
Hello readers, as we as a whole realize that the web is a colossal base of data where we can do anything. The blockchain innovation and digital money industry has started to have gigantic effect and is assuming a noteworthy job causing a noteworthy insurgency mechanically and this is influencing pretty much every circle of our lives including wellbeing, business and even scholastics. As an expert crypto financial specialist it is vital for you to know about the recent and genuine project that is ongoing. this particular project I’m talking about is of highly profitable by investing in it...


Foresting is a task that presents another environment that comprises of a FOREST (people group individuals) that work on ideas, for example, Networking, cooperating, and associating. The ecosystem is utilized to enable clients to get pay for their web-based social networking posts.

The 'Foresting' or 'Foresting Platform' is a blockchain-based web based life that goes amiss from the dispersion arrangement of conventional web-based social networking stages. The organization gives a reasonable esteem appropriation framework for clients who are the genuine proprietors of the stage that convey content through blockchain advancements and add to stages in an assortment of structures.

Forestry Network will be available to anybody without requiring earlier information about cash or crypto bans.The new idea includes making a system stage that will enable clients to understand the benefit of making content. The Greening Network is intended to give remuneration to content creation and salary dissemination frameworks for providers. A wide range of substance are qualified for compensation, utilization and support in the substance framework.

The General Problem With Social Media Networks That Leads To The Need for Foresting

The traditional social media platform has unnecessary dependence on the income got from ad thus this outcomes in:

Spillage and burglary of individual data

Foresting won't seek after a benefit centered stage, rather it will make a substance focused stage that produces the income of direct substance.

Maltreatment of notices

Foresting energizes the formation of better substance, it is additionally centered around the casting a ballot of clients instead of the genuine activity arranged substance valuation.

Foresting will have the capacity to make a superior substance culture through the methods for assessment.

There is extraordinary shamefulness in the conveyance of significant worth: Users more often than not don't get remunerate for the substance created.

The Solution

Foresting Network has thought of an answer for give a superior place to the substance makers. The task is utilizing blockchain innovation to build up a remunerating web based life stage. The Foresting Network environment comprise of three fundamental parts:

Blockchain Based Rewarding Social Media Foresting

It will offer prizes to the substance makers for making mollifying and sharing it on the stage. The substance makers can submit content in any shape like content, pictures, recordings, sound, or live communicating. The web based life Foresting will urge content makers to make content quicker than conventional stages.

Foresting Bank

Foresting bank will give money related administrations to the substance makers. The commitments of the clients on the stage will be evaluated by the Foresting bank. The nature of their substance and their commitment on the stage will choose their which money related administrations will be open to them.

Foresting Lab

Foresting Lab will build up a disconnected foundation to help the stage network and the substance makers. The substance makers can get a physical space with gear required, for example, cameras, receivers, lights, speakers, and so on so they can think of better and quality substance.

Ranger service will present another biological system comprising of delegates from FOREST (people group individuals) dealing with the idea of systems administration, network and cooperation. The biological community additionally incorporates the accompanying capacities:


The FORESTING network was initially made to discover the estimation of new life in our general public "Work four hours every day, share and deal with your life"

RESTING FO SOCIAL MEDIA - Connect the world

LONG FORESTING - Innovates your fantasies

BANK FORESTING - Creating an interesting FICO assessment framework

The Features and Benefits of The Foresting Platform

Continuous Trading capacity through the Embedded Exchange

Gives constant exchanging capacities by installing key trades the world over

P2P exchanges dependent on Master Node

Least 10 coin openings for every client (RPC module is accommodated each coin get to)

Support Content Maker Features

Well known substance is esteemed in genuine money as opposed to customary.

Open Market Advertising.

Evacuate target/retarget promotions that are revolved around sponsors and stage administrators.

The Mobile Application

Versatile applications-this implies end clients interface with their uPort. That essentially implies administration of private keys of clients.

The principle thought of the essential client keys is to put them in a safe segregated space and access them through nearby biometric verification at whatever point the key is utilized for marking. The client's private key stays on the gadget, and it can not be sent out outside the gadget.

Client encounter is the primary thought of the outline of this model of cooperation with the versatile application. There are two principle ventures for associating with Foresting hindering through Dapp.

Advantage of Foresting(PTON)

Content Support: Foresting means to utilize blockchain to help clients minister their substance. With this element, it gives clients the best innovation to download or transfer different substance segments flawlessly.

Improved Coin Exchange: Foresting wants to enable clients to include content an incentive by making a protected transformation stage to get benefit consequently.

UI's: Foresting will likely make a helpful and agreeable administration for their clients. This administration will turn out to be more instinctive rather than a hazardous administration.

Protection and Security: One fundamental part of blockchain innovation is its decentralized nature. This element gives the most security and assurance for clients on the grounds that there's not one element controlling the activity.

Gadget Optimization: Foresting has a different biological community that coordinates into individuals' ways of life. This empowers them to impact their substance on their gadgets.


Token: PTON

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

PreICO price : 1 ETH = 50,000 PTONs

Price in ICO : 1 ETH = 33,333 PTONs


50% PTONs during the Presale.

Tokens for sale : 9,600,000,000

Investment Information

Min. investment: 1 ETH

Accepting: ETH

Distributed in ICO: 40%

Soft cap: 90,000 EH

Hard cap : 170,000 ETH

Token supply- 24,000,000,000 tokens



Q1 2018

Foundation for Foresting. Whitepaper v.0.5.

Q2 2018

Whitepaper v.0.8. Yellowpaper v.0.5 Private Pre-sale. Planning the Structure of the Block. FORESTING TECH SUMMIT 2018.

Q3 2018

Whitepaper v.1.0. FORESTING HACKATHON 2018. FORESTING TALK CONCERT 2018. Public pre-sale. ICO. Alpha Test Platform.

Q4 2018

Local / Int. Listing. Beta Test Platform.


Open web version for testing. Develop mobile applications (iOS and Android).

A grand launch of the platform.

For more information, please visit the official sites below:










Author: alegongo

BTT URL:;u=2396485

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