

What Is FRED Energy?

FRED Energy aims to promote and facilitate greater adoption and generation of alternative energy by consumers and Fund Research into Energy Devices (FRED) Rising energy costs, fuel poverty and access to support and funding for energy device innovators are some of the problems FRED Energy aims to solve.

FRED ENERGY aims to Promote and facilitate greater adoption and generation of alternative energy by consumers and the Research Fund for Energy Devices (FRED). Our green energy projects include entering the markets for EV charging stations in Asia and the EU, accelerating the use of electric switches in Asia, an alternative energy product market that accepts cryptocurrency.

To provide more flexibility while maintaining ease of use, some systems provide a programming paradigm where the program is a direct graph that connects companies and consumers.

Today we see massive changes by car manufacturers and oil giants towards electric vehicles (EV) and EV driving speeds will become increasingly fast standards. The social and economic changes adopted en masse by EV alone will be large, current electricity and will continue to be the dominant energy requirement for consumers. While the EV revolution will play an important role in future energy needs in developed countries, new economies, population growth and increased use of electrical equipment and equipment are also contributors to future estimates of a 30% increase in global demand by 2040.

This is where we look towards the bigger picture and imagine solutions for our future energy needs lies in new methods of generating energy, educating consumers in energy efficiency and bringing energy generation to the consumer level. The theory is breaking the current cycle by encouraging consumers if possible to reduce their energy costs by producing their own electricity and becoming more energy efficient, this in turn will help stabilize costs, provide more affordable energy and energy security for all.

We believe diversification will be the key to our success and have several projects that can be achieved with relatively low funding requirements, namely;

Project Energize will focus on Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. The EV filling station market is currently emerging worldwide and while large companies are investing in major infrastructure, there is a need for smaller independence to meet niche segments.

Market development for alternative energy all things. Initially displaying our partner products, it will eventually include home and commercial EV chargers, solar panel systems, electric vehicles, consumer wind turbines and other related gadgets with payment options to include FRED Energy tokens and other cryptocurrency in addition to traditional methods. It will also feature innovator products and provide a platform for collaboration on new methods of energy reduction and generation.

Funding Research into Energy Devices (FRED), many of the world's biggest discoveries have been made by people with little scientific expertise but have developed their findings through trial and error. Today, there are engineers, scientists and hobby inventors who develop technology that will one day change the way we produce, consume and store energy.


Be recognized as a key player in the green energy project on the blockchain and become a brand associated with green energy that targets consumer needs.

Enter the EV filling station market through niche segments and increase market share.

Assistance in accelerating the use of alternative energy and generation by consumers.

Be the main online market place for alternative energy products that accept cryptocurrency.

Until now FRED Energy has proven to be a very useful tool for users around the world, to make this tool more useful, we intend to take advantage of increased production itself.

Demonstrating the power of the Smart Power Platform

We are delighted to be able to show off our technology through The FRED Energy.

The purpose of this trial is to show the real world potential of our Virtual Power platform to regulate domestic heating and vehicle charging, demonstrating that this platform makes it easy for consumers to be flexible with their energy consumption. This project was funded by the government as the winner of the recent domestic demand side response competition.

During 2019 and 2020 we will work to show how our VPP opens flexibility in our energy systems today. In particular, we will work with more than two hundred myenergi customers to find the best way to value them because they are more flexible in how they use energy at home.

This trial is very promising because of the immediate potential to improve positive results. With the next generation of electric vehicles coming to the market and affordability increasing all the time, we expect the importance of domestic DSR for electric vehicles to grow and grow too.


FRED is a consequence modeling tool for Shell, available exclusively through Gexcon.

FRED software is compiled in a single Fire, Release, Explosion and Dispersion model that predicts the consequences of intentional product and process release and process design, storage, transportation, and distribution operations.

Its ease of use allows users to quickly understand the estimated consequences associated with incidents for facilities and operations. This gives the user at a glance the blast wave level, gas contour, and heat radiation directly to the location plan.

FRED has continued to be developed and validated by Shell since the 1980s, and has been widely used by companies operating in the fields of oil, gas and petrochemicals, engineering contractors, insurance, and regulators throughout the world. The integrated model relies on a broad and unique program of large-scale experiments, combined with validated scientific research, which ensures the reliability and consistency of results.

 FRED can be used to:

Safety case preparation and update

Justification for new designs and operations

Facility layout and equipment optimization

Pre-incident planning and emergency response studies

Study of domino effect / escalation management

Accident investigation

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) - with results that are directly integrated into Shell's QRA tool, Shepherd

 Token info:

Ticker: FRED

Platform: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC-20

Available for sale: 460,560,000 FRED (57%)

Total supply: 808,000,000 FRED


Pre-sale price: 1 FRED = 0.01 USD

IEO Price: 1 FRED = 0.01 USD

Receive: BTC, LTC, ETH

Hard stamp: 3,600,000 USD

Bonus: Pre-Sales - 40%

Round 1 - 35%

Round 2 - 25%


Q3 - 2018

Launch of blockchain coins

Q2 - 2019

IEO pre-sale AND sales since signing, Duchain Fredenergy's blockchain defects must be flexible

Q3 - 2019

Finally sell tokens

Q4 - 2019

Create partnerships / legal requirements to start working on project acceleration. Location of the EV Power Plant. Application development. The online marketplace continues





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ETH ADDRESS: 0x199705F392b97FaB3594f672BeFc8c3ffCF35162

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