable through improving smart contract projects, softwares, and modules, while at the same time keep developing layer 3 technical architecture.

It also puts more focus on the configuration, with objective to make it be more configurable by remodel the Blockchain tobe more customisable, easy to create, maintain, and assemble software architecture.

Talk about security, FST Network put endeavours upon specification issues by enable secure information and data exchange across protocols and consensus, especially amongst new network technologies.

Another point of focus is upon the fairness. Of this, FST Network designed to enhance the creations of tokens and ledgers through smart contracts.

Experience Enhancement

On experience enhancement, FST Network emphasizes on four dimensions: its universalization, commercialization, applicability, and serviceability.

By simplify the protocols and the models, FST Network enable the market to enter the Blockchain a lot easier, user-friendly, without any needs to master too many technical skills and knowledges. So the user can reduces the dependencies toward the technicians.

Along with the decrease of dependecies toward technicians by its more simple protocols, means that the technology is become more commercializable, since everyone can do the activities independently and easily.

Meanwhile, by applying the Layer 3, FST Network enable enterprises to interface existing systems utilized with the future systems seamlessly.

Last but not least, FST Network also ensures that the network technology shall be more serviceable, where end users could feel the values and the bussiness scenarios, and participate in it independently and safely.

If those tasks already implemented comprehensively, then not only the problems that barred us from entering the Blockchain would be mitigated significantly, but the users (enterprises, organizations, and or individuals) would also get more powerful assistance on adopt and savor the benefits of the services available within the Blockchain Technology.

Reviewing its importance and the benefits offered, digital society and the market undeniably should support this project, since the needs of newer systems with better and simpler protocols are in urgent, in this rapidly growing and revoluting cryptobusiness.

The FST Network will have four main products - Modul Kit, SHeX, Tokeneden, EnSo. And now let's discuss each in more detail.

Module Kits

Module Kits: provide many application modules for enterprises’ selection. Traditional development systems can be integrated with Blockchain via APIs and SDKs to support business needs.

We have successfully implemented grounded modules on Ethereum and supported client Dapp development. We will continue to release diverse modules to drive more applications.


SHeX is a solution for enterprises to build decentralised data exchanges.

Clients can quickly create a decentralised cross-chain token (information) exchange with efficiency and high-level security through assembling multiple modules and unique protocols. (Relay Network, Order-matching Network, Cross-chain settlement).


Tokeneden is the wallet and decentralised tokenisation platform.

Clients can issue and manage tokens (e.g. promotion and airdrops) through CRM tools on this platform without any programming.

More modules will be put in place and extended to other public chain ecosystems (e.g. EOS, RSK) to provide more functions and achieve an ideal Blockchain-free development environment.


EnSo: Enterprise-ready Blockchain development solution for large-scale projects

EnSo can benefit large projects (e.g. Supply Chain, Industry 4.0, IoT, Smart City) by assembling various practical modules and setting up customised underlying protocols and consensus mechanism.

Product Roadmap




FST Network builds a Layer 3 architecture on top of various protocols, complements the underlying layer technology with the aid of modules. Regardless of the underlying chain protocol is Ethereum, EOS or RSK, or sidechain and accelerated services of the Layer 2 technology, FST Network is compatible with different protocols, support diverse business needs, accelerate the application of Blockchain technology, and eventually achieve a new era of evolution.

For More Information About the FST Network, Contact the Link below:

Website: https://www.fst.network/

Whitepaper: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e34917_ae797a698614474fa407c86731b51191.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FSTNetworkTW

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/FSTNetworkOfficial

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fstnetwork/

Medium: https://medium.com/fstnetwork

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundersToken/

Telegram: https://t.me/FundersToken_community

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5078131.0







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