F/M Spank Stories

F/M Spank Stories


F/M Spank Stories
Story: Strict Aunt Part 1; F/m, n/c, no sex
Karen(Karenfizz) commented: > Poor guy. He met an unmoveable object. Apparently, his own mother
Story: Strict Aunt Part 1; F/m, n/c, no sex
Karen(Karenfizz) commented: > Poor guy. He met an unmoveable object. Apparently, his own mother
Story: Strict Aunt Part 2; F/m, n/c, no sex
Dan, I enjoyed this story! As a child I often fantasized myself to be a bad boy during spanking
Story: Strict Aunt Part 2; F/m, n/c, no sex
Dan, I enjoyed this story! As a child I often fantasized myself to be a bad boy during spanking
I am starting to work on a new story "Strict Aunt, Part 2". I just want to know how many
I am starting to work on a new story "Strict Aunt, Part 2". I just want to know how many
It turns out that there was just a very long delay at my end. -Dan
It turns out that there was just a very long delay at my end. -Dan
Yahoo and Google do have strange issues at times with posts not going to or coming from via email I
Yahoo and Google do have strange issues at times with posts not going to or coming from via email I
ZZZ (just in case) : Innocentata Medicalos: Who Killed Martha Part 3 (M/f con)
On Saturday, December 8, 2012 8:01:16 PM UTC-8, CrimsnKidCK wrote: > On Friday, December 7, 2012 3
ZZZ (just in case) : Innocentata Medicalos: Who Killed Martha Part 3 (M/f con)
On Saturday, December 8, 2012 8:01:16 PM UTC-8, CrimsnKidCK wrote: > On Friday, December 7, 2012 3
On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 7:03:20 PM UTC-8, CrimsnKidCK wrote: > No need to repost Part Three
On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 7:03:20 PM UTC-8, CrimsnKidCK wrote: > No need to repost Part Three
St: Fried Fannies for Failed Framing (M/t,MM/tt,t/t,spank,strap,role reversal) zzz
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 9:00:52 AM UTC-8, Y Lee Coyote wrote: > St: Fried Fannies for Failed
St: Fried Fannies for Failed Framing (M/t,MM/tt,t/t,spank,strap,role reversal) zzz
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 9:00:52 AM UTC-8, Y Lee Coyote wrote: > St: Fried Fannies for Failed
Possible solution to the problems zzz
I use Thunderbird for both email, rss, and usenet. It has great filters which would easily allow me
Possible solution to the problems zzz
I use Thunderbird for both email, rss, and usenet. It has great filters which would easily allow me
I still think that we need to get usenet more publicity and get the message over that ts far more
I still think that we need to get usenet more publicity and get the message over that ts far more
Hmm, well a little more than I can achieve just now in this cash strapped UK, though it depends what
Hmm, well a little more than I can achieve just now in this cash strapped UK, though it depends what
On Sunday, November 18, 2012 1:24:18 PM UTC-6, Misty Henry wrote: > On Nov 16, 10:27 pm,
On Sunday, November 18, 2012 1:24:18 PM UTC-6, Misty Henry wrote: > On Nov 16, 10:27 pm,
zzz Story: The Computer Lesson (M/F)
I liked this story, makes me wish I was young and foolish again... Brian -- --
zzz Story: The Computer Lesson (M/F)
I liked this story, makes me wish I was young and foolish again... Brian -- --
On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:47:39 AM UTC-8, CrimsnKidCK wrote: > On Tuesday, August 28, 2012
On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:47:39 AM UTC-8, CrimsnKidCK wrote: > On Tuesday, August 28, 2012
That's a Rejuve Universe story serial, right? IMHO it couldn't hurt to post one here... HIAWB
That's a Rejuve Universe story serial, right? IMHO it couldn't hurt to post one here... HIAWB
the return a rejuve universe story (And a welcome home gift for Nadia!!! I missed you girl!)
"But a few swats from Kim," well, that's at least a touch of spanking for Emma, isn
the return a rejuve universe story (And a welcome home gift for Nadia!!! I missed you girl!)
"But a few swats from Kim," well, that's at least a touch of spanking for Emma, isn
There seem to be several designs of these. Some are protected so you cannot use them for the
There seem to be several designs of these. Some are protected so you cannot use them for the
dominant male spanking the badness out Australia
dominant male will be spanking all the badness out of you....
dominant male spanking the badness out Australia
dominant male will be spanking all the badness out of you....
zzz [AD] New Flogmaster Book (read an excerpt) and Lower Book Prices!
I'm pleased to announce that I've adjusted the pricing of all my books to make the prices
zzz [AD] New Flogmaster Book (read an excerpt) and Lower Book Prices!
I'm pleased to announce that I've adjusted the pricing of all my books to make the prices
zzz FLOGMASTER: SSC: Bedtime (****, F/fx8, nc caning, intense)
FLOGMASTER: SSC: Bedtime (****, F/fx8, nc caning, intense) Bedtime inspection at a girls' school.
zzz FLOGMASTER: SSC: Bedtime (****, F/fx8, nc caning, intense)
FLOGMASTER: SSC: Bedtime (****, F/fx8, nc caning, intense) Bedtime inspection at a girls' school.
Thanks for taking the time to investigate and answer my questions. Jess Spanking for the bot, and
Thanks for taking the time to investigate and answer my questions. Jess Spanking for the bot, and
No it was beforehand when the news came out, I remember the interview on the radio, but it was a long
No it was beforehand when the news came out, I remember the interview on the radio, but it was a long
ZZZ - Reports of my Demise Were Exagerrated.
Tony's right! You must have felt the vibes from everybody thinking about you! Glad to see you
ZZZ - Reports of my Demise Were Exagerrated.
Tony's right! You must have felt the vibes from everybody thinking about you! Glad to see you
Summer Spanking Contest is at End at last Such as it is
On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 13:27:10 -0700 (PDT), tyrport@gmail.com wrote in I had foot surgery on Friday and I'm
Something to do on a quiet Sunday afternoon
On Sunday, July 1, 2012 1:23:39 PM UTC-4, joe wrote: > I had foot surgery on Friday and I'm
zzz - Interesting goings on at ABPES
On 2012-07-25 04:54:58 -0400, "Brian G" said: >
zzz - Interesting goings on at ABPES
On 2012-07-25 04:54:58 -0400, "Brian G" said: >

Выбрать язык русский азербайджанский албанский амхарский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский бирманский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский гавайский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский киргизский китайский (традиционный) китайский (упрощенный) корейский корсиканский коса креольский (гаити) курдский (курманджи) кхмерский лаосский латинский латышский литовский люксембургский македонский малагасийский малайский малаялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непальский нидерландский норвежский ория панджаби персидский польский португальский пушту руанда румынский самоанский себуанский сербский сесото сингальский синдхи словацкий словенский сомалийский суахили сунданский таджикский тайский тамильский татарский телугу турецкий туркменский узбекский уйгурский украинский урду филиппинский финский французский фризский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский шона шотландский (гэльский) эсперанто эстонский яванский японский
I’ll always remember the last spanking I got while living at home – it was exactly three days before I left home for college!
A couple of weeks earlier, my mom had told me to go through my closet and box up all the old clothes I wasn’t taking with me. She reminded me about this several times over a couple of weeks but I kept putting it off.
Three days before I was leaving, Mom said she wanted the task done by the time she got home from work that day. I started sorting my clothes as requested – but then a friend called and asked me if I wanted to go to the pool. No prizes for guessing what I chose.
Mom was already home by the time I got back, and she was not happy at all. To cut long story short, we got into a huge argument, I smarted off and told her to get off my back. Then I stormed off to my room.
As I was changing out of my wet swim clothes, Mom came in with the family paddle in her hand. I started arguing again, but Mom said I was acting like a child and needed a spanking.
I suppose I could have resisted more, but in the end I thought it best to just bend over and take my licks. Mom usually didn’t spank me naked but since I was already undressed, she did.
I think she knew that this would be the last time she spanked me, so she put a little extra oomph into every spank and gave me significantly more swats than she usually did during my childhood.
In fact, she walloped me so well, I actually cried – something I never usually did during a spanking, even when I was a little boy.
All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 




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Mrs Wilkins (parts VII, VIII and IX)

Mrs. McConnal (parts I, II, III, IV and V)

Mrs. McConnal (parts VI, VII, VIII and IX)

Mrs. McConnal (parts X, XI and XII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XIII, XIV, XV, XVI and XVII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXII, XXIII and XXIV)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXV, XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXXIV, XXXV and XXXVI)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXXVII, XXXVIII and XXXIX)

Maternal Matrimony (parts I, II, III and IV)

Maternal Matrimony (parts V, VI and VII)

Ocean (parts I, II, III, IV, V and Epilogue)

The Guest House (parts III, IV and V)

Innocentata (parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII)

Dog Sitting (parts I, II, III, IV and V)

Robin's Camp (parts I, II, III, IV and V)

Lisa in New Zealand (parts I, II, III and IV)

Lisa in New Zealand (parts V, VI, VII and VIII)

Lisa in New Zealand (parts IX, X and XI)

Returning (parts I, II, III and IV)

Sylvia's Mother (parts II, III and IV)

Sylvia's Mother (parts V, VI and VII)

Site contents Copyright ©1995-2020 by the Flogmaster (flogmaster100 at gmail). All Rights Reserved.
You have permission to download these stories for personal use only. No other type of publication of these stories is permitted without written authorization of the Flogmaster.

A woman is a frequent visitor at a dom for discipline.
An old man recalls a childhood friend's punishment.
When a distant dad and his rebellious teenage daughter are trapped at home by a pandemic, he has to learn how to discipline.
A man must discipline the delightfully bratty Alicia.
A man convinces a girl to let him spank her.
A girl is regularly disciplined by her mother.
After a car wreck, a wife awaits her husband's punishment.
A beautiful secretary is punished for every mistake.
An old principal rants about how spanking should be brought back to schools.
A tardy employee asks for paddling instead of pay cuts.
When she doesn't cooperate, a girl gets her feet whipped.
Three sisters discuss their punishments.
Two cousins grow up spanking each other.
Three sisters spank each other to save their busy mom time.
At his new school, a boy discovers students are spanked right in front of the class.
A mysterious organization teaches families how to spank.
A woman feels she was born too late.
A couple with marital problems meets their solution.

Older Couples Having Sex
Black Shemales Compilation
Bare Breast Spanking

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